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Mathematics in Ancient Bhrata

-Arun Kumar Upadhyay, 9437034172/958349238,
1. Western definitions-Ancient-(1) Aristotle defined mathematics as: The science of quantity.
In Aristotle's classification of the sciences, discrete quantities were studied by arithmetic,
continuous quantities by geometry. (2) Auguste Comte's definition tried to explain the role of
mathematics in coordinating phenomena in all other fields: The science of indirect
measurement. The "indirectness" in Comte's definition refers to determining quantities that
cannot be measured directly, such as the distance to planets or the size of atoms, by means
of their relations to quantities that can be measured directly.
Modern Definitions-(1) Mathematics is the science that draws necessary conclusions-
Benjamin Peirce 1870. (2) All Mathematics is Symbolic Logic-Bertrand Russell 1903.
Peirce did not think that mathematics is the same as logic, since he thought mathematics
makes only hypothetical assertions, not categorical ones. Russell's definition, on the other
hand, expresses the logicist philosophy of mathematics without reservation. Competing
philosophies of mathematics put forth different definitions.
(3) An intuitionist definition: Mathematics is mental activity which consists in carrying out,
one after the other, those mental constructions which are inductive and effective-meaning
that by combining fundamental ideas, one reaches a definite result.
(4) A formalist definition: Mathematics is the manipulation of the meaningless symbols of a
first-order language according to explicit, syntactical rules.
(5) Mathematics is the classification and study of all possible patterns. Walter Warwick
Sawyer, 1955.
(6) Mathematics is a broad-ranging field of study in which the properties and interactions of
idealized objects are examined. Wolfram Math World.
(7) The abstract science which investigates deductively the conclusions implicit in the
elementary conceptions of spatial and numerical relations, and which includes as its main
divisions geometry, arithmetic, and algebra. Oxford English Dictionary, 1933
(8) The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using
numbers and symbols. American Heritage Dictionary, 2000
(9) The science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from elemental practices of
counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects- Encyclopedia Britannica
(10) Mathematics is about making up rules and seeing what happens-Vi Hart
(11) A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more
permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. G. H. Hardy, 1940
(12) Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.-Henri Poincar
(13) Mathematics is the science of skilful operations with concepts and rules invented just for
this purpose. (this purpose being the skilful operation ...)-Eugene Wigner
2. Indian Definitions-Gaea Daivaja in Buddhi-vilsin-

= Method to count & calculate and its science is called Gaita (mathematics).
Vednga Jyotia tells importance of Mathematics as-
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=Vedas are for performing Yajas and Yajas are as per time, so this (Jyotia) is science of
time. Only knower of Jyotia can know Yaja.
Thus Gaita is foundation of creation itself and its sciences. Creation sequence is-
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Kal = parts, different shapes, Grades, Creating power of Brahma
Kalana = Creation, decay, Calculation, Holding
Kla = Time of 4 types (Bhgavata 3/11). Perception of change.
With creation, there is differentiation in different parts.
There is continuous change in each object-perception is Kla
Measures of parts and their changes in many ways is Kalana.
Kal is of 4 types for 4 perceptions of change-
(1) Nitya Kla (Eternal time)-steady irreversible change. Once an object or its state is gone,
it never comes back. So this is called death also (Kla = time, death). Due to continuous
decay, we know increase of time from state of decay.
( /)= I am that time which increases in direction of decay.
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= One Kla destroys world and the other can be calculated which is of 2 types-Mrta can be
perceived (sthla=gross) and Amrta = beyond perception, being Skma (micro).
(2) Janya Kla (Creative time)-
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The 45th verse of Bhpariccheda reads as follows:

On this the auto-commentary, Siddhntamuktval says:
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(3) Akaya Kla (Conserved time)- ( /)
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= Gaita is at top of all limbs of Vedas as crown on head of pea-cock or Jewel on heads of
Jyotia includes all aspects of Mathematics and is eyes of Veda-
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=Chhanda (meter) is feet, abda (grammer) is mouth, Kalpa (action) is hands, Jyotia eyes,
ik (pronunciation) nose, Nirukta (definitions) is ears-these are 6 limbs of Vedas (1). As
eyes of Vedas, this (Jyotia) is the main limb. A man may have all other limbs, but without
eyes, he is nothing.
Mahvrchrya tells in Gaita-sra-samgraha-
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=There is no point in too much words, without mathematics nothing can be known in 3
In Chhndogya Upaniad, Nrada approaches Sanat-kumra for higher studies, then he
counts mathematics as one of the subjects studied by him so far.

( 7.1.2)
-Here, Ri has been explained by ankarchrya as Ri-gaita = Algebra, analysis etc.
dealing with numbers.
In Vednta, there is rule of Adhyropa. We first attribute some qualities, then examine the
consequence. That is building up superstructure in logic after some assumptions. If result
tallies with observation, then it is accepted, otherwise discarded.
That is same as logical proof in geometry etc. It also means superimposing
one figure on another and show their equality or forming an expression of algebra and
equating with results
Anumna of Nyya philosophy is same as rules of mathematical logic.
In yurveda, 56 varieties of prepared food are calculated from different combinations of 6
rasa (taste). Total combinations will be 2
= 64. One nil and 6 single combinations are not
counted leaving 56 varieties- (Charaka samhit, Stra
sthna, chapter 26) = Thus, 36 objects are indicated from 6 numbers of Rasa.
In decimal system of numbers, number 9 is the largest digits and after any multiplcation sum
of digits always remains a multiple of 9. Similarly, great men do not change under any
difficulty like number 9 whose shape is like 9th vowel l-

9+9 = 18 is Indian classification of sciences. Thus, pair of ear-rings in shape of 9
or l is like 18 vidys in brain-

(, 7.63)
All operations on (Infinity) yield only. This concept is indicated by saying that from
complete, if complete is taken away, complete remains.

