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May 21, 2014

CLBC School for Ministers

Fasting and Prayer

Prayer: Your Foundation For Success
Glenda Chambliss

GlendaChambliss 05/21/2014



Fasting and Prayer

I will be conveying an understanding about the importance of fasting and prayers to
become victorious in your Christian life and ministry. The believer will receive a better
understanding of how to achieve walking in the spirit (spirit led) and not in the flesh (body
There are two categories of fasting: A proclaimed fast (J oel 1:14) and a personal fast
(Matthews 6:16-18). A proclaimed fast brings believers into a place of hearing from God. It is
performed by a group of people believing and seeking God for the same purpose, they are all
on one accord. They drop all other things and center their attention on him, this brings his
manifested presence into their midst. This fast is demonstrated by scriptures, 2 Chronicles 20:1-
6, Old Testament, and Acts 13:1-2, New Testament. A Proclaimed fast is valuable and effective
because it causes unity and singleness of purpose. You must pray the word of God about
whatever situation and move in the same area of faith in one accord. It operates on the same
principle as the prayer of agreement or united prayer. It produces power. In that atmosphere
God is given the opportunity to speak, this atmosphere is filled with believers that are fasting,
praying and ministering to the Lord.
A personal fast is an individual effort. Fasting will shut down the influence of the five
physical senses so you can walk in the spirit. Your healing, victory, strength, faith, and the
power of God are in the spirit. You fast so you can walk in the spirit and enjoy your inheritance.
Many Christians are not walking in victory because they are ruled by the flesh. Fasting causes
the spirit man to dominate the flesh. Faith for whatever you are fasting for is easy when you
are walking in the spirit. Take time to get before God, separate yourself from the things of the
GlendaChambliss 05/21/2014


world and fast and pray. J esus is our example, he separated himself to fast and pray regularly,
he could minister to the people in faith. He stayed tapped into his power source, the Holy Spirit;
he lived in obedience to God. A fasted life, which is fasting and praying, spending time in the
word, and ministering to the Lord, will keep you in a position to hear from God. As it worked for
J esus, it will work for us.
Living the fasted life will cause you to produce the fruit of the spirit. The Holy Spirit will
teach you how to bear fruit. The fruit of the spirit can be found in Galatians 5:22-23, these
fruits are spiritual forces, not one force in this scripture will produce death. Most of all, we must
operate in the love of God because it prevents Satan from coming in and destroying the
effectiveness of the fast. Every form of false, unkind, or unjust speaking must be put away.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:3 Though I bestow all my goods and feed the poor and not have
charity in profiteth me nothing. As you stay in the word and in fellowship with God you will not
be flesh ruled, you will glorify God in your body.
The five steps checklist for fasting: 1) decide the purpose of the fast. 2) Proclaim the
fast before the Lord. 3) Believe you receive before the fast. 4) Minister to the Lord. 5) Minister
to others. As you begin to live a fasted life, the power in the spirit will begin to work for you.
You will be building your foundation on God. A fasted life is one that feeds on the word of God
all the time and separated itself to God. It is a life consecrated and dedicated to him. Now that
I have a better understanding of fasting and prayer I will begin implementing this in my life. For
it is truly my hearts cry to be pleasing to the father. Amen.

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