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Bishop Benedictus
IT HAS LONG BEEN KNOWN that mystical power is hidden in the Psalms and their
se is recommended to stren!then an action and there"y o"tain "etter reslts# $ery
e%%ecti&e operations can "e accomplished thro!h correctly sin! the Psalms#
'o will need an Altar# This can "e any small ta"le or a shel%# 'o will co&er it with a
clean white cloth# 'o need two candlestic(s with new )pre&iosly n"rned* white
candles+ an incense "rner with coals+ incense+ a sn%%er and matches+ a small !lass or
ceramic container with clean water )rain water wold "e ideal*, and o% corse the Boo( o%
Psalms# These are the "asic re-irements, yo can enhance yor altar %rther, in any way
yo wish# .or e/ample0 yo may place %resh %lowers, etc#, ### it1s p to yo#
Place the incense "rner in the center o% the Altar, place one candle in %ront o% the incense
"rner and the other one "ehind it# Place "e%ore the altar a chair# Any other items yo
place accordin! to yor own pre%erence#
2e!ardin! personal attire, "e dressed as yo please, the traditional way wold "e to wear
an al" "t this is not essential#
When yo are ready to "e!in, "e seated "e%ore the Altar# Be!in to e/amine yorsel% on
the moti&e %or which yo are proposin! to operate# How do yo %eel a"ot it3 Are yo
com%orta"le in yor mind that it is ri!ht and proper3 4o yo consider it ethical and
moralistic3 What are yor %eelin!s tellin! yo3 I. 'O5 HA$E AN' .EELINGS O.
2EBO5N4 5PON 'O5#
I% yo do decide to proceed, li!ht the coals and place some incense pon them# Standin!
"e%ore the Altar, li!ht the candle %arthest %rom yo and say 9In the Name o% Eheieh )Aye:
hay:yeah*; :: now li!ht the candle nearest yo :: and say 9and 7al(th#; Select the
correct Psalm %or the Operation %rom the inde/ that %ollows and open the Boo( o% Psalms
to the one yo are !oin! to se# Be seated# 6lose yor eyes and see and %eel in yor
ima!ination e/actly what yo want accomplished# See it clearly# .EEL IT# Hold the
&isali<ation %or a"ot three mintes# Then inhale a deep "reath, e/hale# and end yor
&isali<ation# Now stand# ta(e the Boo( o% Psalms in yor hands, and read the Psalm#
'o can read it silently or alod# It is "est to say it so%tly# 2eplace the Boo( o% Psalms,
open, on the Altar# Be seated a!ain#
6lose yor eyes and "e at peace# .eel at peace# 4o not allow any tri&ial tho!hts to enter
yor mind# Pray silently %or the wel%are o% 7an(ind# and %or the 2einte!ration o%
Hmanity# A%ter a short while, when yo %eel com%orta"le within yorsel% and that it is
time to close# stand AN4 7O$E THE 6AN4LE THAT IS BETWEEN 'O5 AN4 THE
