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OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CHARGING SYSTEM OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . 1
GENERATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CHARGING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CURRENT OUTPUT TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CHARGING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
GENERATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
GENERATOR RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
TORQUE CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The battery, starti ng, and chargi ng systems oper-
ate wi th one another, and must be tested as a com-
pl ete system. To al l ow the vehi cl e to start and charge
properl y, al l of the components i nvol ved i n these
three systems must perform wi thi n speci fi cati ons.
Group 8A i n thi s servi ce manual covers the battery,
Group 8B covers the starti ng system, and Group 8C
covers the chargi ng system. Refer to Group 8W, Wi r-
i ng Di agrams for compl ete ci rcui t descri pti ons and
di agrams. When attempti ng to di agnose any of these
systems, i t i s i mportant to keep thei r i nterdepen-
dency i n mi nd.
Certai n chargi ng system ci rcui ts are moni tored by
On-Board Di agnosti cs (OBD) bui l t i nto the Power-
trai n Control Modul e (PCM). Each moni tored ci rcui t
i s assi gned a Di agnosti c Troubl e Code (DTC). The
PCM wi l l store a DTC i n el ectroni c memory for cer-
tai n fai l ures i t detects. Refer to On-Board Di agnos-
ti cs i n Group 25, Emi ssi on Control System for a
compl ete l i st of DTCs and for i nformati on necessary
to access a DTC. For chargi ng system di agnosti c
i nformati on, refer to the appropri ate Powertrai n
Di agnosti c Procedures servi ce manual .
The chargi ng system consi sts of:
El ectroni c Vol tage Regul ator (EVR) ci rcui try
wi thi n the Powertrai n Control Modul e (PCM)
I gni ti on swi tch (refer to Group 8D, I gni ti on Sys-
tem for i nformati on)
Battery (refer to Group 8A, Battery for i nforma-
ti on)
Battery temperature sensor
Generator Lamp (i f equi pped)
Check Gauges Lamp (i f equi pped)
Vol tmeter (refer to Group 8E, I nstrument Panel
and Gauges for i nformati on)
Wi ri ng harness and connecti ons (refer to Group
8W, Wi ri ng for i nformati on)
The chargi ng system i s turned on and off wi th the
i gni ti on swi tch. When the i gni ti on swi tch i s turned to
the ON posi ti on, battery vol tage from the powertrai n
control modul e (PCM) i s suppl i ed to the generator
rotor to produce a magneti c fi el d. Thi s i s done
through one of the two fi el d termi nal s at the rear of
The amount of DC current produced by the gener-
ator i s control l ed by the EVR (fi el d control ) ci rcui try
contai ned wi thi n the PCM. Thi s ci rcui try i s con-
nected i n seri es wi th the second rotor fi el d termi nal
and ground.
A battery temperature sensor, l ocated i n the bat-
tery tray housi ng, i s used to sense battery tempera-
ture. Thi s temperature data, al ong wi th data from
moni tored l i ne vol tage, i s used by the PCM to vary
the battery chargi ng rate. Thi s i s done by cycl i ng the
ground path to control the strength of the rotor mag-
neti c fi el d. The PCM then compensates and regul ates
generator current output accordi ngl y.
Al l vehi cl es are equi pped wi th On-Board Di agnos-
ti cs (OBD). Al l OBD-sensed systems, i ncl udi ng EVR
(fi el d control ) ci rcui try, are moni tored by the PCM.
Each moni tored ci rcui t i s assi gned a Di agnosti c Trou-
bl e Code (DTC). The PCM wi l l store a DTC i n el ec-
troni c memory for certai n fai l ures i t detects. Refer to
On-Board Di agnosti cs i n Group 25, Emi ssi on Control
System for more DTC i nformati on.
The Check Gauges Lamp (i f equi pped) moni tors:
charging system voltage, engi ne cool ant tempera-
ture and engi ne oi l pressure. I f an extreme condi ti on
i s i ndi cated, the l amp wi l l be i l l umi nated. Thi s i s
done as remi nder to check the three gauges. The si g-
nal to acti vate the l amp i s sent vi a the CCD bus ci r-
cui ts. The l amp i s l ocated on the i nstrument panel .
Refer to Group 8E, I nstrument Panel and Gauges for
addi ti onal i nformati on.
The generator i s bel t-dri ven by the engi ne usi ng a
serpenti ne type dri ve bel t. I t i s servi ced onl y as a
compl ete assembl y. I f the generator fai l s for any rea-
son, the enti re assembl y must be repl aced.
