Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

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Clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy

Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari's Firdous al-Hikmah written in the 9th century was the
first work to study psychotherapy in the treatment of patients. His ideas were primarily
influenced by early Islamic thought and ancient Indian physicians such as Sushruta and
Charaka. Unlike earlier physicians, however, al-Tabari emphasized strong ties between
psychology and medicine, and the need of psychotherapy and counseling in the
therapeutic treatment of patients. He wrote that patients frequently feel sick due to
delusions or imagination, and that these can be treated through "wise counselling" by
smart and witty physicians who could win the rapport and confidence of their patients,
leading to a positive therapeutic outcome.[12] He also clearly highlighted mental illness as
a speciality of its own, and in the chapter on mental illness, he first described thirteen
types of mental disorders, including madness, delirium, and Fasad Al-Khayal Wal-Aqo
("damage to the imagination, intelligence and thought").[27]

The Tunisian Arab Muslim physician,[28] Ishaq ibn Imran (d. 908),[29] known as "Isaac" in
the West,[30] wrote an essay entitled Maqala fil-L-Malikhuliya, in which he first described
psychosis and discovered a type of melancholia: the "cerebral type" or "phrenitis". He
carried out a diagnosis on this mental disorder, describing its varied symptoms. The main
clinical features he identified were sudden movement, foolish acts, fear, delusions, and
hallucinations of black people.[29] This work was later translated into Latin as De
Oblivione (On Forgetfulness) by Constantine the African.[28]

The Persian physician Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi (Rhazes) (865-925) wrote the
landmark texts El-Mansuri and Al-Hawi in the 10th century, which presented definitions,
symptoms, and treatments for many illnesses related to mental health and mental illness.
He also ran the psychiatric ward of a Baghdad hospital. Such institutions could not exist
in Europe at the time because of fear of demonic possessions. In the centuries to come,
Islam would eventually serve as a critical waystation of knowledge for Renaissance
Europe, through the Latin translations of many scientific Islamic texts. Razi, al-Tabari
and Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi were the first known physicians to study psychotherapy.
Razi in particular made significant advances in psychiatry in his landmark texts El-
Mansuri and Al-Hawi in the 10th century, which presented definitions, symptoms and
treatments for problems related to mental health and mental illness. He also ran the
psychiatric ward of a Baghdad hospital. Such institutions could not exist in Europe at the
time because of fear of demonic possessions.[26]

Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (d. 982) discussed mental illness in his medical text, Kitab al-
Malaki, where he discovered and observed a type of melancholia: clinical lycanthropy,
associated with certain personality disorders. He wrote the following on this particular
mental illness:[29]
"Its victim behaves like a rooster and cries like a dog, the patient wanders among the
tombs at night, his eyes are dark, his mouth is dry, the patient hardly ever recovers and
the disease is hereditary."

Avicenna (980-1037) often used psychological methods to treat his patients.[22] One such
example is when a prince of Persia had melancholia and suffered from the delusion that
he is a cow, and who would low like a cow crying "Kill me so that a good stew may be
made of my flesh" and would never eat anything. Avicenna was persuaded to the case
and sent a message to the patient, asking him to be happy as the butcher was coming to
slaughter him, and the sick man rejoiced. When Avicenna approached the prince with a
knife in his hand, he asked "where is the cow so I may kill it." The patient then lowed
like a cow to indicate where he was. "By order of the butcher, the patient was also laid on
the ground for slaughter." When Avicenna approached the patient pretending to slaughter
him, he said, "the cow is too lean and not ready to be killed. He must be fed properly and
I will kill it when it becomes healthy and fat." The patient was then offered food which
he ate eagerly and gradually "gained strength, got rid of his delusion, and was completely

Music therapy

Al-Kindi (801–873) was the first to realize the therapeutic value of music. He was the
first to experiment with music therapy, and he attempted to cure a quadriplegic boy using
this method.[32]

Later in the 9th century, al-Farabi also dealt with music therapy in his treatise Meanings
of the Intellect, where he discussed the therapeutic effects of music on the soul.[13]

[edit] Cognitive & medical psychology and cognitive therapy

Al-Kindi developed cognitive methods to combat depression and discussed the

intellectual operations of human beings.[12]

