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Always read something that will make you

look good if you die in the middle of it.

PJ ORourke
Guidis body of work frames a discourse
a visual discourse that revolves around
what it means to see, and more specifically
what it may mean to offer up an image
each project, each image, always leads
to new questions that point the way
forward: to keep looking askance at
how we look, at our preconditioned way
of seeing the world and its photographic
representation too.
Marta Dah
Guido Guidi
Text by Marta Dah
Softcover with tipped-in image
172 pages 110 plates
24 cm x 32 cm
45 40 $55
ISBN 9781907946608
January 2014
Sacrifice Your Body
Roe Ethridge
Flexibound embossed hardcover
128 pages 63 colour plates
21.6 cm x 28.8 cm
45 40 $55
ISBN 9781907946615
February 2014
Standing there in the Bermuda grass and baking sun yelling
FUCK at the top of my lungs, I watched the Durango putt putt
putt across the canal and gently come to rest at the other
edge. The lights were flashing, the wipers were going. It was
a confused vehicle.At that point, I figured I better start taking
some pictures because it seemed likely that I would be buying
a very wet, teeth-white, 2011 Dodge Durango.
An Archeology of Fear and Desire
Frdric Brenner
Clothbound hardcover
72 pages 37 colour plates
29.5 cm x 27.5 cm
50 45 $60
ISBN 9781910164006
April 2014
To shun simulacra and representations, to wrest oneself out of
the theater one has made of ones life, out of the roles: the lover
or the father, the boss, the king, the conqueror, the pauper, the
little girl or the prostitute, the soothsayer and the great actress
Antoine Vitez
8 Women
Collier Schorr
Text by Richard Prince
Hardcover with acetate dust jacket
72 pages 34 plates
24.1 cm x 31.8 cm
45 40 $55
ISBN 9781907946424
April 2014
Its kind of like your book is a new
8-track photograph.
Richard Prince
Bertien van Manen
Hardcover with silkscreen
112 pages 78 plates
22.5 cm x 23.5 cm
40 35 $55
ISBN 9781907946622
April 2014
Theres nothing more hallucinating than Moonshine
and reefers on a hot, sultry summer evening out on
the porch, in the silence of the mountains, with only
the zoom of the bug zapper or the twang of the
hillbillies voices rising as they grow merry.
Typology 1979
Joachim Brohm
Text by Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
Embossed hardcover
104 pages 35 colour plates
24 cm x 26 cm
45 40 $60
ISBN 9781907946646
June 2014
No two of the little houses are the same carefully proportioned furnishings
here are wildly contradicted with slapdash decorations over there. Everyone
has thought about their buildings, brought materials, laid walls, used power
drills, insulated, glued things, extended the previous tenants shed, retro-fitted
a bigger window, added a television antenna. They are strange hybrid buildings,
between tool sheds and dachas, gingerbread houses and orangeries.
Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
Joanna Piotrowska
48 pages 28 plates
23.5 cm x 26.5 cm
30 25 $40
ISBN 9781910164105
June 2014
First Book Award 2014
Every activity in the relationship with a father allows
I to develop, and at the same time destroys I.
I find the father everywhere, where I think its me.
There is no landscape without father.
Franz Kafka
Two-Frame Films (2006-2012)
Luke Fowler
Text by Harvie Ferguson and Toshiya Tsunoda
Clothbound hardcover
162 pages 106 colour images
23.5 cm x 25.5 cm
40 35 $55
ISBN 9781907946271
July 2014
Blink. Our eyes open to a familiar world just as it was a moment before: a world
indifferent to our involuntary loss of attention. We know of course that things in
fact have changed. Everything looks the same but nothing actually remains un-
altered. We know this but we cannot detect the minute and subtle transforma-
tions that affect every aspect of reality. Blink. It is the same. Blink. Blink. Blink
Harvie Ferguson
You sleep between scarlet sheets in the bed of a man who travels week-
ends to be with his wife and children in the Muslim quarter of the Old
City, where Israeli soldiers stand as his wife sells beads with crosses to
Christian Pilgrims on the steps of the Austrian Hospice. Sometimes you
talk while another part of you is in another place saying something else.
