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Lawrence Man Dedicates

Jerusalem 9/11 Memorial

BY SAMUEL SOKOL, the United States. This testament to the
JERUSALEM solidarity shared by the U.S. and Israel
goes beyond lip service to unite these
A memorial to the over 3,000 victims nations and their allies in the global
of Islamic terrorism who perished in the fight against the destructive forces of
9/11 attacks has been erected in the humanity.”
Arazim forest outside of Jerusalem. This The memorial was commissioned and
show of solidarity between the people of built by the Jewish National Fund-USA
Israel and the city of New York was in and features a central sculpture in the
large part made possible by Carmi shape of a waving American flag trans-
Schwartz, a resident of Lawrence. formed into a memorial flame. A small
Schwartz, executor of the Bronka piece of wreckage from the World Trade
Stavsky Rabin Weintraub estate, funded Center is in a compartment in the granite
the memorial’s vast plaza, which includes base. The sculpture itself was paid for
the names of those fallen as well as with a donation from Edward Blank, also
amphitheatre-style benches along the a resident of New York.
periphery. The 30-foot high bronze sculpture was
He explained in a prepared statement, designed by award-winning Israeli artist At the dedication ceremony, Perl and Carmi Schwartz with their granddaughters.
“This poignant memorial on behalf of E. Weishoff.
the victims of 9/11 helps demonstrate the The Jerusalem monument is one of the
shared commitment of two great democ- first major international memorials to of New York to recognize the names of main Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway and is
racies that battle terrorism—Israel and the 9/11 attacks and the only site outside every victim. It can be seen from the located directly across from the Har
Hamenuchot cemetery.
Carmi Schwartz took a few minutes to
speak with the 5TJT before the dedication
ceremony began. “We are here to partici-
pate in the dedication of the Bronka
Stavsky Rabin Weintraub plaza and living
memorial for victims of 9/11 which in our
view constitute probably the most sym-
bolic bonding of the United States of
America and the State of Israel because
the terrorist act against the United States
of America which caused so much nation-
al pain in America and personal pain was
the culmination of the powerful bonding
that Israel and the United States so eager-
ly require, though the bonding has been
strong from the advent of the State of
Israel in 1948,” he stated.
Schwartz’s wife, Perl, added, “Carmi
and I brought three of our granddaugh-
ters with us. The oldest is Rachel, the next
Sarah, and [youngest] Tehilla for her bat
mitzvah, which was just in June, we treat-
ed her and her sisters to a trip here…so
she could see what the family was able to
accomplish… [It’s] a very special experi-
ence for us, and for them in understand-
ing the past, the present and the future.”
Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,
who was the mayor of Jerusalem at the
time of the attacks, made a surprise
appearance at the monument’s unveiling.
He used the opportunity to publicly blast
the United Nations’ Goldstone report,
which accused both Israel and Hamas of
war crimes during the Jewish state’s
defensive war in Gaza this past December
and January. Acknowledging the difficul-
ties inherent in asymmetric warfare, the
former prime minister explained there is
a fundamental difference between vic-
tims of terror and those hurt in the
course of anti-terror operations. “When
[terrorists] attack, when they commit sui-
cidal attacks, the main purpose is to kill
innocent civilians…to create chaos and
anarchy. When the fight is against ter-
ror…in the course of these actions, some-
times uninvolved people are affected. It is
against the desire and against the pur-
pose of these operations.”
Ret. IDF Brig. General Dov Shefi lost
his son in the 9/11 attacks. He stated that
the memorial dedication ceremony “sym-
bolizes the identification of the State of
Israel…with the thousands of families of
24 November 20, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Committee. In 2008, the Fellowship dis- Israel, or any other part of the world to
tributed almost 25 million dollars distribute to needy Jews.” Unfortun-
Continued from Page 23
through Isaiah 58. ately, I believe that Rav Elyashiv was
follows Jewish law unless proved other- In Israel, the Fellowship directs vital wrongly informed about the nature of
wise. Rabbi Eckstein has devoted his life funds to food kitchens and other aid the IFCJ and its mission.
to serving his fellow Jews. There is noth- groups through its Guardians of Israel I pray that those with access to Rav
ing to indicate that he would transgress program. Among the beneficiaries are Elyashiv will revisit the IFCJ issue. I am
laws that prohibit benefiting from idola- Orthodox organizations, including confident that if he is properly informed,
try, G-d forbid. Migdal Ohr and Colel Chabad. If these Rav Elyashiv will revise his conclusion. In
The Fellowship’s primary intent is to groups are cut off from Fellowship the meantime, I urge your readers to do
encourage Christians to donate to Jewish money, which alternate source will step their own research about IFCJ; I think
causes, but of course others may also up, in these difficult times, to make up they will agree that this organization’s
donate. The IFCJ utilizes these critical the deficit? Who will promise to provide life-saving work deserves our support.
funds in several arenas. I will note just life-saving assistance to the elderly, the Avi Goldstein,
two. The Isaiah 58 project, to which I Holocaust survivors, and others who rely Far Rockaway
have given money, is unmatched in its upon the Fellowship?
endeavors on behalf of destitute Jews I don’t know how the question about Editor’s note: The pernicious aspects of
who live in the former Soviet Union. I IFCJ was presented to Rav Elyashiv. Was Rabbi Yechiel Epstein’s IFCJ organization,
recently viewed a program about Isaiah he told that IFCJ engages in missionary including the Isaiah 58 project, were
58 and came away stunned by the condi- activity? I have a letter in my possession exposed in an article by Mayaan Pase-
tions in which these Jews live, yet heart- from the Fellowship in which its anti- Jaffein, “Buying Jewish Souls,” in the
ened by the aid that the IFCJ provides missionary position is made crystal March 2005 issue of The Jewish Observer,
them. For a relatively small amount of clear. As a corollary, I asked whether any as well as in a follow-up to Rabbi
money, the Fellowship offers heat and Christian organizations were involved Eckstein’s response in the Summer 2005
food to Jews who have been long forgot- in distributing aid, a situation that issue. Readers may also be interested in a
ten by other organizations. The food is could lead to missionary activity. The July 24, 2005 New York Times Magazine
kosher, and the project is administered answer given me was: “We do not use article by Zev Chafets, “The Rabbi Who
on the ground by the Joint Distribution Christian aid organizations in Russia, in Loved Evangelicals (and Vice Versa).” ❖