Abu Zayd Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi (850-934) was "the first cognitive and medical
psychologist", and the first to "clearly differentiate between neuroses and psychoses, to
classify neurotic disorders, and to show in detail how rational and spiritual cognitive
therapies can be used to treat each one of his classified disorders." He classified neurosis
into four emotional disorders: fear and anxiety, anger and aggression, sadness and
depression, and obsession. He further classified three types of depression: normal
depression or sadness (huzn), endogenous depression originating from within the body,
and reactive clinical depression originating from outside the body. He also wrote that a
healthy individual should always keep healthy thoughts and feelings in his mind in the
case of unexpected emotional outbursts in the same way drugs and First Aid medicine are
kept nearby for unexpected physical emergencies. He stated that a balance between the
mind and body is required for good health and that an imbalance between the two can
cause sickness. Al-Balkhi also introduced the concept of reciprocal inhibition (al-ilaj bi
al-did), which was re-introduced over a thousand years later by Joseph Wolpe in 1969.[33]
[edit] Psychophysiology and psychosomatic medicine

The Muslim physician Abu Zayd Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi (850-934) was a pioneer of
psychotherapy, and the first to compare "physical and psychological disorders" and show
"their interaction in causing psychosomatic disorders." He recognized that the body and
the soul can be healthy or sick, or "balanced or imbalanced", and that mental illness can
have both psychological and/or physiological causes. He wrote that imbalance of the
body can result in fever, headaches and other physical illnesses, while imbalance of the
soul can result in anger, anxiety, sadness and other mental symptoms. He recognized two
types of depression: one caused by known reasons such as loss or failure, which can be
treated psychologically through both external methods (such as persuasive talking,
preaching and advising) and internal methods (such as the "development of inner
thoughts and cognitions which help the person get rid of his depressive condition"); and
the other caused by unknown reasons such as a "sudden affliction of sorrow and distress,
which persists all the time, preventing the afflicted person from any physical activity or
from showing any happiness or enjoying any of the pleasures" which may be caused by
physiological reasons (such as impurity of the blood) and can can be treated through
physical medicine.[4] He also wrote comparisons between physical disorders with mental
disorders, and showed how psychosomatic disorders can be caused by certain interactions
between them.[33]

In the early 10th century, Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi reported a psychotherapeutic
case study from a contemporary Muslim physician who treated a woman suffering from
severe cramps in her joints which made her unable to rise. The physician cured who by
lifting her skirt, putting her to shame. He wrote: "A flush of heat was produced within her
which dissolved the rheumatic humour."[26]

Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (d. 982) elaborated on how the physiological and psychological
aspects of a patient can have an affect on one another in his Complete Book of the
Medical Art. He found a correlation between patients who were physically and mentally
healthy and those who were physically and mentally unhealthy, and concluded that "joy
and contentment can bring a better living status to many who would otherwise be sick
and miserable due to unnecessary sadness, fear, worry and anxiety."[4] He also first
discussed various mental disorders, including sleeping sickness, memory loss,
hypochondriasis, coma, hot and cold meningitis, vertigo epilepsy, love sickness, and
hemiplegia. He also placed more emphasis on preserving health through diet and natural
healing than he did on medication or drugs, which he considered a last resort.[13]

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Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (980-1037), considered a father of modern medicine,[34] was a
pioneer in neuropsychiatry, physiological psychology and psychosomatic medicine in
The Canon of Medicine, and contributed to the nature versus nurture debate with his
theories of empiricism and tabula rasa.

Avicenna (980-1037) was the first to recognize "physiological psychology" in the

treatment of "illnesses involving emotions" and develop "a system for associating
changes in the pulse rate with inner feelings" which is seen as an anticipation of "the
word association test of Jung." Avicenna identified love sickness (Ishq) when he was
treating a very ill patient by "feeling the patient's pulse and reciting aloud to him the
names of provinces, districts, towns, streets, and people." He noticed how the patient's
pulse increased when certain names were mentioned, from which Avicenna deduced that
the patient was in love with a girl whose home Avicenna was "able to locate by the
digital examination." Avicenna advised the patient to marry the girl he is in love with,
and the patient soon recovered from his illness after his marriage.[26]

