Ancient Science and India

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Ancient science and India

-by Arun Kumar Upadhyay, M.Sc., AIFC

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This is with reference to 4 questions of Dr. J.V. Narlikar, summarizing doubts of
scientists whether science had developed in India in past and if so what are the
evidences. It also tells that there are no records of eclipse or otherwise to date
past events. The questions are partly due to deliberate wrong interpretation in
British period and destruction of chronology. Most records were destroyed in
Islamic rule from 1200 to 1700 AD and it was completed by Britishers who
carried away remains to Europe to further destroy by mis-interpretations. The
article dates the ancient chronology from 61902 BC by 5 out of 7 yugas used for
historic eras. Then it gives evidence of ancient advances by advanced theories
and measures of cosmic structures which has not been achieved till today. Other
evidences are survey of minerals throughout the world, cooperation for
exploration, refining, accurate measures of locations all over world, advances in
yoga and yurveda not explained till today, and sciences of language, script and
political theory. It was all over the world, but Indian tradition preserved them
while asuras destroyed all earlier theories. This is not merely a pro-Indian
sentiment, it is useful for further research in all these subjects.
1. Introduction -The four questions that Prof. Narlikar asks are:
1. What is the scientific content of the Vedas?
2. Can astronomical allusions of the past and the present be used to date ancient
writings or events, as is usually done in support of the scriptural history of the
Indian subcontinent?
3. Were any supernovae observed in India during the Siddhantic Period, the
golden period of Indian astronomy? If not then how reliable Indian astronomy
would be in spite of the ignorance regarding the rare cosmic phenomena that
were recorded in contemporary China? And
4. Why did scientific activity decline after the Siddhantic Period, if at all the
period may be referred to as scientific?
Source -J.V. Narlikar. 1996. Four Questions That History Might Answer. In
Science, Philosophy and Culture; Multi-disciplinary Explorations. Part 1. (Ed.) D.P.
Chattopadhayaya and Ravinder Kumar. PHISPC. Delhi. Pp. 178-184.
1.Ancient Concept of Time Concept of time was defined by a term called
arrow of time in 1927 by British astronomer Arthur Eddington to distinguish a
direction of time on a four-dimensional relativistic map. Physical processes at the
microscopic level are believed to be either entirely or mostly time symmetric,
meaning that the theoretical statements that describe them remain true if the
direction of time is reversed; yet when we describe things at the macroscopic
level it often appears that this is not the case: there is an obvious direction (or
flow) of time. An arrow of time is anything that exhibits such time-asymmetry. Its
7 forms are stated-(1) Thermodynamic, (2) Cosmological, (3) Radiative, (4)
Causal, (5) Particle physics (weak) arrow of time, (6) Quantum arrow of time, (7)
Psychological/perceptual arrow of time. These have been discussed in many
articles by Narlikar and a popular book Brief History of Time by Stephen
Hawkins. Basically, they have identified 2 types-(1) Thermodynamic arrow is

increase of disorder in any natural process. Increase in disorder or decay

indicates increase of time, but it is not measured. Measurable time is by time
periods of natural cycles. In mechanics, it depends on observer. In
electromagnetic theory, velocity of light is same for all frames, but we still use
the same time in mathematical equations of both. That is a logical contradiction.
In Bhgavat pura (3/11), 4 types of time are defined. Time is perception of
change of world. Change is of 3 types defining 3 types of time = Kla.
(1)Nitya Kla (Eternal time)-All physical bodies are always decaying. Changes are
irreversible. Whatever has gone cannot come back. So, it is also called Death
( /)
(2) Janya Kla (Creative time)-This is related to Yaja which is creation of useful
things in a cycle. Measure of that cycle is unit of time. There are 9 cycles of
creation called 9 sargas. In Bhgavata Pura, 10 sargas are stated including
Avyakta (abstract, formless). Time of that is Partpara.

