A Person Who Has Good Mental Health Has Good Emotional and Social Wellbeing As Well As The Capacity To Cope With Challenges

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A person who has decent mental health has respectable emotional and social wellbeing
as well as the capacity to cope with challenges. According to Australian Bureau of
Statistics, mental illnesses are the third leading cause of disability burden in Australia,
accounting for around 20 billion dollars to help educate and giving them the daily need
of life. Mental illness can be defined as a persons condition with regard to their
psychological and emotional well-being. There are many different types of mental
illness. This report will identify and describe about a well know illness called Bipolar
Disorder. Bipolar Disorder is a very serious condition. There are many Organisation
which help people who have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. These include Black
Dog Institute and Beyond blue.

Bipolar Disorder, as discussed before, Is a very solemn health issue. Bipolar disorder is
a psychotic illness which means that if affects manly the psychological side. This illness
is a type of mood disorder which makes people have major depression and sometimes
there attitude elevates to hypomania. If a person is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder,
they are predominately in a miserable and depressed mood which not only can affect
the diagnosed person but his family, his relationships (peers, girlfriend, and friends).
There are 2 main types of Bipolar disorder which includes Bipolar I (Bipolar One) and
Bipolar II (Bipolar two). According to Black Dog, Bipolar I disorder is defined as being
present if the person experiences one or more lifetime episodes of DESI RE and usually
episodes of depression. The harshness and length of episodes are often severe and may
result in hospitalisation. Bipolar II: A person with bipolar II disorder will have had at
least one event of hypomania as well as an event of depression. Although bipolar II
disorder is sometimes thought of as 'less serious' than bipolar I disorder, it probably
affects more people and causes a great amount of disturbance to their lives, mainly
because of the depressing part of the illness. According to Head Space, It can be difficult
to establish whether a person has Bipolar I or Bipolar II, especially in the early stages of
becoming unwell, and a person's diagnosis can change over time as their symptoms

Signs and Symptoms are useful for some illnesses for early detection but for Bipolar Disorder
they are occasionally unfamiliar or are mistaken as just depression. According to WebMD,
As many as 20% of people complaining of depression to their doctor actually have bipolar
disorder. The key difference between depression and bipolar disorder is that bipolar disorder
is mania, or raised mood that its sufferers also experience occasionally. Bipolar disorder is
characterized by up-and-down episodes of mania and depression. During a manic phase,
some patients can have a total breakdown from reality. The key different between signs and
symptoms is that symptoms can only be described by the person feeling them. As for signs
we judge in the medical field are the skin signs: colour, temperature and moisture. Some of
the signs and symptoms include; Good mood, Inability to complete tasks, Depression,
Irritability, Rapid speech, Trouble at work, alcohol and drug abuse, erratic behaviour, sleep
problems, flight of ideas.
GOOD MOOD-Hypomania, which is a symptom of Bipolar disorder, is a high-energy
state in which a person feels enthusiastic but hasnt misplaced their hold of reality. A
individuals temper can be raised, they may have a ration of energy and originality, and they
may experience euphoria. "Hypomania can be a pretty enjoyable state, really," Dr. Bearden
INABILITY TO COMPLETE TASKS- People who can harness their liveliness when they are in
a hypomanic phase are mainly really original. Those who cant often go from task to task,
preparation grand, unrealistic projects that are never finished before moving on to something
DEPRESSION- A individual who is in a bipolar depressing state is going to look just like
somebody who has regular depression. Unfortunately, antidepressants don't work well in
patients who are bipolar. They can even make people sequence more commonly,
deteriorating their disorder, or send someone into a break-with-reality episode.
IRRITABILITY-Some people with this condition suffer from "mixed mania," where they
experience indicators of obsession and misery at the same time. During this state, they are
often extremely short-tempered. Everyone has bad days, which is one reason this kind of
bipolarity is much harder to identify.
RAPID SPEECH- Some people are naturally talkative. But "pressured speech" is one of
the most common symptoms of bipolar disorder. The person will talk briskly and if you try to
speak, they will likely just talk over you. They will also sometimes jump around to different
TROUBLE AT WORK- Individuals with this illness often have difficulty in the workplace
because so many of their indicators can interfere with their capability to show up for work, do
their job, and cooperate effectively with others. In addition to having difficulties at
completing tasks, they may have trouble sleeping, irritability, and an inflated personality
during a manic phase, and depression at other times, which causes excessive sleeping and
additional mood problems.
ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE- According to Huffington post, around 50% of people with
bipolar disorder also have a matter misuse problem, mainly alcohol use. Many people will
drink when they are in a hyper phase to slow themselves down, and use alcohol to recover
their attitude when they are blue.

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