3. Scope of Mathematics-It is not easy to classify mathematics as it is most fundamental
concept. Modern Mathematics is foundation of every branch of Knowledge-
Biggest application in Physics including astronomy.
Day to day use of arithmatics and estimates.
Many parts of Physical Chemistry, Biology, Geology.
Quantitaive study of Economics, psychology, sociology, language.
Classification-Felix Klein classified Mathematics as per geometrical projections. This was
called Erlangen Program, 1872. From then onwards, it has been a guide to development of
Common Branches-There is a detailed decimal classification. But broadly, we talk about 2
streams of modern mathematics-Pure and applied. Their subjects are-
(1) Pure Mathematics-Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry , Generalized Geometry (Topology),
Algebraic Topology, Analysis-differential & Integral Calculus, Differential & Integral Equation,
Real & Complex Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Set Theories, Algebras & Topologies, Graph
theory, Combinatorial math, Logic etc.
(2) Applied Mathematics-Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Astronomy, Electromagnetic Theory,
Statistics, Econometrics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity Theory, Elasticity, Solid State
Physics (Crystals), Chemical Dynamics, Math or statistics applied to social sciences,
4. Indian classification-Bhskarchrya-1 in his commentary on ryabhaya has given most
fundamental classification concept of mathematics. He has stated on commentary of first
verse that 4 main texts of mathematics survived after Mahbhrata-
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Names of the branches with their literal meaning are given below-
(1) Maskari-algorithms (both mean rod-holder)
(2) Ptana-Rectification (simplify, show by graph)
(3) Prana-Integration, combining equations /theories)
(4) Mudgala-Discrete mathematics
Here Bhskarchrya-1 classification of mathematics is more complete that Erlangen
Program of 1872. That program is based on geometrical projections only, so it will not
include discrete mathematics. Arithmetic, theory of numbers, statistics or numerical analysis
for approximate solutions will be difficult to define through geometric structures. Relation of
geometry & numerical math is well identified by Bhskara who states pairs of branches in
many ways-
Vyakta (discrete)-avyakta (abstract)
Ri (numbers, symbols)-ketra (area, geometry).
Sakta (exact solution)-Asakta (successive approximation)
Anka (P-known number)-Bja (unknown-gulika, dependant).
Bhva (unknown quantity-Bhvita (function)
Bhskara-1 commentary-ryabhaya chapter 2-Introduction-
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Numerical methods are in 2 broad classes-P-gaita, Bja-gaita
Bja of 4 types-pratham = Yvat-tvat (simple equations)
Unknown or uncertain number is Gulika (dice) indicated by Ka. Value depending on Gulika is
Yvat-tvat (Ya), Yvat (as is Ka) tvat (so is Ya). Ka, Ya are now written as X, Y-called
independent and Dependeant variable expressed as y = f(x) = function of x.
(Bhskara-1 commentary on ryabhaya 2/30)
Dvitya bja-varga-avarga (Quadratic equations)
Ttya bja-Ghana-Aghana (Cubic equations)
Chaturtha bja-Viama (Equations in more than one unknown, more difficult or approximate
8 types of Vyavahra gaita-(1) Ketra = area, (2) Khta = volume of pit,
(3) Chiti (arrangement, design)-measure of brick structures (Chiti = city, design of houses,
streets etc.)
(4) Krakacha-Volume and surface of sawn wood
(5) Ri-measures of grain particles or similar count.
(6) Chhy (shadow)-latitude, time calculation from shadow of a pillar (anku = cone).
(7) reh (series)-sum of various series-progression.
(8) Kuaka-kra-indeterminate equations, approximate solutions.
Some original quotes from Brahmagupta and ryabhaa-2 are given below-



Varga of Ya is Yva and squiring is Yva-karaa.
5. Applied Mathematics- Jyotia is mostly branches of Applied mathematics, viz.-
(1) Cosmology,
(2) Planetary orbits-These 2 are Siddhnta Jyotia.
(3) Cosmic effect on earth are called Samhit part of Jyotia and includes-
(a) Rains, (b) Earthquake, (c) Auspicious times
(4) Effect on man-Horoscope prediction by 8 methods called Phalita or Hor.
(5) Mathematical methods-calculus, algebra, trigonometry & spherical trigonometry (Gola),
numerical analysis, approximate solutions, infinite series for successive approximation etc.
(6) Use in mapping- Details in next section.
(7) Obervatories-Its observations are called Vedha. Vedha = to pierce. The line of sight
pierces the star, then direction of line with reference to ecliptic is position of star (in polar
coordinates). In Hor & Samhit, one effect obstructs the other when they occur at same
time and it is mostly negative obstruction. There were 4 types of measurements by
telescope, so it was called Turya (4 or fourth) or Turya yantra mentioned in gveda.
Tya mahbrhmaa names 4 colours of Avi = sunrays which always move straight like
Avi (ram). Thus, it could mean telescope using 4 aspects of light coming from stars-intensity,
frequency spectrum, polarization, coding or Doppler shift. The heavy instrument and its
foundation are called Grvaa (heavy machine, grinder).


By observing distance from Viuva (equator) we measure seasons, months etc.
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All texts of astronomy give importance to Dg-gaita-aikya = unity of observation &
calculation. This is method of science. We start with observation & measurement, then
generalize the results with a mathematical model. Based on that, we calculate position of
planets. It is checked with future observations. In case f error model or formula is revised.
Importance of vedha = observation is indicated by Venkaresh Bapuji Ketkar in his
Jyotirgaitam, chapter 2/6)-
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(8) Cosmology- Science of creation from largest to smallest structures, chain of creation,
field theories.
6. Mapping-Mapping needs measure of 3 quantity (Tri-prana) at key points on globe-
Longitude, (b) Latitude, (c) Direction (marking north).
These need observing Nakatra in space in Spherical polar coordinates.
Parilekha is a measure (Mpa), so it is Map. Uses Nakatra, so Naksh.
Measurement of latitude is considered easiest, but that needs accurate southern declination
of sun or any reference star. Longitude needs accurate measurement of time hence its
method was not known in Europe till 1480. Only after it was learnt from India via Turkey
navy, Columbus could plan his America visit. Actually, an old map was stolen from Turkey
from Admiral Piri Reis, which showed Americas and Antarctica. Provisions were kept only for
visit to America about 2500 kms away, visit to India would have needed journey of 18000
kms. Maps of India by Europeans till 1780 showed India as rectangular. See link below-
All Greek-Roman writers since Herodotus stated India as rectangular whereas all Puras
tell it as inverted triangle which gave the name Kumrik Khaa as viewed from south
ocean. Inverted triangle is called akti-trikoa and Kumr is root form of akti.
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Megasthenes: Indika
(35.) India, which is in shape quadrilateral, has its eastern as well as its western side
bounded by the great sea, but on the northern side it is divided by Mount Hemodos from that
part of Skythia which is inhabited by those Skythians who are called the Sakai, while the
fourth or western side is bounded by the river called the Indus, which is perhaps the largest
of all rivers in the world after the Nile. The extent of the whole country from east to west is
said to be 28,000 stadia, and from north to south 32,000.
7. Map references-Quadrant points-Marking 4 points separated by of circle-
(1) Brahm system (29102 BC) in puras.
(2) Vaivasvata Manu system (13902 BC) in Srya-siddhnta by Vivasvn (Sun).
Ref. East (+90
) West (-90
) Opposite (+180
, or-)
Amarvat Sukh Sanyaman Vibhvar
(Indra) (Varua) (Yama) (Soma)
2. Ujjain (Lank) Yamakoipattan Romakapattana Siddhapura
(Bhrata) (Ketumla) (Bhadrva) (Uttara-Kuru)

