Create Voidmind Creature

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Create Voidmind Creature

In ages past, mind flayers experimented to discover the proper method to create a new servitor race,
consuming a great many creaturess brains in the process. Only when one illithid proposed leaving a
portion of the brain intact enough to preserve the motor functions of the bodywas the first voidmind
creature created. A voidmind creature hovers on deaths door as a result of the process of its creation,
drawing power from the psionic ritual used to infuse it with a semblance of life.
The creation of a voidmind creature requires the oint effort of three illithids, one of which must be the
mindflayer that succeeded in attaching all four tentacles to the creatures s!ull. They begin by eating
portions of the subects brain until ust the part is left that allows the creature to move. Into the near"
empty s!ull, through the holes created by the tentacles, is poured a quantity of psionically charged,
translucent green goo. #hen the voidmind creatures cranium is again full, the mind fl ayers fi ll the four
holes in the s!ull with dabs of mucus that quic!ly solidify into loose"fi tting plugs. At the end of the
process, the creature is ready and willing to do the foul bidding of its masters.$
Prerequisites: 8 levels of the Mindflayer monster class.
Benefit:To use this, you need two other willing Mindflayer allies with this feat, a victim and have spent
24 hours preparing the translucent green goo with a special psionic ritual, which demands an amount of
raw materials worth an amount of GP equal to your !!!"#victim$s %& squared'.
Then you must attach four of your tentacles on the victim$s head and start carefully e(tracting pieces of
your victim$s )rains, with the help of the other two mindflayers, and then replace the eaten parts with the
previously prepared goo. The process ta*es minute per %& of the victim. + mindflayer instictively
*nows how much goo he$ll need as he eats the victim$s )rain, and can partially use goo prepared for a
stronger creature #so for e(ample if the mindflayer had prepared !! !!! gp worth of goo for a ! %&
creature, he could instead use it to convert four , %& creatures, spending 2, !!! gp worth of goo in each
of them'.
-nce the process is finished, the victim receives a level of the .oidmind /reature class and also gains the
following a)ility
%ind &layer 'ost ( Three mind flayers form a )ond with any voidmind creature they create. + different
mind fl ayer cannot )ond itself to a voidmind creature after creation. The creature0s masters are instantly
aware if the creature ta*es any damage, wanders out of range of their control, or is the target of any
magic. +lso as a result of this )ond, the masters can, as a standard action, see and hear through the
eyes and ears of their )onded voidmind creature to a range of five miles. Maintaining this lin* requires a
mind flayer to concentrate, )ut the mind flayer remains aware of its surroundings and can move
normally. 1inally, any one of the three masters can ta*e control of the voidmind creature, at will, as the
dominate monster spell #no save, immunity2piercing'. 3hile controlling the voidmind creature in this
fashion, a mind flayer can manifest its own innate psionic a)ilities through the voidmind creature, as
though the creature were manifesting the a)ility itself. +ny of the mind flayer0s psionic powers used in
this fashion can target or affect creatures within range, line of sight, and line of effect of the voidmind
creature. 4o, for e(ample, a mindflayer can use plane shift to send the voidmind creature to another
plane, or it could send itself to another plane. 5i*ewise, the mind flayer could use suggestion on a target
it sees through the voidmind creature0s eyes.
The .oidmind creature still has some free will, )ut unless they have the +lertness, /om)at 6efle(es and
Great 1ortitude feats, they can$t hope to ever )rea* from their servitude. 7ven should the Mindflayer
masters die, a contigent psionic )ac*slash will instantly and utterly destroy the .oidmind creature whitout
any hope of recovery, unless it had those feats. 4hould the .oidmind /reature )rea* free and ever retrain
or lose any of those feats, the contigency triggers instantly and destroys them anyway.
Oozing Slime
)our psionic slime recharges at an unnatural rate.
Prerequisites: Must )e a .oidmind /reature.
Benefit:8ou can use /one of 4lime every d49 rounds instead of every hour.
Multi Slime
)our fractured mind spawns multiple tentacles, one for each of your hidden personalities.
Prerequisites: Must )e a .oidmind /reature.
Benefit:3henever you pro:ect your 4entient Tentacle, you may produce one more for every ; %& you
have. Those e(tra tentacles only add half your 4tr mod to damage, )ut otherwise wor* :ust as your
4entient Tentacle.

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