IN6ENSE B52NE2 TO THE LE.T O. THE IN6ENSE B52NE2# Then mo&e the one
that is %arthest %rom yo to the ri!ht O. THE IN6ENSE B52NE2#
Ta(e the sn%%er and, in silence, e/tin!ish the candle to yor le%t# Then e/tin!ish the
one to yor ri!ht# Now close the Boo( o% Psalms, say 9Amen; and lea&e the Ta"le# Go
and drin( a !lass o% water, then retrn and dismantle the Altar i% it is not possi"le to (eep
it permanently set p#
End o% Operation
Actions o% Grace =>, ?@, A?, ==@#
Adoration B>, AC#
Ad&ersity DD, =E=#
A%%lictions ?@#
Air Tra&el =D>#
Alliances =EF#
Am"itions =EE#
Anemia B=, DF, FB#
An!er C, D@, DF#
Animals, protection o% D?, =DC#
Bad dreams AE#
Bad lan!a!e, e&il tal( ?, @D, AE, ==A#
Beasts, domestic =ED, =E@#
Beasts, sa&a!e ?F,AE, =BD#
Birds CA, =ED#
Bites B=, D=#
Blasphemy )a!ainst* =C, BD, ==D#
Blessed oil =ED#
Blood, diseases o% @, =BD#
Bones, diseases o% @, B=,DD, =E=#
Bro(en lim"s DF#
6almnies )a!ainst* C, =C, DF, DA, ?=,
?@, @B, F=, =E>, ==>, =DA#
6ancer DF#
6attle CA, ==D#
6haracter, !ood BE, B=#
6harity ==, =C, DB#
6hastity, prity o% li%e ==, BD#
6hest, diseases o% B=, FB#
6hild )to ha&e one* D@, =E =, ==B, =B@#
6hild, retarded =?#
6hild, sic( >#
6hildren, protection o% D?, FE, ==D, ==C,
=B@, =CF#
6hoice in li%e BC, =CB#
6lods, )a!ainst* =ED#
6old =CF#
6ommerce =EC#
6on%idence, )!ood* =E?#
6onscience, !ood AA#
6on&alescence @?#
6ows, raisin! o% CA#
6riminals, )%indin! ot* D?#
6rops C, D@, @B, =ED, =EC#
6re, !i%t o% =EB#
4ea%ness DF#
4eath )!ood one* =F, D>#
4eath, natral ==D#
4e"tors D@, @A#
4emonic practices )a!ainst* =E?#
4ennciations, nGst @>#
4espair )a!ainst* D, =?, BC, C=, CB, ?C,
?@, @F, @>, >A, =E=, =E@, ==D, ==>, =CF#
4etors, ==#
4i%%iclt people, >E#
4i!nity, >A#
4iminishin! o% mortality, @F#
4isasters, n%oreseen CE, =E@, =CB#
4iscipline ==>#
4isco&eries =E@#
4iseases )in !eneral* BA, >F, ==C#
4isinterestedness D>, C>#
4i&ine Gstice and e-ality ?F, @E, F=,
FB, >>, =E?, ==E#
4i&ine Li!ht =CB#
4o!mas >E#
4omestic a%%airs =EE#
4onations =>#
4m" D>#
Ears, diseases o% AD, ==D
Earth )planet* A?#
Earth-a(es ?C#
Enemies D, BC, B@, DE, ??, @>, >?, =EF,
Ener!y CD, A=#
Epidemics FF#
Epilepsy =@, DF#
E&il spirits, demons, lar&ae, etc# DF, ?C,
FD, AE, A?, ==C, =DA,=CE,=C=#
E/ample, !ood ===#
E/cesses FF#
E/iles D>, C=, @E, =B?, =D@#
Eyes, diseases o% @, =E, =B, DF, ==D, =BB,
=DE, =C?#
.aith ==,C@, ==?, =CA#
.alse %riendships ?C#
.amine D@, =EC#
.atherland, protection o% DB, C=, CD, @=#
.ear )in !eneral* =B, B@, ?C, >>#
.ear o% death D>, C>, ?C#
.ear o% God ==>#
.ecndity o% animals =CD#
.e&ers =D, =?, =@, =F, DC, DF#
.idelity to reli!ion and Gstice B@, ?A,