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These quadrants are 4 petals of Earth-lotus, Bhrata covers 1.
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Rotation axis is Meru, north pole = Sumeru, South pole = Kumeru.
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Local references in each continent, countries-local Merus,
North Hemisphere-4 quadrants in 4 colours = 4 colours of Sumeru faces.
Similarly, 4 quadrants in south= Total 8 petals of earth,
Bhrata petal in north-divided into 3 or 7 lokas like lokas in space.
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Trilok of Indra-(1) Bhrata, (2) Chna, (2) ka (Russia) with ivira (Siberia), Nivta-
kavacha (very cold region needing wind-cheaters).
Each are divided into 3 parts, middle parts come in parts of both sides, so there are 7 lokas
in Deva-part (Brata petal of north hemisphere)-
(1) Bh-Equator to Vindhya
(2) Bhuvah-Vindhya to Himlaya-called Madhyadea (Madhes in Nepal, Medes in Bible,
another Medes north-west of Iran)-King of Ayodhy has been called king of middle loka-
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(3) Svah (Svarga)-Himlaya region in Bhrata is divided into 3 Viapa or Viapa (Tree,
catchment area of river)-(a) Viu-viapa in west is drained by Sindhu river system-place of
Vaio Dev. Lakm is daughter of Sindhu & wife of Viu. This region Kashmir is heaven
on earth. (b) iva-viapa is region around Kailsa-Mnasarovara drained by Gang system-
from hairs of iva. (c) Brahma-viapa is drained by Brahmaputra and land east of that is
Brahma-desha (now Myammar = Mah + Amara, or head among Devas). 3 Vitapas
combined are Triviapa = svarga (Tibet).
(4) Mahar-China is next part called Mahar as its people were called Mah (Han) by Brahm.
(5) Jana-Mangolia is Janah loka-In space Janah loka is galaxy which is final destination of
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In Arabic, mukul = preta = pra +itah (soul which has departed from body). Parallel to place of
Mukul on earth is Mukul = Mangolia.
(6) Tapah loka-ka dea where Arjun had stopped his northward conquest. ivira (Siberia-
temporary tents in snow), Nivta-kavacha (very cold place, wind cheaters used). Tapas has
become Steppes.
(7) Satya loka-Polar circle-north boundary of Jamb-dvpa is bow shaped like north
boundary of Bhrata, which is Himlaya-
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In space, average energy or temperature oh higher (bigger) lokas is successively lower. In
Indra region also, lokas to north are colder.
Other 7 petals (3 in north, 4 in south) are 7 Tala (or Ptla), named differently in puras-
Viu-Atala, Vitala, Nitala, Gabhastimat, Mahtala, Sutala, Ptla.
Brahma-Tatvala, Sutala, Taltala, Atala, Tala, Rastala, Ptla.
Bhgavata-Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Taltala, Mahtala, Rastala, Ptla.

Plane projection of earth map will have infinite scale in polar region. That is not a problem for
north hemisphere where north pole is in water. But south pole is land mass, whose scale will
be infinite, so it is called Ananta and its map has to be made separately.

7 Dvpas & oceans are actual land masses & political divisions. Dvpas are divided into
Vara which are zones of Var (rains).
8. Lokas in space-Major division is in 3 Dhmas-Universe, Galaxy & Solar system, called
higher, middle & lower (uttama, madhyama, Avara). Abstract source is Parama-dhma.
Dhma Meaning Water
1. Parama (Highest) Whole Universe Rasa
2. Uttama (Upper) 10
galaxies Sarir or Salila
3. Madhyama (middle) 10
stars of galaxy Ap or Ambha
4. Avama (Lower) Solar system Mara
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These dhma have a compact base called earth or mother and sky around them called
father. Thus, there are 3 mothers and 3 fathers, or 3 earths (bhmi) and 3 skies (dyu).

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The 3 earths have been defined as the zone lighted by rays of sun and moon-
(1) Earth planet is lighted by both sun and moon. It has oceans, rivers, mountains all. (2)
Earth of solar system is exclusive zone lighted by sun. Its planetary system has been called
wheel shaped earth of 100 crore yojanas (1 yojana = 1000 parts of earths equatorial
diameter)-up to orbit of Neptune. Its half part up to Uranus is Loka (bright) and outer part is
Aloka (darker) part (Bhgavata pura, skandha 5). The regions formed by apparent rotation
of planets of Loka part has been called Dvpa (continents) and intervening zones as oceans
with same names as on earth planet.
(3) The last limit of suns rays where it is seen as a point is the third and biggest earth called
Parameh maala (largest sphere). As an egg of the Brahma, it is Brahma. As last
reach of sun rays (Srya siddhnta 12/82), it is called Parama-pada (extreme step) of Viu
(Sun). The central rotating disc is called a river (ka-gang).
Next verse of Viu pura tells that starting from each earth, its sky has same diameter or
circumference, which is of earth planet (starting from man). Thus, man, earth planet, planet
of solar system (in gravitational field of sun) and galaxy-all are successively 107 times

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Original stage of each of 3 dhma (except parama) is ditya-i.e. it was the beginning (di)
stage. ditya of Universe, galaxy and solar system are Aryam, Varua and Mitra. These
stages are approximately seen now in intermediate spaces (antarika)-Ref. gveda (2/27/8).
Each Dhma is divided into 3 lokas-Bh, Bhuvah, Svah. Svah of lower dhma is same as
Bh of next higher dhma. Thus, there are 7 lokas in space.
(1) Bh-earth planet. 1000 part of diameter is 1 yojana.
(2) Bhuvah-Planetary system, Sahasrka (1000 x Sun diameter, Sun = aka =eyes). 22
Ahargaa = earth x 2
(3) Svah is Solar system-Here, Bhmi is defined as the zone in which an object will move in
gravitational orbit of sun. It is 10
times earth, or 10
times sun. It is Gyatr (chhanda of 24
letters) times earth, i.e. 2
x earth. All these are almost equal. Sky (dyu) of sun is defined as
the zone in which light of sun is more than background (of galaxy). This is 30 dhma
(smaller zones) starting from earth which are successively of double size. Thus, it is 2
earth, 157 lakh x sun diameter or sphere of 1 light year.

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There are 3 zones within earth also-
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(4) Mahar-Spiral arm of galaxy is eanga or Ahirbudhnya. It is called air, being motion
centre of galaxy. Its head is sphere of diameter equal to width of arm enclosing solar system.
It is measured by Triup chhanda (44 letters + or - 2). But there are 43 letters in Mhevara
sutra or triangles in r-yantra. So, its measure is taken as 43 ahargaa = earth x 2
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It is also measured in units of Yojana = 500 sun diameters (In Jaina jyotia, Prama yojana
= 500 x tm yojana, sun = tm of universe). In that unit,it is 1crore yojanas. Itlooks smaller
than the Ratha (body) of solar system which is 1.57 crore yojanas (in sun diameters).

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(5) Janah-Similarly, janah loka is 2 crore yojanas in unit still bigger 500 times. In Ahargaa
units it is measured by Jagat chhanda (being measure of Jagat = moving world). This
chhanda has 48 letters, upto 2 more or less. It is largest moving object, called Marut which is
49. So, galaxy is 2
x earth. Srya-siddhnta defines it of size 1.87 x10
yojanas (Bha-
yojana = 214 Km) where sun will look just like a point star. In same sense, gveda has
called it Parama-pada of Viu, being collection of suns. 3 steps are zones of heat,
brightness & light within solar system.
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(6) Tapah loka-This is the zone from where light can reach us. This is called visible universe
in modern astrophysics. Its radius is same as day-night of Brahm in light years (LY) = 8.64
billion LY. In ahargaa units, it is earth x 2
(more correctly, power is 63.5). So, Brhm
script has 63 or 64 letters. Tapa/galaxy = earth orbit/earth.
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(7) Satya loka-is theoretical infinite space which is tri-satya, i.e. same in every direction,
point and time (PCP= perfect cosmological principle. It is 272 x earth (3 multiplications by
Gyatr). Man x Gyatr = earth, earth x Gyatr = Solar system (earth) = Svitr, Solar earth
x Gyatr = Galaxy (Sarasvat), Galaxy x Gyatr = Samyat (Universe field).
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///, ///)-Components of Mana are its cells called
Neurons whose number is same as numbers of stars in galaxy = 10
. Both are equal to
number of Lomagartta ( an unit of time equal to 15
of 1 muhrta of 48 minutes) in 1 year
(atapatha brhmaa 12/3/2/5, read with 10/4/42). Since the galaxy elements are Manu (like
mana), its axial rotation period is Manvantara = 30.68 crore years.
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Samyati is first (agra) creation, its creation-creator are same, so it is sam-jayti.
9. Minor references-There are Merus at each level of world-(1) Hirayagarbha Meru
(primordial fire ball), called Ulba (umbilical cord) of world-

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(2) Krma Meru-Creaive field of galaxy, called Goloka in Brahma-vaivartta Pura, Prakti
Khaa, chapter 3 It is measured in akvar chhanda ( 4 x14 letters), i.e. earth x 2
. It is 10
times bigger than galaxy of 10
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(3) Galaxy Meru-Rotation axis, 30000 LY from galactic center to sun. This is Ananta or ea,
whose 1000 heads is Maharloka having 1000 suns.

