All Souls Trilogy

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A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy

by Deborah Harkness (Goodreads Author)
3.98 of 5 stars 3.98 rating details 13!3" ratings 1#!$88 re%ie&s
A richly inventive novel about a centuries-old vampire a spellbound !itch and the
mysterious manuscript that dra!s them together"
Dee' in the sta(ks of )*ford+s ,odleian -ibrary! young s(holar Diana ,isho' un&ittingly
(alls u' a be&it(hed al(he.i(al .anus(ri't in the (ourse of her resear(h. Des(ended
fro. an old and distinguished line of &it(hes! Diana &ants nothing to do &ith sor(ery/ so
after a furti%e glan(e and a fe& notes! she banishes the book to the sta(ks. ,ut her
dis(o%ery sets a fantasti(al under&orld stirring! and a horde of dae.ons! &it(hes! and
%a.'ires soon des(ends u'on the library. Diana has stu.bled u'on a (o%eted treasure
lost for (enturies0and she is the only (reature &ho (an break its s'ell.
Debut no%elist Deborah Harkness has (rafted a .es.eri1ing and addi(ti%e read! e2ual
'arts history and .agi(! and sus'ense. Diana is a bold heroine &ho .eets her
e2ual in %a.'ire geneti(ist 3atthe& 4lair.ont! and gradually &ar.s u' to hi. as their
allian(e dee'ens into an inti.a(y that %iolates age0old taboos.
Shado! of #ight (All Souls Trilogy #$)
by Deborah Harkness (Goodreads Author)
3.99 of 5 stars 3.99 rating details 5!5" ratings 8!$31 re%ie&s
67 ,8GA9 :67H A D6;4)<8=> )? :674H8;.
Historian Diana ,isho'! des(ended fro. a line of 'o&erful &it(hes! and long0li%ed
%a.'ire 3atthe& 4lair.ont ha%e broken the la&s di%iding (reatures. :hen Diana
dis(o%ered a signifi(ant al(he.i(al .anus(ri't in the ,odleian -ibrary!she s'arked a
struggle in &hi(h she be(a.e bound to 3atthe&. 9o& the fragile (oe*isten(e of &it(hes!
dae.ons! %a.'ires and hu.ans is dangerously threatened.
;eeking safety! Diana and 3atthe& tra%el ba(k in ti.e to -ondon! 1595. ,ut they soon
realise that the 'ast .ay not 'ro%ide a ha%en. =e( his identity as 'oet and
s'y for @ueen 8li1abeth! the %a.'ire falls ba(k in &ith a grou' of radi(als kno&n as the
;(hool of 9ight. 3any are unruly dae.ons! the (reati%e .inds of the age! in(luding
'lay&right 4hristo'her 3arlo&e and .athe.ati(ian Harriot.
7ogether 3atthe& and Diana s(our 7udor -ondon for the elusi%e .anus(ri't Ash.ole
#8"! and sear(h for the &it(h &ho &ill tea(h Diana ho& to (ontrol her re.arkable
The %oo& of 'ife (All Souls Trilogy #()
by Deborah Harkness (Goodreads Author)
$." of 5 stars $."5 rating details "9# ratings $ re%ie&s
The highly anticipated finale to the #1 New York Times bestselling trilogy that began
!ith A Discovery of Witches
After tra%eling through ti.e in Shadow of Night! the se(ond book in Deborah HarknessAs
en(hanting series! historian and &it(h Diana ,isho' and %a.'ire s(ientist 3atthe&
4lair.ont return to the 'resent to fa(e ne& (rises and old ene.ies. At 3atthe&As
an(estral ho.e at ;e't07ours! they reunite &ith the (ast of (hara(ters fro. A Discovery
of WitchesB&ith one signifi(ant e*(e'tion. ,ut the real threat to their future has yet to be
re%ealed! and &hen it is! the sear(h for Ash.ole #8" and its .issing 'ages takes on e%en
.ore urgen(y. 6n the trilogyAs final %olu.e! Harkness dee'ens her of 'o&er and
'assion! fa.ily and (aring! 'ast deeds and their 'resent (onse2uen(es. 6n an(estral
and uni%ersity laboratories! using an(ient kno&ledge and .odern s(ien(e! fro. the hills
of the Au%ergne to the 'ala(es of <eni(e and beyond! the (ou'le at last learn &hat the
&it(hes dis(o%ered so .any (enturies ago.

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