.ields )!ardens*, protection o% D@, CA,
>C, A?, =ED, =E@#
.ierce persections F, DC, D@, ?C, @F, FE,
.ire, dan!ers o% =E, =@, =F, >B#
Hattery =CE#
Hoc(s )herds* @F#
Hoods =F, D=, FD, F@, AB, ==D#
.ood =E=#
.orces o% Natre AB#
.or!i&eness o% errors committed
.rits o% the earth FF# =ED, =EC#= E@,=CD#
Gan!rene DF#
Gi%ts >A#
Glory to God =D?, =C>, =?E#
Gold, rei!n o% =DC#
Good hearin! A=#
Good spirits )entities* A># =EB#
Good spirits, loyalty B@# >?#
Good weather =E, FD# =ED# =EC#
Grace )see(in! %or* =E@#
Hands, diseases o% ==D#
Hatred )a!ainst* DE#
Hanted hoses CF, AE#
Headaches D, F#
Health, !ood =EC#
Heart, diseases o% =D, B=# FB, AD#
=E= Hea&en C=, ==C, ==>#
Hell, =F# ==C#
Herita!e )to reco&er* BC, @E#
Holiness =DE#
Holy Ghost =ED# =CF#
Home =E@, =B@# =BF, =CD#
Honesty, honest people ?E# =EE, =E?,
=BC# =B>#
Horses, health o% CA#
Hmanity# -ality o% H D>#
Hmility FD, >>, =E?# ==B, ==D,
Hntin! =ED#
Hs"and )nion with* DE#
I!norance =F, =EC, =E@#
Incredlity =D# ?B, =E>#
Inc"i AE#
Incra"le diseases A, B=#
In%idelity )personal or national* ?A#
In%inite !oodness o% God ==F, ==>#
In%irmity @, =?#
Inimicality ?C#
Initiate =EC#
InGries =C, @>, =E=, ==>#
InGstice =EE#
Insects# harm%l FF, =EC#
Insomnia @B, F@, AE,=E=, =B@#
Instrction =CD#
Intelli!ence ?C, A=, ==>#
Internal desolation BA, ==C#
Intition =@#
In&ocation o% Saints ==?#
Iealosy ?=, ===#
Iess 6hrist =E>, =D=#
Id!ment o% people and "ein!s A?#
Id!ment# wron! B?, ?=, FE#
Id!es and Tri"nals AD#
Istice, di&ine ?F, @E, F=, FB, >>, =E?,
Istice# Gst people >=# =E?, ===, =B=,
Kidneys, diseases o% =?, FB#
Lan!a!e, !i%t o% >E#
Lan!or D=, =E=#
La<iness )a!ainst* ?, @>#
Le!s, diseases o% AD# ==D#
Li"erty, tre F=#
Lies )a!ainst* ==, DD, ?F, =E>, ==?#
Li!ht# 4i&ine#
=CB Lim"s, diseases o% =@, FB#
Loss o% children BE#
Loss o% parents BE#
Lo&e, honest CD, =CB#
Lo&e# wron!, psettin! CE#
Lo&e o% God ==C, ==>#
L/ry =CD#
7alediction, nmerited @=#
7aliciosness# hypocrisy# per&ersion ?,
DE, DC, ?B, ?D, ?C, @B, =EE, ==>, =BC,
=B>, =DA#
7arria!e =CB#
7asses ==?#
7asters and patrons =EC#
7editations >E, =?E#
7issionaries =CF#
7onarchy =DC#
7oon# in%lence o% =BE#
7ontains =ED#
7oth# diseases o% ==D#
7sicians >E# =?E#
National wel%are and %orce =C@#
Na&i!ators and seamen =ED# =E@#
Ner&os diseases =B, DF#
Ni!htmares AE#
Ni!ht spirits AE#
Nose, diseases o% ==D#
O"session "y a demon B=#
Occlt intri!es B?#
Occlt science ?E, =D>#
Old a!e# happy BA, DE# FF, >A# A=# =BF#
Old people FE, ==D#
Oppressed people A, AD#
Oppressors o% people DF, ?>, FA#
Orphans B@# DC,@F#>=, =C?#
Pains FF#Paralysis ?E, AC, =EF, ==F, ==>#
