Radiology Exam 2010 2011

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Matching Questions " Choose the best match "

Ultrasound Increased incidence of hepatoma (4 ( 1 .

Alternative imaging
Bridging veins (5)
2 .
MI ) ! ( Iodinated contrast
" .
#$rosinemia . %e& 'orn &ith $ello&ish vomitus (() 4 .
)u'dural hematoma Best modalit$ to evaluate the gall 'ladder
(1 (
5 .
rheumatoid arthritis. )erum creatinine more than 2mg (2 ( * .
Idios$ncratic reaction . Best modalit$ to diagnose pulmonar$
em'olus (15 (
! .
Midgut malrotation. +omputer anal$sis of radiofre,uencies
emitted '$ protons in the 'od$ (" (
( .
+# angiograph$ -ro.imal interphal$ngeal /oints (*) 0 .
)uspected colonic
1arl$ diagnosis of osteom$elitis (12 ( 12 .
Ultrasound and or +# Acute appendicitis (11 ( 11 .
MI or isotop 'one
1arl$ diagnosis of hemorrhagic 'rain
12 .
)tanding -A chest if
1arl$ diagnosis of throm'otic 'rain
infarct (14)
1" .
MI Best modalit$ for diagnosis of perforated
hollo& viscus (1")
14 .
+# 3ral 'arium contraindicated (12) 15 .
-1# Ma4es pneumothora. more o'vious (1!) 1* .
1.pirator$ chest film . 5unctional stud$ (1*) 1! .
Down syndrome . Duodenal atresia 18 .
19 .
N.B. : the number o !uestions e!ual the number o answers .

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