OB Assignment

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An Assignment

Organizational Behavior

Course No: 4103

Submitted to:
Md. Safayat Hossain
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:

Date of Submission: 18
May, 2013

Name ID
Afsana Tisa 16031
Fatema Begum 16020
Umme Honey Nabila 16037
Synthia Cruze 16039
Rashmin Hridita 16076
Answer to Question No.1
Rocket Singh is a business perspective movie where the name of leading character is Harpreet
Singh Bedi. Harpreet Singh was an honest, young, confident and energetic person who wanted to
build up his career as a salesman.
This movie focused on various types of entrepreneurial and behavioral aspects in the following
manner. Here is an overall evaluation of story in brief:
Greatest secret of success in business lies on satisfied client. Sales man should always
keep their mind that they need customers, customers do not need them. So they should
know what the needs of the customers are and how one sales man can fulfill them. Do all
the service for the customers.
Delighted and satisfied customers can become the ambassador of a business & their
reference can generate more business profit margin. Delighted and satisfied also helps to
increase customers.
People should be treated as resources and capital in the organization. If they are treated as
partner of the business, they will work in the organization for their own profit.
Mediocre become mastermind when they are involved.
Even zero has the value. The lowest person in the organization hierarchy can do wonder
if he/she is put at the right place. And genius can ruin whole game if placed wrongly.
Matching of inherent talent with job description is critical for success of the organization.
Everyone is born with potential of vice & virtue.
Every employee has both the qualities, the qualities of rising and falling in the career.
These rising and falling qualities determine your destiny.
Risk taking is a basic characteristic to be an entrepreneur. Jumping out of comfort zone,
taking initiatives & playing with risks are very important quality of an entrepreneur what
makes his/her different. They should always remember that the biggest risk in life is to
avoid the risk.
A loyal team is needed to build the corporation successful. Great organization is built by
great team where the entire ream member is satisfied with their job. So it can be seen that
there are also a lot of responsibility to the organization to make their employee or team
member satisfied.
Employee satisfaction is very important for a successful teamwork. Because dissatisfied
employees are destructive for an organization & thus happened to AYS Corporation.
The head of an organization should know that only making a target cannot satisfy an
employee. They should need motivation, respect and a good atmosphere for work.
From entrepreneurial aspect Rocket Sales Corporation emphasized on different matters
such as:
Penetrate market through relatively lower price. Entrepreneurs should keep their
margin low so that they can catch the market.
Taking risk at different level.
All the members of an organization should responsibility with their work as they
are partners
Trustworthiness is very important. They never cheat with customer or offer them
wrong delivery date.
Committed to client
24/7 after sales service was one of their competitive advantages.
Avail advantage from usage of secret information of clients of AYS
Minimum level infrastructure cost when started Rocket Sales Corporation as they
were using AYSs.
Behavioral aspect from the view point of leadership:
A perfect leader is very essential for the success of an organization. In this movie Harpreet Singh
might not be a born leader but it was his behavior that made him able to establish Rocket Sales
Corporation and make it different and successful as a new organization. Along with his
charismatic personality it was his honesty, confidence & communication skill that made him able
to convince his partners and clients.
Harpreet is also a very good observer. He can found out the need of the customers and his
business partners .He used this leadership quality in employee selection and in other tasks too.

Employee Management:
We can see that Rocket Sales Corporation treated people as partners not employees. As they
almost have same designations and share of profit they feel the corporation as their own. Rocket
sales give importance on the need and want of the people within the organization. Employee
friendly environment was ensured here.
Behavioral aspects of customer relationship:
Rocket sales have very flexible customer policy.
1. Maintained some major principals when dealing with client ,such as:

