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19 November 2009

The ParaNexus T h i s W e e k i n P a r a N e x u s
© 2009 by
Editor: David Desjardins CD
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Tonight on ParaNexus
Universe Radio - Let No One Come This
m i s s i o n s t o

- Responsible Research:
I S S U E :
- A Celebration of Fear
Join or Renew your
Thursday, 11-19-09 • membership now to - Buzzards Might Roost in
Letters From the Editor 2
9pm - 10pm Eastern take advantage of My Hair
many new mem-
Unusual Phenomena bership benefits. - Tiny Packages ,Cigarettes
With All in Row
Dr John Turner
Cedar Key LIVE Investigation 2
/join These Blogs and others can
Dr. Turner is a neurosurgeon
in Hawaii and has experienced be found at:http://
many unusual events .

Radio Sweep Techniques &

N e w A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Last Friday night, we moved What’s tall,

Membership dues
ParaNexus to a new dedi- hairy and
cated server to improve per- smell’s like are increasing on
Gizmos and Gadgets
5 formance. We have config- rotten eggs?
Mobile Phone Blocking Bags
ured most if not all pages.
Find out in the
Please let us know if you latest entry of the ParaNexus Join/Renew now at
encounter any broken links Parapedia.
or inaccessible areas, Thank
the lower rates!
P a g e 2 1 9 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 9

L e t t e r s F r o m t h e E d i t o r
B y D a v i d D e s j a r d i n s C D

My sincerest apologies past few weeks with a holds in store for all of us.
for this scaled down issue switch to a new more pow-
Until next time.
of the ParaNexus Newslet- erful server which promises
ter. Recent and ongoing to enhance the functional- Best Wishes
computer problems have ity and enhance the mem- Dave
put me a little behind the 8 bers experience on
Suggestions, questions,
ball, however, I assure our ParaNexus when all is said
comments or concerns per-
loyal readership that I will and done.
taining to this article or
have things back up to and
Aside from a few small anything contained herein
exceeding the standards in
ghosts in the machine, all may be sent to:
next weeks edition.
seems to be coming online
Doug and Mike have nicely and I look forward to Certified Paranormal Investiga-
or tors Course Available at
been working hard over the seeing what the future
ParaNexus Academy

L i v e U F O , H a u n t i n g , a n d C r y p t o z o o l o g i c a l
E x p e d i t i o n B r o a d c a s t
B r o a d c a s t b e g i n s a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y
1 1 p m E a s t e r n •
2 N i g h t s : M o n / T u e N o v . 2 3 / 2 4 , 2 0 0 9

This live event is a UFO and haunting/parapsychological

investigation combined with a cryptozoological expedi-
tion in Cedar Key, Florida. Reported UFO and haunting
activity as well as Swamp Ape (Bigfoot) activity in the
area will be investigated. A live table-tipping demonstra-
tion will also be conducted. The investigation will begin
around 10pm each night and last several hours. Four
ParaNexus Board Members as well as a CPFI member and
CPI member will conduct the investigation along with
the property owner. This is not a hotel investigation.
More details will be provided on each night of the broad-

Don't have a password? Register for the Live Broadcast

ParaNexus Cedar Key Live Investigation Broadcast Members: Free
Non-Members: $10*
After purchase, click on "Return to Merchant" button to Includes Both Nights!
get your password.
If you have any trouble, email and First/Last Name
include your first and last name.

Members: Look near the top of this page for the pass-

*In the unlikely event that the broadcast cannot be presented,

you will have the option of either a full refund or donating the
funds to ParaNexus.
1 9 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 9 P a g e 3

R a d i o S w e e p T e c h n i q u e s & F i n d i n g s
B y D r I n g r i d I r w i n

RS - Radio Sweep Method DRV - Direct Radio Voice Method

The term Radio-Sweep or RS for short is a technology- DRV or Direct Radio Voice is a rarer form of anomalous
based form of EVP recording that has developed into one of speech as these voices are not related to noise. They are
the most popular forms of current EVP recording. I will be loud, clear messages that are independent of the radio en-
posting some RS captures in the “EVP Submissions” section tirely, often the radio is not tuned to a station at the
so would like to discuss this form of recording as the defini- time. These voices are heard acoustically in real time; ques-
tions of Radio Sweep Methods may be unclear to some peo- tions can be asked, and clear responses can be heard. This
ple. form of EVP is a rare event and an example would be the
“Spiricom” device of the early 1980‟s, keep in mind the
A “Radio-Sweep” is comprised of technology-based “Spiricom” device was never tested or investigated by out-
equipment such as a “hacked” Radio that sweeps the AM or side sources and thus cannot be confirmed as real anomalous
FM band. The rapid sweeping of the broad spectrum of communication.
radio stations means the reception received from radio
stations is broken into small audio snippets, or small bursts The Problem of RS Techniques to be aware of when
of audio sound as it scans continuously without stopping at recording
a radio station. It is important
the scan is quick enough that it The existing problems with
does not pick up complete general radio sweep techniques
words from any stations it is the high possibility of false
sweeps over. positives, noises interpreted as
voice-like sounds. Any noise can
The theory lies in the sound like speech if a person is
thought that paranormal influ- listening in „speech mode‟ and
ences can use these snippets of the more voice-like features
sound to form words or phrases. that noise can consist of, due to
This is termed "Transform EVP" random frequencies and
and in this case the radio sweep rhythm, the more susceptible
process is transformed or we become at interpreting
morphed into anomalous noise as words. RS techniques
speech. have many peaks in the fre-
quency spectra due to the
Voice Characteristics sweep effect thus, a much
higher chance that the har-
The most common examples of RS captures seem to be monic ratio and formant noise may be interpreted as sound-
short one-syllable words, choppy sounding in structure and ing like speech.
scattered randomly along the sweep. They do not seem to
be observant of the environment, do not hold any meaning- A common misconception is that a sweep is fast enough
ful content, or have intelligent speech attributes. that no complete words could come through a single station,
thus anything intelligible that is heard must be ”spirit com-
The other form is a “Sweep Induced Capture”, these munication” and could not be a random effect of parts of
have voice-like characteristics, are independent of the human speech fragmented to sound like words. This is incor-
radio snippets, and seem to be natural sounding voices. rect as all language is built from units; words are sequences
This type of voice messages seems to be riding on top of of smaller units known as speech sounds/tones or phonemes.
the radio sweep and the snippets of noise, are longer It is very easy to hear one or two syllable words out of noise;
phrases made up of contextual information. Some of these we are „hard wired‟ to fill in the gaps with likely words
types of communication are almost a cross between DRV based on experience, context and expectation. This means
(see below) and RS, these are not heard at the time, but short random 'voice like words' with no contextual, relevant,
on playback are contextual messages of clear voice forma- or meaningful information are being confirmed as anomalous
tion. This form of speech construction is what we are look- communication.
ing for in RS Techniques.
P a g e 4 1 9 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 9