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(3) Akaya-kla (conserved time)-This is time of a system which follows 5 types
of conservation laws in physics-mass, momentum, energy, angular momentum,
and parity or charge.
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(4) Partpara Kla-This is time of abstract source of Universe, and is beyond any
perception. It is described in Bhgavata Pura (3/16). From this abstract 9
levels are created, when forms and changes are perceived. It is called Day of
(, /)
Time and Purua-Purua also is of 4 types-(1) All bodies with form (boundary is
called Chhanda) are constantly decaying.
That is called Kara. Despite decay, the functions of the body remain the same,
called Akara. It is known by same identity, which is invisible (Kastha). As a
part of surrounding, it is constant, called Avyaya. At ultimate source, there is no
difference-it is Partpara.
1. Kara
2. Akara
3. Avyaya
4. Partpara
2. Measures of Time-Srya-siddhnta (14/1)(1)Brhma-His day is time period of creation of 9 stages from formless stage.
1 Yuga = 12, 000 Divya-year. In astronomy, Divya year =360 solar year
1 day of Brahm =1000 yugas =1000 x 12000 x 360 = 4,32,00,00,000 years.
Same period is night, when all merge in same formless source. In modern terms,
1 day-night of 8.64 billion LY is radius of visible universe and also cycle of
(2) Prjpatya-Prajpati is Creator. His work started with creation of galaxy. Axial
rotation period of galaxy is called Manvantara. Galaxy element is called Manu. It
has 1011 stars which is equal to number of cells in human brain. So Brain element
is called mana (mind).
1 Manvantara = 71 yugas =30.68 crore years

(3) Divya-1 Divya year =360 solar years. It can have 3 meanings-(a) Rotation
period of imaginary planet at distance of 60 AU (called Nakatra-kak in Sryasiddhnta (12/80).
(b) In 1 day-night cycle, sun makes a circle at horizon. Similarly cycle of northsouth motion is taken as 1 Divya day, and 360 such days make divya-year. (c)
This is cycle of historic changes called Parivarta-yuga in Vyu-pura in list of 28
Vysas. It includes current generation with past and next =120 x3 years.
(4) Jupiter year-It is period of 361.0486 days taken by jupiter with mean motion
in 1 sign. In north India, this is actual time in 1 sign (Srya-siddhnta) . In south
India, solar year is taken as Jupiter year (Pitmaha-siddhnta)
(5) Solar year-1 rotation of sun (apparent) is 1 year. 12 part is 1 month. 30 part
of month is day.
(6) Lunar-Month is synodic rotation of moon in 29.5 days of 2 equal parts-new
moon to full is bright half. Other is dark half.
(7) Pitara-They live on opposite side of moon. So, lunar month is 1 day of Pitaras.
30 days are 1 month and 12 such months are year.
(8) Svana (Civil)-Sunrise to next sunrise is day. 30 days = 1 month. 12 months
= 1 year.
(9) Nkatra (sidereal)-Axial rotation period of about 23 hrs 56 minutes is 1 day.
Sunrise to next rise period is bigger by 4 minutes as earth has to move 1 degree
more covered by sun in annual motion. 30 days = 1 month. 12 months = 1 year.
3. Yuga systems- (1) Sanskra-yugas-This is period taken by a man in
completing his education. This is of 5 types(a) Gopada-yuga-Like 4 feet of a cow, it has 4 years. It starts with Go-dhli, i.e.
sun set when dust Is raised due to cows returning after grazing. Year 1 is Kali
(start of count) which will end at midnight after 365 days-hence Kali is called
sleeping. Year 2 is Dvpara (dv = 2), which will end after 366 Days at sunrise.
Thus is called awaken. Year 3 is Tret (tri =3), which ends after 365 days at noon
when people are standing. Cycle is completed in year 4, called Kta
(=completed) again at sun-set.
( , /)
(b) 5 year yuga- Yjua- jyotia gives 5 year yuga. 5 such yugas have 6 omitted
years, making a bigger yuga of 19 years. (c) 12year yuga-It is rotation period of
Jupiter and is taken as standard for teaching of Vedas. (d) 19 year yuga-kjyotia gives 19 year yuga with 7 extra lunar months which tallies with solar year
within 2 hours (See Vednga jyotia by P.V. Holay, Nagpur, 1985). (e) Eclipse
yuga- this is by joint motion of sun and Rhu in 18 years 10.5 days. Its half
period of 3339 tithis is also cycle of eclipse indicated in k (3/9/9, 10/52/6).
(, //)
(2) Human yuga-(a) Normal working period of life is 60 years. This is cycle of
Jupiter years in which Jupiter and Saturn make 5 and 2 revolutions. This is called
Angir period in Vedas.
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Here, ditya =12, Pacha-hot =5 x 12 =60 years.
(b) Century year-It is indicated by Saptari, who remain 100 years in one star.
The line joining 2 eastern stars joins zodiac in point whose location is star of
Saptari . It moves back @1 star (13020) in 100 years. This is also obtained by
combining yugas of k of 5 x 19 =95 years when moon comes in same nakatra.

