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Cambridge University Press 2011

Data 2
Revision questions: 2 Data 1 Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies
1 A shop has four students delivering newspapers to its customers. Each student delivers three
diferent papers (RECORDER, MAIL and ARGUS). Te shop manager uses a spreadsheet to
record the deliveries as shown below:
2 LIZ 21 30 19 True
3 TOM 24 24 22 False
4 DAVE 19 16 26 True
5 PAM 18 12 23 False
Name the data type in cell:
a A2
b D3
c E5.
2 Te terms fle, record and feld are used in databases. Explain the meaning of each term and
explain the connections between them; you may wish to include a diagram.
3 An estate agent uses a computer system to store details about properties for sale. A section of the
properties fle is shown below:

Property Type Area Price
4217 D Lake 99.92
4219 D Park 200.00
4220 S Lake 105.50
4221 F Park 175.25
4222 F Town 75.00
a Why is coded data used for Type?
b What is the data type for Price?
c What is meant by a key feld? Which is the key feld?
4 a What is meant by analogue data?
b When does analogue data need to be changed into digital data?
c What device performs the conversion?
d Give one application which would use analogue data.
Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision questions: 2 Data 2 Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies
5 a What is meant by digital data?
b Give one application which would use digital data.
6 Explain the following terms:
a database
b fle
c direct access fle
d record
e sequential fle.
7 A shop sells bicycles. Information about each bicycle in stock is held in a computer fle. Part of
the information is shown in the table below.

Make Model Type Colour StockNo Price
Smith Sprint Racing B 1471 $200.00
Tompson Maxi Racing B 1329 $185.00
Brown Speed Racing G 1654 $200.00
Davies Swif Mountain R 1972 $0.15
Smith Swallow Racing Y 2015 $300.00
Tompson Fly Mountain B 2149 $400.50
Brown Panther Racing Y 3249 $670.00
a How many felds are shown?
b How many records are shown?
c Give a reason why the shop would need to delete a record from the bicycle stock fle.
d Give a reason why the shop would need to add a record to the bicycle stock fle.
e Explain how the shop can print a list of mountain bikes.
f Tere is an error in the table. Which item is wrong? How could this error have
been avoided?
g Which is the key feld?
8 A video club hires flms to members. Te club uses separate database fles to store details about
flms, members and the flms hired.
a Name four suitable items of information for the FilmsHired database fle, specify the feld
type and give an example of the data.
b Name four suitable items of information for the Members database fle, specify the feld type
and give an example of data.
9 a What is meant by the term validation?
b What is meant by the term verifcation?
c Describe one method of verifcation when changing a password.

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