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Varaha Mihira's

Bhadra Chakra
The great VARAHA MIHIRA, whose works on Astrology are revered by many, writing about the
Sarvato Bhadra Chakra says that it is a!able o" showing immediate results, whih an be
veri"ied and that this Chakra enlightens the Three #orlds$ The author o" MA%SA&ARI 'an
Astrologial te(t in e(tensive use in %orth India) in a ha!ter entitled Sarvato Bhadra Chakra
says that this will Illumine the Three #orlds$ Another author says that this Chakra will enlighten
us about the !ast, !resent and "uture and is, there"ore, om!arable to TRI*+,-A .//0A 'a
lam! "or lighting u! the Three #orlds)$ These bold statements not only give a lue to the great
im!ortane attahed to it by the re!uted writers but also the "at that the Chakra is a
multi!ur!ose tool$
In our en1uiries we "ound that this Chakra is used "or 'i) !rediting the !rie ranges o"
ommodities like Cotton, &old, ereals and "ood stu"" et$ 'ii) the "uture o" nations, results o"
battles et$ "or !ur!oses o" !olitial astrology 'iii) !rediting events onerning a native2s "uture,
though to a limited e(tent$
/(haustive literature on this sub3et is not available$ #e are, there"ore, !resenting in this
booklet whatever literature we ould lay our hands on, in the ho!e that serious students o"
Astrology would !ursue the matter, arry out researhes and make their e(!eriene available to
the !ubli in due ourse$ The o!inions e(!ressed by Varaha Mihira and the author o" Mansagari
is so lear and so "irm, this matter really warrants the serious attention o" students o" Astrology
and may !erha!s !rove to be yet another method to make !reditions with greater auray$
This ould even be the missing link in the art o" !redition, without whih we have been unable
to !redit with om!lete auray$
#e re"use to believe that a !ersonality o" the stature o" Varaha Mihira would have le"t anything
"or !osterity that is not really use"ul and his e(!ression in the very "irst sloka says this Chakra
will throw light on the Three #orlds should be taken at its "ae value and a!!lied with all
sinerity and veri"ied$
.oubts and ambiguities do e(ist in this book and will beome a!!rent as the reader overs
ha!ter a"ter ha!ter$
These are 4
a$ Has eah !lanet one or three Vedha as!ets 5
b$ 67 ells are allotted "or 67 vowels8 it seems that a ma3ority o" these ells annot be !ut to
use by !ersons "ollowing languages other than Sanskrit
c$ Constellation Abhi3it has a ell "or itsel", but is not rekoned "or many a !ur!ose
d$ #hether week days and birth asendant are to be onsidered besides 0anhka 5
Researh over a number o" years in the di""erent "ields in whih this Chakra an be used ould
only !rovide a!!ro!riate answers to these or unearthing other available literature on the sub3et$
Mantereswara2s 0HA*A .//0I,A is one o" the big "ive works on Astrology, the most
ondensed book, lear ut in e(!ression, yet overing a muh wider "ield than other te(ts$ There
is a ha!ter alloated in this book "or %akshatra gohara, Vedha, *atta et$ vi9 ha!ter :7$
These are !rini!al items in the S$B$ Chakra methodology$ In skoka ;<, Mantreswara mentions
that bene"i and male"i Vedhas '"ront,right and le"t as!ets whih !ass through ell to ell)
have to be onsidered in !rediting transit e""ets$ The mere "at that a highly ondensed
treatise as 0HA*A .//0I,A has alloated more than hal" a ha!ter to this Chakra illustrates
the im!ortane attahed to it by an authority like Mantreswara, the most reent writer$
Some o" the students and researhers in Astrology inluding "oreigners have been im!atiently
!ressing us "or in"ormation and literature on this Chakra$ Besides, it also beame a!!arent to
the translators that they ould not make any "urther headway into this branh o" Astrology$
Hene, this !ubliation is being released in the sinere ho!e that "urther researhes will be
made by those who have time and make know the results$
#e are dee!ly indebted to Shri ,M ,haregat "or all the hel! rendered in the om!ilation o" this
book and to ,arma -ogi Shri =!endra T Mehta "or the "inanial and other assistane rendered$
May the %ava &rahas bestow !eae and !ros!erity on them$
Sd>? %% ,rishna Rau @ VB Choudhary
Bombay, :A Banuary 6C7:
Directions, Constellations,
Namanakshatras, Swaras, Tithies
The Chart
.raw 6A vertial lines and 6A hori9ontal lines interseting eah
other, so that you have
C ( C D E6 ells$ /nsure that all the ells are s1uare and o" e1ual
so that the hart may be used with ease$
/ntry "rom to! le"t
Top of the Chart represents EAST, to! le"t %orth?/ast and
to!?right South?/ast
Right side 4 S+=TH *e"t side 4 %+RTH
Bottom o" the Chart 4 #/ST, bottom?le"t %orth?#est and bottom?right South?#est
'/AST at the to! may seem a bit unusual "or we are used to %+RTH at the to!)
