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The connectivity and replication guides isthe best source for them.

Hwever here
are some of them...

SMQ1 To monitor Outbound ueues

SMQ! To monitor "nbound ueues

#$O% Messages& summary
SM'(( )rror handling customi*ing
SM'(1 + $isplays #$oc message content and possible validation or receiver errors
SM'(! + $isplays #$oc message summary in dependency on the sender site "$
SM'(!, + -roups #$oc messages according to validation or receiver errors
SM'(. + $isplays client+independent #$oc message summary/ unprocessed #$O% messages

0.,M1 %hec1 "nitial download
To chec1 the successful initial download of ob2ects

0.,0! $efine 0euest download
0.,03 Start reuest download
0.,0. Monitor reuest download

0.,%1 displays the different 1inds of ob2ects stored in table SMO4O#56,0
Setup of #usiness Ob2ects e7change

0.,%. displays the different 1inds of ob2ects stored in table SMO4O#56,0
Setup of %ustomi*ing Ob2ects e7change

0.,%3 Manual deactivation of $elta downloads 8table T#).1 in 0&.9

:b; Tables :&b;
%0M04%6,0 definitions for 04% destinations that are to receive data. <ou can activate or
deactivate the initial or delta flow by ob2ect.
%0M6,0O=T6 O=T6 6arameters related to the data e7change between )06 and %0M. "t
defines the parallel ueues for the initial load. Since the 04% is a one+to+one transfer/ a
company may want to speed the initial load process by enabling multiple ueues for initial load
%0M%O>S?M 6ossible consumers 8applications9 that are suppose to receive data from 0&.
%0M60=S original logical system name is stored in 0&.
%0MQ>,M)S used to define the ueue naming convention
%0M4"=T,# and %0M4"=4=$ define the %0M adapter ob2ect filtering

SMO46,0S4, + middleware parameters for the transfer of data from %0M to the %$# 8ueues
for the mobile clients9

SMQ1 04% Monitor 8Outbound Queue9
SMQ! 04% Monitor 8"nbound Queue9
SMQ. 04% Monitor 8Saved )+Queue9
SMQ, t04%&04%@ %onfirm. status A data
SMQ) 04% ,dministration

4ollowing are the %0M Tables@
#?T(B1 #6 0elationship@ %ontact 6erson 0elationship
Similar to #?T(B( / additionally contains %ontact 6ersonCs ,ddress data
#?T(#D #usiness 6artner@ #an1 $ata A $etails
#6 >umber/ #an1 Dey/ #an1 %ountry Dey/ #an1 ,ccount >umber
#>D, #an1 Master $ata
#?T1(( #6@ 0oles
,$0! Telephone >umbers 8#usiness ,ddress Services9
,$0E SMT6 >umbers 8#usiness ,ddress Services9
%ontains )mail "d of the #6.
,$0% ,ddresses 8#usiness ,ddress Services9
#6Cs %omplete ,ddress $etails+ %ity/ %ountry/ 6ost %ode/ $istrict/ Street/ Title >o )tc
TS,$.T Table containing the Title te7t against a Title >o.
%OMMF60O$?%T Master Table for 6roduct
%0MMF#?,- Master table for #usiness ,greement
%0MMF#?,-FH Header $ata for #usiness ,greement such as Ta7 %ategory/ Ta7
%haracteristic/ 4orm 1ey/ #usiness ,greement %lass. $ata in this table correspond to "S?
%0M$FO0$)0,$MFH %ontains the Header "nformation for a #usiness Transaction.
1. "t doesnCt store the #usiness 6artner
responsible for the transaction. To
get the 6artner >o/ lin1 it with
!. This table can be used for search
based on the Ob2ect "d8#usiness
Transaction >o9.
%0M$F%?STOM)0FH ,dditional Site $etails at the Header =evel of a #usiness Transaction
%0M%F60O%FT<6) Master table #usiness Transaction Type
%0M%F6,0T>)0F4%T $efinition of 6artner 4unctions
S%60"OT 6riorities for ,ctivities with priority te7t.
%0M%F60O%FT<6)FT Te7t for a transaction type
%0M%F,%TFO#5FT Ob2ective >umber and Te7t for ,ctivities
T5.(T ,ll the status code and te7t
%0M%F60F,SS"-> @ Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Ob2ect.
"#"# @ "nstalled #ase&"base
"#"> @ "nstalled #ase %omponents
%OMMF60O$?%T @ 6roducts
%0M%FT(HH$ @ customer account groups
%0M$FO0$)0,$MFH 8for header9 %0M$FO0$)0,$MF" 8"tem data9
%0M$FO0$)0,$MFH #usiness Transactions %0M
%0M$F,%T"I"T<FH ,ctivity
%0M$FO66O0TFH Opportunity
#?TOO @ %ustomer details
#?T((1 #6@ -eneral data ""
#?T1(( #6@ 0oles
#?T1B( #6 relationship@ ,ttribute table 8test
#?TFH")0FT0)) #usiness 6artner -roup Hierarchy
%$#%FTF60O$?%T"$ Mapping@ 6roduct "d
%$#$FO0-M,> #usiness transaction + organi*ational unit +
%OM%F60O$?%T -eneral 6roduct Settings
%OM%F0.F4")=$S ,ssignment of 0&. material master fields to
%OMMF%,T)-O0< %ategory
%OMMF%4-M,T #asic $ata for Materials
%OMMFH")0,0%H< %ategory Hierarchy
%OM6FT<6)S Hierarchy Tool@ %omparison Type %hec1
%0M%F%60"%60O% %ustomer 6ricing 6rocedures
SMODI#)J1B ,ssignment employees to positions

