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QUESTION TO SEIU President, Yvonne Walker:

Why arent all your Members treated EQUALLY?
The very same Class Division you accuse the Corporations o
doin!" you are implementin! it ri!ht in your o#n bac$ yard%
Per Dills Act:
An employee who pays a fair share fee shall be entitled to fair and
impartial representation by the recognized employee organization.
Yvonne Wal$er and &E'U (r!ani)ation call those #ho cannot aord to pay
more to#ards &E'U per$s*splur!in!* and political pic$s+ NON !E"#ANE
O$%ECTO"&'' O()ector*+ W,at a connotation--*+
We are called ,-on.Members/ #ho have -( ri!hts and -( per$s?% This
is Class discrimination in itsel0 Why should #e1 state #or$ers1 be orced
to 2opt out2 every year o a paychec$ deduction that !oes to und &E'U2s
political operations? Why shouldn2t it instead1 be an 2opt in2 system or those
#ho #ant to participate?
Yvonne1 on 34*54*63471 you have pushed a !roup o -on Members to sue
&E'U 8To respect the limits o the 9irst Amendment/ Case # 2:14-at-00129
The lawsuit would force the union to treat equally all its members.
The burden of collecting the donations voluntarily for political activities
is on SEIU.
The Members will NOT have to opt out every June.
! M!"E #IS$"IMITI!
,-(- :E;MA-E (<=ECT(;/1 ,-on Member/1 and ,Members/ #ill ALL be
one and the &AME0

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