(4) Solar system-Axis of ecliptic (earth orbit) in north is Kadamba, south pole is Kalamba. 24

circle round Kadamba is Nka Svarga and rotation of earth axis in that is iumra-chakra.
This rotation in 26,000 years is called historic Manvantara in Brahma pura
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(5) Earth rotation axis is Meru of 1 lakh yojanas (earth diameter = 1000 yojanas). This is
gravitational zone of earth. Its intersection by ecliptic is Jamb-dvpa of Sun.

(6) Cardinal Merus on earth surface-North & south poles are Sumeru & Kumeru. Merus on
equator is in Kenya near Jambeji river (Jmb nada) which was famous source of gold (King
Soloman mines, Jmb nada-svara of puras. That is largest land mass on equator.
Opposite to that is lagest ocean Pacific having water Meru, which determines rain cycle.
Largest land is Jamb-dvpa whose mountain junction is Meru of east (Pr-meru = Pamir).
This had Pukara town (Bukhara of Uzbekistan), place of Brahm. Opposite to that is
Pukara-dvpa (sout America) having west-Meru (Apara-meru = Peru). Pukara & Peru-both
were centers of highways extending in 4 directions like 4 heads of Brahm.

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(7) Meru of world map in 4 colours-Each quadrant of world was mapped in different colours.
4 colour system still continues. There is a 4-colour theorem in Topology. Each quadrant has
a Meru like Jamb dvpa has in Ilvtta vara-

(8) Meru for each continent & local maps-Jaina Harivama pura specifically indicates
separate Merus for each continent- ( )-

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Even local map references of each major country have been called Meru-
1. Meru, Tanzania, a village in northern Tanzania (Arumeru District). It is inhabited by the
Meru people of Tanzania, known as the "Wameru" in Bantu. Mount Meru is a volcano near
Arusha in northern Tanzania 314 S, 3645 E
2. Nearby Mount Kilimanjaro at 3433S, 372112E is in Kenya. Mount Kenya is at
0900S 371800E with nearby Meru Town at 003N 3739E. There are Meru central and
north districts, Maara district. Its people are called Ameru, their language is Kimiiru. The
forest region is Meru National Park.
3. Meru, Hazaribagh, a small town in Jharkhand, India, 24146 N, 852726 E. This is
almost at old Karka rekh and about 100 east of Ujjain, thus a local reference.
4. Meru, Malaysia, a town in Klang, located in Selangor, 3
8 N, 101027 E
5. Meru, Western Australia, a locality near Geraldton, 284811S 1144110E
6. Mru, a commune of the Oise dpartement in France 49
14N, 20 8 E- about 73
45 west
of Ujjain or 12 time zone west. Place of Time zones are places of iva called Mahkla at
Ujjain at central longitude. Similarly, town near Greenwich longitude here is called Lourdes
(Rudrea) at 43
6 N and 003 E.
7. Meru Peak, a mountain in the Indian Himalayas 30525N, 79156E
8. Phra Sumeru Temple, Bangkok, Thailand,1345'N 10035'E
9. Sumeru mountain, Java, 8
6S, 120
10. Mount Sumeru of China at 3601N 10615E is of red sandstone like colours of Meru in
purs. It is full of minerals
10. Minor references-Like present time-zones at interval of 30 minutes, ancient time zones of
world were at intervals of 6
or 24 minutes (=1 daa). These were places of sun, Lank, of
places of time (Kla). Central place of time was Mah-kla (Great time) in Ujjain, whose
central point appears to be point on prime meridian. Klahast in Andhra pradesh is 6
of Ujjain. Korka at east coast in Orissa is 12
east of Ujjain. Klapriya (Klap in Uttar
pradesh) and Mlasthna (Multan in west Punjab) are at 0
and 6
west. Lolrka in Vras
and Puyrka (Punarakh near Patna, Bihar) are also 6
and 9
east of Ujjain. Thaneswar is
at 0
long. Pukara (present Bukhara in Ujbekistan) was 12
west of Ujjain as per Viu
pura (2/8/26). Kyoto (old capital of Japan, 60
east), Pyramid of Ezypt (45
west), Ancient
capital of Ink (Ina = sun in Srya-siddhnta) in Peru is 150
west-all were places of kings of
sun race. Stonehenge in England was 78
west (13 time zones). It was place of observatory
and its region is called Lancashire, Lancaster. Lourdes (= Rudrea) in France on its east
border is old holy place and is 72
west (12 time zones). Hellespont (helios = sun) is narrow
sea between old south Greece and Turkey, now called Dardanelles. This and places in
Turkey-Izmir (Meru) and Canakkate (Korka = place of arka = sun) are 42
Survey centres-(a) Guntur-Guha = small area, measure rods linked together.
Ur (Uru) = town, Centre of Survey is Guntur. Gunter chain = 100 links = 22 m
(b) Ranchi-Zero ref point (RD)-town measures from this place.
Indra (Achyuta-chyuta) ref-Chutiya in Ranchi,
Dhruva (fixed pole) measuring rod. Dhurva region, Dhura = 99 rod, its squire land
(c) Karachi-RD point for ocean distances (Ka = water).
(d) Other RD points-Kumbhakoam-Kaveri Delta is Kumbha (water pot), Its mouth is
Kumbhakoam (koa = angle).
Konkaa or Koagaha (like Korka)-Reference of map or time zone.
Kanykumr-End point of Kumrik Khaa (Bhrata as inverted triangle). Kumrik in
ocean in south hemisphere (now called Indian ocean in same sense).
4. Road-sea routes, maps-Fahien had expressed surprise that the Indian ship from
Tamralipti to China carried 1500 persons and did not follow coast line. It could navigate in
deep sea and new locations of turning points like Andaman & Singapore.
5. Town designs (a) Uru, (b) Pura, (c) Meru, (d) Vajra, (3) r (Trikoa -Thiru)-All these
provide for drainage of water. Uru is like Urv (earth sphere) whose central point is topmost
(Bangaluru, Mangalore, Nellor,Chittur of AP,Chittor of Rajsthan). Pura is rectangular matrix
of roads. Drainage from one side of rectangle to opposite side. Meru has shape like 4 faced
pyramid of Meru mountain, but very gentle slopes (Ajayameru = Ajmer, Jaisalmer). Vajra is
on both sides of a river. Triangles on both sides join to form a rectangle with river as
diagonal. Old Vajra town is Basra of Iraq. r is in shape of r-yantra = nine concentric
circles with central point at top sloping down outwards-Srinagar in Kashmir, Garhwal,
Srividyanagara (Vijayanagara), Tiru-anantapuram. Tiruchirapalli.
Map of country-names on map shape-
Kumrik Khaa (Inverted triangle, akti-trikoa)
Lank-long in north south on Ujjain longitude-Lanka = chilly in Bengal, Odisha.
(/) (/)
All astronomy texts tell it on same longitude as of Ujjain. Present Srilanka was Simhal,
politically part of Lanka in time of Ravana.
Kerala= Chera (at root of country)-name of a kingdom, vegetable of this shape = Karela.
Jamb-dvpa-Relief map of Manipur region = head of elephant
u (elephant trunk)-shape of Indonesia-Greater & smaller Shunda groups
Himalaya in crescent shape, so Bhrata is Indu = Inde (India)-Huensang.
North boundary of Jamb-dvpa also like that.
Kraucha (Heron) dvpa-Shape of north America. This has been called west of Meru and in
north (Mahbhrata 12/14/21-25, 16/25). Bhat samhit and Rmyaa locate it in north.
Thus it is north America which has Rockies mountain in same shape of a flying bird
11. Survey & Astronomy-These are dependent on each other. Survey needs determination
of longitude, latitude, direction-all of which are with reference to zodiac marked by
Nakatras. Similarly, distance of cosmic bodies starts with earth survey. First cardinal points
on globe are marked and their distances are measured accurately. Then only distance of
moon can be measured. This is by measuring direction of moon from 2 far off places at
same time and by difference of angle (called parallax) we calculate distance with reference
to baseline (joining 2 cities). There are 3 major problems which could not be tackled with
knowledge of medieval era after Mahbhrata-(1) Mapping & finding accurate linear distance
(less than 1% error)-Location of Americas was not known.
(2) Matching of time-universal not local (1 second accuracy)-No phone or matching of
standard or local times by TV signals. It can be by observing lunar eclipse at same time. But
calculation of eclipse is again based on accurate position & orbit of sun & moon
(3) Angle measure -1 second of angle.
These accuracy gives more than 5% error in moon distance.
Measure of Sun & Planets is next step. It starts with comparison of moon-sun distance by
Indirect observation of Sun. Then apparent orbits of sun & planets is compared which is
indicated by measures of ghra Paridhi in Srya-siddhnta.
Eccentricity of orbits, inclination to ecliptic need very accurate & long term observations.
Sizes of planets indicates observation by telescopes. Apogee is interpolated from daily
speed of planets, it is place of minimum speed.
Rotation of apogee-Saturn apogee rotates 39 times in 4320m years. This has not been
estimated theoretically or by measurements in modern astronomy
60,000 Blakhilyas of 135 kms (Anguha size = earth /96). Blakhilyas are Nakatra kak
of sun at average distance of 60 AU, rotating in 360 years. NASA figure after Cassini probe
to Uranus (2008) 70,000 of 100+km at 45-65 AU
(//)- (Sons of Kratu are at end of Kratu
zone, which is extent of solar wind, called -daa = axis rod)


