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... through Bertha Dudde

Gods infinite love
for His living creations ....
If ou are granted insight into ! reign and activit then it
should also "e evidence for ou that ou hu#ans #ean incredi"l
#uch to !e even though ou live our earthl life in an i#$erfect
state and thus our nature is still ver $oorl sha$ed.
%evertheless ou can regard ourselves as the cro&ning glor of
creation' for a$art fro# ou no other "eing e(ists that ran)s
higher than the hu#an "eing' #erel the individual soul can "e
sha$ed differentl according to his degree of love.
But he is al&as the "eing I once e(ternalised in all $erfection'
&hich &as an i#age of !self and shall "eco#e it again ....
But ! &or) of creation &ill never lose its value for !e even if it
voluntaril degenerated itself " reversing its $erfect state into a
co#$letel o$$osite one .... Ho&ever' since this occurrence
entirel contradicted ! eternal order I &ill leave no stone
unturned so as to esta"lish order again and I trul )no& ho& this
can "e achieved ....
For love let ou arise and love &ill not let anthing go astra ....
*ove see)s unit and also changes &rong characteristics "ac)
into their original state. For love is a strength &hich can
acco#$lish anthing' et again it onl &or)s in la&ful order.
I created "eings for !self &ith &ho# I &anted to &or) together
and &ho therefore had to have the sa#e &ill as ! o&n .... +nd
the had "een indeed su$re#el $erfect' and ! love for the#
&as intense and constantl gave itself to these living creations.
*ove &ants to give' it &ants to #a)e ha$$ "ut it also &ants to
receive love in return .... I &ant ! e#anated love to reflect "ac)
to !e &hich also constantl increases the ,reators as &ell as the
created "eings "liss ....
+nd "ecause it is onl $ossi"le for the living creation to reverse
its nature to its original state in the stage as a hu#an "eing ....
since the living creation is a"le to res$ond to ! love again &hen
it lives on earth as a hu#an "eing .... the hu#an "eing #eans so
incredi"l #uch to !e-
he is' after all' close to achieving the goal and ! hel$ &ill
constantl "e granted to hi# and he can al&as )no& hi#self to
"e su$$orted " ! love .... He can rest assured that he &ill
al&as "e &ell cared for " !e' that he &ill not "e left at the
#erc of his self.chosen destin' "ecause the return to !e' the
change of his nature into its original state' is ! goal and I &ill
never lose sight of this goal even if the hu#an "eing still resists
!e' "ecause I do not co#$el his free &ill.
Ho&ever' I )no& that one da he &ill voluntaril return to !e and
I &ill do &hatever it ta)es in order to shorten the ti#e in &hich
he is se$arated fro# !e .... even though the hu#an "eings free
&ill re#ains decisive ....
+nd for the sa)e of achieving this retransfor#ation the &hole of
creation e#erged around ou' for ! love searched for and found
a &a' and ! &isdo# guided ou to this $ath &hen ou had
fallen .... ! love did not di#inish' and this is &h our return to
!e &ill ta)e $lace one da' for love &ill achieve everthing ....
+nd even our $rocess across earth as a hu#an "eing is an
incredi"le offering of love on ! $art &hich I gave to the once
fallen "eings "ecause I created the# as "eings' as !
i#ages' &hich &ere e(tre#el ha$$ in ! $ro(i#it ....
+nd the shall "e allo&ed to e($erience the sa#e "lissfulness
again and also sta in ! $resence again if the voluntaril ta)e
the $ath to !e in earthl life' if the feel so strongl illu#inated
" ! love that it dra&s the# to !e "ecause the &ant to
reci$rocate ! love.
/our love is onl so &ea) "ecause ou are still unenlightened or
in $ossession of little )no&ledge .... But &ith increasing
realisation it &ill gro& and I &ill "e a"le to conve #ore
)no&ledge to ou' I &ill "e a"le to reveal #ore $rofound &isdo#
to ou &hich &ill also increase your love for !e and ou &ill
recognise our Father in !e' and it &ill "eco#e ever #ore
understanda"le that ou are "eing held and carried " !
greater than great love' that I do not &rite an of ! living
creations off or leave it at the #erc of its destin ....
+nd our love &ill also gro& as soon as ou learn to recognise !e
and ! nature' as soon as all correlations "eco#e clear to
ou .... as soon as ou allo& ourselves to "e taught " !e
!self and thus are $er#itted to gain insight into ! reign and
activit ....
0u"lished " friends of ne& revelations of God 1Infor#ation'
do&nload of all translated revelations' the#e."oo)lets at2


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