As the energi zed rotor begi ns to rotate wi thi n the
generator, the spi nni ng magneti c fi el d i nduces a cur-
rent i nto the wi ndi ngs of the stator coi l . Once the
generator begi ns produci ng suffi ci ent current, i t al so
provi des the current needed to energi ze the rotor.
The Y type stator wi ndi ng connecti ons del i ver the
i nduced AC current to 3 posi ti ve and 3 negati ve
di odes for recti fi cati on. From the di odes, recti fi ed DC
current i s del i vered to the vehi cl e el ectri cal system
through the generator battery and ground termi nal s.
Al though the generators appear the same exter-
nal l y, di fferent generators wi th di fferent output rat-
i ngs are used on thi s vehi cl e. Be certai n that the
repl acement generator has the same output rati ng
and part number as the ori gi nal uni t. Refer to Gen-
erator Rati ngs i n the Speci fi cati ons secti on at the
back of thi s group for amperage rati ngs and part
Noi se emi tti ng from the generator may be caused
by: worn, l oose or defecti ve beari ngs; a l oose or defec-
ti ve dri ve pul l ey; i ncorrect, worn, damaged or mi sad-
justed fan dri ve bel t; l oose mounti ng bol ts; a
mi sal i gned dri ve pul l ey or a defecti ve stator or di ode.
The battery temperature sensor i s used to deter-
mi ne the battery temperature and control battery
chargi ng rate. Thi s temperature data, al ong wi th
data from moni tored l i ne vol tage, i s used by the PCM
to vary the battery chargi ng rate. System vol tage wi l l
be hi gher at col der temperatures and i s gradual l y
reduced at warmer temperatures.
The El ectroni c Vol tage Regul ator (EVR) i s not a
separate component. I t i s actual l y a vol tage regul at-
i ng ci rcui t l ocated wi thi n the Powertrai n Control
Modul e (PCM). The EVR i s not servi ced separatel y. I f
repl acement i s necessary, the PCM must be repl aced.
Operation: The amount of DC current produced
by the generator i s control l ed by EVR ci rcui try con-
tai ned wi thi n the PCM. Thi s ci rcui try i s connected i n
seri es wi th the generators second rotor fi el d termi nal
and i ts ground.
Vol tage i s regul ated by cycl i ng the ground path to
control the strength of the rotor magneti c fi el d. The
EVR ci rcui try moni tors system l i ne vol tage and bat-
tery temperature (refer to Battery Temperature Sen-
sor for more i nformati on). I t then compensates and
regul ates generator current output accordi ngl y. Al so
refer to Chargi ng System Operati on for addi ti onal
i nformati on.
The fol l owi ng procedures may be used to di agnose
the chargi ng system i f:
the generator l amp (i f equi pped) i s i l l umi nated
wi th the engi ne runni ng
the vol tmeter (i f equi pped) does not regi ster
properl y
an undercharged or overcharged battery condi -
ti on occurs.
Remember that an undercharged battery i s often
caused by:
accessori es bei ng l eft on wi th the engi ne not
runni ng
a faul ty or i mproperl y adjusted swi tch that
al l ows a l amp to stay on. See I gni ti on-Off Draw Test
i n Group 8A, Battery for more i nformati on.
To perform a compl ete test of the chargi ng system,
refer to the appropri ate Powertrai n Di agnosti c Proce-
dures servi ce manual and the DRB scan tool . Per-
form the fol l owi ng i nspecti ons before attachi ng the
scan tool .
(1) I nspect the battery condi ti on. Refer to Group
8A, Battery for procedures.
(2) I nspect condi ti on of battery cabl e termi nal s,
battery posts, connecti ons at engi ne bl ock, starter
sol enoi d and rel ay. They shoul d be cl ean and ti ght.
Repai r as requi red.
(3) I nspect al l fuses i n both the fusebl ock and
Power Di stri buti on Center (PDC) for ti ghtness i n
receptacl es. They shoul d be properl y i nstal l ed and
ti ght. Repai r or repl ace as requi red.
(4) I nspect generator mounti ng bol ts for ti ghtness.
Repl ace or ti ghten bol ts i f requi red. Refer to the Gen-
erator Removal /I nstal l ati on secti on of thi s group for
torque speci fi cati ons.
(5) I nspect generator dri ve bel t condi ti on and ten-
si on. Ti ghten or repl ace bel t as requi red. Refer to
Bel t Tensi on Speci fi cati ons i n Group 7, Cool i ng Sys-
(6) I nspect automati c bel t tensi oner (i f equi pped).
