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School Orgnnizotion

'[']re .'jllccessl'tr l. {'trnc l: i crn lrrg a rrri sus t;A 1 n of Llre sclrooJ cleperrris
Lrpon the cooper" eIfot'ts ol' t;]rfee vl l;a l. .int,eresLs that lrrake up
t,fre .lit-e ttorly of' Llte school :'T'lte .FacuJ-t,.y, Lhe Roarci of Dlrec Lors .
a.rrcl t;he Paren t s .

c12rlr)rqe 17


The FacuIt,.y 1s responslb.le,f'or br.lnglng Lo Lhe chj.lrlren a llvtrrg

oYnrrTrl af Lla-lciot"f Edr-rcaf l ort as rvell as overseelng
the cilrecl,ion
of Lhe scl-tooI' Tlre IracuJLy nteebs T'hursday afternoons bo cieepen
the j-r ttnderstandlng of Rurciol-f Stelnerrs peciagoglcal ldeas , to
develop a greater pereepl;1on ol' l,lre chj-lrlren-and their ,-,ouds, anci
t;o r.llscrrss t;he clay bo ria.y .l.l.I'e of t;lre school.

!.'lte Iloard of Dj.recbors 1s resporrslble I'or i.rrsurlng LSat ,*.A*-S

relna:[ns a WaldoI:f Schoo.l as rve].1 as f'or t;l-re 1-egal ancl J'inanclaI
aspecbs of blte school. ll'hey tneet; pt+e,< a nronLlr bo cllscuss an<j
tnal<e declslons on such toplcs as: Rrrciget;, tulLlon arrd scholarshlp
po) i"c.y, granbs, ttpcomlng scltool everrLs, ancl questlons concernlng
Lhe lr-rbure of' Ll:e sclrool.

I'lte parenbs provlcle bhe soclal fabrlc bhat surrouncls the sghool.
'i'hey are tlre stlpport grorrp of'the school anrl faculL.y. Vla
parblclpabJ.on 1n crass evenlngs, lecbures, commltbees ancl actlve
ft-tncit"a'ls1ng, tlrey corrbrj-brrte much of theli: b1.rne, energy an<i talent
bs as a clear-rngEtou"u i uJlr"1" ror c.r'"u;J catlon betvreen
";,i , a"Acimtnlsl,rabJ-orr,
Parenb Body, Iractrlt.y, Iloarcl ancl Conrmlt;tees and
as a f'otltttn f'or collcerlrs and ner.J i.rieas. Irleeil.ngs are lre.lcl once a
rrrnn f;lr arrrl a I I pa.rr.rr l;s a I-o ene..trnaRer:l l.o a t. l;errrl
C ovwnunic ati on and C ommunity
Clear communicaLi ot.t is vibal bo the lif e of' our. I,laldor'1'
School CommuniLy. Our" conunitnrent at .fi,fr 6, is i;o go clirectly
and solely Lo Lhe per"son to vrhorn we wish to informaLion,
offer" suggestions or have a gri.evance. tf satjsfactiorr is noL
obta j.ned, Llten ot,her Facir.l t.y rnerrrirers are available to suppor"1,
Lhe resol.ut o{' ally i.ssttes. lrolrna l I j nes of cornlnLln
]tave be ett esLab-l .i slreri aL ()uI' sclroo-l Lo provirle cornlnurri L.y rnclnl)er.s
r..ri tlr clrannel s {'or irrpir b or led lc;ss; .

IrriIial St;c1t

I'aI'cl) L _ .___ ___ _ -.-----.) C.l iiSS 'l'cache1'

,'lecollrl fil.r:gt, i {' neetlerl

Id rerr L

t_ C.l al;s 'l'eitclrer. __l

'l'hirci fiLep, if necessar.y

P;trert t 1---- ------- ) &ffi4, bfra4fg
5u fre21 .t#ctvr6 d*Ol ,fr-1-.9, r%2*
IrourLlr SLep, iI' necessary
Parenl; -- -) e{2fr4 to ---__--) cl'ass'l'eache.

.l.t-t adclifjotr Lo 1;he altove, tlre f'ol-lowirrg forums are avail.-
ab.Le I'ctI'Lhe exchattge o1'Lrieas attrl ol)i)orLurrj.t; for bet;Lt-.t"
r-rrrclcrsLandln6g oI' one arroLlrer':
Class liveni rrgs f or i'arenLs
Paren t-'l'eacher Conferences
ParenL Associati on iileet ings &
I of 'l'r.us1;ees Ir{eebings.
Austin Whldorf School, Inc.
(5t21 288-5942 . 87AZ South View Road, Austin, Texas 78737
Iis tab lishecl ber I 980



Tho f rntrr l-" has established

eouqu!rrrrEu the
ulls fol-l-owino
!varvwrrry nol recrerdi nn
yvr!!J i cw rgyatulrlg
requesl-s by schoor community lnembers to visit and/or address
either the faculty or the college at their respective meetings.
Anyone wishing to address i-n person a concern with the faculty
or college should present to the pertj-nent body a written request
describing the points of collcern or the issues to be considered;
this l-etter should also include the expected goals or outcomes
of this visit -
A raqn^nqa mav he made in the fOfm Of a felenhone
uu!gyrrvr^g call
vqrr, a !u9u9!
q lcffor- t
and/or an invitation to attend the regularly scheduled meeting
of the college or facuity to discuss the concerns. ff a visit
to a meeting is to be arrrangecl, i't can be expected to occur
two weeks after receiving the request so that faculty members
can acguaj.nt J:hemsel.ves with the issue and so that the visit
can be r"orked into the meeting without interfering with the
ongoing flow of busin.ess. ft is understood that such a visit
is schedul-ed alongside many other agenda items and therefore
must necessarily be sl-ated fo:: a specific amount of time to
l^^ ;^J-^-*; -^,i in each situation.

--l{uckrll'Stcincr.'r ol tlrr' \\ orltl \\'ir{c \\'aldoll St ht>ol N{()\'cnrcnt
Austin Waldorf School

The Process for Conflict Resolution

If any group or individual of the Waldorf Community comes to the Board of

TnrsieJs rvith a conflict (not satisfactory worked out in normai school channels
or unusual in nature), the Board will initiate the following plocess:

1st: Board will empower a Board Member, the Investigatrve Bo11d

Member CIBM), to investigate all points of view of the conflict. The IBM is
authorized to listen carefully to ali sides, compile a clear written information
history, and guide group(s) or individual(s) through a positive resolution

2nd: Board sets definite time period for information gatherittg, review,
and resolution.

3th: Investigative Board Member (IBM) meets with different parties in

dispute, objectively gathering information in the designated time period.

4th: Then the IBM, with group(s) or individual(s) in conflict, decide to:

1) Resolve conflict with IBM assistance and/or outside

assistance, then reporting back to the Board on the resolution,
2) Meet with Executive Committee of the' Board for review
and resolution @xecufive Cornmitee then reports back to the
full Board on its decision), or
3) Meet with fuli Board for review and resolution.

5th: The Board of Trustees, after hearing the report on a particr-rlar

Resolution of Conflict, review its own procedures as a Board and see rvhat
changes are needed in the Board.

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