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East Hillsborough County Democratic Club

Minutes of meeting held May 13

By Teresa McDermott
Attendance : 35
The meeting was brought to order at 6.30pm by our President, Mike Newett. As is our custom we
began our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moments silence to remember our troops.
Speakers :
George Nieman Community activist and friend of our club brought us up to date on the 2 year
campaign to get a Big Box constructed on Bloomingdale Avenue and the grassroots effort to
stop it. With the aid of overhead graphics we were led through a labyrinth of zoning/rezoning
history that defies all logic, from 2003 to present. Commissioner Al Higginbotham , Dist. 4, has
aided and abetted Redstone Properties in their bid to construct a Walmart and an accompanying
strip mall on land adjacent to Bloomingdale Library. This proposed construction project is neither
wanted or needed and will adversely affect quality of life issues both practically and aesthetically.
Problems : 8,000 more vehicle trips on already overcrowded road. Already many Walmarts in area.
Impact on local small business. Cost to taxpayers, etc. Solution : Contact County Commission to
protest. Volunteer time and/or money (law suits/publicity etc.). Stay informed/stay engaged.
Candidates : A wealth of them this evening. Elizabeth Belcher ,County Commissioner , Dist.2.
(Ethics, Equality, Education. Knows how to follow the money). Donna Lee Fore, County
commissioner, Dist. 4.(Make sure our citizens are protected). Patricia Anne Kemp, County
Commissioner, Dist.7.(Smart growth/support neighborhoods/new business like Lyft, Uber Taxis).
Mark Nash, County Commissioner, Dist. 7.(Under represented for a long time/needs Democratic
representative who knows and cares about people and area). Alan Cohn, 15
Congressional Dist.
Met deadline on ballot. First campaign office open in Temple Terrace.
Club Business :
Chris Radulich. Overhead presentation : Speaks out at Dennis Ross meeting. You are invisible to
politicians unless you vote. Fast food/minimum wage strikes.
Jack Wolff. Contact info. signup sheet. Signup/make calls/help each other. Office open in Plant
Lisa Rodriguez. Brandon Honorary Mayor Race.
Gifford Allison. Club dues reminder.
Bonnie & Mike Newett. Open seat opportunities. 4
July Parade/we need volunteers/candy.
Monthly meet ups. Monthly meeting phone callers needed. Check web site for current info.
Minutes. Approved for April meeting.
Treasurers Report. By Mike Greene
April Opening Balance : $3976.91 Ending Balance : $3814.91 ( two checks not yet cashed total
of $79.81 resulting in an actual balance of : $3735.10 )
Meeting Adjourned at 6.30 pm.

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