Adding 5 year yuga ofYjua moon will be 1 more. Rjatarangi has called it
Laukika era.
(c) 120 years cycle is taken in cycle of periods of planets in astrology.
(3) Parivarta Yuga-It is Divya year of 360 years. Vyu pura (23/114-226) or
Krma (chapter 52) has called it parts of Dvpara or Parivarta. Brahma
pura (1/2/29/19) tells Yuga of 2600 years and at (1/2/9/36, 37) calls the same
as manvantara of 71 yugas where 1 yuga = 360 years.
.. ( , ///)
( ,/ //,)
71 x 360 =25,560 or about 26,000 years.
(4) Sahasra yuga-(a) Bhgavata pura (1/1/4) tells a session(satra) of 1000
years by aunaka. Human life is only of 100 years, but standards of moral
remain for thousand years, which is a satra of that period. 3000 years after that,
Vikramditya re-edited Puras which is continuing now for 2000 years.
(Bhaviya pura, 3/3/1/2-4)
(b) Saptari-vatsara is of 2700 divya (solar year) or 3030 Mnua years (12
revolutions of moon in 327 days)
( , ///,
, /)
( , /)
Here , 2700 Divya years= 2700 x 365,25 days, 3030 Mnua years = 3030 x 327
days. Both are equal.
(c) Romaka siddhnta has used a yuga of 2850 years which is 150 times k yuga
of 19 years.
(5) Dhruva or Kraucha yuga-(a)Dhruva samvatsara is of 9090 Mnua years or
8100 solar years (Brahma pura, 1/2/29/18). Vyu pura (57/18) has called
it Kraucha-samvatsara.
(b) Jupiter Yuga-Jupiter years in north India follow Srya-siddhnta, chapter 4,
where 361.0486 days is time taken by Jupiter in 1 sign by mean motion. In 85
solar years, there are 1 more i.e. 86 Jupiter years. In south India by Pitmaha
siddhnta, solar year is taken as Jupiter year. 60 years cycles in both systems
will join in 60 x 85 =5100 solar years which makes 1 Jupiter Yuga. Rma was
born on 11-2-4433 BC at 10-47-48 LMT. Then it was Prabhava year in both
systems (Viu-dharmottara pura, 82/7, 8). 5100 years prior to that,
Prabhava year was at time of Matsya incarnation in 9533 BC. As per Iliad of
Homer last island of Atlantis had submerged in 9564 BC. Persian tales tell it in
9844 BC. Glacial floods lasted about 1000 years.
(6) Ayana-yuga-Manvantara of 26000 years is the precession cycle of earths axis
in reverse direction. But historic cycle follows cycle of Glacial floods and ice eras.
That is joint effect of rotation of Apogee in 1,00,000 years and precession in
reverse direction in 26000 years (Milankovich Theory, 1923). When north pole is
inclined away from sun, it gets less heat. Heat is further reduced when sun is
farthest at apogee (mandoccha). That is period of glacial ice. At perigee, when
north pole is towards sun, it gets maximum heat and is Glacial floods. That is
cycle of 21,600 years1/21600 =1/26000 + 1/100000
Middle value of 24,000 years is taken in India with 12000 years period of
Avasarpi in order of Satya, Tret, Dvpara, Kali of 4, 3, 2, 1 parts. Second half
is Ustasrpi in reverse order of yugas. This is cycle of correction taken from
tradition by Brahmagupta (Brhma-sphua-siddhnta, Madhyamdhikra, 60-61)
and Bhskara-2 (Siddhnta-iromai, Bh-paridhi, 7-8)