The "our ells at the ; orners o" the Chart are allotted to the ; long vowels A, AA, /, //$
The remaining < ells eah at the to!, bottom and the two sides ':C ells) are allotted to
the :E onstellations 'inluding Abhi3it) o" the Hindu Astrology as shown in the Chart I$
Abhi3it is a very small onstellation and is loated on the %irayana 9odia at 7F?;A2 Ca!riorn
to 6AF?GH2?:AI Ca!riorn$ This is based on the authority o" Varaha Mihira and JC .utt$ This
onstellation is also in use in the Ashtottari Maha .asa System$ The above arrangement is
based on the assum!tion that the :G onstellations, Aswini to 0urva Ashada ':A) and .hanishta
to Revati 'G) are all ou!ying e1ual distanes o" 6HF?:A2 eah and the remaining H
=ttara Ashada, Abhi3it and Sravana ou!y varying distanes but totalling :7F?;A2$
Jor loation o" all onstellations, see Appendix A
There is a shool o" thought aording to whih all the :E onstellations ou!y e1ual distanes
the 9odia, i$e$ H7A divided by :E8 6:F?7><2 !er onstellation$ In view o" Varaha Mihira2s authority
about the loation o" Abhi3it as also the distanes ou!ied by the !reeding and sueeding
onstellations, it not be advisable to ae!t the o!inion that all :E onstellations ou!y e1ual
distanes, 3ust to satis"y mathematial re1uirements$
In our studies, we have also ome aross some Almanas in the ountry wherein even today,
is shown in between 0ura Ashada and =ttara Ashada$
These two differences of opinion may NT be accepted until research pro!es it
Si"ns of #odiac correspondin" to $oon Si"n
Cell Ks GE, GC, 7A, 7:, 7H, 7;, 77, 7<, 7E, <A, <6 and <: are allotted to the 6: signs o" the 9odia
Taurus to Aries res!etively$ See Chart I
%unar Days &Tithies)
Tithies are allotted among the G ells om!rising the ell right at the entre, KE6, and the ; ells
at the %orth, /ast, South and #est vi9$ <;, <7, <E and EA as shown here in Chart II$
<H <;
G @ 6A
<C <E
64 0radhama, :4 .witeeya, H4 Thriteeya$ ;4 Chaturthi, G4 0anhami, 74 Shashti,
<4 Sa!tami, E4 Ashtami, C8 %avami, 6A4 .asami, 664/kadasi, 6:4 .wadasi,
6H4 Thrayodasi, 6;4 Chaturdasi, 6G4 0oornima or Jull Moon +R Amavasya 'in .ark Hal")
#eeks days are also being inluded by some in the G ells hosuing Tithies in the "ollowing
manner 4?
K<7 ? Sunday, Tuesday8 <E ? Monday, #ednesday8 EA ? Thursday8 <; ? Jriday @ E6 ? Saturday$
#eek .ay does %+T "orm !art o" the 0A%CH,A 'e(!lained later) and may be ignored until
!roves it otherwise$
The 67 vowels 'in Sanskrit) are arranged in the Sarvato Bhadra Chakra is shown in Chart I$
See also A!!endi( B "or "ull details$
The natural order of occurrence of these !owels is ()
A 'short)8 AA 'long)8 E 'short)8 EE 'long)8 'short as in Cook)8 'long as in Shool)8 *E
'short as in Rig)
*EE 'long as in reah)8 %E 'short) and %EE 'long) ? these two do not seem to our in
languages other than
Sanskrit and some Indian vernaulars8 AE 'short)8 AE 'long)8 as in oke8 + as in Cowdrey8
A$ as in ,-$8
A.A as in A.A$ED$ These 67 vowels are the same as those taught in shools in the very "irst
lesson, in India$
In some vernaulars, only 6: are used$
The namanakshatras '6C onsonants and 6 vowel) :A in number are arranged as show in
Chart I$
Appendix / e(!lains where the vowels>namanakshatras are used$
It will be observed that A is used both as a vowel 'ell K6) and as a namanakshatra 'ell KH;)$
.ow to -se the Chart
0lae the !lanets, on any given day and time, on the res!etive onstellations$
A!!endi( A is a ready rekoner showing distanes ou!ied by the :E onstellations on the
9odia as !er %irayana and Sayana '#estern) along with their /nglish names$
The tara grahas 'Tara 4 star, graha 4 !lanet, tara graha 4 !lanets whih resemble stars) namely,
Mars, Merury, Bu!iter, Venus, Saturn,
when in retrogression, as!et the right side8
when moving "ast, as!et the le"t side8
when moving at normal s!eed, as!et the "ront$
The right and le"t as!ets always !ass an angle o" ;GF either to the right or the le"t, starting "rom
the ell
where the !lanet is situated, "rom one orner o" the sign into the other and sto!s only on
reahing a
onstellation in the ells "lanking any one o" the sides o" the Chakra$
The front aspect is NT supposed to pass throu"h, si"n to si"n, but the constellation