(8) Solar wind till 30 AU (known after 2008). (/)- = Energy in
flow (vyu) is called .
= In Ratha (body or extent) of solar system, -daa is 18000 yojanas, radius is 3000.
(9) Limits of solar system-Gravitational-1 lakh sun-dia radius
Brightness- 2
x Earth or 157 lakh times Sun, or 1 LY radius.
(10) 6 zones (Vaakras), 30 Dhma-their size & properties.
These are at Ahargaas of 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33. Midpoint of 33 zones is at 17 which is
distance of sun from earth. As there are 3 zones within earth, power of 2 is 3 less with earth
= 1. Thus, 3rd zone is earth surface itself.
9 Ahar = Earth x 2
, 64 earth radius (r) away. Moon is at 61r. Jamb dvpa is gravitational
zone taken up to 100r.
15 Ahar = 2
r = Bh-varha = zone whose material condensed to form earth up to 60%
distance of venus orbit. (Between 100-110 Sun diameters from Sun-Vyu pura 6/12).
21 Ahar = 2
r = about 1000 sun-diameters away (Saharka). Wheel of Solar ratha, grand
rotation of planets up to Saturn is Yuga.
27 A = 2
r = Gyatr x sun, Bhmi of solar system called Svitri. Gravitational zone of sun.
33A = 2
r = sky or dyu of sun, light of sun more than galaxy. 157 lakh x sun.
17A = 214r = about 980 million Kms. Sun at 150 Mkms is at next Ahar. Similarly, after limit of
sun, is 34th Ahar. So, Prajpati is stated both at 17 and at 34 Ahargaa
( /, /, /, /, /,
///, ///, /)
( //) ( /)
( ///)
, - ,
( ///)
3 zones in solar system are 3 Vikrama or steps of Viu = sun. These are zones of heat,
brightness (solar wind at 3000), light at 100, 1000, 10
Sun diameters.
4 zones are Bhaspati at centre of planetary system, Indra = radiation zone after planets.
( //)
12. vetvatara measures-Radiation (white, veta) of sun is driving force (ava) of life, Sun
= vetva. Rohitva = Kumra, creation on earth. Structures beyond sun = vetvatara.
Field beyond solar system is feminine-Avatar.
() ( /)
( ///)
( ///)
() ( ///)
( /)
( //)
) () (
( ///, /)
() ( ///)
( ) (= ) () ( /)
Galactic centre = Mla-barhai (Mla nakatra)
( ///)
Spiral arms-Ahirbudhnya (Vedic term), ea-nga (Pura).
Sphere around sun of width equal to spiral arm = Mahar-loka
1000 stars in Mahar-loka = 1000 heads of ea-nga.
Measure of these star distances-Parallax from earth orbit ends
Measure of 1/10,000 deg for accuracy of 10%.
Farther stars by relation of distance and radiance, which depends on spectral type.
Errors by inter-stellar dust, air fluctuations, gravitational lense, spectral theory.
Galactic centre-Size & Distance- How?
Size of galaxy, Corona (Goloka , Krma)-how?
Yojanas, Goloka 10 times bigger (anku = 10
x 10
Count of Nakatras = 10
Man is image as he has same number of neurons in brain.
Higher structures-Dhti (earth x 2
), Ati-dhti (earth x 2
Tapah, Satya lokas.
13. Vedic Cosmology- In modern science, quest for unified theory started with Einstein and
attempted by many till today, including Mahari Mahea Yog. This was despite the fact that
in 1931, Kurt Godel gave an Incompleteness theorem, stating that no system can be
complete and consistent. This was improved by Paul Cohen in 1961. But still, search for
single theory continues. This has given rise to more than 22 types of Cosmic theories-
theories of 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 dimensions, string theories of 5 types and an M-string theory.
Thus, a complete cosmology theory indicated in Veda is a harmonious construction of 3
theories-(a) Purua (discrete structures), (b) r (field)-both having separate sktas. (c)
Yaja (transformation by recombination of parts). It is possible that the third theory is
derivable from first two. Madhusudan Ojha has interpreted Nsadya-skta (gveda
10/129/1-7) as combination of 10 theories for creation of world in his book Daavda-
rahasya and 10 separate books on each theory. He supplemented them with 2 more-Vijna
and Brahma.
Higher Vivas (world levels) are successively 10
times bigger-
Man-earth-solar system-galaxy-Universe = 5 levels. Sphere of moon orbit is another viva as
it affects us due to proximity.
Lower worlds are successively 10
times smaller-
(1) Cell- (2) atom- (3) nucleus- (4) particles-(5) Deva-dnava, (6) Pitara (7) i
There is a cross symmetry-when levels are 5, internal ratio is 7, when levels are 7, ratio is 5-
Levels Inner Ratio
5 Gross 7 (power of 10)
7 Micro 5 (power of 10)
Since it is with base 10, Universe should be of 10 dimensions.
(A) Purua theory-Only one description is quoted-