the victims of September 11 throughout

the world, with the United States and
with the city of New York.”
Col. Rick Burgess, the American mili-
tary attaché in Israel, recalled his memo-
ries of the 9/11 attacks. Burgess told the
5TJT: “I was serving in Turkey on
September 11, 2001, and this [ceremony]
brought back a lot of memories, powerful
memories in my mind, and sitting here
with Jerusalem in the background, it’s
just an amazing experience... The United
States is always going to stand with Israel.
There’re lots of challenges around the
world and we’re going to work through
all these, and it’s just very meaningful to
me to have this opportunity to be here
today...Set against the magnificent back-
drop of Jerusalem, the living memorial
will be a moving place from which to
mourn the victims of 9/11 as well as con-
sider the thousands of victims of terror-
ism worldwide,” said Russell F. Robinson,
CEO of the JNF. “Jerusalem is a battle-
ground of civilization but also a place of
hope. The memorial is situated in
Jerusalem’s green belt; what better place
to show that civilization won?”
Both former President Bill Clinton and
current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu sent letters expressing their
solidarity with the victims of terrorism.
PM Netanyahu wrote, “As home to three of
the world’s major religions, Jerusalem is a
fitting home for this memorial—one that
not only commemorates the victims of
terror, but also reaffirms our commitment
to freedom, democracy, and tolerance.” ❖
5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES November 20, 2009 25

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