at the end of the aspect alone "ets the effect0
That is to say, the right and le"t as!ets have their e""ets on the all the ells through whih the
as!et !asses,
but the "ront as!et a""ets only the onstellation in "ront$
See harts V?a and V?b $ .ragon2s Tail in the Chart v?a has been !laed in ell 67 mere "or
illustrating the as!et
"rom that !osition$
.ragon2s Head 'Rahu) and .ragon2s Tail ',etu) are always retrograde8 Sun and Moon are
always onsidered
"ast moving8 The "ormer two !lanets belong to Chhaya &raha 'shadow !lanets)8 the latter to
Ra3a &rahas
',ingly !lanets)$ These "our !lanets will always aspect in all the three directions i$e$ le"t, right
@ "ront$
Note 4 +n the 1uestion o" as!ets, there are serious di""erenes o" o!inions$
Some say, all !lanets as!et all the three sides while others who di""er, say, all !lanets
only one as!et de!ending on s!eed>retrogression$
The translators2 !re"erene is "or single as!et "or tara grahas and three sides as!et
"or the rest$
As already stated, the le"t and right as!ets !ass through sign to sign and a""et the vowel,
rasi 'Moon sign), lunar day 'Tithi) and onstellation ou!ying the as!eted ells, while the "ront
a""ets only the onstellation at the other e(treme$
Special Aspects
0lanets ou!ying the 1uarter o" a onstellation immediately ad3aent to the "our orner ells '6,
C, 6< @ :G)
a""et the long vowels lose to it$

A !lanet in the
%ast 1uarter o"

A !lanet in the
2st 1uarter o"

Bharani ,artik A ? ell K6
Ashlesha Magha AA ? ell KC
Visakha Anuradha / ? ell K6<
Sravana .hanishta // ? ell K:H
along with the above, the same !lanet also a""ets 0ournami or Amavasya
#hen constellation is a""eted its namanakshatra also get a""eted
Ardra /A, ,HA, %&$ CHA
Hastha 0A, SH, %, THA
0urva Ashada BA, ., 0, .H
=ttara Bhadra!ad .A, TH, BH, -A
3airs amon" consonants
There area "ew more onsonants in atual use than those atered "or in the Sarvato Bhadra
These are indiated in Appendix /
Classification of 3lanets
Bu!iter, Venus and Moon "rom Gth *unar .ay '0anhami) in bright hal" to 6Ath *unar .ay
'.asami) in
dark hal" 'both days inlusive)$
Saturn, Sun, .ragon2s Head, .ragon2s Tail, Mars and Moon "rom 66th *unar .ay '/kadasi) in
dark hal"
to ;th *unar .ay 'Chaturthi) in bright hal" 'both days inlusive)$
Merury is onsidered a male"i when on3unt with a male"i and their navamsas and
then ha!!en to be the same8 otherwise bene"i$
Retrograde male"is are onsidered highly male"i and retrograde bene"is highly bene"i8
when moving "ast 'more than mean motion) all !lanets retain their original bene"i>male"i
Speed of 3lanets


#hen the s!eed
!er day is "reater than
Mars ;72?66I
Merury 66H2?H:I
Bu!iter 6;2?A;I
Venus <G2?;:I
Saturn <2?;GI
they are su!!osed to be "ast, and there"ore, as!eting the left side$
#hen retrograde 'irres!etive o" s!eed), the as!et "or the above !lanets is to the ri"ht4
and at all other time, front only$
The onsonant 'namanakshatra) ourring "irst in the name, ne(t the vowel 'Swara), ne(t *unar
.ay 'Tithi)$
ne(t the onstellation 'Bunma nakshatra) o" birth and lastly the Moon sign 'Rasi) are known as
the 0anhka
in the order given$
Example (
0anhka "or one with date o" birth
Example .oroscope ( Birth in 0urva 0halguni Hrd Luarter
Sun in 0ises <F
Moon in *eo :6F
Namanakshatra "or this Luarter 4 Ti 'vide A!!endi( A) orres!onding to onsonant T
Moon has traversed 67;F "rom Sun 4 67;>6: D 6H !lus
i$e$ birth on the 6;th *unar .ay or Chaturdasi bright hal"$
Moon is in *eo as the onstellation "alls in *eo$
The Luarter o" onstellation o" birth !rovides the %amanakshatra with Swara, Tithi and Rasi$
Thus, the 0anhka "or the native with above birth date would be 4
Namanakshatra T ? ell K;6 Ti shown against Hrd Luarter 0urva 0halguni in
Appendix A
'as in tea)$
Swara / ? ell K6<
Tithi 6;th ? ell KEA
Constellation 0urva 0halguni ? ell K66
*asi Simha ? ell K7:
%a"na &birth Asdt5 Meena '0ises) ? ell K<6$
MResearhers are onsidering *agna also in addition to 0anhka$
0anhka "or one without date o" birth
Jor those who have no horoso!e or reorded time o" birth, these !artiulars are determined
with re"erene
to the name o" the !erson onerned in the "ollowing manner 4?