Avicenna also gave psychological explanations for certain somatic illnesses, and he
always linked the physical and psychological illnesses together. He described
melancholia (depression) as a type of mood disorder in which the person may become
suspicious and develop certain types of phobias. He stated that anger heralded the
transition of melancholia to mania, and explained that humidity inside the head can
contribute to mood disorders. He recognized that this occurs when the amount of breath
changes: happiness increases the breath, which leads to increased moisture inside the
brain, but if this moisture goes beyond its limits, the brain would lose control over its
rationality and lead to mental disorders. He also wrote about symptoms and treatments
for nightmare, epilepsy, and weak memory.[22]

[edit] Nosology and psychopathology

In nosology, the Arab Muslim physician and psychologist Najab ud-din Unhammad (870-
925) described in detail nine major categories of mental disorders, which included 30
different mental illnesses in total. Some of the categories he first described included
obsessive-compulsive disorders (anxious and ruminative states of doubt), delusional
disorders (which "manifested itself by the mind's tendency to magnify all matters of
personal significance, often leading to actions that prove outrageous to society"),
degenerative diseases, involutional melancholia, and states of abnormal excitement.[35]

Unhammad made many careful observations of mentally ill patients and compiled them
in a book which "made up the most complete classification of mental diseases theretofore
known." The mental illnesses first described by Najab include agitated depression,
neurosis, priapism and sexual impotence (Nafkhae Malikholia), psychosis (Kutrib), and
mania (Dual-Kulb).[26]

Unhammad also listed nine classes of psychopathology. This included the earliest
description of Souda a Tabee (febrile delirium), which was in turn subdivided into Souda
where patients showed impairment of memory, loss of contact with the environment, and
childish behaviour; and Jannon (agitated reaction) which occurs when Souda reaches a
chronic state and is characterized by insomnia, restlessness and sometimes "beast-like

[edit] Neuropsychiatry
Avicenna was a pioneer in neuropsychiatry, which is related to neuropsychology. He first
described a number of neuropsychiatric conditions, including hallucination, insomnia,
mania, nightmare, melancholia, dementia, epilepsy, paralysis, stroke, vertigo and tremor.
He dedicated three chapters of The Canon of Medicine (1020s) to neuropsychiatry,[29]
in which he defined madness (Junun) as a mental condition in which reality is replaced
by fantasy, and discovered that it is a disorder of reason with its origin in the middle part
of the brain.[38]

Avicenna also discovered a condition resembling schizophrenia which he described as

Junun Mufrit (severe madness), which he clearly distinguished from other forms of
madness such as mania, rabies, and manic depressive psychosis. He observed that
patients suffering from schizophrenia-like severe madness show agitation, behavioural
and sleep disturbance, give inappropriate answers to questions, and in some cases are
incapable of speaking at times. He wrote that such patients need to be restrained, in order
to avoid any harm they may cause to themselves or to others. Avicenna also dedicated a
chapter of the Canon to mania and rabies, where he described mania as bestial madness
characterized by rapid onset and remission, with agitation and irritability, and described
rabies as a type of mania.[5]

Later in the 13th century, Maimonides wrote about neuropsychiatric disorders and
described rabies and belladonna intoxication.[39]

[edit] Psychoanalysis

In The Canon of Medicine, Avicenna extended the theory of temperaments to encompass

"emotional aspects, mental capacity, moral attitudes, self-awareness, movements and
dreams." Avicenna's work is considered by some to be a "forerunner of twentieth century

[edit] Neurology, neuropathology, neuropharmacology

Avicenna's contributions in neurology and neuropathology include his diagnosis of facial

nerve paralysis, his distinction between brain paralysis and hyperaemia, and most
importantly his discovery of meningitis. He diagnosed meningitis as a disease induced by
the brain itself and differentiated it from infectious brain disease, and was also able to
diagnose and describe the type of meningitis induced by an infection in other parts of the

Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) gave the earliest accurate descriptions on certain neurological
disorders, including meningitis, intracranial thrombophlebitis, and mediastinal tumours,
and made contributions to modern neuropharmacology. Averroes suggested the existence
of Parkinson's disease and attributed photoreceptor properties to the retina.[39]

edit Experimental psychology

[edit] Sensation and stimulus

In the 9th century, the Arabian psychologist al-Kindi (Alkindus) (801–873) was the first
to use the method of experiment in psychology, which led to his discovery that sensation
is proportionate to the stimulus.[42]

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Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), considered a "founder of experimental psychology and
psychophysics", was a pioneer of the psychology of visual perception.