Refer to Group 7, Cool i ng System for i nformati on.
(7) I nspect connecti ons at generator fi el d, battery
output, and ground termi nal s. Al so check ground con-
necti on at engi ne. They shoul d al l be cl ean and ti ght.
Repai r as requi red.
These tests wi l l show the amount of vol tage drop
across the generator output wi re, from the generator
output (B+) termi nal to the battery posi ti ve post.
They wi l l al so show the amount of vol tage drop from
the ground (-) termi nal on the generator to the bat-
tery negati ve post. Typi cal generator wi ri ng har-
nesses are shown i n (Fi g. 1) or (Fi g. 2). Wi ri ng
harness routi ng as shown may be sl i ghtl y di fferent
dependi ng on vehi cl e model and/or engi ne. Refer to
Group 8W, Wi ri ng Di agrams for addi ti onal i nforma-
ti on.
A vol tmeter wi th a 018 vol t DC scal e shoul d be
used for these tests. By reposi ti oni ng the vol tmeter
test l eads, the poi nt of hi gh resi stance (vol tage drop)
can easi l y be found.
(1) Before starti ng test, make sure battery i s i n
good condi ti on and i s ful l y-charged. See Group 8A,
Battery for more i nformati on.
(2) Check condi ti on of battery cabl es at battery.
Cl ean i f necessary.
(3) Start the engi ne and al l ow i t to reach normal
operati ng temperature.
(4) Shut engi ne off.
(5) Connect an engi ne tachometer.
(6) Ful l y engage the parki ng brake.
(1) Start engi ne.
(2) Pl ace heater bl ower i n hi gh posi ti on.
(3) Turn on headl amps and pl ace i n hi gh-beam
posi ti on.
(4) Turn vehi cl e i nteri or l amps on.
(5) Bri ng engi ne speed up to 2400 rpm and hol d.
(6) Testi ng (+) ci rcui try:
(a) Touch the negati ve l ead of vol tmeter di rectl y
to battery posi ti ve post.
(b) Touch the posi ti ve l ead of vol tmeter to the
B+ output termi nal stud on the generator (not the
termi nal mounti ng nut). Vol tage shoul d be no
hi gher than 0.6 vol ts. I f vol tage i s hi gher than 0.6
vol ts, touch test l ead to termi nal mounti ng stud
nut and then to the wi ri ng connector. I f vol tage i s
now bel ow 0.6 vol ts, l ook for di rty, l oose or poor
connecti on at thi s poi nt. Al so check condi ti on of the
generator output wi re-to-battery bul l et connector
(i f equi pped).
Fig. 1 Generator Terminals (Typical Wiring Harness
Fig. 2 Generator Terminals (Typical Wiring Harness
Refer to Group 8, Wi ri ng for connector l ocati on. A
vol tage drop test may be performed at each (+) con-
necti on i n thi s ci rcui t to l ocate the excessi ve resi s-
(7) Testi ng (-) ci rcui try:
(a) Touch the negati ve l ead of vol tmeter di rectl y
to battery negati ve post.
(b) Touch the posi ti ve l ead of vol tmeter to the
ground termi nal stud on the generator case (not
the termi nal mounti ng nut). Vol tage shoul d be no
hi gher than 0.3 vol ts. I f vol tage i s hi gher than 0.3
vol ts, touch test l ead to termi nal mounti ng stud
nut and then to the wi ri ng connector. I f vol tage i s
now bel ow 0.3 vol ts, l ook for di rty, l oose or poor
connecti on at thi s poi nt. A vol tage drop test may be
performed at each (-) connecti on i n thi s ci rcui t to
l ocate the excessi ve resi stance. Thi s test can al so
be performed between the generator case and the
engi ne. I f test vol tage i s hi gher than 0.3 vol ts,
check for corrosi on at generator mounti ng poi nts or
l oose generator mounti ng.
The current output test wi l l determi ne i f the
chargi ng system can del i ver i ts mi ni mum test cur-
rent (amperage) output. Refer to the Speci fi cati ons
secti on at the end of thi s group for mi ni mum test
current (amperage) requi rements.
The fi rst part of thi s test (Test 1) wi l l determi ne
the combi ned amperage output of both the generator
and the El ectroni c Vol tage Regul ator (EVR) ci rcui try.
