List of A

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List of A:

ATA Advanced Technology Attachment

.ABR Average Bit rate
ALGOL Algorithmic Language
AMOLED Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode
AMD Advanced Micro Device
A!" Audio !ideo "nterleaved
ATM Aynchronou Tran#er Mode
List of B:
B"O$ Baic "n%ut Out%ut $ytem
BB& Bae 'and &roceor
'% 'it %er econd
B&M Buine &roce Modelling
B$OD Blue $creen o# Death
List of C:
)A"D )om%uter-Aided "ndutrial Deign
)DMA )ode Diviion Multi%le Acce
)L" )ommand Line "nter#ace
)$" )ommon $ytem "nter#ace
)T)& )lient-To-)lient &rotocol
List of D:
DA) Digital-To-Analog )onverter
DAT Digital Audio Ta%e
D"!* Digital !ideo Ex%re
D+D Drag-and-Dro%
(To Get full Computer Abbreviations PDF Go to the below A Z links)
List of E:
EBML Exteni'le Binary Meta Language
EDO Extended Data Out
e"D electronic "D card
E$)O+ Enter%rie $ytem )onnection
E*T E*Tended #ile ytem
List of F:
,DMA ,re-uency-Diviion Multi%le Acce
#c. ,ile $ytem )hec.
,TT) ,i'er To The )ur'
,TT& ,i'er To The &remie
,*& ,ile e*change &rotocol
List of G:
G' Giga'it
G"M&$ Great "nternet Merenne &rime $earch
G$M Glo'al $ytem #or Mo'ile )ommunication
GML Geogra%hy Mar.u% Language
G/T Google /e'
List of H:
0DD 0ard Di. Drive
0$D&A 0igh-$%eed Do1nlin. & Acce
0TT&d 0y%ertext Tran%ort &rotocol Daemon
02RD 0ird o# 2nix-Re%lacing Daemon
03 0ert3
List of I:
"DE "ntegrated Drive Electronic
"GR& "nterior Gate1ay Routing &rotocol
")$ "nternet )onnection $haring
"TL "nterval Tem%oral Logic
"!R$ "nteractive !oice Re%one $ytem
(To Get full Computer Abbreviations PDF Go to the below A Z links)
List of J:
45EE 4ava 5 Enter%rie Edition
4D6 4ava Develo%ment 6it
4&EG 4oint &hotogra%hic Ex%ert Grou%
4$& 4ava$erver &age
4!M 4ava !irtual Machine
List of K:
6B 6ey'oard
.03 6ilohert3
6'% 6ilo'it &er $econd
6RL 6no1ledge Re%reentation Language
6!M 6ey'oard7 !ideo7 Moue
List of L:
L)D Li-uid )rytal Di%lay
LED Light Emitting Diode
L"LO Linux Loader
L$" Large-$cale "ntegration
LTR Le#t-to-Right
List of M:
MA+ Metro%olitan Area +et1or.
M)"T& Microo#t )erti#ied "n#ormation Technology &ro#eional
MD" Multi%le Document "nter#ace
MM"O Memory-Ma%%ed "8O
M&L$ Multi%rotocol La'el $1itching
M$D+ Microo#t Develo%er +et1or.
List of N:
+E*T +ear-End )roTal.
+,$ +et1or. ,ile $ytem
+T,$ +T ,ileytem
+!R +et1or. !ideo Recorder
+AT +et1or. Addre Tranlation
List of O:
OA$"$ Organi3ation #or the Advancement o# $tructured "n#ormation $tandard
OMR O%tical Mar. Recognition
ORM O9ect-Relational Ma%%ing
OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode
OLT& Online Tranaction &roceing
List of P:
&A& &a1ord Authentication &rotocol
&)M &ule-)ode Modulation
&ERL &ractical Extraction and Re%orting Language
&"D &ro%ortional-"ntegral-Derivative
&L8M &rogramming Language #or Microcom%uter
List of Q:
:DR :uad Data Rate
:,& :uad ,lat &ac.age
:o$ :uality o# $ervice
:OT :uote o# the Day :t(:uaar
:TAM :ueued Tele%roceing Acce Method
List of R:
RDM Relational Data Model
ROMB Read-Out Mother'oard
R$$ Radio $ervice $o#t1are
RTL Right-to-Le#t
RD$ Remote Data $ervice
(To Get full Computer Abbreviations PDF Go to the below A Z links)
List of S:
$DDL $ecurity Decri%tor De#inition Language
$D6 $o#t1are Develo%ment 6it
$,T& $im%le ,ile Tran#er &rotocol
$OA& $im%le O'9ect Acce &rotocol
$!) $cala'le !ideo )oding
List of T:
T,T Thin ,ilm Tranitor
TRO+ Trace On
TTL Tranitor-Tranitor Logic
T)2 Telecommunication )ontrol 2nit
Tcl -Tool )ommand Language
List of U:
2ML 2ni#ied Modeling Language
2RL 2ni#orm Reource Locator
2$B 2niveral $erial Bu
2T& 2nhielded T1ited &air
2T, 2nicode Tran#ormation ,ormat
List of V:
!GA !ideo Gra%hic Array
!L$" !ery-Large-$cale "ntegration
!&2 !iual &roceing 2nit
!TAM !irtual Telecommunication Acce Method
!LA+ -!irtual Local Area +et1or.
List of W:
/;) /orld /ide /e' )onortium
/," /ait ,or "nterru%t
/&A+ /irele &eronal Area +et1or.
//"D /orld /ide "denti#ier
//+ /orld /ide +ame
List of X:
List of X:
*M&& e*teni'le Meaging and &reence &rotocol
*$D *ML $chema De#inition
*T, e*teni'le Tag ,rame1or.
*2L *ML 2er "nter#ace Language
*!GA Extended !ideo Gra%hic Ada%ter

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