(7) Astronomical era is of 12000 Divya years each equal to 360 solar years, i.e.
of 43,20,000 years. It has 3 meanings-(d) Combined cycle of planets within
wheel of solar Ratha, up to Saturn (b) Cycle of change in eccentricity of earth
orbit, (c) Cycle of magnetic pole reversal. These depend on (a).
4. Yuga Cycle-First yuga is too small and last yuga is too big for historic eras.
Remaining 5 yugas are used to determine historic times. This is similar to 5
elements used to decide a day in Indian calendar-called pachnga due to that
reason. Multiple elements are needed due to many reasons-(1) Day, month, year
are defined in many ways. (2) Motions of sun, moon, earth are not in simple
relation and there is no exact solution of elliptical orbits. (3) Orbits are changing
in eccentricity, direction of major axis and there are perturbations due to other
planets. (4) There are long periods of uncertain changes. (5) Rotation of earth is
slowing down due to tidal friction and its rate is uncertain in long past despite 10
models of correction up to 3000 BC. (6) Multiple elements serve as check of
Based on 5 yugas, the yuga cycle from 61902 BC is given below.
Cycle Order

BC years of start Yuga


Glacial cycle (modern value)

Glacial ice 69,200 (Tret of previous

Avasarpi 57,102
Glacial flood 58,100-Maij era, some
sktas in
(descending) 53,502 Dvpara
that period-Veda-kla-niraya-Dinanath
Chulet, 1925.
Dark era (first)
Glacial ice 45,500
Glacial floods 31,200
dya Tret-Brahm-Varha
(Brahma-dina 2) 24,702
43 x 360 = 16,000
Tret Glacial Ice-20,000
13,102-Vaivasvata Manu
Tret Glacial floods 9,200
28 x 360 = 10,000
Kali Mahvra birth 1905, Buddha (18886-1805)
Dvpara 756-draka, kambhar aka -612, rHara-456
1,699 AD Tret
1700AD-Industrial revolution
5,299 AD Satya
2000 AD-End of Tret-sandhyInformation era.

