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Attendees: Jodene Perrin-Gill, Catherine Lavin, Craig and Kathy Sutherland,

Chris Palfi, Kimberly Pforr, Trini Ramos, Rosalinda Cortez, Khan Bui, Emily
Moody, Liz Ortiz.

Planning Commission Meeting - Sept 12th 2007

Emily Moody gave an update on the Planning Commission Meeting held at

City Hall on 9-12-07. Three speakers from the Delmas Park Neighborhood
Advisory Committee (NAC) will be able to address the commission. Resident
participation is to show local support for the Strong Neighborhood Initiative
(SNI) proposal.

The planning commission will ask staff members any questions they may
have in regard to the SNI proposal.

Update – The planning commission approved the Delmas Park SNI proposal,
and gave kind words in regard to the Delmas Park Area, and the importance
to continue to invest in the SNI for the city and its residents.

San Jose City Council Meeting – Oct 2nd 2007

It’s important to provide feedback to the council members. Delmas Park NAC
is requesting the residents to show up for this council meeting in support of
the Delmas Park SNI.

Councilmember Sam Liccardo opens it up and the mayor will give 2 minutes
per person to speak on behalf of the Delmas Park NAC and SNI.

Updates from Delmas Park NAC members:


Council meeting for Citywide Neighborhoods Commission – Sept 25th, 2007.

Council chambers in City Hall. We’re looking for residents to show up to
support the Citywide Neighborhoods Commission. Signs are being made for
those attending
to hold up - Just a way of getting more notice! Jodene will be sending out an
email urging all to be present next Monday.

The SNI PAC is sunsettingsun setting and there is a plan to take the PAC
structure and pilot a program ground up from the residents. The Citywide
Neighborhoods Commission will be made up of 3 representatives selected
from each neighborhood group.

Annual Budget Review. Learned about the budget process, along with
establishing funds, and got to meet some of the other NAC chairs.

Traffic issues at Lakehouse. After an HP Pavilion concert, there was a buildup

of cars after an argument sparked. Discussed possible solutions to mitigate
the buildup of cars using Lakehouse after a concert like closure of
sidestreetsside streets after concert events, but there was a question of city
resource vs. self maintenance of the residents.

“Yard” sale. See if itsit’s possible to have this in the fall. One potential site is
the empty corner lot on Josefa/San Carlos next to the tattoo parlor. Jodene
will call the lot owner. An email list will go out to consolidate the list of items
and donors. Any items not sold by the end of the sale will be donated to the
salvation armySalvation Army or other nonprofit.


Emergency Prep Training that she attended was mostly focused on your own
home. They gave family plans for various disasters and preparedness kit

Some tips during a disaster: 1) Whenwhen phones go down, text messaging

still works. 2) Store an old fashioned phone (that does not need power) incase
the electricity goes out. 3) Keep day glow sticks. If there is a gas leak, it can
be possibly ignited from a flashlight switch.

Liz Ortiz and Rosalinda Cortez:

RReminder of the Family Giving Tree. During Christmas we work with the
Family Giving Tree to provide neighborhood children with gifts. Originally
started with 45 kids, now over 100. Looking to raise funds to pay the
registration fee of $120, and misc. Ed Ybarra donated of $200 towards the
National Night Out Event held in August ($100) and seed money to establish
a bank account ($100).that could be partially used towards the event. This is
a reminder if you would like to also volunteerPlease let Rosalinda know if you
are interested in volunteering or donating for this event.

Khan Bui:

The next NAG meeting is Sept 19th 2007, 6pm at City Hall.

The top three priorities will be discussed:

1) Street maintenance and traffic calming
2) Parks and Recreation
3) Gang abatement and youth activities

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