Delivery on date
No false commitment to client
Anytime service

2. Client satisfaction is one of their major commitments.

3. After sales they dont forget their clients, so clients also remain loyal to Rocket Sales

Answer to Question No.2
Rocket Sales Corporation is a good example for the new entrepreneurs. Because it helps to
know how we can get and use the opportunity. It does not do any unethical or wrong act with
AYS Corporation. They use the opportunity which the AYS Corporation cannot use. Even
At the beginning of the Rocket Singh movie the President of the AYS Corporation said to
Harpreet Singh the initiator if you want to go higher in life you should leave your footprint
on your colleagues or other people head and you have to face many problems. It means that all
the things that are done by Rocket Sales Corporation with AYS Corporation is normal in the
business world if anyone wants to shine.
In the movie we can see that Harpreet Singh, the founder of the Rocket Sales Corporation, was
a very honest person. He did not do any unethical work in his field work. He never ever thought
to do any type of unethical acts for sales order. So when one manager of a leading company offer
him bribe he rejected this and complain against that manager. For that work Harpreet Singh was
misbehaved by the president of AYS Corporation and his colleagues. Harpreet Singh thought
that he would establish a corporation where all the people in the corporation were felt like
partners and did not do any unethical works for getting any sales order. Then He founded his
own sales corporation Rocket Sales. They also follow some very important five rules which play
very important for their business. These rules make the Rocket Sales one of the best companies.
Rules are:
Do not tell a lie with customers so that customers can trust them easily
They give more priority to service rather than sales because good service helps to
increase sales
if any customer offer them bribe they do not take any accept it
They do not promise customer false delivery date
They give service 24 hours
We think that these strategies are very important for the new entrepreneur. These rules are
important not only for new comers but also existing business or company.
Now we can look the internal and external situation of AYS Corporation. It was such type of
company where employees were maltreated by its supervisors. This corporation also was
skimming the market with a very high price. They also thought that only bribe could help to get
you order. So we think that AYS Corporation mainly did unethical things with customers
.Where Rocket Sales Corporation was penetrating the market with low margin and better
quality. Rocket Sales was following some strategic rules for their customers. If they are not
satisfied business or company will not be able to go higher. From whom they get good service
and good price, they normally want to do transaction with them. Rocket Sales Corporation
offer their customers all the facility so they are attracted. It means that Rocket Sales
Corporation does not take the customers from AYS Corporation; rather they targeted dead
customers of AYS Corporation. As they just offer attractive deals, better service and good
price to the customers so that customers want to do transaction with Rocket Sales Corporation.
If AYS Corporation offered their customers more facility they would not lose their customers
.even we can see that when AYS took away Rocket Sales they were not able to satisfy customers
as Rocket Sales. So their graph was decreasing day by day. It means that there are huge
differences between these two sales companies. So, how can we compare between this two and
say that Rocket Sales do unethical work with AYS.
Yes it is true that rocket sales corporation take some benefits from AYS Corporation like
information about customers, weakness of the AYS Corporation and they also use their
telephone .But we dont think that this are wrong because If anyone want to go higher in your
life he/she should leave his/her footprint on the his/her colleagues head. So without those
benefits, may be they would not be able to build a good corporation. We also see that at the last
portion of the film Harpreet Singh, the founder of Rocket sales, also offered the payment for all
the facilities which were used by Rocket Sales Corporation from AYS Corporation. Rocket
Sales Corporation gains the entire customer and goodwill with his own strategy, not with the
help of AYS Corporation. Here, we also see that Harpreet Singh is not only honest but also
very responsible. He is very intelligent also because he knew that what customer want and how
to serve them the best service.
So we think that Rocket Sales Corporation is a good example for the entire new comer in the
business world. They can fulfill their dream with their honesty, strategy and with leadership
capability. They should also keep in mind that they need customers so they should give all types
of facility to their customers.
Answer to Question No.3
Harpreet Singh was a young, energetic and honest person who wanted to be a Sales Man. To
fulfill his dream he went to his very first job interview in a sales corporation AYS. But on the
first day at AYS, Harpreet Singh faced an embarrassing situation in his interview. As a new
comer in a new office, the total environment was very uncomfortable and unfavorable to him.
The main thing was that the sales manager was so much unfriendly. Harpreet Singh was just
neglected by him throughout the interview. But as his dreams would come true Harpreet Singh
was very happy. At first, sales manager asked Harpreet Singh to sell himself. Harpreet became
nervous to hear such kind of question and couldnt manage to say something right. Later the
manager told him to sell a pencil at the rate Rs.100 without rubber. But he had to convince that
the rubber was with the pencil. Harpreet Singh started to sell the pencil. He said this is a new
pencil with detachable perfumed rubber and with very hard lead which cannot be broken. The
sales manager did not satisfy. Harpreet Singh tried his level best to satisfy the manager but he
failed to do so. Actually the manager didnt want to recruit him as a salesman for the company.
When the head of the corporation came the sales manager said that Harpreet was not good
enough to be a sales man and his education background was not good. Hearing that the head of
the corporation said that the company would not run with mark sheet it would run with balance
sheet. At last, the head of the corporation suggested the sales manager to recruit Harpreet Singh
as a salesman for AYS because Harpreet Singh was able to sell Rs.2 pencil as Rs.2000000
Mercedez. The head of the corporation also said This boy is able to sell Rs.2 pencil as
Rs.2000000 Mercedez. So, he has some special quality for becoming a sales man. By that
Harpreet Singh got his dream job.