( , //,)
= The zone lighted by sun and moon is Pthiv (earth) and in all the earths-ocean, rivers and
mountains are stated as on planet earth-(a) Planet earth-It is lighted by sun and moon both
and it has all-ocean, rivers and mountains. (b) Maitreya-maala-It is the zone exclusively
lighted by sun. Zones formed by planetary orbits are described as continents and oceans of
same name as on earth. (c) Galaxy-This is the last limit up to which sun can be seen as a
point- Definition of Brahma in Srya-siddhnta (12/90). In this earth also, central rotating
disc is called a river-ka-gang. (3) Whatever is the size of earth by diameter and
circumference, the same is diameter and circumference of its sky, starting from earth..
Stated by Maitreya to Parara, addressed as Dvija (Brhmaa)-(4).
Thus, higher worlds are-
(a) Planet earth-Its measure should start from human size, which is implied but not stated.
Earth is limit (Koi) of world for man and its size is 10
times, so Koi = 10
. For earth also, its
Koi of world is solar system which is its sky and is 10
times bigger.
(b) For Maitreya-maala, its sky or Koi is galaxy and is 10
times bigger.
(c) For the largest earth galaxy, its sky is universe. This is infinite, but is taken in same ratio
of Koi = 10
Thus, the 5 levels of Viva starting with man are successively 10
times bigger. 10
= 2
24 is number of letters in Gyatr chhanda, so it is said that is measure of all the Lokas.
() - , //, , ///, ,
//) ( , //)
Lower worlds are 7-
(1) Cell = - , ( ) , (/)
In womb, cell starts collecting all materials, so it is called kalila.
( )

( , /)
A cell also is a Viva, which is enclosed (pariveita).
(2) Sequence from man-
( , )
Starting from man, hair-end is first smaller Viva 100 thousand times smaller. There are 6
more levels smaller by same ratio. Smallest is Nirajana (not perceived by any instrument,
or mind)
(3) Sequence from lower end-
(, /)
From is, pitars were born; then Deva-dnava. All jagat was from Deva only. Devas are 33,
Asuras are 99, so created universe is one-fourth only (Purua-skta 3,4). Jagat = moving
particles are of 3 types-Chara = lepton, Sthu = Baryon, Anu-prva = Mesonic link
(4) Size & nature of atom-
( , /)
Assume 100 parts of 100th part of hair end (micron size) = 10
Meter. That is Jva, not
destroyed in any chemical change-all Kalpa = or creation is recombination of atoms only.
(5) Nucleus- , -
- .. -
Central nerve is 10
parts of hair-end. Kualin is still 100 times smaller, equal to nucleus of
atom = 10
(7) Smallest level i is Asat = beyond perception-
- ( , ///)
In beginning, it was Asat (invisible, beyond perception) only. That was i. They pulled with
force and energy, so they were called i = Rassi in Hindi (String).
(B) r Theory-It was evident from Purua theory itself that Universe should be of 10
dimensions. That is indicated by 10 Mahvidy, 10 Gurus (Sikh religion), 10 commandments
(Bible) and same words for number 10, State and directions-Daa, Da, Di. nti-pha
also is 10 fold-

(. /)
10 dimensions are in many ways-(a) Combination of 3 Guas, say-a,b,c, in 10 ways-a, b, c,
ab, ac, bc, abc. (b) 5 tanmtr (mtr = measures) of Prakti in distinct (countable = Gaea)
and 5 in indistinct ways (abstract, non-countable = Sarasvat). (c) 3 Steps of Viu in 3
ways-(i) Linear measure (pada) of space, (ii) Boundary of space, (iii) Field of Influence
(Vikrama), and (iv) Undisturbed original-Rasa.
Nature and names of dimensions are- (1) 0 dimension is point space called Chit. In every
such space, something can be felt which is sat, and universal nanda. This is same as
dimension 10 called Rasa or nanda. (2) Dimension 1 is line-pada, rekh, measured in
yojana, ahargaa. (3) 2-Surface-Pha, (4) 3-Volume-Stoma, yatana, yu. (5) 4-Matter-
Anna, Brahm, measured in Ati chhandas. (6) 5-Kla-Perception of change is iva. It is 3
types-Nitya-steady decay, janya-cyclic change, Akaya-conserved. (7) 6- Chayana-ordering
in space-Viu, (8) 7-i-it is link between any 2 objects by 4 basic forces, (9) 8-Nga-It is
limiting an object in curved surface. (10) 9-Randhra-Deficit of any matter or energy at a place
is cause of change.
For different purposes, 5 to 10 dimensions are sufficient, so there are 6 Darana
(Philosophy) and 6 Dara-Vk (scripts). Mechanical world described by Physics is 5
dimensional in the sense that 5 basic units are needed for measurement (5 M chhandas).
Next are 6 levels of consciousness. It is called Chetan as it does Chayana = ordering.
Ordering in space is dimension 6, Link among them is 7, curved boundary is 8, and
difference of density is 9. Finally, unique original source is dimension 10.
6 scripts are-(1) 5x5-elements of Snkhya-Roman script, Avakaha chakra,
(2) 6x6 elements of aiva-Latin, Arabic, Russian, Gurumukhi.
(3) 7x7 Maruts-Devangar, (4) 8x8-Kal-Brhm,
(5) (8+9)
letters in Vijna-vk of Vedas-36x3 vowels, 36x5 consonants and one
unclassified . (6) 10
to 10
letters in Chinese beyond Vyoma =Tibet. These divisions of
Vk are indicated in gveda (1/164/25)-

(c) Yaja Theory- Gt, chapter 8 lists 3 complete systems-Brahma, Karma, Yaja. Brahma
is whole universe-each point has micro fluctuation. Visible motion or its attempt is Karma,
called work in Physics = force x displacement. Force not effective in motion is akarma. Any
karma creating useful product in cycles is called Yaja. Useful product is that which
continues functioning of a system-Akara-purua. These are parallel to 4 Purua and 4 Kla
(Parpara is beyond distinction and description in each)
Kla Purua
Nitya (thermodynamic) Kara
Janya (creative, yaja cycle) Akara
Akaya (conserved, foundation) Avyaya
Parpara Parpara)
( /)