The name o" the !erson is the one, using whih, a !erson "ast aslee!, would wake u!8 or i"
would res!ond to$ The mere sound !rodued when uttering a name is riterion, irres!etive o"
the s!elling
or the language$ The "ollowing table would be o" assistane in doing it$
/asic 'owels
A E AE +



&>%& &h Ch
Chh B Bh T TT
. .. Th Thh .h
..h % 0 0h B
BB M - R *
V Sh Shh S H
This hart has only G basi vowels and HA onsonants$ All names have to be brought under one
these vowels and onsonants$ The "irst vowel and onsonant or the "irst onsonant and vowel,
the ase may be, is onsidered and !rovides the starting !oint$
*A$A has * and A as the "irst onsonant and vowel, while AR=M=&AM has A and R as the
"irst vowel
and onsonant$ In names like *A$A 'where "irst onsonant is "ollowed by a vowel), the "irst
is taken into aount and in names like A*-$-6A$ 'where the "irst uttered sound is a vowel
by a onsonant), the vowel is ignored and onsonant taken into aount$ Thus, in both ases,
* !rovides the starting !oint$ %ow, loate the onsonant R in the table above, whih reveals
the Swara
in this ase, AE$
Table showin" relation between !owels, consonants and lunar days
*unar .ays %anda
G @ 6A
Basi Vowels A / ++ A/ +#
Consonants / ,h & &h Ch
Chh B Bh T TT
*unar .ay 6 : H ; G
Consonants . .. Th Thh .h
..h % 0 0h B
*unar .ay 7 < E C 6A
Consonants BB M - R *
V Sh Shh S H
*unar .ay 66 6: 6H 6;
Assuming that 0anhka is re1uired "or RAMA, details o" whih are as "ollows 4
%amanakshatra R ? ell K ;H
Swara A ? ell K 6
The basi vowel A/ is determined "rom Table VI is a om!ound o" A @ /$
It is !ermissible to do so$ #here a doubt arises, it is sa"e to stik to the
vowel obtained "rom Table VI$
Tithi 6;th *$.$ ? ell KEA
Constellation Chitra Hrd Luarter ? ell K6;
A re"erene to A!!endi( A reveals that RA ours against Chitra Hrd Lr$
Rasi Tula ? ell K7;
.etermination o" the 0anhka orretly is !o" 0IV+TA* IM0+RTA%C/$ Jor those with birth
the Lr o" the Constellation o" birth !rovides the Swara with namanakshatra$ Tithi and Rasi are
determined otherwise$ Jor those without date o" birth, the initial onsonant in name !rovides
main Swara through Table VI8 with the hel! o" main Swara, using Table VII, tithi is "ound8
Rasi and Constellation are determined with the hel! o" Appendix A
Stren"th of 3lanets
All !lanets en3oy "ull strength or 6AAN in own sign8 <GN in "riendly sign8 GAN in neutral sign8
and :GN in enemy sign$
The !osition is di""erent in regard to the strength o" !lanets in the matter o" on"erring e""ets$
Bene"is on"er "ull or 6AAN in own sign8 <GN in "riendly sign8 GAN in neutral sign8 and :GN in
enemy sign$
Male"is on"er "ull or 6AAN male"i e""ets in enemy sign8 <GN male"i e""ets in neutral sign8
GAN male"i
e""ets in "riendly sign8 and :GN male"i e""ets in own sign$
The e""et o" an as!et will be !ro!ortionate to the strength o" the !lanet as!eting$ The word
as!et used
throughout this book means le"t>right>"ront as!et or all o" them as a!!liable, unless otherwise
As!et to one or more o" the 0anhka is meant$
The e""ets o" !osition ',shetra bala ? strength derived by reason o" a !lanet2s stay in a sign) is
doubled i"
the !lanet onerned is retrograde$ I" too "ast or in e(altation, trebled$ +wnershi!, e(altation,
signs are as is generally "ollowed$ Thus, a"ter asertaining the s!eed, !osition et$ results
