Human Resource

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Talent is the No. 1 priority for a CEO.

You think it's about vision and strategy, but you have
to get the right people first.
Andrea Jung
The world of employment is quickly changing. Even as slight as a decade ago, the times were
peaceful than they are today. But that doesn't mean that ten years ago one didn't experience
change. One the other hand, we were then, as we are today, in a state of instability Its just
that today the changes become visible to be occurring more quickly.
The purpose of the Human Resource Management department within an organization is to
focus on recruitment of, management of, and providing a perfect road map, proper guidance
and training to the employees of the organization. Some authors have indicated that Strategic
Human Resource Management (SHRM) is Human Resource Management (HRM) with
"strategy" attached. The fact is that strategic human resource management is the branch of
human resource management. Strategy cannot be neglected whether its a decision making
process, marketing development or human resource management.
Human resource management has many core and integral functions on which the whole
organizations performance and success is dependent. The main and first function of human
resource management department is to recruit. And this is the point where strategy steps in.
recruitment has to be done strategically. Finding people is easy but finding right people is the
function what human resource management has to perform.
In todays challenging era, human resource managers are also facing number of challenges
and among those challenges finding the right staff for the organization/ company is the
biggest challenge. The human resource managers have to evaluate the desired skills and talent
requirement for the organization/ company and later to find the right skillful and talented
persons who have potential and aptitude to work with the organization and synchronized the
skills according to the values of organization (Thomas A. Kochan and John Chalykoff, 2000).
The organizations/ companies are providing training and development programs to their
employees not only to enhance the performance of the employees but also to be able to
maintain and carry out the companys performance to retain the market share. The
organizations/ companies now a days have become complex. And by increasing competition
the companies / organizations have to remain updated to fulfill the promises made to the
consumers (Kevita, 2012).
According to a report prepared by Goldman Saches, the performance of any company can be
measured and observed by the companys strong financial ratios and up beating balance
sheet. Companies like General Electric (GE), General Motors (GM). Pepsi and Nike have
shown fabulous and marvelous outcomes which have resulted in the raising prices of the
shares in Stock markets. Financial analyst illustrates the market futures by studying the
financial ratios and balance sheets of the companies. And based on these illustration;
investors select the companies for their investment. This is point where most of the investors
have added that they dont only see the future prospect of the company by studying the
financial ratios and balance sheet but also by observing the capital asset of the company/
organization i.e. employees (Lewinson, 2009). The dedicated enthusiastic skillful and
delighted employees help the company to grow on faster pace whereas the opposite results in
opposite unwanted situations.
The well-known legendry Jack Welch from General Electrics(Welch, 2009), emphasized that
companies and organizations are nothing but a new born baby. Just like the child need to be
nourished as well as needs total care and attention the company/ organizations/ businesses
also need the same. And just like child need to be taught by teachers for the betterment of the
future, company/ organizations/ businesses also need to learn and adopt the market trends and
technological upgrade and have to function accordingly therefore; employees play vital role.
Employees are said to be the building blocks of any organization, a valuable human asset.
According to the business leaders employees are the basic and vital ingredient to the success
of the organization/ company. Employees are the capital asset which is not the part of
companys balance sheet. Ignoring and neglecting employees is like planning for companys
Employees if sincere and industrious with the company/ business and have some venture
interest in company then will also be interested and take part in adding value to the
companys corporate rating. So employees cannot be neglected and should be considered as
the capital asset of the company(Welch, 2009). Now a day companies / organizations are
working on training and development of their employees as well as providing the facilitations
and compensations to their employees, and deciding how to retain the employees but also
worried about who to hire?
The topic of staffing policies have been the burning topic for the discussion among human
resource managers as well as the CEOs of numerous companies. The human resource
management has been looking for the right talent and skill for their companies since long.