5. Parts of Yuga-Brahma pura (1/2/6/6-8) tells that the current kalpa or

day of Brahm is called Varha-kalpa. Parts of yuga are counted only for this
kalpa. In list of 28 Vysas, each part of a yuga has been called parivarta.
1 parivarta = 360 years (Paridhi = circumference divided into 3600, parivartana
= change).
1 Tret = 3600 years = 10 Parivarta Yuga.
Start of Tret was in 22,302 and in 9,102 BC. These had 10 +10 = 20 parivarta
or parts. Even after second Tret ended in 5,502 BC, this counting continued till
age of Rma (birth on 11-2-4433 BC as per horoscope in Vlmki Rmyaa) as
era of advancement continued. Vyu pura, chapters (70, 86, 98) mentions
these partsAsura king Bali-3rd Tret This count should start from 22,302 BC, but this yugasystem itself started after Vaivasvata Manu, hence it should more properly be
counted 3600 years before 13,902 BC, i.e. from 17,502 BC. Second Tret will be
completed in 16,802 BC and the third will continue till 16,442 BC. In this period
of Bali, Vmana had achieved supremacy of 3 lokas for Indra. But Asuras thought
that they could have defeated Devas in war and continued attacks. Finally
Krttikeya defeated them convincingly. In his period, pole star had shifted from
Abhijit to Dhanih and in consultation with Brahm, he started year with entry
of sun in Dhanih (Mahbhrata udyoga parva, 230/8-10). That should be in
16,000 BC. Bali period is 1 saptari = 2700 years after completion of Dhruva
cycle in 19,276 BC, i.e. after 16,576 BC when Asura empire based in Kraucha
Dvpa (north America) was most powerful. Year started with southward motion of
sun, or var (rains), so year itself was called vara.
Datttreya -10thTret,-It appears to be in 9102 BC when second Tret started
after end of glacial floods.
Mndht - 15th Tret-started in 9102-4 x 360 =7,662 BC and continued till
7,302 BC. 18 generation after him was Bhu, who had been defeated by Yavanas
with help of Haihaya, Tlajangha, aka, Prada, Kmboja, and Pahlavas
(Brahma pura, 2/3/63/119-120). Megasthenes, Arian, Solin and other Greek
authors have given the date of this first Yavana attack by Dionysus (Bacchus) as
6451 years 3 months before Alexander, i.e. in 6,777 BC.
Paraurma-19th Tret - It started in 5502 + 2 x 360 = 7222 BC. After his death,
Kalamba (Kollam) samvat started in 6,177 BC which still continues in Kerala. As
incarnation of Viu, he has been called Hercules (as sun or Viu, he holds the
earth). He was 15 generations after Dionysus as per Greek writers. He destroyed
kings (kingdoms) 21 times, which has been called republic era for 120 years by
the Greeks. This should start 120 years before the death of Paraurma in 6297
BC, when he must have been about 30-35 years. Thus, he lived up to at least
155 years of age, so he is famous as long lived.
Rma-24th Tret- This actually started 3 parivartas after end of Tret, i.e. 5502-3
x 360 = 4422 BC, i.e. when he was 11 years of age. Thus his life was mostly in
24th Tret.
6. Modern formula-The data base is only 300 years old. So, there is large error
in estimating time. There are many errors in estimate of long term variation in
orbits like eccentricity, apogee motion and may be inclination angle with ecliptic
and nodes. In addition, there is uncertainty in estimate of slowing down of
earths axial rotation due to tidal friction caused by moon (75%) and sun. There
are 10 alternate models of correction given on the following web link
One of the external links in that is following which gives online formula for
calculating Delta-T which is difference between Universal time and Ephemeris
time, difference is due to slowing down of earth's axial rotation

