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The basilica of the Pillar Virgin.
Type: Built attraction, religious site.

Laseo cathedral.
Type: Built attraction, religious site.

The Pyrenees mountain range.
Type: Natural attraction, national ecologic heritage.

Loarre castle.
Type: Built attraction, historic site.

The Roman Forum of Caesaraugusta.
Type: Built attraction, historic site.

a. Lake: A body of water surrounded by land.
River: A natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing toward an ocean, a lake, a sea or
another river.

b. Mountain: Is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area,
usually in the form of the peak.
Hill: Raised area of land (smaller than a mountain),

c. Museum: Place where object of value or significance (historic, scientific or artistic) are kept
and displayed to the public.
Art gallery: Room or place where works of art are displayed.

d. Palace: Is a grand residence, specially a royal residence or the home of a head of state.
Castle: Is a type of fortified structure, built in Europe and the Middle East, during the middle
Ages by nobility.

e. Festival: A day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration.
Parade: A ceremonial procession, usually organized along a street, which including people

f. Nightclub: A spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment as well as dancing
and food and drink.

Casino: A public building for gambling and entertainment.

g. Theme park: Amusement park, that follows a specific main idea or that combines rides based
on characters.
National park: Protected area designated for the preservation of wildlife.

h. Theatre: A building where, theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented.
Concert hall: A cultural building where, concerts are given and so it serves as a performance

To care the environment was the more important change of the natural attraction, which
had the concern to preserve the natural context.

The built environment attraction has had the most notable modifications, many of it have
become in Living Museum with actors, realistic waxworks, sounds
All this work to achieve that, the past comes to our epoch for a few moments.

Special events and festivals dont change very much, but its number is higher than before,
because it is good way to attract visitors.

Leisure and entertainment activities are very changeable. The novelties are appreciated by
the tourists.

Natural attraction: Snowy Mountains.
Built attraction: A theme park of Dinpolis
Events: The Meralunna music festival in Berlin.
Entertainment and leisure: An opera concert that called Madame Butterfly.

Natural attraction: Free ski lessons for children.
Built attraction: To offer didactic representations, about the time when a noble family
occupied the palace.
Events: A new music festival, with a variety of alternative rock groups, and other
underground music.
Entertainment and leisure: A farm school with typical farm animals, and some orchards to
put forward several activities related to the rural environment.

Arch: Arco; Estructura curva, con lados rectos. A menudo soportan un puente o el techo
de un edificio grande.

Column: Columna; Poste slido y vertical hecho de piedra, soporta o decora una
construccin, o por si misma.

Dome: Cpula; Techo redondo en un edificio.

Faade: Fachada; Es la pared frontal de un edificio, la cual se ve desde el exterior.

Minaret: Minarete; Torre delgada y alta que generalmente forma parte de una mezquita.

Obelisk: Obelisco; Columna alta de piedra apuntada con cuatro lados, puesta en memoria
de una persona o acontecimiento.

Portal: Portal; Una gran puerta o entrada impresionante.

Spire: Chapitel; Torre alta y puntiaguda en la parte superior de una iglesia.

Tower: Torre; Edificio, o parte de uno, alto y estrecho de forma cuadrada o redonda.

Vaulted ceiling: Techo abovedado; Techo decorativo, hecho a partir de una serie de arcos

1. Long
2. Alongside
3. Show
4. Construct
5. Granite
6. Statue

Arc de Triomphe Notre-Dame cathedral
1) D 1) D
2) A 2) A
3) C 3) C
4) B 4) B

a. By
b. For
c. Of

1. Alcatraz has been used as a fort, a lighthouse and a prison.
2. Because nowadays, it is a Golden Gate National Recreational Area. The National Park Service
preserved and protects its birds and the other wildlife.
3. You can be heard some of the officers and inmates, recounting their experience on Alcatraz Island,
called also the rock.

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