10.3 Annual Activity Report 2013 v1

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Annex Item 10.


Governing Board Meeting Athens, Greece 19-20 May 2014

Governing Board
DATE OF MEETING 19-20 May 2014
Presentation of the Authorizing Officer Annual Activity Report
2013 and its assessment by the Governing Board

The Annual Activity Report for 2013 has been drafted in line with
Article 47 of the Financial Regulation of CEPOL, reporting on the
Authorising Officers performance of his duties in form of a
consolidated annual activity report containing:
(a) information on:
the implementation of CEPOL's annual Work Programme,
budget and staff resources;
management and internal control systems including the
summary of number and type of internal audits carried out
by the internal auditor, the recommendations made and the
action taken on these recommendations and on the
recommendations of previous years;
any observations of the Court of Auditors and the actions
taken on these observations;
the accounts and the report on budgetary and financial
(b) a declaration of the authorising officer stating he has a
reasonable assurance that:
the information contained in the report presents a true and
fair view;
the resources assigned to the activities described in the
report have been used for their intended purpose and in
accordance with the principle of sound financial
the control procedures put in place give the necessary
guarantees concerning the legality and regularity of the
underlying transactions.
The consolidated annual activity report indicates the results of the
operations by reference to the objectives set, the risks associated

Governing Board Meeting Athens, Greece 19-20 May 2014 Page 2 of 2
with the operations, the use made of the resources provided and
information on the internal control systems.
The consolidated annual report is submitted to the Governing
Board for its assessment.
According to the Governing Board Decision 27/2012/GB, the Audit
Panel provides the Governing Board with a draft opinion on the
annual accounts 2013, as well as a draft analysis and assessment of
the Authorising Officers Annual Activity Report (see item 13.1)
No later than 1st July each year the consolidated annual activity
report together with its assessment shall be sent by the Governing
Board to the Court of Auditors, to the Commission, to the
European Parliament and the Council.
RECOMMENDATION The Governing Board is asked to:
- analyse and assess the Authorising Officers Annual
Activity Report for the Financial Year 2013, in line with
Article 47 of the Financial Regulation of CEPOL
- adopt the draft GB decision on analysis and assessment of
the Authorising Officers Annual Activity Report

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