5TJT Buycott

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Amidst Boycott Calls, British And Palestinian place.

” He also said that all

Israelis and Israeli institutions are “com-
plicit” in “crimes” against the Arabs.
Canadian Jews Initiate Buycott Campaigns When asked if governments should
cut off diplomatic relations with Israel,
Barkan replied, “I surely do.” He
BY SAMUEL SOKOL There have been increasing calls for built mainly on land ethnically cleansed explained that supporting a boycott of
divestment against Israel by Israelis, of its Palestinian owners.” Israel is not anti-Semitic, but rather the
Ronnie Barkan is a leading activist including such academics as Neve The Palestine General Federation of “humane thing to do.” The BDS cam-
with Boycott from Within, an organiza- Gordon, chair of the department of gov- Trade Unions has no official position on paigner referred to the database of Israeli
tion that agitates for boycotts against ernment at Ben Gurion University of the BDS, having never discussed the subject,
Israel, as well as being a member of Negev. Gordon recently wrote in the Los according to PGFTU general secretary
Anarchists against the Wall, which Angeles Times that BDS is “the only way Shaher Saeed. The PGFTU has imposed a
engages in violent demonstrations that Israel can be saved from itself.” boycott on produce from Israeli towns in He explained that
against Israel’s security barrier near the The Five Towns Jewish Times spoke Judea and Samaria, but had concerns over
town of Bil’in. with Barkan and with a representative of whether such actions would harm the
BDS, which stands for “Boycott, the British Board of Deputies which 30,000 PA Arabs employed there. supporting a boycott
Divestment, and Sanctions,” is an increas- organized a counter-boycott program Unlike Gordon, Barkan does not
ingly popular tool of the Arab world and called a “Buycott.” An identical Buycott explain his actions in terms of saving of Israel is not anti-
the left. Comparing Israel to apartheid program is also being run in Canada. Israel. “I’m an anti-Zionist myself,” he
South Africa, anti-Zionist groups call on Barkan began by explaining that his explained. Barkan said that the right of Semitic, but rather the
trade unions, academic institutions, and organization operates according to the return for Palestinian refugees is “a basic
individual shoppers to refrain from doing July 2005 manifesto issued by the right” and that a Jew born in the Diaspora
business with, and buying products from, Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & has “no relation” to Israel “but is regarded “humane thing to do.”
Israel. The BDS campaign against the South Cultural Boycott of Israel. The manifesto as a Jew according to Israeli racist laws.”
African apartheid regime is considered one called for “a comprehensive economic, He complained that such a Jew “has, for
of the major factors in having hastened the cultural, and academic boycott of Israel” some reason or another, the right to
end of racial inequality against blacks. due to the fact that the “state of Israel was return to a place which most likely is a businesses that operate in Judea and
Samaria, compiled by the Who Profits ini-
tiative of the Coalition of Women for
Peace, as being very helpful in running
boycott campaigns against Israel. The
CWP “call[ed] upon the Norwegian peo-
ple to join us in our efforts and to stop
investing in the Israeli occupation of
Palestinian territory” in a letter addressed
to the Norwegian pension fund’s council
on ethics in May.
The Who Profits initiative is run by Dr.
Dalit Baum, the founder of the now
defunct Lesbian anti-Zionist organization
Black Laundry.
In response to increasing calls for boy-
cotts, the organized Jewish communities
in both Canada and Britain have organ-
ized counter-BDS campaigns called “buy-
cotts.” In a buycott, Jews flock to stores
that are being boycotted or that are being
threatened with a boycott, and buy out
all Israeli products.
Ms. Atalia Cadranel, the director of
communications for the British Board of
Deputies, explained the concept. As part
of the larger BDS campaign, the
Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC)
began targeting the Waitrose and
Morrisons supermarket chains as part of
their supermarket boycott campaign.
During this campaign, the Board of
Deputies, representing the Jewish com-
munity of the UK, and its partner, the
Fair Play Campaign Group, rallied 200
supporters of Israel to enter a chosen
supermarket and buy out the Israeli
products sold there. A similar tactic was
employed in Canada, in which Jewish
and Zionist shoppers descended on a
liquor store, buying out its entire supply
of Israeli wines.
According to Cadranel, this tactic is
expected to be employed again in the
future, to the dismay of British Jews,
who wish it were not necessary.
Discussing the calls for BDS being made
by Israeli Jews, Cadranel stated “It’s
completely divisive, because any kind of
boycott hurts both the Israelis and the
Palestinians and the Palestinian trade
unions have come out and overtly said
so.” Any sanctions against Israel would
cause terrible economic hardship for
the Palestinian Authority. Trade
between Israel and the PA stood at $3.9
billion in 2008. ❖
28 November 20, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

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