Rosalind Solomon
Printed paper hardcover
144 pages 56 tritone plates
16.5 cm x 21.5 cm
30 25 $40
ISBN 9781910164013
July 2014
Michael Schmidt
Clothbound hardcover
104 pages 45 plates
17.9 cm x 23.9 cm
40 35 $55
ISBN 9781907946585
July 2014
Theres no order outside the order of the material.
Robert Smithson
It is possible in January to stand in the mountains above the Palestinian
city of Ramallah and watch the rainstorms moving across the Mediter-
ranean towards the shimmering mass of towers that are Tel Aviv. In the
coming weeks the high desert mountains will change from scorched fer-
rous gold to bright green and purple and back to metallic hues. Some-
where in between everything is possible and everything is watched and
noted, for here on the West Bank of the River Jordan every inch of land is
known, recorded, and potentially a source of conflict.
Nick Waplington
188 pages 145 plates
30 cm x 27 cm
55 50 $80
ISBN 9781907946523
July 2014
Stranger Than Fiction
Joan Fontcuberta
Text by David Chandler
Softcover with flaps
200 pages 242 plates
21 cm x 26 cm
30 25 $40
ISBN 9781910164075
July 2014
In the very beginning, when the operator controls and regulates his
time exposure, when in the dark-room the developer is mixed for
detail, breadth, flatness, or contrast, faking has been resorted to.
In fact, every photograph is a fake from start to finish, a purely im-
personal, unmanipulated photograph being practically impossible.
Edward Steichen, Ye Fakers, 1903
Truth is of this world; it is produced in it thanks to manifold
constraints. And it induces in it regulated effects of power.
Every society has its regime of truth, its general politics of
truth: that is to say, the kinds of discourse it accepts and makes
function as true or false, the way each of these is sanctioned;
the mechanisms and procedures that are valorised for the ob-
taining of truth; the status of those who are charged with say-
ing what counts as true.
Michel Foucault
Pandoras Camera
Joan Fontcuberta
Softcover with flaps
192 pages 16 essays 65,000 words
15 cm x 22.8 cm
19 15 $25
ISBN 9781910164037
July 2014
Normally a nymphomaniac is thought of as someone
who cant get enough and therefore has sex with many
different people. Thats true, of course, if Im to be hon-
est. I see it precisely as the sum of all these different
sexual experiences. In that way, I have only one lover.
Im not sure how to explain it.
Its like a meal put together with different flavours...
Belongs to Joe
Casper Sejersen
Text by Cecilie Hgsbro on Lars von
Triers Nymphomaniac
160 pages 90 plates
24.7 cm x 30.5 cm
45 40 $60
ISBN 9781907946592
September 2014
There are a few old roads that may be trodden with profit, as
if they led somewhere now that they are nearly discontinued.