[edit] Visual perception

Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (965-1039) is considered by some to be a "founder of

experimental psychology",[7] for his experimental work on the psychology of visual
perception in the Book of Optics.[43] In Book III of the Book of Optics, Ibn al-Haytham
was the first scientist to argue that vision occurs in the brain, rather than the eyes. He
pointed out that personal experience has an effect on what people see and how they see,
and that vision and perception are subjective. He explained possible errors in vision in
detail, and as an example, describes how a small child with less experience may have
more difficulty interpreting what he/she sees. He also gives an example of an adult that
can make mistakes in vision because of how one's experience suggests that he/she is
seeing one thing, when he/she is really seeing something else.[43]

In the Book of Optics, Ibn al-Haytham also developed the "concept of a sensory core that
interprets visual stimuli" and which was "highly sophisticated, incorporating
mathematical, anatomical and physiopsychological components."[40]

[edit] Psychophysics

Some argue that Ibn al-Haytham is also a "founder of psychophysics", a distinct

subdiscipline of psychology,[7] though this is a minority opinion. Psychophysics is a
battery of quantitative statistical and mathematical methods of relating changes in
physical stimulus magnitude to perception. Ibn al-Haytham made many subjective reports
regarding vision, though there is no evidence that he used quantitative psychophysical

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Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī was a pioneer in experimental psychology who discovered the
concept of reaction time.

[edit] Reaction time

Al-Biruni (973-1048) also an early forerunner to experimental psychology, as he was the

first to use an experimental method to describe the concept of reaction time:[42]
"Not only is every sensation attended by a corresponding change localized in the sense-
organ, which demands a certain time, but also, between the stimulation of the organ and
consciousness of the perception an interval of time must elapse, corresponding to the
transmission of stimulus for some distance along the nerves."

[edit] Other experiments

In The Book of Healing, Avicenna (980-1037) discussed the mind, its existence, the mind
and body relationship, sensation, perception, etc. He wrote that at the most common
level, the influence of the mind on the body can be seen in voluntary movements, in that
the body obeys whenever the mind wishes to move the body. He further writes that the
second level of influence of the mind on the body is from emotions and the will. As a
thought experiment, he states that if a plank of wood is placed as a bridge over a chasm, a
person could hardly creep over it without falling if that person only pictures
himself/herself in a possible fall so vividly that the "natural power of limbs accord with
it." He also writes that strong negative emotions can have a negative effect on the
vegetative functions of an individual and may even lead to death in some cases. He also
discusses hypnosis, which he refers to as al-Wahm al-Amil, distinguishing it from sleep.
He states that one could create conditions in another person so that he/she accepts the
reality of hypnosis.[21]

Ibn al-Nafis (1213-1288) identified the "psychic faculties" with cognition, sensation,
imagination, and animal locomotion,[44] and disproved Aristotle's notion that these come
from the heart rather than the brain through observation. After Ibn al-Nafis empirically
discovered that the brain and nerves are cooler than the heart and arteries, he concluded
that the psychic faculties come from the brain on this basis.[45] He further wrote that it is
the brain which controls sensation, movement and cognition.[46]

edit Other medieval contributions

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Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), considered a father of sociology and the social sciences, made
significant contributions to social psychology in his Muqaddimah (Prolegomena).

[edit] Social psychology

The earliest works on "the social organization of ants" and "animal communication and
psychology" were written by al-Jahiz (766–868), an Afro-Arab scholar who wrote many
works on these subjects.[3]

Al-Farabi's Social Psychology and Model City were the earliest treatises to deal with
social psychology. He stated that "an isolated individual could not achieve all the
perfections by himself, without the aid of other individuals." He wrote that it is the
"innate disposition of every man to join another human being or other men in the labor he
ought to perform." He concluded that in order to "achieve what he can of that perfection,
every man needs to stay in the neighborhood of others and associate with them."[13]
Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), considered a father of sociology[47][48][49] and the social
sciences,[50] was another Muslim scholar who significant contributions to the area of
social psychology. His book Muqaddimah (known as Prolegomena in the West) was a
classic on the social psychology of the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, particularly the

Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis), considered a father of modern surgery, was a
pioneer in neurosurgery.

