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Name_____________________ Block ________

Middle East Argumentative Essay Rubric

4-Exemplary 3-Accomplished 2-Developing 1-Beginning
Introduces your option for
US involvement in an
engaging way and ends
with a strong thesis
statement that clearly
outlines your position.
Introduces option for the
US involvement and
includes a thesis
statement clearly tied to
your option.
Has some of the
elements (introduction of
subject and beginning of
thesis) but is not fully
Iis missing many of the
elements including
clarity on the option
being outlined and/or a
thesis statement.
All body paragraphs have
strong evidence to support
reasons and link to thesis;
two paragraphs focus on
claims/evidence which
back chosen option, one
paragraph focuses on a
All body paragraphs
have some evidence to
support reasons and link
to thesis; two paragraphs
focus on
reasons/evidence which
support chosen option,
one paragraph focuses
on a counterclaim.
Structure of body
paragraphs is confusing,
may not contain clear
stand on any one option
for US involvement.
Some connection to
thesis, with beginnings
of reasons/evidence.
Body paragraphs lack
structure, with no
transitions and little or
no connection to clear
option, and/or reasons,
or evidence to back
that option.
(Reasons and
Body paragraphs have
insightful reasons, well
supported by relevant
evidence including facts
from readings and films
with meaningful analysis.
Body paragraphs have
reasons, supported by
relevant evidence
including facts from
readings and films with
Body paragraphs may
have reason, supported
by some evidence
including facts from
readings and films but
needs more detail.
Body paragraphs are
missing reasons,
evidence, and
Restates thesis in new
words, summarizes
reasons, assesses the
rebuttal, and goes above
and beyond to connect the
need for the US to take
this stand in the Middle
East to the global
The concluding
paragraph restates thesis
in new words,
summarizes reasons,
assesses the rebuttal, and
makes connections to
the world outside the
The concluding
paragraph restates thesis
but may not use new
words, summarizes some
reasons, and may begin
to assess the rebuttal.
The concluding
paragraph may hint at
the thesis but does
contain clear
connections to the
reasons or the rebuttal.
Final product includes a
completed evidence
based claims organizer,
an outline, required
drafts, and clear evidence
of revision and edits
based on all draft
Final product includes
a completed evidence
based claims organizer,
outline, required drafts,
and evidence of
revision and edits
based on draft
Final product includes
most of an evidence
based claims organizer
and/or outline, a rough
draft, weak evidence of
revision and edits based
on some draft feedback.
Final product may
include an incomplete
evidence based claims
organizer, an outline
and/or draft, and
contains no evidence
of revision or edits.
Spelling and
The essay is free from
most spelling and
grammar errors.
Only a few spelling
and/or grammar errors
The spelling and/or
grammar errors begin to
be a distraction from the
clarity of the writing.
Many spelling and/or
grammar errors that
can distract or confuse
the reader.

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