In the movie we can saw that though Harpreet Singh was nervous and uncomfortable in the new
situation, he was confident about himself. But If I were in this situation, I may be not as
confident as Harpreet Singh. But I try my level best to answer the questions of the manager and
make him satisfied. But at the same time I would decide not to join this company because the
sales managers behavior is not favorable and the existing employees are not satisfied. Where the
existing employees are not satisfied with their job how can I satisfy with this job as a new comer.

Answer to Question No.4
Before answering this question we should know that what is emotion and emotional dimension.
Emotion is not a little thing; it is very vast physiological matter.
Emotion is intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Its caused by specific
event. Emotion is very brief in duration. Emotion usually accompanied by facial expression and
its action oriented. Emotion have some specific form such as happiness, surprise, anger, sadness,
fear, disgust, bored etc. Some of these positive emotions have positive impact on individual. On
the other hand the negative emotions influence an individual negatively.
Dimensions of emotion:
There are two dimensions of emotion that are:
Positive emotion:
Positive emotion affects a person positively. Some positive emotions are
happy, elated, calm, content etc.

Negative emotion:
Negative emotion affects a person negatively regarding something. Some
of the negative emotions are disgust, upset, sad, bored etc.
Harpreet Singh was a person who wanted to be a salesman. It was his ambition. To get his dream
job, Harpreet Singh went for an interview in AYS Corporation. The sales manager didnt even
notice him. The sales manager asked Harpreet to sell himself. Harpreet was feeling nervous.
Later the manager asked him to sell a pencil. Harpreet tried his best to satisfy the manager, but
the manager couldnt be satisfied with his answer. Actually he didnt want to appoint Harpreet.
At last, the head of the corporation suggested the manager to appoint him as he approached to
sell a lower price pencil at a very high price. At last Harpreet sing was recruited by the company.
Harpreet Singh was ecstatic on that day when he got his first visiting card. As being a sales man
was his dream he was very happy after getting the visiting card. He was so happy because of his
Here the dimension of emotion that is happiness worked. Happiness is a positive emotion. It
influences a person in a highly positive manner. Happiness expresses a positive or favorable
feeling about something. As the job of a salesman was a dream job for Harpreet and he got an
identity in the corporation by getting the visiting card, he felt very ecstatic.

Now in case of myself I would feel the same thing in this situation. I would feel very happy for
these reasons-
As it was my first job and I was very excited with this job, my emotion would work
positively towards the job.
My dream was to be a sales man. So when I got visiting card it would give me an identity
that I was a sales executive of that company.
I would start to feel myself important in my job.
I thought that when I would show that visiting card to other people they gave me more
importance. It means that it is a sign of social prestige.
For all these reasons, I would also feel happy as Harpreet Singh Bedi.

Answer to Question No.5
A theoretical model Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect- framework is helpful in understanding the
consequences of job dissatisfaction.
Exit response involves directing behavior towards leaving the organization, including looking for
a new position as well as resigning. Neglect response involves passive allowing conditions to
worsen, including chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort and increased error.
These two behaviors are destructive in the way that these encompass the employees preference
variables productivity, absenteeism and turnover.
In this movie, it is clear the employees were dissatisfied. The reasons can be as follows:
Manager or superiors behavior
Co-workers behavior
Lack of supportive work place
Lack of supervision
Lack of independence
In this movie, the worst part was the behavior of the sales manager with the subordinates. Sales
manger was very much rude with the sales men from the very beginning. The managing director
was also not friendly enough with the employees.
When Harpreet raised a voice by complaining against a client company for offering him bribes,
he was totally maltreated by the superiors. The managing director further insulted him in front of
that client. Afterwards, all of his colleagues insulted him for the reason that the manager gave a
punishment for the attitude of Harpreet. They became very unfriendly with Harpreet and started
insulting him, which made the workplace very disturbing for him.
Taking and offering bribe, in this movie, was a very familiar thing done by the employees of
AYS. Employees took this doing as easily as it seems no wrong. Thats only because the
superiors were allowing this unethical doing. Lack of supervision is one of the main reasons
Harpreet and other employees were not independent enough, in question raising voice,
expressing something they think unethical.
The workplace environment effects the job satisfaction at primary level. As seen in this movie,
Harpreets desk was just beside an office wash-room, where someone was always using that,
which created a very annoying situation.