[edit] Neurosurgery

In al-Andalus, Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis), considered a father of modern

surgery, developed material and technical designs which are still used in neurosurgery.[39]

In Egypt, Ibn al-Nafis performed the earliest known dissections on the human brain,
while he was correcting some of the incorrect theories of Galen and Avicenna on the
anatomy of the brain.[52]

[edit] Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology

Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (d. 982), in his Complete Book of the Medical Art, described the
neuroanatomy, neurobiology, neurophysiology and diseases of the brain.[13]

In the Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity (10th century), the Brethren of Purity
discussed the process of thought, and wrote that the thinking process begins with the five
external senses which send messages through the nerves to the brain, which processes the
messages in different locations of the brain.[19]

Avicenna discovered the cerebellar vermis—which he named "vermis"—and the caudate

nucleus, which he named "tailed nucleus" or "nucleus caudatus". These terms are still
used in modern neuroanatomy.[41] He was also the earliest to note that intellectual
dysfunctions were largely due to deficits in the brain's middle ventricle, and that the
frontal lobe of the brain mediated common sense and reasoning.[35]

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A medical work by Ibn al-Nafis, who corrected some of the erroneous theories of Galen
and Avicenna on the anatomy of the brain.

Ibn al-Nafis (1213-1288), in his Commentary on Anatomy in Avicenna's Canon, corrected

some of the erroneous theories of Galen and Avicenna (Ibn Sina) on the anatomy of the
brain. Ibn al-Nafis quoted an error made by Galen, who believed that "blood reaches the
brain itself at the section called forebrain through the duramater which divides the vault
longitudinally into two equal halves at the sagittal suture." Ibn al-Nafis criticized this
theory and corrected it as follows:[52]
"The blood permeates first to the back ventricle (hindbrain) then to the other two
ventricles. Dissection confirms this and disproves what they say. The permeation of
arteries into the cranium is well known not to be from the front ventricle."

Ibn al-Nafis corrected another theory on the nerves stated by Avicenna, who believed that
the glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve and accessory nerve arise from the nerve
ganglion and that they are attached to the sigmoid and facial nerves through membranous
fascia so that these five nerves look like one nerve emerging as three branches from the
back foramen lacerum. While experimenting with this theory, Ibn al-Nafis performed the
earliest known dissection on the human brain, after he made the following correction to
the theory:[52]

"About what he [Ibn Sina] said concerning the sixth nerve being attached to the fifth
through membranous facia, I have not so far found a good reason for that attachment, and
I have not even verified it. This sixth pair [a confluence of the glossopharyngeal, vagus
and accessory nerves] both arises and emerges from behind the fifth, so there is no way it
could be attached to it."

Another example was Galen's incorrect theory on the optic nerve, in which he stated that
the optic nerve "which comes from the right side of the brain goes to the right eye, and
the nerve which comes from the left side goes to the left eye." Ibn al-Nafis also proved
this theory wrong and stated:[52]

"In fact it is not like that, [but] each nerve goes to the opposite side."

[edit] Sensory perception

Avicenna was the first to divide human perception into five external senses (the classical
senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch known since antiquity) and five internal
senses which he discovered himself: the sensus communis (seat of all senses) which
integrates sense data into percepts; the imaginative faculty which conserves the
perceptual images; the sense of imagination which acts upon these images by combining
and separating them, serving as the seat of the practical intellect; Wahm (instinct) which
perceives qualities (such as good and bad, love and hate, etc.) and forms the basis of a
person's character whether or not influenced by reason; and intentions (ma'ni) which
conserve all these notions in memory.[21]