%0MM=S-?"$@ -?"$ entry 8should match -?"$ in %0M60=S9
%0MMF#?TF%?ST>O @ ,lso -?"$ table 8-?"$ here should match -?"$ in 0&. table
SMO4S?#T,# @ Mapping A 6arameters
SMO4$ST,T @ $ownload Monitor 803,M19
SMO44"=T,# @ 4ilters 8Should match filters in 0.,%1 A 0&. Table %0M4"=T,#9
SMO4O#5)%T $efinition of Ob2ects for $ownload
SMO4O#56,0 6arent Ob2ects of an Ob2ect in Table
SMO46,0S4, Middleware 6arameter
SMO4Q4">$ Queue 4inder Table for M'+Queue finder
SMO4T,#=)S $efinition of Tables for $ownload

0&. Tables re %0M@
%0M04%6,0 @ %0M $estination
%0M60=S@ -?"$ entry
%0M%O>S?M@ %Onsumer entry 8must match consumer of ob2ect in 0.,%K9

D>,1 @ #usiness 6artner Master $ata.
%0M6,0>0 @ 6artner 4unctions L %ontacts
%0MD?>>0 @ #usiness 6artner -?"$S
D>II@ Sales ,rea $ata
D>I6@ Sales ,rea $ata
D>ID@ %ontact 6erson
T#).1 A .3 @ )vents
M,0, @ 6roducts
%0M4"=T,# @ 4ilters
%0M#6FM,6F#?-06 Mapping of #usiness 6artner -rouping
%0M%=,SS"4 ,ccount -roups in 0eplication into 0&.
%0M%O>S?M 6ossible ?sers 0&. ,dapter 4unctionality
%0M4"=4=$ 6ermitted Table 4ields for 4iltering
%0M4"=T,# 4ilter %riteria for $ownload
%0M">T#,6 ,ssignment of "nternalA )7ternal Table 4=$
%0MDTOD$ ,ssign %lassification and -rouping 0&. ,ccount -roups
%0MD?>>0 Mapping Table #usiness 6artner + %ustomer
%0MM,6T,# 0elationship #etween Table >ames in %0MO#5T,# and #,6"MT%S
%0M6,0>0 Mapping Table #usiness 6artner 0elationship + %ontact 6erson
%0M6,0O=T6 %0M O=T6 6arameter
%0MQ>,M)S Queue >ame Management for %0M+Q04% Supply
%0MS?#T,# Subscription Table for ?p and $ownload Ob2ects
%OMF#?6,F%,==F4? $etermining 4Ms for $ata )7change #6
%OMF#?6,F#%S)T %entral Settings $ata )7change #usiness 6artner
T%0M#6F0)4%?ST $efault 0eference %ustomer


<ou can use transaction M'FMO$) to completely switch off the Middleware.
Select radio button MOffM to deactivate.

Dindly reward with points in case helpful.

Middleware is a tool which is inbuilt within S,6 %0M that enables the S,6 %0M system to
interact with various other S,6 80&./ #'/ ,6O etc.9 and non S,6 systems 8.rd party web
channel etc.9
?sing middleware we can control what data should flow in and out of the %0M system and also
monitor the same.
The data e7change between the %0M Middleware and e7ternal systems is performed via
adapters. The adapters map and convert data between various formats.
=oad ob2ects can be e7changed between a source and target system/ for e7ample/ between an
S,6 0&. #ac1end and the %0M server. 4or )7ample@ #usiness partner master data and product
master data.
They are grouped as follows@
#usiness ob2ectsN transaction 0.,%1
%ustomi*ing ob2ectsN transaction 0.,%.
%ondition ob2ectsN transaction 0.,%B
The ob2ects are stored in the table SMO4O#5)%T.
0.,S is used to trigger an initial load.
The following are a few t+codes which are commonly used within Middleware@
SM'(1 $isplay #$oc Messages.
SM'(. $isplay ?nprocessed #$oc Messages.
SMQ1 Monitor Outbound Queue.
SMQ! Monitor "nbound Queue.
SM'6 Middleware Monitoring %oc1pit.
Most of the huge %0M implementation pro2ects will have a specialist Middleware consultant to
ta1e care of all the replication activities. #ut as a 4unctional consultant you should be aware of
monitoring the errors and analy*ing them at the functional level.
4or )7ample@ "f a particular #6 is not being replicated from %0M to 0&./ a functional consultant
will chec1 the detail of the #$O% in error by going to SM'(1 and based on the error message
chec1 if all the necessary fields are maintained for the particular #6. )ven after maintaining all
the reuired fields the error still persists then chec1 with the technical team& Middleware
consultant who can analy*e the #$O% in detail.

%oming to your uestions@
'hen 0&. e7ists and %0M is being implemented with 0&. integration the following steps need to
be chec1ed@
19 %hec1 connectivity between the 0&. and %0M system in SMBO 8Maintained by #asis team9
!9 Maintain all the sites and subscription in SMO),% for all the master data that will need to be
replicated. 8<es you can create this as a functional consultant if basis is not aware of the same9
.9 "f reuired filters can be maintained in 0.,%1 for 6roducts/ %ustomer and Sales order and
more if necessary.
39 %orrect number ranges have to be maintained/ account group mapping should be correct for
#6 replication/ relevant item categories need to be maintained for sales order replication.
<ou can find details of all the above mentioned steps and more at the following wi1i lin1 for
%0M Middleware@

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