should be !ronouned$
0lanet Jriends %eutral /nemy
Sun Moon Mars Bu!iter Merury Venus Saturn
Moon Sun Merury Mars Bu!iter Venus
Mars Sun Moon Bu!iter Venus Saturn Merury
Merury Sun Venus Mars Bu!iter Saturn Moon
Bu!iter Sun Moon Mars Saturn Merury Venus
Venus Merury Saturn Mars Bu!iter Sun Moon
Saturn Venus Merury Bu!iter Sun Moon Mars
As a general rule, the ;th sign "rom /(altation>.ebilitation is known as the neutral sign,
e(e!t where it ha!!ens to be otherwise$
Dra"on7s .ead and Dra"on7s Tail are mutually friendly but enemies to the rest of the
0lanet +wn Sign /(altation .ebilitation
Virgo &emini Sagittarius
.ragon2s Tail 0ises Sagittarius &emini
Effects of con8unction9aspect of each planet (
#orry8 o!!osition "rom su!eriors8 "ever with old8 headahe8 travel8 loss o"
"ear "rom 1uadru!eds8 misunderstandings with !arents8 distress$
:ull $oon
&ain o" onveyane, ornaments, tasty dishes$
+eak $oon
Sorrow, bondage, travels$
Stomah or blood disorders8 "inanial loss8 loss o" disriminating !ower8 loss o" relations8
losses8 u!set o" bile8 "ailures8 de"eat in battle8 long distane travel$
$ercury &/enefic5
,nowledge8 honour "rom su!eriors and relatives8 gains in business and agriulture8 "reedom
diseases8 "ame$
$ercury &$alefic5
+!!osite results will be bestowed by Merury in ombustion, in enemy sign, in debilitation or in
on3untion with male"i$
Sikness, "ear, sorrow, loss o" servants, "riends and relations8 intermittent "ever8 bondage8 loss
!osition8 troubles due to or "rom women in low walks o" li"e8 death due to dangerous
de"eat in battle$
Dra"on7s .ead
+bstrution8 heart diseases8 "ainting8 intimay with widows or low lass women8 o!!osition "rom
the learned$
Dra"on7s Tail
+bstrution8 loss o" grain>agriultural losses8 u!set o" health to wi"e8 !ain in various !art o" body$
Note 4 When Sun Mars and Saturn are aspecting Moon who is conjunct with one of them,
there will be diseases of head, fever, fistula, stomach disorders, bilious disorders
and obstruction or impediments from sources higher than human beings.
The bad effects flowing from a malefic ceases the moment malefic leaves the
constellation from which the aspect originated.
All round suess8 liking by su!eriors8 !eae8 worshi! o" the *ord8 good luk and good health$
Note 4 When Jupiter is conjunct with a malefic, sickness; wrath of superiors; failure; loss of
reputation; sorrow; travel; sickness to children and bondage will result.
Com!any o" and en3oyments with women inluding wi"e8 "avours "rom su!eriors8 marriage8
abundane o" everything8 hildren8 ha!!iness$
Note 4 enus conjunct with malefic confers loss of mone! and "uadrupeds; dissensions with
women and other losses.
3aksha 3hala
Joreast o" e""ets "or the ensuing "ortnight et$
Somewhat on the lines o" Varsha 0hal '"oreast "or natives "or the whole year) is "oretold based
!lanetary !ositions !revailing on the 6st day o" eah Hindu -ear, the e""ets "or the ensuing
'whih is e1uivalent to a "ortnight) either the dark or bright hal" or any !artiular day or moment
an be "ound$ Jor asertaining the 0aksha !hala, the onstellation on whih Sun was standing
as !er
Almana, on the 6st day o" the "ortnight alone, is neessary$ Therea"ter, !roeed to !lae the
rest o"
the !lanets 'without re"erene to almana or e!hemeris) based on the "ollowing table 4?