Al-Ghazali (Algazel) (1058-1111) stated that the self has motor and sensory motives for
fulfilling its bodily needs. He wrote that the motor motives comprise of propensities and
impulses, and further divided the propensities into two types: appetite and anger. He
wrote that appetite urges hunger, thirst, and sexual craving, while anger takes the form of
rage, indignation and revenge. He further wrote that impulse resides in the muscles,
nerves, and tissues, and moves the organs to "fulfill the propensities."[22]

Al-Ghazali was also one of the first to divide the sensory motives (apprehension) into
five external senses (the classical senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch) and five
internal senses, which he was able to describe more accurately than Avicenna. The five
internal senses discovered by al-Ghazali were: common sense (Hiss Mushtarik) which
synthesizes sensuous impressions carried to the brain while giving meaning to them;
imagination (Takhayyul) which enables someone to retain mental images from
experience; reflection (Tafakkur) which brings together relevant thoughts and associates
or dissociates them as it considers fit but has no power to create anything new which is
not already present in the mind; recollection (Tadhakkur) which remembers the outer
form of objects in memory and recollects the meaning; and the memory (Hafiza) where
impressions received through the senses are stored. He wrote that, while the external
senses occur through specific organs, the internal senses are located in different regions
of the brain, and discovered that the memory is located in the hinder lobe, imagination is
located in the frontal lobe, and reflection is located in the middle folds of the brain. He
stated that these inner senses allow people to predict future situations based on what they
learn from past experiences.[53]

In The Revival of Religious Sciences, al-Ghazali also writes that the five internal senses
are found in both humans and animals. In Mizan al Amal, however, he later states that
animals "do not possess a well-developed reflective power" and argues that animals
mostly think in terms of "pictorial ideas in a simple way and are incapable of complex
association and dissociation of abstract ideas involved in reflection." He writes that "the
self carries two additional qualities, which distinguishes man from animals enabling man
to attain spiritual perfection", which are 'Aql (intellect) and Irada (will). He argues that
the intellect is "the fundamental rational faculty, which enables man to generalize and
form concepts and gain knowledge." He also argues that human will and animal will are
both different. He writes that human will is "conditioned by the intellect" while animal
will is "conditioned by anger and appetite" and that "all these powers control and regulate
the body." He further writes that the Qalb (heart) "controls and rules over them" and that
it has six powers: appetite, anger, impulse, apprehension, intellect, and will. He states that
humans have all six of these traits, while animals only have three (appetite, anger, and
impulse).[53] This was in contrast to other ancient and medieval thinkers such as Aristotle,
Avicenna, Roger Bacon and Thomas Aquinas who all believed that animals cannot
become angry.[54]

edit Modern contributions

[edit] Neurology

In 1991, Saudi Arabian medical researchers discovered "neuro-Behcet's disease",[55] a

neurological involvement in Behcet's disease, considered one of the most devastating
manifestations of the disease.[56] In 1989, Saudi neurologists also discovered
"neurobrucellosis", a neurological involvement in brucellosis.[55]

[edit] Biopsychosociology and neurochemical pathology

Dr. Muhammad B. Yunus is a Muslim physician and neuroscientist who practices

internal medicine and rheumatology in the United States.[57] In 1981, he published the
"first controlled study of the clinical characteristics" of the fibromyalgia syndrome, for
which he is regarded as "the father of our modern view of fibromyalgia."[58] His work was
the "first controlled clinical study" of fibromyalgia "with validation of known symptoms
and tender points" and he also proposed "the first data-based criteria." In 1984, he
proposed the important concept that the fibromyalgia syndrome and other similar
conditions are interconnected. He showed serotonergic and norepinephric drugs to be
effective in 1986, published a criteria for fibromyalgia in 1990, and developed
neurohormonal mechanisms with central sensitization in the 1990s.[59]

He also made important advances in the understanding of the chronic fatigue syndromes
in general, the biopsychosocial model, medical sociology, neurology, psychosocial
development, and neurochemical pathology.[60] His "biopsychosocial perspective" of
fibromyalgia and other chronic fatigue syndromes is the "only way to synthesize the
disparate contributions of such variables as genes and adverse childhood experiences, life
stress and distress, posttraumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, self-efficacy for pain
control, catastrophizing, coping style, and social support into the evolving picture of
central nervous system dysfunction vis-a-vis chronic pain and fatigue."[58]

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