The second part of thi s test (Test 2) wi l l determi ne
onl y generator amperage and will not i ncl ude anal -
ysi s of EVR ci rcui try. EVR ci rcui try i s l ocated wi thi n
the Powertrai n Control Modul e (PCM). To test vol t-
age regul ator ci rcui try, refer to the appropri ate Pow-
ertrai n Di agnosti c Procedures servi ce manual .
(1) Determi ne i f any Di agnosti c Troubl e Codes
(DTCs) exi st. To determi ne a DTC, refer to On-Board
Di agnosti cs i n thi s group. For repai r, refer to the
appropri ate Powertrai n Di agnosti c Procedures man-
ual .
(2) Before starti ng test, make sure battery i s i n
good condi ti on and i s ful l y-charged. See Group 8A,
Battery for more i nformati on.
(3) Check condi ti on of battery cabl es at battery.
Cl ean i f necessary.
(4) Perform the previ ous Chargi ng System Resi s-
tance Tests (vol tage drop tests). Thi s wi l l ensure
cl ean and ti ght generator/battery el ectri cal connec-
ti ons.
(5) Be sure the generator dri ve bel t i s properl y
tensi oned. Refer to Group 7, Cool i ng System for
i nformati on.
(6) A vol t/amp tester equi pped wi th both a battery
l oad control (carbon pi l e rheostat) and an i nducti ve-
type pi ckup cl amp (ammeter probe) wi l l be used for
thi s test. Refer to operati ng i nstructi ons suppl i ed
wi th tester. When usi ng a tester equi pped wi th an
i nducti ve-type cl amp, removal of wi ri ng at the gener-
ator wi l l not be necessary.
(7) Start the engi ne and al l ow i t to reach operati ng
(8) Shut engi ne off.
(9) Turn off al l el ectri cal accessori es and al l vehi cl e
l i ghti ng.
(10) Connect the vol t/amp tester l eads to the bat-
tery. Be sure the carbon pi l e rheostat control i s i n the
OPEN or OFF posi ti on before connecti ng l eads. See
Load Test i n Group 8A, Battery for more i nformati on.
Al so refer to the operati ng i nstructi ons suppl i ed wi th
test equi pment.
(11) Connect the i nducti ve cl amp (ammeter probe).
Refer to the operati ng i nstructi ons suppl i ed wi th test
equi pment.
(12) I f vol t/amp tester i s not equi pped wi th an
engi ne tachometer, connect a separate tachometer to
the engi ne.
(1) Perform the previ ous test Preparati on.
(2) Ful l y engage the parki ng brake.
(3) Start engi ne.
(4) Bri ng engi ne speed to 2500 rpm.
(5) Wi th engi ne speed hel d at 2500 rpm, sl owl y
adjust the rheostat control (l oad) on the tester to
obtai n the hi ghest amperage readi ng. Do not al l ow
vol tage to drop bel ow 12 vol ts. Record the readi ng.
This load test must be performed within 15 sec-
onds to prevent damage to test equipment. On
certai n brands of test equi pment, thi s l oad wi l l be
appl i ed automati cal l y. Refer to the operati ng manual
suppl i ed wi th test equi pment.
(6) The ammeter readi ng must meet the Mi ni mum
Test Amps speci fi cati ons as di spl ayed i n the Genera-
tor Rati ngs chart. Thi s can be found i n the Speci fi ca-
ti ons secti on at the end of thi s group. A l abel stati ng
a part reference number i s attached to the generator
case. On some engi nes thi s l abel may be l ocated on
the bottom of the case. Compare thi s reference num-
ber to the Generator Rati ngs chart.
(7) Rotate the l oad control to the OFF posi ti on.
(8) Conti nue hol di ng engi ne speed at 2500. I f EVR
ci rcui try i s OK, amperage shoul d drop bel ow 1520
amps. Wi th al l el ectri cal accessori es and vehi cl e
l i ghti ng off, thi s coul d take several mi nutes of engi ne
operati on. I f amperage di d not drop, refer to the
appropri ate Powertrai n Di agnosti c Procedures man-
ual for testi ng.
(9) Remove vol t/amp tester.
I f mi ni mum amperage coul d not be met, proceed to
Test 2. Thi s test wi l l determi ne i f the generator i s
faul ty, or i f EVR ci rcui try i s defecti ve.
(1) Perform the previ ous test preparati on.
(2) Ful l y engage the parki ng brake.
