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Hinduism Timeline

Indus Valley Civilization 2500B.C.E - 1500

-Discovered 1921-2 = one of earliest civilizations discovered. B.C.E.
-May or may not be related to Hinduism.
-I.V.C. has evidence that may pertain to the Hindu religion such as
seals that contain images of bulls and a woman sitting amongst
animals know as the “proto-shiva”; however, the seals discovered
were deemed insignificant because of their ubiquity in the ancient
world. It will be indeterminable whether or not the IVC is related to
Hinduism until the IVC script is deciphered.
The four Vedas are Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and
Atharva Veda. They are the founding scriptures of
Hinduism. 1500 B.C.E. - 600
The Vedic Period (Early and Late Vedic ages) B.C.E.
Known as the basis of Hinduism b/c laid foundation of religious
Early Vedic (1500 BC to 1000 BC)
Nature was worshipped: rain, thunder, moon, sun, animals.
Animals were sacrificed to these natural gods for the benefit of the
people and their cattle. Organized prayers and Gods were invoked
by mantras and hymns. A cow was not yet sacred; only trouble
with control over cows between tribes was common.
Late Vedic(1000 BC to 600 BC)
Priests came into power. Idols were worshipped and sacrifice
became common. Nature worship, rituals, hymns and mantras
500 BCE - 800 CE
combined leading to the formation of many gods and goddesses
Classical Hinduism
Upanishads (800-300 BCE)
The 11 major Upanishads written, include ideas of reincarnation
and karma.
Brahmanas (1000-700BCE)
Were commentaries on the four Vedas explicating such things as
how to perform rituals, the meaning of mantras, and they describe
the impact of sacrifices on the eternal world. Each Brahmana is
attached to a different Veda and essentially is a manual to the
proper use of the material in the Veda to which it belongs.
Epics and Puranas
Anecdotes reflecting the rise of devotional movements dedicated
5th Century
to Shiva, Vishnu and Devi. Puranas are stories about gods and their B.C.E.
activites and emphasize Bhakti and Dharma. The Epics teach 600-1600 CE
morals and values to the people concerning Hinduism and they
formed today’s popular Hinduism.
800-1700 BCE
-Buddhism and Jainism founded in India.
-Rise of devotional movements, puja (worship) rituals, and idea of
equality of devotees.
Bhakti movement
Created rites and rituals concerning the worship of Hindu gods plus
created peace among Muslims and Hindus.
Modern day hinduism

Work cited
Hinduism and the Indus valley civilization-

Indus valley civilization-

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