Henry David Thoreau
An Old Forest Road
Robert Adams
Text by Joshua Chuang
Hardcover with dust jacket
72 pages 45 plates
21.6 cm x 28 cm
40 35 $55
ISBN 9781910164082
October 2014
Ricardo Cases
October 2014
Thomas Struth
October 2014
Craigie Horsfield
October 2014
Grgoire Pujade-Lauraine
October 2014
Ken Graves
November 2014
Wendy Ewald
October 2014
Coming Soon
Paul Graham September 2014
Jungjin Lee October 2014
Luigi Ghirri October 2014
Jeff Wall SS 2015
J Carrier SS 2015
Alec Soth SS 2015
Yto Barrada SS 2015
Between the Shell
Paul Salveson
Board book
76 pages 38 colour plates
19 cm x 26 cm
47.50 40 $60
ISBN 9781907946431
November 2013
David Campany
Sof tcover with dustjacket
100 pages
37 colour plates 37 black & white plates
24 cm x 32 cm
30 27.50 $35
ISBN 9781907946448
September 2013
Field Trip
Martin Kollar
Hardcover with tipped-in image
76 pages 49 colour plates
20 cm x 25 cm
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946486
October 2013
Almost There
Aleix Plademunt
Printed paper hardcover
116 pages 68 tritone plates
19 cm x 25 cm
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946547
September 2013
Co-published with Ca lIsidret Edicions
The Hidden Mother
Linda Fregni Nagler
Sof tcover with a die cut dustjacket
432 pages 1,002 colour plates
23.8 cm x 28.6 cm
45 40 $55
ISBN 9781907946530
November 2013
Co-published with Nouveau Muse National de Monaco
South of Market
Janet Delaney
Printed embossed hardcover
128 pages 79 colour plates
28.5 cm x 24 cm
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946387
November 2013
Holy Bible
Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin
Embossed hardcover
768 pages 614 colour plates
16.2 cm x 21.6 cm
60 50 $80
ISBN 9781907946417
June 2013
Co-published with the Archive of Modern Conflict
Mrs. Merrymans Collection
Presented by Anne Sophie Merryman
Printed paper hardcover
112 pages 86 colour plates
24.5 cm x 27 cm
42.50 35 $55
ISBN 9781907946257
June 2012
Redheaded Peckerwood
Christian Patterson
Third Edition
Printed paper over board including 3 inserts,
an illustrated booklet and a facsimile postcard
168 pages 98 images
19 cm x 24 cm
45 40 $65
ISBN 9781907946141
January 2013
Le Luxe
Roe Ethridge
Second Edition
Embossed hardcover
206 pages 200 colour plates
25 cm x 28.5 cm
45 40 $55
ISBN 9781907946080
September 2012
Imitation of Christ
William E. Jones
Silkscreen paperback
128 pages 54 colour plates
17 cm x 23 cm
30 25 $40
ISBN 9781907946394
May 2013
Luigi Ghirri
Paperback with booklet insert
104 pages 92 colour plates
20.2 cm x 27 cm
30 25 $40
ISBN 9781907946240
November 2012
Easter and Oak Trees
Bertien van Manen
30 25 $40
ISBN 9781907946462
American Colour 19621965
Tony Ray-Jones
25 20 $30
ISBN 9781907946554
Backlist Backlist
Rodeo Drive, 1984
Anthony Hernandez
50 45 $60
ISBN 9781907946264
A Partial Eclipse
Martin Boyce
60 50 $80
ISBN 9781907946325
Preganziol, 1983
Guido Guidi
50 45 $60
ISBN 9781907946578
Casa de Campo
Antonio M. Xoubanova
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946400
1981 & 2011
Hasselblad Award 2012
Paul Graham
45 40 $55
ISBN 9781907946332
The Photography of Nature &
The Nature of Photography
Hasselblad Award 2013
Joan Fontcuberta
50 45 $55
ISBN 9781907946516
People In Trouble Laughing
Pushed To The Ground
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
42 35 $55
ISBN 9781907946042
Gerry Johansson
50 45 $65
ISBN 9781907946356
Elementary Calculus
J Carrier
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946233
LE SILENCE Une fiction
Simone Menegoi (ed.) & Cristiano Raimondi (ed.)
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946202
Another Language
Mrten Lange
30 25 $35
ISBN 9781907946301
Vanilla Partner
Torbjrn Rdland
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946318
The River Winter
Jem Southam
50 45 $60
ISBN 9781907946288
Jason Evans
40 35 $50
ISBN 9781907946295
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Press enquiries:
Beth John
Editorial submissions:
Izabella Scott
Sales and distribution:
David Gooding
For Spain
Sonia Berger
For Australia and New Zealand
Perimeter Distribution
For Nor th America
Melissa Catanese
For Japan
Atsushi Hamanaka
For France
Interar t
Cover Joanna Piotrowska
Page 1 Roe Ethridge
Page 30 Jungjin Lee
Page 56 Guido Guidi
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