. (, ) (, /)
(, /)
(, /)
Time (kla) is perception of change. These are of 3 types-(1) Irreversible change-once a
state goes, it never comes back. Child grows as young man, then old and finally dies-old
never becomes young or child. Smoke spreads into air, it cannot come back to its source.
Wood burns into coal/ash, coal cannot be converted to wood. This kla is death (mtyu) and
related to kara purua, which always decays. (2) Periodic change-There are some natural
cycles of day, month and year and most activities on earth follow them. Most of our creative
activities (yaja) are in these natural cycles-5 mah-yajas as daily routine, monthly cycle of
menses in women. Majority of production is in annual cycle, so yaja has been called
samvatsara. Farming is in proper seasons coming in annual cycle, education, commerce etc
follow annual cycle, called financial year, academic session. This is functional aspect of
purua, called akara. (3) Each system has inbuilt capacity to last-capacity of volume is
yatana, lasting period is yu. As time, it is akaya-kla. This is related to avyaya purua-as
part of surrounding, there is conservation of mass, energy etc-so it is avyaya. As opposite to
vyaya (expenditure), it is ya (income) and related to yu. By following yaja, created by
Prajpati for making desired objects, we can increase our yu as stated while putting on

( /, , //)
(D) Link between 3 theories-One theory cannot be complete, so we should have at least 2. It
can be argued that Yaja theory can be derived from the other two-Purua & r. It may or
may not be possible. But we conceive of 3 Vedas, harmonized by the root Atharva-
, ( /)
Asymmetric worlds bigger & smaller than man give 10 dimensions of field theory. 2 of the
dimensions are different types of time-One is Nitya kla-steady decay. Janya kla is change
due to energy difference-called Randhra, 9 dimension. This is related to cycle of Yaja as
shown above.
14. Zero & Infinity-These concepts are at least as advanced as in modern mathematics
Zero has 2 meanings-Algebra-non-existent, 2-2 = 0. In Analysis, it is Limit (1/x) = 0, when x
; Smaller than any smallest number.
Infinity-Larger than any large number in Algebra. In analysis, it is Limit (1/x) = , when x 0.
The same definition is given in Upaniad-
, ,
( //, /)
Cantor Set Theory-grades of infinity
Natural numbers are first order of infinity named (countable), Real numbers are of 2 types-
Algebraic, Transcendental. These are equal to 2

. There can be still higher order of infinity

which is set of all subsets of real number set.
Viu pura terms-
Ananta = , Asankhyeya-Beyond natural numbers
Aparimeya =Transcendental, ( /)
World Infinities-k = Mrti (form) Countable infinity = N
Yaju = motion-Real numbers equal to line (motion).= R = 2
Sma-field, R
, Atharva = Foundation, Transcendental
, ( ///)
Sankhyeya (countable )-letter/words/sentense=Gaea.
Asankhyeya = real number = Interlink (Subrahmaya)
Aparimeya-Thoughts, Rasa = Sarasvat.
15. Nature of Proof-4 types of Nyya = Logic
(a) Vykaraa-words into letters/syllables.Meanings modified by suffix/prefix.
(b) Gautama-Link between Gau= 3 parts of Vk in mind with Tama = expressed.
Tama is dark as some content is missing in expressed word.
(c) Mmns (Prva)-Jaimini-Joining of words into sentences-types of meanings.
(d) Brahma-stra (uttara) of Vysa-Unification of thought.
2. Establishing a fact/theorem = Prama
Pratyaka = observation (2) Anumna (inference + Upamna = induction),
(c) abda (Link of 3 worlds, holistic)

(- )
Source of work (Karma-chodan)
Jna = Knowledge (information, perception)
Jeya = Object of knowledge/study
Jt = Knower, observer.
Process of work-1. Jna = Knowledge, methods.
2. Karma-Actual work. 3. Kart = Doer (man, cause).
3 Guas-(a) Satva = Creative part of source, (b) Raja = Creation, inner/outer motion. (c)
Tama Dormant matter/energy.
Mathematical Proof-1. Numerical, 2. Logical, 3. Geometrical.
Stages-1. M = to measure, M Chhanda- 5 types of measures-
M, Pram, Pratim, Upam, Sam
2. My-cover or boundary, Measure, illusion (both by cover).
3. Pram-Measured or proof.
4. Prameya-Point to be proved, measured.
5. Pramt-Person/agency which proves.
Stages of Science -1. Vidy = Unification of knowledge
2. Avidya = Apar Vidy-Classification, science
Methods of Science-
Asmit-definition of each class
Rga-Links with other classes.
Dvea-Differences from others
Abhinivea-Making a theory.
Chain of Observation-theory-revision
Jna (theory) & Karma (observation, measure) correct each other.
16. Chronology-
1. After Mahbhrata, America/poles were not known. Srya-siddhnta when
4 quadrant points on globe + planetary distances were known.
2. Pura cardinal towns are earlier.
3. Year started with Mgha. Vivasvn (Srya) started with Chaitra.
4. Lokas or galactic structures known before Magh year.
5. Minerals located in time of Brahm.
6. Luni-solar months named by Brahm-star of full moon time.
7. Brahm started Veda after glacial floods of 31000 BC.
8. Krttikeya time-north pole away from Abhijit-15800 BC-Mgha at start of rains.
9. Vaivasvata Manu after him in 13902 BC.
10. Second glacial floods (10000 BC) in time of Vaivasvata Yama (Jamshed).
11. After floods Matsya in 9533 BC, abha Deva, Maya revision 9323 BC,
12. Ikvku-8576 BC.
13. Dionysus-Bhu of Srya-vama in 6777 BC (Megasthenes)
14. Paraurma death in 6177 BC (Kalamba = Kollam samvat)
15. Rma-4433-4382 BC (Prabhava in both Jupiter cycles-Matsya & Rma)
16. Yudhihira-King (aka) 17-12-3139 BC,Kali Samvat 17-2-3102 BC Ujjain midnight
Jaybhyudaya aka 25-8-3102 BC, Laukika era 3067 BC.
Two systems after Mahbhrata- (1) rya (Pitmaha, Brahm)
(2) Parara (Srya-siddhnta, Viu pura)
17. Types of Texts-
No text book available-only calculation manuals
Description of Instruments missing.
gveda (5/40-Atri), Tya mahbrhmaa (6/6/8)
Turya (4th) yantra-Telescope using 4 aspects of light-ray
Intensity, spectrum, polarization, Doppler Shift, Coding
Grva (gravel) Heavy machine, grinder
Avi-Linear path of ray (like motion of Avi = ram)
4 colurs of Avi-4 aspects of light ray analysed by telescope
Svarbhnu, Rhu, Asura Node of moon orbit causing eclipse
Viuvat (Viuva) upyan = measured with ref. to equator/zodiac
Drapsa (drops)-Galaxy in space, stars in galaxy, planets in solar-system
Nakatra-100 billion galaxies, 100 billion stars in galaxy, Pultonic bodies
= number of Lomagarta (75000 parts of second) in year
-(atapatha brhmaa 12/3/2/5, 10/4/4/2)
Zones of solar system-Indra-Bhaspati, 3 Vikrama of Viu, 6 Vaakra,
30 Dhma, (3 within earth)-33 Devas as Pra of these zones
Classification of time, sects arbitrary-
Units of measure cannot be different in same country in same era.
Measures of earth, moon, planets will not differ for sects/persons
Measures of length, time linked with other countries-trade, world map.
World map, measure of moon, planets, solar syatem/galaxy in ancient era.
Copy in later periods
Confusion by similar names of solar/galactic zones as on earth surface.
Different texts for different purposes
Slight change with time, text books in languages of region/time
Indian Texts
Vedic texts-Unity or mutual image of cosmic/physical/inner systems
Vednga jyotia-luni-solar tropical calender
Siddhnta jyotia-Cosmology, galaxy, planetary system.
Jaina jyotia-Local language, knowledge, errors in translation
-Map of 3 dimensional space on paper-2 suns, moons.
-Projection of motion on earth surface
-Different measures of Yojana etc.
18. Brahms Calendar-
Both tropical/sidereal
Different starts of years in different ages
Sidereal months named after moon star on full moon day
Tropical year star with either solstice
Regular revision-last by Krttikeya in 15800 BC-Year started with Dhanih star after
previous reference star Abhijt fell, i.e north pole direction shifted away from that in about
16,000 BC. Then rains (var) started with entry of sun in Dhanih, so year was called
Vara. (Mahbhrata, vana parva 230/8-10)
Aayanma limited within 27
(Srya siddhnta 3/9-10)
Month started with new moon at start of Kali in 3102 BC. It started with full moon at start of
Vikrama Samvat in 57 BC as seasons shifted backwards by 1.5 signs in about 3000 years.
Change of month start could also have happened in time of Paraurma in 6177 BC
(Kalamba samvat) about 3000 years before Kali.
Tropical motion of sun on earth surface-Vthi = lanes
(gveda 1/164/1-3,12-13, 1/115/3, Atharva 8/5/19-20,
Viu pura 2/8-10, Vyu chapter 2, Brahma chap. 1/22 etc)
Book of Enoch-Ethiopean old testament, chapter 4