Papers, protection o% >=, >F, ==B, =D=,
Peace D@, C?# F=, F?, ==A, =B=,
Peace o% mind BE#
Peace o% sol @# D=# DF# ?E# =E=, =BA#
Penitence @, D=, DF# ?E, =E=# =BA, =CB#
PerGry @B#
Perse&erance in !ood @=#
Personal protection D?#
Per&erted acti&ities ==#
Pests =F#
Pits ==D#
Places @=, =CB#
Po&erty, diminishin! o% A# DE, DC, DA, @F,
@A, F=, =E=#
Pride ==, =F, B>, FE, >># =EE, ==>, =BF,
Priests )to ha&e !ood ones* =?, >D, =EC,
=E?, =D=, =DD, =DC#
Prisoners )action %or them* B@# @F, =E=#
Protection or pnishment o% People =DC#
Pro&idence =D>#
Prdence, reser&e C>, ==>, =CE#
P"lic disasters =@,C?, =CD#
Prity o% li%e =EE, ==>#
2a!e )personal* D=#
2ain )to !et it* @B, F=, =DC# =C@#
2edeemer >>, ==C#
2ei!n o% Iess 6hrist AF#
2eli!ios man =DD#
2epentant alcoholics @>#
2espect, hman =CE#
2esrrection CA#
2e&elation o% secret thin!s =@, D=, =BA#
2hematism =?,D=, =BA#
2in, or dan!er o% it ==, BC#
Sadness, a%%lictions ?@#
Science )hman* =>, AD, ==>#
Sea# dan!er %rom =F# FD#
Sea sic(ness =E@#
Secrets# certitde o% D=#
Serpents =D# DF#
Shame%l &ices FB#
Shipwrec( )to a&oid* @F, @>#
Si!ht, !ood A=#
Sil(worms FF#
Sinners# con&ersion o% D?, F@# =EE#
Sins =ED# ==D#
Slander C, DF, ?=, ?@, =EE, =E>, =DA#
Sla&ery =EC#
Sleep, re%reshin! =D=#
Sol, !reatness o% >?#
Sols, sal&ation o% =F#
Sols s%%erin! on the other side =BA#
Sorces, disco&ery o% FD, =ED, ==D#
Speech# !i%t o% ?E, ==E#
Spine, diseases o% =E@#
Spirital science C>#
Spirital tro"les BE, BA, D>, C=,
Sportsmen =F, AB#
Sterility ==B#
Stomach, diseases o% =D, B=#
Storms =E# =F# B>, CA, @F, F@# >>, =E@,
Stran!ers =C?#
Stdy, lo&e o% DE# D=#
Stpidity )a!ainst* =DE#
Sccess in "siness =A#BE, DD, D@, @A#
F=# =CB#
Scc"i AE#
Snstro(e =BE#
Teeth, pains in D#
Temptations =D# ?E#
Temporal a%%airs BB#
The%t, thie&es, assassins )to de%end
a!ainst them* ?, ==, B@, D@,?C, @=, @>,
Throat, pains in B, @>, ==D#
Thnder"olts =F, B>, F@, =ED#
Tra&els @F#
Treachery, a"andonment B=, B@, DE, DC,
@>, >F#
Treasres DB#
Tri"lations C, =@, BB, BA, C?, @=, @?, >A#
Tyranny )a!ainst* B, ?F, ?>, F?, >>, =CA#
5ni&ersal .raternity DB, C?, F=, F?, =DB#
5nGst accsations F, B?#
5srers )a!ainst* =C,?C,F=#
$anity )people o%* ==, DE, AD, =EE, ==>#
$en!eance )a!ainst* AD#
$en!eance, secret ?=, @D#
$ine FA, =ED#
$ineyards, protection o% CA, FF, =EC,
$ir!inity ==, =BD#
$isions >>#
$isions, de&ilish B=, AE#
$oice, preser&ation o% DB, @>#
$olcanoes =@, =F#
War B, CD, F?, F>, >>,=CD#
Wea(ness )!eneral* DF, FB#
Widows DC, @F, =C?#
Will, %orce o% DE, ?E#
Wind, !ood =E@, =DC#
Witchcra%t )a!ainst* D=, DC, DF, ?=, ?F,
Wonds DF#

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