Many claim that vulgar words and swearing come through on RS communications, Keep in
mind most swear words are of one-syllable construction, are short and basic sounds that can
easily be formed from „formant noise,‟ and are likely to show up within the random process of
the sweep. Based on these simple observations we can surmise that most short, random RS cap-
tures are really misinterpreted noise and not verifiable anomalous speech.

Leading Paranor-
mal Investigator
I have been trialing various RS devises, the Radio Shack 12-469 and the Sangean DT-200VX. Certification
I have conducted trials with these “hacked” radios running individually and through a mixer at Course (CLPI)
the same time so each radio runs a random sweeping time that isn‟t in sync with the other.
Learn how to be
an effective
The trials were done in sets of 20. Twenty RS sessions of three minutes were performed leader. This is a
and data gathered to work out the yield ratio of meaningful captures. In a group of 20, the comprehensive
leadership course
data showed a yield of 4 to 5 meaningful sweep induced captures that showed anomalous that is useful for
voice speech characteristics. secular applica-
tions as well.
You'll never find a
In traditional recording, the yield rates for 30 sessions is approximately 3-4 captures, thus, comparable lead-
radio sweep does indicate a higher yield of meaningful captures over a set trial but not really ership course at
this tuition!
by a large percentage. This displayed the same hallmarks of traditional recording, that the
anomalous voice speech is not a common or a daily occurrence, they are sporadic, infrequent,
and intermittent. However, they do display a clear and purposeful communication that is in-
telligible exhibiting a meaningful expression of communication.


The biggest problem with RS Techniques is the lack of established protocols or baselines to classify noise ver-
sus voice. Currently, there seems to be an „anything goes‟ mentality. There needs to be more research and
experimental trials performed to develop the RS techniques currently used and analysis tools employed to vali-
date an anomaly voice capture while supporting the procedure itself.

Do you have a topic that you are passionate about? Some-
thing that you feel should be said?
A comment, criticism, or opinion on the field of paranor-
mal research or its future?
Make your voice heard in the ParaNexus Newsletter.

All submissions may be sent to:

1 9 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 9 P a g e 5

G i z m o s a n d G a d g e t s

M o b i l e P h o n e B l o c k i n g B a g s

B y D r I n g r i d I r w i n

The most common explanation given by many peo- Mobile Phone Blocking Bags simply block mobile
ple outside the field of EVP recording is that the audio phones from receiving calls so your number appears as
recorder is picking up stray signals within the environ- 'unavailable' or 'Network Busy' when someone tries to call
ment such as radio or television signals. There have you, this means they block mobile phone signals and
been a few well-designed experiments conducted over most frequencies worldwide. When a small radio is
the years to prove that stray radio frequency signals placed into one of these bags, the radio does not pick up
are not the cause of anomalous voice captures, which any stations as all frequency signals are blocked.
entails recording in shielded compartments or specially
constructed rooms. This may prove to be a handy tool for investigations
to add another control/shield to the environment that
On an investigation or we are recording in. Simply place
recording out of a shielded the recorder in the bag, and seal
environment, it is rather the fold over flap. I would suggest
difficult to rule out picking placing the recorder in the block-
up such stray signals and we ing bag with the microphones first
can't easily carry around a to ensure the microphones are
Faraday Cage to an investi- shielded adequately.
gation so what are our op-
tions? One handy and inex-
pensive tool that can be Additionally, I would also place a
used to help shield the re- recorder in the room that isn't in a
corder is a Mobile Phone blocking bag, this would help iden-
Blocking bag tify any noises in the environment
(Electromagnetic Radiation that may not be easily heard by
Blockers). These blocking the recorder in the bag, though
bags range around the $5.00 most sounds are easily distin-
mark, a cheap tool to use guished it is better to be extra
plus it makes a handy pro- sure. This is a common procedure
tective case for your re- in research and traditional EVP
corder. Keep in mind this recording to assist the individual in
will fit a standard IC re- mistaking ambient or normal
corder like the typical Sony, sounds as being anomalous speech,
Olympus or Panasonic recorders and up to the Zoom H2 a second recorder is an effective control to any re-
in size. cording trial.

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