(3) Connect one end of a jumper wi re to a good
ground. Connect the other end of jumper wi re to the
generator fi el d dri ver (-) termi nal . The 2 fi el d termi -
nal s (+ and -) are l ocated on the back of the genera-
tor (Fi g. 1) or (Fi g. 2). To l ocate and i denti fy the (-)
termi nal and ci rcui t, refer to Group 8W, Wi ri ng Di a-
grams. Another way to i denti fy the (-) termi nal i s to
start the engi ne and measure vol tage at both fi el d
termi nal s. The (+) termi nal wi l l show battery vol tage
(12.514.5 vol ts). The (-) termi nal wi l l show 35 vol ts
l ess than battery vol tage.
CAUTION: Do not connect the jumper ground wire
to the generator field source (+) field terminal. Dam-
age to electrical system components may result.
Connecti ng the jumper wi re wi l l remove the vol t-
age regul ator ci rcui try from the test. I t wi l l al so gen-
erate a Di agnosti c Troubl e Code (DTC).
(4) Start engi ne. Immediately after starti ng,
reduce engi ne speed to i dl e. Thi s wi l l prevent any
el ectri cal accessory damage from hi gh vol tage.
(5) Adjust carbon pi l e rheostat (l oad) and engi ne
speed i n sl ow i ncrements unti l a speed of 1250 rpm,
and a vol tmeter readi ng of 15 vol ts i s obtai ned.
I mmedi atel y record ammeter readi ng. Do not appl y
l oad to system l onger than 15 seconds as damage to
test equi pment may resul t.
CAUTION: When adjusting rheostat load, do not
allow voltage to rise above 16 volts. Damage to the
battery and electrical system components may
(6) The ammeter readi ng must meet the Mi ni mum
Test Amps speci fi cati ons as di spl ayed i n the Genera-
tor Rati ngs chart. Thi s can be found i n the Speci fi ca-
ti ons secti on at the end of thi s group. A l abel stati ng
a part reference number i s attached to the generator
case. On some engi nes thi s l abel may be l ocated on
the bottom of the case. Compare thi s reference num-
ber to the Generator Rati ng chart.
(7) Remove vol t/amp tester.
(8) Remove jumper wi re.
(9) Use the DRB scan tool to erase the DTC. Refer
to the DRB screen for procedures.
I f amp readi ng meets speci fi cati ons i n Test 2,
generator i s OK.
I f amp readi ng i s l ess than speci fi ed i n Test 2,
and wi re resi stance (vol tage drop) tests were OK, the
generator shoul d be repl aced. Refer to Removal and
I nstal l ati on i n thi s group for procedures.
I f Test 2 resul ts were OK, but Test 1 resul ts
were not, the probl em i s i n EVR ci rcui try. Refer to
appropri ate Powertrai n Di agnosti c Procedures man-
ual for di agnosi s.
To perform a compl ete test of thi s sensor and i ts
ci rcui try, refer to the appropri ate Powertrai n Di ag-
nosti c Procedures manual . To test the sensor onl y,
refer to the fol l owi ng:
(1) The sensor i s l ocated under the battery and i s
attached to the battery tray (Fi g. 3). A two-wi re pi g-
tai l harness i s attached di rectl y to the sensor. The
opposi te end of thi s harness connects the sensor to
the engi ne wi ri ng harness.
(2) Di sconnect the two-wi re pi gtai l harness from
the engi ne harness.
(3) Attach ohmmeter l eads to the wi re termi nal s of
the pi gtai l harness.
(4) At room temperature of 25 C (7580 F), an
ohmmeter readi ng of 9,000 (9K) to 11,000 (11K) ohms
shoul d be observed.
(5) I f readi ng i s above or bel ow the speci fi cati on,
repl ace the sensor.
(6) Refer to the Removal and I nstal l ati on secti on
for procedures.
Fig. 3 Battery Temperature Sensor
The Powertrai n Control Modul e (PCM) moni tors
cri ti cal i nput and output ci rcui ts of the chargi ng sys-
tem, maki ng sure they are operati onal . A Di agnosti c
Troubl e Code (DTC) i s assi gned to each i nput and
output ci rcui t moni tored by the On-Board Di agnosti c
(OBD) system. Some ci rcui ts are checked conti nu-
ousl y and some are checked onl y under certai n con-
di ti ons.
For DTC i nformati on, refer to Di agnosti c Troubl e
Codes i n Group 25, Emi ssi on Control System. Thi s
wi l l i ncl ude a compl ete l i st of DTCs i ncl udi ng DTCs
for the chargi ng system.
(1) Di sconnect negati ve battery cabl e at battery.