According to the psychologists, anthropologists and experts every individual is capable of
some unique talent or skill. But still human resource managers and CEOs complains about
the lack of talent in the applicants. The hiring and recruitment has become the complicated
problem as they cannot get the desirable talents or skill.
According to the expert in todays era human resource manager should not just hire the
employees but also focus on hiring and designing the employees talents and skill. According
to J.K. Peters the major talent of an individual is the capability to learn and having a passion
to be the part of the particular organization/ company. Just like in army those recruits who
have not acquired any specific training before but have a passion to serve in army are more
valuable then those who have acquired the training but are not sure whether they wanted to be
a part of army or not.
Therefore the staffing policies should be flexible i.e. instead of focusing on core skills
required in applicant the policy should be about hiring potential and aptitude. The employee
with potential and aptitude can learn and upgrade the required skills for the benefit of the
company/ organizations. But lack of aptitude may lead organization towards loss. Without
aptitude and enthusiasm for up gradation employee may learn the required skills for the
company/ organization but there wont be surety that whether the employee will stay in the
company/ organization or will quit.
Although staff policy should be covering points like; to recruit the effective and the efficient
staff, to follow companys rules and regulation, to provide fair, consistent treatment to all
applicants, to make recruitment and selection decision on merit bases, to appoint and hire
candidates with suitable qualification and skill as well as their aptitude and attitude towards
their career as well as to fulfill their responsibilities and duties.
Staffing theory is a theory of social psychology that investigates the effects
of behaviour being either understaffed or overstaffed.
Understaffing refers to the idea that there are not enough people for what for the behaviour
setting promotes.
Overstaffing is the overabundance of people. The term staffing theory was previously known
as manning theory, but was renamed.
Before staffing the organization need to seek the
In todays era every human resource department has to be prepared and well organized to
meet the continuous rising business needs. Following are the most common staffing
challenges faced by the human resource department
Under Staffing
Moving into growth mode
Managing workloads
Keeping staff skills current
Employee retention
According to the report prepared by the Society for Human Resource Management
(S.H.R.M) in May 2008, Staffing, employment and recruitment are the three most vital and
crucial functions of human resource departments that plays integral role in forming business
strategies(E Esen, N. Lockwood,A. Benedict and Williams, 2008).
Human resource functions are perceived and observed within the organizations/ companies
by the performance of the department along with the size of the staff, the employment sector
and the vibrant how the organization operates and function.
This essay aim is to understand how human resource department manages to contributes to
the business strategies and how it manages to seek the right people for the right job. For the
purpose to seek the answer some of the literature has been reviewed. According to the
literature the main three HR function i.e. staffing/ employment/ recruitment, training and
development and employees benefit. According to the survey staffing has been ranked as a
most crucial function area by the 52% of the respondents i.e. HR senior managers and
officials(E Esen, N. Lockwood,A. Benedict and Williams, 2008).
The result of the survey has indicated that human resource is supposed to promote and
support the organizations business strategy by enhancing the human asset by building,
developing, training and maintaining the human capital i.e. the work force of organization.
According to the research named Lewison the two functions of human resource department
are actually interlinked with each other. Those interlinked functions of HR are staffing and
employment benefits(Lewinson, 2009).
The expert has suggested that staffing policy need to be updated from time to time, to
approach the goals in the dynamic environment and evolving business parameters. And this
will not only help the business/ organization to reach the goals and to succeed but also
encourage their employees and will motivate the employees to work smartly, effectively and
Staffing should never be considered as the mechanical response of the resignation of any
employee. Management should take time to review and evaluate the reason behind the
resignation as well as to think strategically whether it is suitable to hire on the vacant post on
the same scale in the same structure with the same job description or whether some changes
are required. The management of the organization/ company/ business should take the
situation as an opportunity to reconsider the working conditions, environment, as well as
work practices(Thomas A. Kochan and John Chalykoff, 2000). The management has to
involve the human asset to evaluate and redesign the staffing policies as well as other human
resource policies. And as these changes and alternations will be providing benefits to the
organizations then it would not be taken as something impossible by the management and the
officials. Therefore it should be taken as an opportunity to review the companies work
practices and the basic design of a job as well as the number of task(Thomas A. Kochan and
John Chalykoff, 2000)s.