Later Calenders
1. Krttikeya North Pole shifted away from Abhijit (Mahbhrata, vana (230/8-10)
Year start from Dhanih with rains (Var), so year = Vara,
Asura system of year from winter solstice Contd-called Asura-dina (SS)
2. Vaivasvat Manu-Calender of Vivasvn (Srya), 13902 BC
Start of Brahmbda or Ayanbda yuga (12+12 thousand years), Brahm in dya Tret
Year from Equinox day, Chaitra month at start.
71 yugas of 360 years from Brahm (29102 BC) to Vysa (3102 BC) = 26000 years
43 yugas till Vaivasvata Manu (Matsya Pura 273/76, 77), then 28 yugas till Vysa
3. Revision by Maya at Romakapattana in 9223 BC (121 years before Satyayuga)
(a) Long period, (b) Slowing of day by glacial floods, (c) Other long term corrections.
4. Yuga parts-Asura supremacy for 10 yugas = 3600 years before Vaivasvata Manu.
Yuga count starts from 1 to 28-ending in 3102 BC
Datttreya-10th, Mndht-15th, Parurma-19th, Rma-24th (starting in 3102 + 4x360 BC)
5. Ikvku-1-11-8576 BC-count of reignal period of Srya-vama kings
6. Paraurma-death 6177 BC-Kalamba samvat
7. Yudhihira aka 17-12-3139 BC, kali-17-2-3102, Jaybhyudaya-25-8-3102, Laukika 3076
8. Jaina Yudhihira aka-2634 BC-Sanysa of Prvantha
9. iunga aka-1954 BC (end of his reign) Kauzad era used in Burma.
10. Nanda aka -1634 BC, 11. draka aka-756 BC,
12. Chhmna aka-rout of Nineve-612 BC (Varhamihira, Bhat samhit 13/3)
13. rhara aka-456 BC, 14. Vikramditya Samvat-57 BC. 15. Slivhana aka-78 AD.
Yuga Cycle-Historic cycle has been called Brahmbda of 24,000 years of 2 parts of 12,000
years each. First part is Avasarpi whose sub-yugas start with Satya, Tret, Dvpara, Kali in
Gyatr 6x4
Jagat 12x4



Triup 11x4
Pankti 10x4
Bhat 9x4
Uik 7x4
Anuup 8x4




ration of 4, 3, 2, 1. Second part Utsarpi has same parts in reverse order. Brahmagupta and
Bhskara-2 have mentioned long term Bja correction for 12,000 years as per tradition which
is based on this yuga only. (Siddhnta Darpaa, Bhparidhi, 7-8, Brhma-sphua-siddhnta,
Madhyamdhikra 60-61, Sudhakar Dwivedi edition, 1902). This is parallel to glacial cycle
which is major historic cycle. Milankowitch theory of 1923 calculates glacial cycle of 21600
years as joint effect of apogee cycle of 1,00,000 years and precession of 26000 years in
reverse direction-1/21600 = 1/100000 + 1/26000. But real glacial cycles have been of 24,000
years as per Indian historic cycle. This takes long term apogee (mandocca) cycle of 312,000
years-1/24000 = 1/312000 + 1/26000. Current cycle is the third one since Brahm-

( //, . /, ///, /)
Thus, the historic yuga-cycle is-
1. Day 1-Avasarpi-61902 to 49902 BC (Satya to Kali)
Utsarpi-49902 to 37902 BC (Kali to Satya)
2. Brahmbda 2- Avasarpi-37902 to 25902 BC
Avasarpi-25902 to 13902 BC-Vaivasvata Manu
3. Brahmbda 3- Avasarpi-13902 to 1902 BC-Kali from 3102 to 1902 BC)
Utsarpi-1902 BC to 702-Kali, 702 BC to 1699 AD-Dvpara,1699-5299 AD-Tret,
5299 to 10099 AD-Satya yuga.
It can be seen that all historic glacial floods have been in Avasarpi Tret and glacia ice age
in Utsarpi Tret. This yuga system appears to have started from Vaivasvata Manu, so
period of Brahm falls in initial Tret yuga-

( , )
( /)
( /)
19. Astronomers-
1. ryabhaa-360 Kali =2742 BC-His period just after Mahbhrata (Mahsiddhnta 2/2)
No calendar after this period till livhana (78 AD), Chedi (219), Valabh (319 AD).
18 digit system used like Maya astronomy as Galaxy is 10
yojana (earth = 1000).
Long term constants of that period, not of 3600 kali.
Base of kali start for calculation, Kusumapura, not the later name Paliputra
No kingdom in 3600 kali at Patna to attract astronomer from Kerala (Amaka)/ support.
2. Varhamihira-date given by himself-Yudhihira aka 3042, Chaitra ukla 8=6-3-95 BC
Death in 5 BC at age of 90 years (Utpala Bhaa), used Chahamna aka of 612 BC.
Could not have used livhana aka of 78 AD, 83 years after his death.
Pacha-siddhntik date tallies with Chahamna aka (427, Chaitra s1= saumya, budha)
3. Brahmagupta-Famous as son of Jiugupta (used by him, Vaevara etc)
Jiugupta contemporary of Varhamihira (Bhat jtaka 7/7, Jyotirvidbharaa 22/8)
Jiugupta, son of Avantivarman (103-33 BC) of Nepal where Vikramditya started samvat.
Brhma-sphua-siddhnta in 550 aka (Chhamna) = 62 BC.
First inscription of Avantivarman in Chhmna aka, rest 11 in Vikrama-samvat.
4. Srya-siddhnta-(a) 13902 BC, (b) Maya 9223 BC, used by Vlmki, Kikindh (40/54)
(c) Parara (Viu pura 3300 BC), (d) La (Viudhvaja, 456 BC-Megasthenes)
(e) Smaller version by Varhamihira (45 BC).

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