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Teacher-Created Rubric for Self-Assessment of Refining a Performance in Progress

Formative Assessment (Hawaii Alliance for Arts Education, HAAE, 2006)

Meets Six
Criteria for a Creating a Great Performance
Idea and Content
(clarity and use of
Idea and content of the piece is clear and compelling. For example: Details and ideas
go beyond the obvious or predictable, clear central characters (drama and dance) or
compositions (music), captivating and motivating the audience.
Clear beginning, middle and ending of the performance piece. For example: The
organization is logical and a structure is present.
(personal style and
Clear communication with the intended audience. For example: a sense of personal
style and purpose is present, inventive ideas that build on each others contributions,
participants are aware of the audience, but focused on the scene or piece.
Choice of Art
Dynamic and imaginative blend of bodies and voices clearly communicate the
purpose of a scene or character (drama), composition is enhanced by the
instrumentation with tonality and key that enhances the tone color of the composition
(music), includes diverse choices of space, time and energy that support the ideas and
purpose (dance).
(transitions, flow)
Composition is rhythmic with patterns that are natural (music), a scene moves
smoothly from one moment to moment (drama), unified, fluid, and moves through
phases smoothly and effectively (dance)
Inventive and purposeful punctuation such as stops or explosions (dance), characters
in a scene have clear, strong objectives in dialogue and action (drama), score shows
attention to musical rules and meter to enhance the overall work.

The candidates analyzed the work of other performing artists to develop criteria for what makes a great
performance. The rubric below was created by the teacher candidates to use as a summative assessment of their small
group performances on creation stories.

Student-Created Rubric for What Makes a Great Performance Summative Assessment

Student Name:
Members of the Group:
Title of the Presentation:

Teacher Assessment
(Check if met)
(Check if met)
Criteria for What Makes a Great Performance

Focus on the meaning or message you are trying to communicate to
the audience

Establish a mood to evoke emotion which is relevant to the piece

Commit to purposeful expression of selected elements of dance, drama
or music (create a safe, trusting space for everyone performing).

Present a quality performance

Provide additional evidence of how you think you did not meet the criteria or exceeded the criteria for a great

Original submission text with the instructor's comments inserted if applicable
Teacher-Created Rubric for Self-Assessment of Refining a Performance in Progress
Formative Assessment (Hawaii Alliance for Arts Education, HAAE, 2006

Meets Six
Criteria for a Creating a Great Performance
X Idea and Content
(clarity and use of
Idea and content of the piece is clear and compelling. For example: Details and ideas
go beyond the obvious or predictable, clear central characters (drama and dance) or
compositions (music), captivating and motivating the audience.
X Organization
Clear beginning, middle and ending of the performance piece. For example: The
organization is logical and a structure is present.
X Voice
(personal style and
Clear communication with the intended audience. For example: a sense of personal
style and purpose is present, inventive ideas that build on each others contributions,
participants are aware of the audience, but focused on the scene or piece.
X Choice of Art
Dynamic and imaginative blend of bodies and voices clearly communicate the
purpose of a scene or character (drama), composition is enhanced by the
instrumentation with tonality and key that enhances the tone color of the composition
(music), includes diverse choices of space, time and energy that support the ideas and
purpose (dance).
X Fluency
(transitions, flow
Composition is rhythmic with patterns that are natural (music), a scene moves
smoothly from one moment to moment (drama), unified, fluid, and moves through
phases smoothly and effectively (dance
X Conventions
Inventive and purposeful punctuation such as stops or explosions (dance), characters
in a scene have clear, strong objectives in dialogue and action (drama), score shows
attention to musical rules and meter to enhance the overall work.

The candidates analyzed the work of other performing artists to develop criteria for what makes a great
performance. The rubric below was created by the teacher candidates to use as a summative assessment of their small
group performances on creation stories.

Student-Created Rubric for What Makes a Great Performance Summative Assessment

Student Name:Dayna Fujii
Members of the Group: Rosaile, Hartley, Fiana, Karen
Title of the Presentation: Maori

Teacher Assessment
(Check if met
(Check if met
Criteria for What Makes a Great Performance
Focus on the meaning or message you are trying to communicate to
the audience

Establish a mood to evoke emotion which is relevant to the piece

Commit to purposeful expression of selected elements of dance, drama
or music (create a safe, trusting space for everyone performing).

Present a quality performance

Provide additional evidence of how you think you did not meet the criteria or exceeded the criteria for a great
performance. I contributed to the performance by showing up to every practice session/meeting. I also provided a place
for our group to practice (only once though). Together as a group, we chose the topic and then we each contributed to
the script, choreography, and performance in various ways. I helped color the masks, I was in the performance, and I
participated at each practice that was held.

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