According to the Human resource manager Shehla Kevita staffing policy is basically related
with the employees selection for the desirable vacant positions and designations. At one
level staffing policy is involved in selecting individuals who have the required and desirable
skills for the particular post(Kevita, 2012). Whereas at the same time, on another level
staffing policy is proven to be a useful tool for developing and promoting the corporate
culture i.e. organizational norms and value systems.
Organizations/ companies practicing local and international strategies have high needs for
strong and unique cultures. And the need varies from organization to organization depending
on the practicable strategies whether local, multi domestic or international strategies.
The professionals in the field of human resource view how the role of human resource is
perceived on the different levels within the company. Human resource has been progressed
over the last 10 decades in response to the important modifications in the organizational
business practices to acquire their targeted goal. As the evolution took place some of the
organizations have changed the name of Human Resource into different. The examples are;
In the year 1900, Industrial revolution took place which changed the name of human resource
to labor relations. According to this change the experts suggested that workforce is
exchangeable ingredient(, 2014).
In the year 1920, Civil Services & WWI changed the name of HR to Industrial relations.
According to the officials the aim is to more focus on the rights of the workers as well as
formalizing the processes.
In the year 1940, the Scientific Management & WWII revolution brings the name of
Personnel Administration to the HR. The aim was to reconsider the issue of efficiency
experts along with highly evolved HR processes (, 2014)
In the year 1960, Civil Rights & Compliance evolved the HR to Personnel with the aim to
tackle the issue of legal compliance and reporting police policy (, 2014).
In the year1980, the Human Relations, the Knowledge/Service Economy, and Mergers &
Acquisitions has named Human resource to Human Resources People. The aim was to
address the issue of significance in a fast-changing world; motivation and human relations
theories flourish(, 2014).
In the year of 2000, Modern Organizations have changed the HR name to Organization
Effectiveness, Human Capital and Organizational Capability. The issues been addressed in
modern organization to the better understanding about the transactional parts to get
outsourced and the transformational purposes(, 2014).
In the year of 2010, Global Economy and E-Enabled Technologies has changed the name of
HR to TBD with the aim to focus that it is still evolving, to be more focused on the talent,
capability and culture. Consultation to be challenged to be an effective Internal
Human resource is supposed to be in position to donate and contribute in the organization/
companys business strategy through aligning the functions of human resource areas
according to the organizational values and priorities.
Human resource functions are considered and perceived as a dependent on several factors
within the organization/ company. Those factors include staff size, employment sector and
the organizational dynamics and its operational activities. According to literature used the
traditional view of human resource as a mainly administrative role to an increasingly strategic
role involves not only observing the contribution of human resource to the organizations
performance but also the organizational value. The ability of human resource as a field is to
ascertain about the business strategies beyond the focus of its administrative responsibilities
and the duties. Human resource has to foresee one step ahead and should be prepared to
correct the flaws. The directive role of the human resource is to prove the impact and effect
of its actions on the business strategies and financial ratios by gathering and assorting the
solid measurements attributed directly to the role of human resource.
The HR professionals and experts have frequently pointed out that the HR failed to perform
effectively and efficiently because of the lack of budget as well as the lack of HR staff for HR
initiatives. HR can become the key contributor to develop and implement organizational
strategy to include investment of more resources in human resource.
Gathering HR ratios is the best way for the function of human resource and the department of
human resource to prove the effect of activities of human resource on the organizational and
operational activities. HR professionals need to be well aware of various methods to assist
organization in achieving its goals.
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Developing HR as an Internal Consulting Organization. Human Resource planning.
Thomas A. Kochan and John Chalykoff, 2000. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND


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