The minimum error for 3100 BC is 25 hours after correction. Without correction,
it is about 68 hours. All Indian ephemeris have followed calculation from 17-23102 BC, Ujjain mid-night and Vkya-karana (sentence for remembering formula)
give error of less than 0.20 in moon motion which is about 20 minutes only. In
addition calendar software of NASA does not take into account the temporary
slowing of rotation by glacial floods and resultant changes in moon orbit itself.
There was rise in sea level after Mahabharata. Isaac Asimov (Intelligent mans
Guide to Science) feels that it was due to nuclear war. There may be natural
cause also for rise in radio-activity by 3 times after that-e.g. Increased solar flare
about which we are not sure. But this will indicate time of 900 BC instead of 3102
BC in radio-carbon dating.
This error has been eliminated in Indian time measures by simultaneous use of 5
yugas explained above.
7. Other wonders of astronomy-There is complete arbitrariness and more
than double standards in modern historical research. In 500 BC, Sumerian
historian Berosus has written that Greeks write and twist history only for showing
This tendency has continued since Herodotus. After destroying Alexandria, it was
claimed to have been built by Alexander. He had destroyed libraries of this place
and Persipolis (Persia). Most Greek scientists had got education in Ezypt-e.g.
Euclid and Ptolemy. Appolonius could not get a good teacher for conic sections,
so he came to India. But sole point in research of David Pingree is that
ryabhaa had borrowed sign tables from Hipparchus. Such conclusions are
based by quoting his own articles-generally a group of 5-6 persons quote each
other. Neither Hipparchus nor Pingree have read math otherwise he would have
known that no math can be copied by a persons who has not read it already.
Moreover Pingree did not exist then to teach Greek to ryabhaa.
But there are much bigger things seen in normal texts of math and history which
need very advanced knowledge of math, science and engineering(1)Alexander could not have planned his attack up to India without knowing map
of Asia, Europe and Africa. Location of countries in these regions have been
indicated in all Indian puras and several Greek texts. Size and shape of these
counties was well known. For survey of these regions, Greek persons had not
been hired. All these were by local people.
(2) All puras have indicated that India is triangular in south and rectangular in
north. 9 regions of Bhratavara make one of the 4 petals of earth-lotus, i.e.
cover 900 longitude in north hemisphere. This is possible only after a detailed
survey of world.
(3) All texts of astronomy tell about 4 places on earth placed at 90 0 interval on
globe. This is not possible without a detailed and accurate survey all over the
world. Vlmki Rmya, Kikindh ka, (40/54, 64) tells that after u
island (Indonesia-in shape of trunk of elephant with head in Burma), there is
ocean (Pacific). After crossing ocean, we reach end of east direction (i.e. 180 0
east of Ujjain) where a Dvra (gate) was made by Brahm as a mark. That
confirms accurate worldwide survey. That is location of the largest Pyramid in
(4) After sudden burning of library at Persipolis, Persia had regrouped, so
Alexander had to return by ocean route from Makran coast. Obviously, ships
were not built by Alexander nor Greek had come in advance to teach ship
building. This region is surrounded by desert, so wood and iron-both had to come
from at least 500 kms. Shippers knew map of Arab sea and also navigation by
longitude, latitude and direction-there are no other marks in sea. In Europe,

longitude determination was known only in 1482 after which Columbus made
journey in 1492. Alexander had come with about 2 lakh army and at least 120
thousand had survived. He had looted 20 lakh bullocks and many other
properties. In addition, weapons, clothes, tents, horses, and food also had to be
transported. Even for USA, it was not possible to send 1 lakh men to Iraq in
single trip. This massive ship building needs all branches of science.
(5) Many Indians take pride that in 499 AD, ryabhaa had started astronomy. In
fact, none of the things mentioned could have been found out by him. He could
not have known that many towns were on same longitude as Ujjain without
accurate national survey. He could not have visited Mexico, west Africa, Newzealand to know 3 towns at 90 0 intervals from Ujjain. He could not have visited
poles to know that north pole is in ocean and south pole on land mass (known
only in 1985 by echo sounding). In 1909, when Admiral Peary had reached north
pole, Bal GangadharTilak had written Arctic Home in Vedas. ryabhaa could
not have used base data of 3600 years from Kali for planetary calculations. That
is possible only by continuous and accurate observation for 3600 years at least.
Now we are using base data of 100 years only. From 2000 AD, annual reference
has been started. Error of 68 hours for 3100 BC is normal in modern data.
Actually, ryabhaa work was in 360 Kali year and he was using preMahbhrata data. Just to prove that he was after Greek mathematicians, his
dated was changed from 360 to 3600 by Sudhakara Dwiwedi for which he was
rewarded as Principal of Queens Sanskrit College, Varanasi (now Sanskrit
(6) Even combined effort of whole India and other nations could not have
estimated any planetary data. Smallest distance is of moon. If India was under
unified rule in 499 AD, at least 2 observatories were needed-on at Patna and
other at farthest place Kanyakumari. Simultaneous observation from these will
give distance of moon. But that will be less than 1/6 of a degree. If there is error
of 1 minute in longitude/latitude of these places, error of 1 minute time (by
quartz watch) each at both places and error of 1 minute angle at each, error in
moon distance will be 50%.
(7) Estimate of solar system and galaxy is given in Mexico (Mayan astronomy)
and Vedas and all puras. Einsteins theory of relativity came in 1905 and 1912
(special and general). But first estimate of galaxy size was made in 1928 after
which James Jeans wrote Mysterious Universe in 1931. Real measurement was
made in 1950 after Radio astronomy. Solar system is neither defined nor
measured. On basis of Bhgavata pura, Yajurveda, gveda appendix, -I had
written 3 facts about solar system unknown in modern science in 2001-size of
solar system, solar wind up to Uranus, and 60000 small planets at distance of 60
AU. Later 2 were found in NASA probe to Uranus in 2007. Bhgavata pura tells
60000 bodies of above 135 km. diameter, NASA estimate is 70000 bodies of
above 100 km. diameter.
(8) On one hand NASA is probing basis of projected end of civilization in 2012 in
Mayan calendar, on other hand we tell that no script was known to them. Both
ryabhaa and Mayan astronomy have used 18 digit number system as measure
of galaxy is Parrdha yojana (18 digit number). But ryabhaa has started from
3102 BC, Mayan start is 12 years earlier. In India, start of Kali is linked with death
of Ka after which Yudhihira abdicated. However, it was not start of Jovian
cycle. In south Indian Pitmaha system, it was Pramth at serial 13. In Mexico, it
started with first year Prabhava.
8. Other sciences-There are many unexplained facts in other branches also
which are commonly known to school students but not thought by biased