(2) Remove generator dri ve bel t. Refer to Group 7,
Cool i ng System for procedure.
(3) Remove generator pi vot and mounti ng bol ts/nut
(Fi g. 4) or (Fi g. 5). Posi ti on generator for access to
wi re connectors.
(4) Remove nuts from harness hol ddown, battery
termi nal , ground termi nal and 2 fi el d termi nal s.
Remove wi re connectors. A typi cal generator wi ri ng
harness for 5.2L/5.9L engi nes i s shown i n (Fi g. 6).
A typi cal generator wi ri ng harness for 4.0L engi nes
i s shown i n (Fi g. 7). Wi ri ng harness routi ng as shown
may be sl i ghtl y di fferent dependi ng on vehi cl e model
and/or engi ne. Refer to Group 8W, Wi ri ng Di agrams
for addi ti onal i nformati on.
(5) Remove generator from vehi cl e.
Fig. 4 Remove/Install Generator5.2L/5.9L Engine
Fig. 5 Remove/Install Generator4.0L Engine
Fig. 6 Remove/Install Generator Connectors5.2L/
5.9L EnginesTypical
(1) Posi ti on generator to engi ne and i nstal l wi ri ng
to rear of generator. Ti ghten al l wi ri ng fasteners to:
Battery termi nal nut8.5 Nm (75 i n. l bs.)
Ground termi nal nut8.5 Nm (75 i n. l bs.)
Harness hol ddown nut8.5 Nm (75 i n. l bs.)
Fi el d termi nal nuts2.8 Nm (25 i n. l bs.)
(2) I nstal l generator mounti ng fasteners and
ti ghten as fol l ows:
Generator mounti ng bol t 5.2L/5.9L engi nes41
Nm (30 ft. l bs.)
Generator pi vot bol t/nut 5.2L/5.9L engi nes41
Nm (30 ft. l bs.)
Generator mounti ng bol t 4.0L engi ne55 Nm
(41 ft. l bs.)
Generator pi vot bol t/nut 4.0L engi ne55 Nm
(41 ft. l bs.)
CAUTION: Never force a belt over a pulley rim
using a screwdriver. The synthetic fiber of the belt
can be damaged.
CAUTION: When installing a serpentine accessory
drive belt, the belt MUST be routed correctly. The
water pump will be rotating in the wrong direction if
the belt is installed incorrectly, causing the engine
to overheat. Refer to belt routing label in engine
compartment, or refer to Belt Schematics in Group
7, Cooling System.
(3) I nstal l generator dri ve bel t. Refer to Group 7,
Cool i ng System for procedure.
(4) I nstal l negati ve battery cabl e to battery.
The battery temperature sensor i s l ocated under
vehi cl e battery (Fi g. 8) and i s attached to a mounti ng
hol e on battery tray.
(1) Remove battery. Refer to Group 8A, Battery for
(2) Di sconnect sensor pi gtai l harness from engi ne
wi re harness.
(3) Pry sensor strai ght up from battery tray
mounti ng hol e.
(1) Feed pi gtai l harness through hol e i n top of bat-
tery tray and press sensor i nto top of battery tray.
(2) Connect pi gtai l harness.
(3) I nstal l battery. Refer to Group 8A, Battery for
Fig. 7 Remove/Install Generator Connectors4.0L
Fig. 8 Battery Temperature Sensor Location
Description Torque
Generator Mounti ng Bol t
5.2L/5.9L Engi nes . . . . . . . . . . 41 Nm (30 ft. l bs.)
Generator Pi vot Bol t/Nut
5.2L/5.9L Engi nes . . . . . . . . . . 41 Nm (30 ft. l bs.)
Generator Mounti ng Bol t
4.0L Engi ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Nm (41 ft. l bs.)
Generator Pi vot Bol t/Nut
4.0L Engi ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Nm (41 ft. l bs.)
Battery Termi nal Nut . . . . . . . . 8.5 Nm (75 i n. l bs.)
Ground Termi nal Nut . . . . . . . . 8.5 Nm (75 i n. l bs.)
Harness Hol d-down Nut . . . . . . 8.5 Nm (75 i n. l bs.)
Fi el d Termi nal Nuts . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Nm (25 i n. l bs.)
DENSO 56005685 117 4.0L 88
DENSO 56005686 136 4.0L 95
DENSO 56027912 117 5.2L 90
DENSO 56027913 136 5.2L 100
DENSO 56041394AA 150 5.9L 125

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