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In our previous write-up on Jupiter, we discussed some of the features such
as Raja yoga, Sarala yoga, Gaja Kesari yoga and Raja yoga bhanga with
special reference to the Ashtakavarga chart. We continue the discussion and
in this article, we will proceed to understand its intricacies in greater detail.

We know that Jupiter and Venus are enemies even though both are benefics.
Similarly Jupiter and Mercury are also enemies even though both are
benefics. Please note that enmity between planets is not comparable to the
concepts of friendship and enmity, as we all know in our day-to-day lives.
As far as we are concerned, if we stand to benefit or profit through someone,
automatically he is our friend, whether or not he is a good person.

In this context, I wish to cite an example from Ramayana. Lord Rama chose
to have an alliance with Sugriva, who was being oppressed by his own
brother Vali. Rama chose to kill Vali and joined hands with Sugriva in his
search for Sita. When Vali was pierced by the arrow from Lord Rama, he
was about to die but before that he had a long argument with Lord Rama.
Vali had so much power that he could have easily retrieved Sita from
Lanka,he being more powerful than the demon king Ravana.. Sugriva was
weak compared to Vali. Then why did Rama choose to have an alliance with
Sugriva rather than with Vali? Please recollect the words of Sri Krishna in
Bhagwad Gita. In order to protect Dharma and to annihilate Adharma, I am
born from time to time(Sambhavami Yuge Yuge). Sri Rama was an
incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The very purpose of the Avatar was to uphold
Dharma. So, Sri Rama for the sake of petty personal gains could have sided
with Vali. But in order to uphold Dharma, he sided with the good-natured
Sugriva and killed Vali, thus upholding the divine will of destroying

Coming to our discussion, Jupiter is an enemy of Venus because their
natures are in conflict. Jupiter stands for inner purity; Venus stands for
sensual pleasures. Jupiter reflects happiness; Venus reflects pleasures.
Jupiter indicates selflessness; Venus indicates selfishness. Jupiter is a Deva
guru; Venus is an Asura guru.

Another paradox in astrology needs explanation here. We know that Sun and
Saturn are enemies. So our immediate conclusion is this: Sun-Saturn
conjunction is bad. Sun is Atmakaraka and Saturn is Dukkakaraka or giver
of grief. So soul being represented by Sun is aggrieved by conjunction of
Saturn with Sun. Now bring a contrary rule into the picture-conjunction of
lord of 4 with lord of 9 is a Parasari Raja yoga. So the complexion changes
totally here for Taurus Ascendant. Both Sun and Saturn forget their
traditional rivalry when invested with their present portfolio and conjoin to
bring about a Raja yoga. Not very different from what we read and hear
about Indian politics. Two rival political parties fight an election and when
there is a situation where no party gets an absolute majority, the rivals even
come together to form a coalition government. It is important to note that
what matters here is that eventhough Sun and Saturn are natural malefics, in
a situation like what we discussed just now, they transform themselves into
functional benefics. So each planet has two facets-one a natural one and
another a functional one. In the whole of predictive astrology, 80% of
predictions are made taking into account the functional role of planets rather
than their natural role.

While judging the 5
house for progeny four features are relevant.
1. 5
house is occupied by malefics.
2. 5
house contains less than 25 bindus in Samudaya Ashtakavarga.
3. 5
house falls in an even sign.
4. Moon occupies an even sign.

Out of the four defects indicated above:
(a) If one is present, reason for progeny is uterine problem.
(b) If there are two defects, affliction to deity is the problem.
(c) If there are three,both the causes, (a) as well as (b) are present.
(d) If all four defects are present, one will have no issues at all, even if
propitiatory rites are performed.

In a Horary chart, one must ascertain the position of Gulika as well as trinal
signs of Gulika. Take the case of the three planets, Sun, Moon and Jupiter
and ascertain which of the three has maximum number of bindus in this
Gulika rasi. Whenever that planet transits Gulika rasi or its trines, a child
will be born. Consider the Horary lagna, Horary navamsa lagna and its trines
in order to find out which of these houses has the maximum number of
bindus in Jupiters Ashtakavarga. Birth of a child takes place when Jupiter
transits that sign.

In order to become a king, two rules have been suggested by the learned
(i)Venus should be in a quadrant from Jupiter and Jupiter should be in a
quadrant from lagna. In other words, both Jupiter and Venus should be
placed in quadrants from lagna.
(ii)Venus and Jupiter should either be in a conjunction or in opposition.

Note that the second rule is subservient to the first rule. In other words,
when the second rule is satisfied the first rule is automatically taken care of,
while the converse is not true. For these conditions to generate Raja yoga,
Jupiter should be associated with four or more bindus.

Some people are generally dull-witted and also unlucky. What is the reason?
Ashtakavarga holds the clue.
(a) Lagna occupied by a weak lagna lord.
(b) Lagna associated with three or less bindus.
(c) Jupiter in 6 or 8.
If all these conditions are cumulatively satisfied, one is both a dullard and

Some people suffer at the hands of children or grandchildren. How to know
the root cause? Ashtakavarga comes to our rescue. If there is an interchange
of houses between lords of 5 and 8, without the saving grace of Jupiters
aspect, one will suffer at the hands of children and grandchildren

Now we will take a look at a couple of horoscopes to see how the rules
apply in practice.
Chart 1 belongs to Late Shri Brahmananda Reddi who was a Cabinet
minister under the former Prime Minister Late Smt Indira Gandhi.Both
Venus and Jupiter join the 7
house,a quadrant thereby aspecting the
lagna.Please note that Jupiter gets 5 bindus.This yoga elevated the status of
the native to that of a cabinet minister.

Chart 2 belongs to V.Shantaram (18 November 1901 - 30 October 1990)
the doyen of the tinselworld of yesteryears.The Jupiter- Venus conjunction
in Lagna is prominent with Jupiter obtaining 4 bindus. He was praised by
Charlie Chaplin for his Marathi film Manoos . Charlie Chaplin reportedly
liked the film very much. He was awarded the Indian film industry's highest
award, the Dadasaheb Phalke award in 1985 and the Padma Vibhushan in

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