(1) Copper age is called primitive and prior to 1500 BC after which Iron age
started. But school students are taught that metallurgy of copper is more difficult
as it cannot be reduced by carbon. Iron can be extracted even by village
blacksmith. Iron is known by red coloured soil, but copper ore needs more
technical exploration.
(2) Prospecting of gold, diamond and rare elements are much more difficult and
there is no sure shot method. But all over world mines of gold, silver were
known. Digging up whole earth is much more difficult. Even if ore is found, it
needs to be tested chemically-otherwise we will not know that we have found
copper ore.
(3) Basis of homeopathy is not explained till today. It was based on certain
observations of Taittirya upaniad etc. 5 unexplained points are explained by
vedic model of cosmology which indicates interlink between 3 worlds-human,
physical and cosmic. Effectiveness or rather bad effects of wrong medicine
proves correctness of Vedic model. This explanation can be seen on
(4) Meanings of 6 chakras in vertebra or method of 52 accomplishments in Yogastra of Patanjali are not understood till today.
(5) Complicated structures of scripts devised by Brahm continues till today in
(6) Reference and design of ancient Vimnas all over world and Vaimnika
Rahasya of Bharadvja.
9. Consumerism-Only prior to Svyambhuva Manu in 29102 BC, it is stated that
Devas moved in Planes (Vimnas)-Brahma pura (1/2/6). It indicates that
the civilization was destroyed due to Dha-kla (time of burning). It could be
global warming due to excess energy consumption as of now or may be
increased solar activity which is uncertain. But it appears that after destruction
of this civilization, it was realized that mass scale use of planes and other energy
consuming devices are not ever lasting and finally lead to destruction. After that,
there may be indication of planes, but not of mass use. Its destructive nature is
indicated in Manu-smti ( /)
= Do not use the big technology, it creates exploitation of human being and
environment along with unemployment. Use of heavy machine is very harmful
for society and nation. In 1950, Pt. Bhagwaddatt while translating the above
verse commented that "the western world is enjoying by using heavy
engineering and technology, the disastrous consequence would be known very
shortly to the western world". Now we are watching the consequence. A small
portion is shown in a movie Inconvenient Truth produced by Mr Al Gore,
former Vice President of USA.

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