Table VIII
Insert Sun on the a!!ro!riate onstellation and then, !lae
.ragon2s Tail on 6:th Constellation "rom Sun
Merury :Eth
Venus Hrd
Mars Gth
Moon 6:th
.ragon2s Head 67th
Saturn :7th
Bu!iter 6<th
.uring the month o" +tober 6C;;, the native o" the /(am!le Horoso!e was seriously
laid u! and death was antii!ated any day during that month$ The ma3or !eriod and
the sub !eriod then o!erating were very bad, a!able o" in"liting death$ Sarvato Bhadra
Chakra drawn as !er above table "or the two "ortnights ommening on : +CT ;; and
6< +CT ;; to asertain the 0aksha 0hala are attahed as Chart OI and OII ) Appendix D
with omments and dedutions$
*ikewise, the e""ets o" a !artiular day are deided with re"erene to the !osition o" Moon
as !er e!hemeris and the rest o" the !lanets inserted as !er the "ollowing table$
Table I<
Insert Moon on the a!!ro!riate onstellation using e!hemeris>!anhang$
and then, !lae
Sun on Gth onstellation "rom Moon
Mars <th
Merury 6Ath
.ragon2s Head 6Hth
Bu!iter 6;th
Venus 6Cth
.ragon2s Tail :6st
Saturn :Gth
Similarly, the e""ets "or a given moment or 3ust be"ore embarking on a new venture
are "ound by loating Sun "rom the e!hemeris and inserting Sun on the a!!ro!riate
onstellation and !roeed to !lae the rest o" the !lanets as !er "ollowing table$
Table <
Insert Sun on the a!!ro!riate onstellation and then !lae
Moon on Hrd onstellation "rom Sun
Mars <th
Saturn 6:th
Merury 6Hth
.ragon2s Head 6Cth
Bu!iter :Ath
.ragon2s Tail :Gth
Venus :<th
A srutiny o" Tables VIII, IO and O may give rise to a host o" 1uestions and doubts suh as
a$ .ragon2s Head and .ragon2s Tail never ou!y o!!osite !ositions
b$ Merury does not get away "rom Sun as muh as 66 onstellations ? Table O
$ Moon is always on3unt with .ragon2s Tail in Table VIII
d$ why assume "ititious !ositions "or !lanets when atual loations are available
"rom e!hemeris>!anhang 5
A !ossible answer to these 1uestions ould be that the Sages have devised a 1uik method
o" divining e""ets using only the loation o" Sun or Moon and onsidering the trend o"
!lanetary transits as a!!liable to Sarvato Bhadra Chakra$ The Author assures that sur!risingly
aurate results, immediately veri"iable, will be obtained i" delineation is done "or "ortnight,
day and moment on this methodology$
All undertakings done on a *unar .ay, Rasi 'Moon sign), Constellation or %avamsa 'rising at
the time o" ommening an undertaking), whih is ou!ied by a male"i in the Chakra, will
end in "ailure i$e$ a marriage will not be en3oyed by the ou!le, a traveller may not return or
a disease starting at that time may !rove "atal$
I" the Rasi, %avamsa or Constellation is a""lited when an undertaking is ommened 4?
Rasi *oss o" !osition
Constellation *osses
%avamsa death>"ailure
Rasi, Constellation @ %avamsa
all three a""lited simultaneously
death>serious loss
or "ailure ertain
I a""lited by Sun Sorrow
I I I Mars .eath>1uarrels
I I I Saturn *oss>disease
I I I .ragon2s Head #ounds
I I I .ragon2s Tail 0oisonous e""ets
I I I bene"i Suess
I I I Merury ,nowledge
I I I Bu!iter #ell being
I I I Venus &ood e""ets
A""lited in the above onte(t means as!et or on3untion$
In bright hal", Moon auses good e""ets by his as!et>on3untion,
in dark hal", evil e""ets$
The onstellation 3ust vaated or ou!ied or being as!eted by a male"i should be avoided
"or all im!ortant undertakings, as "ailure is !ossible then$ Assuming you are sending in your
resume or !lan to attend an interview on a day when Moon is ou!ying Aswini$ I" that star
has 3ust been vaated by or is under ou!ation by a male"i or a male"i as!et is "alling on
Aswini, it is not advisable to go ahead, as "ailure is likely$ I" you an a""ord to wait "or a day
whih is "ree "rom these H a""litions, go ahead on a day when there is bene"i as!et on the
onstellation ou!ied by Moon$
#here one o" the 0anhka is a""lited, the degree o" a""lition is as "ollows 4?