Now, if we come to the consequences of these dissatisfactory levels, we find many things those
are negatively correlated with the profitability and goodwill of any company.
First of all, job performance of the employees went down tremendously. Neither salary money
nor pressure of the superiors could bring it up.
Organizational citizenship behavior is absent in most of the employee cases. No one liked the job
but continued just because of some monetary feedback. As the employees were not satisfied,
performance and attitudes never crossed any line beyond expectation of the superiors.
In this movie, one of the customers offered bribe to Harpreet. He was a moral human being as
well as a moral employee. He complained against that client. This incident made the customer
very much unpleased. Here, employee dissatisfaction made the customers dissatisfied.
Workplace deviance, in this movie, is the most familiar in respect of employee dissatisfaction.
Employees responded somehow, as they didnt like their job. As they were bound not to quit,
they were taking work time in surfing internet, gossiping, neglecting easy tasks. As a result,
afterwards they started using the companys assets and resources for personal use.
These levels of dissatisfaction encouraged the employees, not to resign, but to neglect the job
performance, which is very much harmful for the companys profitability and goodwill. It causes
more turnovers less productivity and also creates chaotic situation in office. Sometimes
employees become violent. The ultimate consequence of this type of dissatisfaction is losing the
respect from the employees for the superiors as well as the job, decline in productivity, decrease
in profitability and increase in employee turnover.

Answer to question no. 6
In this case of the movie, dissatisfaction is destructive. A theoretical model Exit-Voice-Loyalty-
Neglect- framework is helpful in understanding the consequences of job dissatisfaction.
Exit response involves directing behavior towards leaving the organization, including looking for
a new position as well as resigning. Neglect response involves passive allowing conditions to
worsen, including chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort and increased error.
These two behaviors are destructive in the way that these encompass the employees preference
variables productivity, absenteeism and turnover.
Dissatisfaction is destructive in two ways, if the employee exit or neglect the work. In case of
AYS, employees were dissatisfied with the overall managing system and behavior. All of them
were maltreated in some situation. For this reason, they were not loyal to the company and job. It
reduced the companys quality service to the customers, started giving less respect to the other
employees and the superiors. They were neglecting the responsibilities continuously. But they
did not resign because of scarcity of any other good job. As they were bound to do the existing
job, they started unethical doing being a part of the company. At last they were encouraged to
establish a new company using all the necessary resources and customers of AYS, which was
totally unethical. As a result, AYS ultimately lost their employees, customers as well as their
profitability in the long run. In this way, employee dissatisfaction is destructive for the company.

Answer to question no. 7
Social loafing means the tendency of individuals to expend less effort when working together
with friends rather than working individually or other group. Those who avoid their
responsibilities to perform as a group member are known as social loafer. A social loafer creates
a huge problem in a group and group work.
When we started our group assignment or report or presentation, we divided it in such a way that
everyone in the group has to perform some part of the assignment. So we didnt have any free
rider in our group. The reasons behind this are given below:
1) Social loafing mainly occurs when the group is relatively large. But the size of our group is
small. So everyone was bounded to complete their work.
2) We have been working as a group member for a long time so we know the capabilities and
limitation of the members. So we arranged our work in such a way that everyone was assigned
with work.
3) If there was any conflict regarding the work then we arranged group meeting to solve that
4) All the members in a group should have some responsibilities and I think that the members in
our group are responsible with their work.
Since our group was able to avoid social loafing we were able to work on time. To complete any
group work its necessary to work effectively and to utilize the ability of every member. We did
this thing by working together and by understanding others power and weakness.

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