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KPF- Term for the CIA (United States Central Intelligence Agency)s Counter-Terrorism Support Teams,
in Khost, stands for Khost Protection Force
FORMER CIA MILITIA COMMANDER: [subtitles] The KPF is a militia created to deny
sanctuary to al Qaeda and the Taliban. Our area of operation is the border. We had to stop
Taliban and al Qaeda crossing the border.

Maj. MICHAEL WALTZ, U.S. Special Forces Officer (Reserves): From my time on
the border, we experienced on a regular basis Pakistani military complicity with the
insurgency. It could be turning a blind eye as the insurgents launch rockets at our bases.
It could be allowing passage, you know, kind of right under their noses. It could be even
aiding and working with the insurgents to know what times to cross the border, telling
them when our patrols or when the Afghan army patrols typically come.
What possible reasons could Pakistani military/government have for aiding the
Maj. Gen. ATHAR ABBAS, Pakistan Chief Military Spokesman: This kind of
insinuation or allegation is unjust. These are unfair allegations on Pakistan. Pakistan has
done so much. Weve lost over 3,000 soldiers and officers in this war. We have cleared
so many areas. So many al Qaeda leaders have been apprehended by our intelligence
agencies. Of course, there was a sharing of intelligence with the other side, as well.
What effect would it have on military operations if the Pakistani military were
to share information or aid the Taliban?
TALIBAN COMMANDER: [subtitles] Across the border, our life is now very difficult. But
Pakistanis are helping us. Pakistan is our nation. These are our people. They help and
support us. They are on our side. Our war is in Afghanistan and our operations are
continuing, but it is not necessary to endanger our lives and live there. During winter, we
come here. In the spring, we will go back and fight. Even now, our operations are ongoing.
But in the summer, it will increase.

Pause here- re-read quote. What implications does this statement contain?

ROBERT GRENIER, Dir., CIA Counterterrorism Center, 2004-06: The calculus is really
a very simple one. Its trying to kill people before they kill you. Its as simple as that. Now,
it may have the knock-on and potentially intended effect, you hope, of discouraging further
militancy. When people see others, you know, going up in a puff of smoke, you know, one
hopes that that will induce people to go home and sit out the fight. This is very much a kill
or be killed situation, and thats very much the dynamic that governs this.

This person was in charge of the KPF, or Counter-Terrorism Support teams from
2004-2006- based on what he says here, what was the purpose of these units?

MARTIN SMITH: [on camera] The drone program is said to have killed more than
2,000 militants in the last four years. But Pakistanis protest the strikes are
responsible for hundreds of civilian casualties, and others warn they risk creating a
new and more dangerous generation of militants.
ROBERT GRENIER: Its not just a matter of numbers of militants who are operating
in that area, it also affects the motivations of those militants. They now see
themselves as part of the global jihad. Theyre not just focused on helping oppressed
Muslims in Kashmir or trying to fight the NATO and the Americans in Afghanistan.
They see themselves as part of a global struggle, and therefore are a much broader
threat than they were previously. So in a sense, yes, we have helped to bring about
the situation that we most fear.

Notice this: What did Grenier say the program was in response to originally? How
may this program be bringing about the situation that we most fear?

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