Bust vaated .A&.A burnt the e""et has 3ust ourred
=nder ou!ation B#A*ITA burning the e""et is taking !lae
&oing to be ou!ied .H++MITA smoky the e""et is going to take !lae
#hen a""lition is aused by male"i 4
.A&.A 4 .eath or near e""ets
B#A*ITA 4 =!set o" health by way o" illness
.H++MITA 4 !ains, illness et$ !reliminary to a disease
+hen affliction is caused by benefic, correspondin" benefic effects will come to pass0
I" 6 amongst 0anhkas is a""lited ? u!sets will our
: I I I ? "ear
H I I I ? losses
; I I I ? illness
G I I I ? death
#hen 6 amongst 0anhkas is a""lited by 6 male"i ? =!set
I I : male"is ? Jear
I I H male"is ? *osses
I I ; male"is ? Illness
I I G male"is ? .eath
#hen 6 male"i auses a""lition, there will be on"usion
: male"is I loss o" relatives
H male"is I loss o" wealth
; male"is I troubles
G male"is I death
Brie"ly and in broad outline, i"
Constellation is a""lited, there will be on"usion
%amanakshatra I I loss
Swara 'vowel) I I illness
*unar .ay 'Tithi) I I "ear
Rasi I I obstrution
In detail, the e""ets o" a""lition are as under 4?
Constellation Jear "rom relatives8 illness8 loss o" weight or
u!set o" health8 "ailures8 on"usion @$
%amanakshatra Jear "rom ruler>&ovt8 sorrow and worries8
arguments with wi"e and servants8 brooding over
losses8 loss o" 1uadru!eds8 dysentery$
Swara>Vowel =!set o" health8 illness8 loss o" gold8
misunderstandings>1uarrels with relatives
*unar .ay>Tithi Con"usion8 loss o" wealth8 "all "rom height
Rasi 'Moon sign) Sorrow8 u!set o" health and humours8
distress8 even death
Any : o" the 0anhkas simultaneously under a""lition ? *oss o" wealth
H I I I ? de"eat in battle
; I I I ? de"eat and death
Aspect9con8unction of 2 benefic ) 6ood %uck
> ? benefics ) 6ains
> @ benefics ) Success
> A benefics ) +ealth
If Tithi is aspected by benefic ) 6ain of wealth
Constellation > ) 6ood health and success
*asi > ) .appiness
Namanakshatra > ) :earlessness
Swara9'owel > ) Increase of 6ood %uck
If all B of the 3anchka are simultaneously aspected by benefics,
there will be increases and all round "ains0
Bust as a male"i on"ers male"i e""ets, bene"is on"er bene"i e""ets$
#hen a male"i and a bene"i ha!!en to stand on a single onstellation,
the e""et o" the resulting as!et will be male"i$
This is !artiularly so in the ase o" Merury and to a large e(tent in the
ase o" Venus, Bu!iter and Jull Moon$
$ethod of usin" Sar!ato /hadra Chakra in connection with diseases
/ret Sarvato Bhadra Chakraa "or the time at whih a disease or sikness starts or an
aident ours, and asertain the bene"i as well as male"i as!ets to the 0anhka$
I" the as!et o" a retrograde 'Vakra) male"i has aused the start o" a disease, death
would result8 i" a "ast?moving male"i, the disease will be o" a long duration$
As!et o" Sun would result in !ains
I Mars I I res!iratory disorders
I .ragon2s Head>Tail I "its>"ainting
I Saturn I I shooting !ains
If at the start of a disease, a malefic aspects the
Constellation /ye diseases will our
Burning sensation, bronhial disorders,bilious
disorders, vomiting
Swara 'Vowel) .iseases o" mouth, teeth or ear
Tithi '*unar .ay) Skin diseases, headahe, swelling on "eet,
rheumati !ains
Rasi 'Moon sign) Indigestion, "ear "rom water, anger,!hlegmati
disorders8 nervous om!laints
The eight diretions and the various onstellations allotted to eah diretion are shown
in the Sarvato Bhadra Chakra ? Chart I$ At a given time, asertain the sign o" 9odia
ou!ied by Sun and the diretions indiated by that sign in the S$B$ Chakra is said to
be eclipsed 'the word used in this onte(t means a sort o" a""lition)$ The eli!sing o"
a diretion by Sun lasts a ma(imum o" H months starting "rom the time o" entry o" Sun
into the "irst sign in a diretion to the time o" leaving the sign in that diretion$
Jor e(am!le, /ast will be eli!sed "rom the time o" Sun2s entry into Taurus to the time
o" leaving Caner$
There is a shool o" thought whih is o" the o!inion that the eli!sing o" a diretion is
