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June 1: Presidency
Message: Forget Me
Not Oct. 2011,
General Conference
June 8: Joseph
Fielding !ith 11:
Honoring the
Priesthood Keys
through Joseph Smith
June 16: Joseph
Fielding !ith 12: The
Oath and Covenant of
the Priesthood
June 22: "eaching for
O#r "i!e: Bear p
their Burdens !ith
"ase$ %lder &a'id (.
)ednar, (pr. 201*
Priesthood ession
June 29: ta+e
Price 10th ,ard - J#ne 201*
1 .#Jean Mc%/an
0 Joanne &rysdale
1* &onna 1eener
20 2ali &a'is
22 Megan O/ens
23 "aryn )arrett
2* )rittany )re/er
Cynthia ando'al
24 J#dy 2al'erson
Presidency Message
"he a'ior said. ( ne/ co!!and!ent 5 gi'e #nto yo#, that ye
lo'e one another6 as 5 ha'e lo'ed yo# lo'e one
another.$ John 13:3*. )eca#se lo'e is the great co!!and!ent, it
o#ght to 7e at the center of all and e'erything /e do in o#r o/n
fa!ily, in o#r ch#rch callings and in o#r li'elihood. .o'e is the
healing 7al! that repairs rifts in personal and fa!ily relationships.
5t is the 7ond that #nites fa!ilies, co!!#nities and nations. .o'e
is the po/er that initiates friendship, tolerance, ci'ility, and respect.
5t is the so#rce that o'erco!es di'isi'eness and hate. .o'e is the
fire that /ar!s o#r li'es /ith #nparalleled 8oy and di'ine hope.
.o'e sho#ld 7e o#r /al+ and o#r tal+. President &ieter F. 9chtdorf
econd Co#nselor in the First Presidency said this a7o#t lo'e. :(s
/e e;tend o#r heart and hands to/ard others in Christli+e lo'e,
so!ething /onderf#l happens to #s. O#r o/n spirits 7eco!e
healed, !ore refined and stronger, ,e 7eco!e happier, !ore
peacef#l and !ore recepti'e to the /hisperings of the 2oly pirit.:
May /e all sho/ lo'e to those aro#nd #s each and e'ery day as
the a'ior has co!!anded #s.

ister <irginia =oyes

Contact Numers
Christina Pay >34?003>
%d#cation Co#nselor
<irginia =oyes >34?2>@0
A Meeting Co#nselor
ara )ryant >34?1@0B
"racy .#dington >@0?3B2@

!isiting "eaching Corner
"his Month#s message:
"he &i'ine Mission of Jes#s Christ: Minister$

(s /e !inister to others, /e 7eco!e tr#e follo/ers of
Jes#s Christ, /ho set the e;a!ple for #s. President
"ho!as . Monson said: ,e are s#rro#nded 7y those in
need. C ,e are the .ordDs hands here #pon the earth,
/ith the !andate to ser'e and to lift 2is children.$
.inda 1. )#rton, Aelief ociety general president, ta#ght:
,ith practice, each of #s can 7eco!e !ore li+e the
a'ior as /e ser'e GodDs children. "o help #s 7etter
E!inister toF one another, 5 /o#ld li+e to s#ggest fo#r
/ords to re!e!7er: GFirst o7ser'e, then ser'e.D C (s /e
do so, /e are +eeping co'enants, and o#r ser'ice, li+e
President MonsonDs, /ill 7e e'idence of o#r discipleship.$
,e can pray each !orning to recogniHe opport#nities to
ser'e others. 2ea'enly Father /ill g#ide yo#, and
angels /ill assist yo#,$ said &a'id .. )ec+, Io#ng Men
general president. Io# /ill 7e gi'en po/er to 7less li'es
and resc#e so#ls.$
Consider "his
1. 2o/ can prayer lead #s to 7e instr#!ents in the
.ordDs handsJ
2. 2o/ can !inistering to others help #s +eep o#r
Boo$ Clu

)oo+ Cl#7 /ill ta+e a s#!!er
7rea+ and 7egin again in
Sim%le Sunday Su%%er
Con#y #et thy food $e prepared !ith sing#eness of heart % % % &'C ()*+,
!irginia#s Best Sunday Pot &oast '(er)
Prep ti!e: 1@ !in#tes Coo+ ti!e: >?0 ho#rs "otal ti!e: >?0 ho#rs 1@ !in#tes
*ngredients: +irections:
2?@ l7s roast K any +ind 1. C#t carrots and potatoes to yo#r li+ing.
1 en'elope LdriedM ranch &ressing 2. Place carrots and potatoes in 7otto! of slo/ coo+er.
1 en'elope 5talian dressing 3. P#t roast on top of the 'egeta7les
1 en'elope 7ro/n gra'y !i; *. prin+le all 3 spice en'elopes on top.
Potatoes and Carrots @. (dd /ater.
1 K 1 1N2 c#p /ater *. Coo+ on lo/ >?0 ho#rs #ntil tender and 'eggies coo+ed
Mar$ ,our Calendar
June 1-
. Girls Just Want to Have Fun$
MotherN&a#ghter #!!er ocial
Place: ara )ryantDs 7ac+yard L02@ =. 200 %. M "i!e: >:00 p!
&a#ghters of (.. ages are in'ited to 8oin their !others in an
e'ening of food, frolic, and f#nO 5n'ite yo#r da#ghter or yo#r
!other no/O &a#ghter or !other not here locallyJ (dopt oneO
,e ha'e plenty of sisters to go aro#nd.
June 19/210 21/28
"he Mor!on Miracle Pageant, Manti, perfor!ances 7egin at
B:30 p!, ad!ission is free. http:NN!or!on!iracle.orgN
June 21 K ta+e Conference %ndo/!ent ession, Manti "e!ple, 10:30 a!
June 28 K %'ening ession, ta+e Conference, 4:00 p! L12 and olderM
June 29 K General ession, ta+e Conference, 10:00 a!
Plan 2head . July 31 . 2ug4 2 5 2ug 6 . 9 K Castle <alley Pageant, Castle &ale
Manti Temple
"he 10
,ard Aelief ociety "he!e for 201* is: )eco!ing a Pion People$.
-.nd the /ord 0a##ed his peop#e 1ion2 $e0ause they !ere of one heart and one
mind2 and d!e#t in righteousness3 and there !as no poor among them%
Moses 4*+5%
(s i!portant as it is to ha'e this 'ision in !ind, defining and descri7ing Pion /ill
not 7ring it a7o#t. "hat can only 7e done thro#gh consistent and concerned daily
effort 7y e'ery single !e!7er of the Ch#rch. =o !atter /hat the cost in toil or
sacrifice, /e !#st do it.$ ? President Spen0er 6% Kim$a##
,e are onlineO .oo+ for Price 10
,ard Aelief ociety on Face7oo+.
.i+e$ o#r page for #pdates on %'ents, .essons, and !#ch !oreO

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