neither "orward nor bakward but on both sides, that is to say, when Sun is on Ardra Star
'ell KG), the whole o" /ast is agreed to be under eli!se i$e$ the diretion overed by the
star under ou!ation !lus H onstellations eah on either side$ Similarly, when Sun ou!ies
Ashlesha 'ell KE), the diretions or 3ust that muh o" the diretions overed by the
in ell KG to ell K6:, both inlusive, will be eli!sed$ This may look satis"atory "rom a
mathematial !oint o" view$ Aording to Shastra, when Sun is in the /ast, 'ell K: to KE),
/ast is said to be under a""lition8 similarly "or other diretions$
Affliction of Swara &'owels5
Bust as the onstellations get a""lited, vowels are liable to get a""lited too$ The 67 long vowels
ou!y the ; orner ells, as shown in the Chart$ The ; long vowels in ell K6, HH, G< and <H
are in the /ast, those in ell K C, HC, 76 and <G are in the South and the remainder /, R/
A/ 'short) AM in the #est and //, R//, A/ 'long) and AHA in the %orth$
#hen a diretion is eli!sed>a""lited, the vowels in that diretion also get the same a""lition,
"or H months$ Similar a""lition "or H months also arises "or the namanakshatras 'onsonants),
rasis 'Moon signs) and Tithies '*unar .ays)$
#hen one o" onstituents o" 0anhka get eli!sed by Sun, the e""ets are 4?
Constellation Sikness
Consonant *oss
Vowel Sorrow
Tithi .eathM
Mdeath here denotes the seriousness o" the e""et, rather, it denotes that
the worst ould ha!!en under the irumstanes$
=nder these a""litions, no 3ourneys should be undertaken, no marriage should be !er"ormed,
no griha?!ravesha 'entry into house "or the "irst time), no litigation launhed or battle waged
during the H months$
The 66: 1uarters o" the :E onstellations have eah a namanakshatra as !er Appendix A0
#hen a male"i !asses over a 1uarter o" any onstellation, the namanakshatra !ertaining to
1uarter is said to be under Vedha 'male"i on3untion>obstrution)$ I" both the Swara 'vowel)
and the namanakshatra 'onsonant) are under Vedhaa, there will be danger and loss o"
#hen the 0anhka as a lot or ma3ority o" them are under Vedha, suh natives should not
in battle or 3oin the "ighting "ores engaged in war, "or death is likely$
Astrologers should onsider these as!ets are"ully be"ore advising their sovereign to embark
any military adventure against another ountry$
#hen the Armed Jores attak another ountry or army, the attak should be made in the
under Vedha>male"i on3untion '!artiularly Sun), when suess is assured$
#here both the !arties are under Vedha, the side whih is under stronger Vedha will suumb$
I" the Vedha is idential, then the one that strikes "irst will win$
Effects of benefic aspect9con8unction to the constituent of 3anchka
Constellation &ood health
%amanakshatra &ains
Swara Ha!!iness
Rasi Vitory
Tithi Inreased lustre
All o" them
All round suess and
inreased !ros!erity
/ven though the hart ereted "or the time o" "irst attak in the &oa *iberation Cam!aign is
"it "or disussion under 0olitial Astrology, the hart is studied to illustrate some o" the above
The star 'onstellationA "or &+A ? Satabhisha, was only reently vaated by .ragon2s Tail$
Hene, DA6DA$ Jurther, the hart reveals JIV/ male"i as!ets on two o" the 0anhkas
6A %iberation Chart for midni"ht 2C DEC 2DE2
The onsonant & "alls in ell KG:
The sound &+ re!resents the 6st Luarter o" Satabhisha ell K:<
The onstellation Satabhisha omes under A1uarius$
#est is a""lited beause Sun is in the #est$
The "irst tangible blow to the &oa &overnment ame in the #est with the sinking o"
Alfonso de AlbuFuerFue
The rasi whih "alls in ell K<A is being as!eted by male"is "rom H sides$
The onsonant in ell KG: is being as!eted "rom two sides by male"is$
The afflictions noted abo!e are far too many, which brou"ht in the downfall of 6oa so
.*A*= AST*%6=
/ret Sarvato Bhadra Chakra "or the moment when a 1uestion is asked$ Jind out the
first letter in the 1uestion$ This 6st letter will be one o" the onsonants listed in Appendix A
namanakshatra8 i" not, loate it in Appendix /, whih will be oming under one o" the :A
onsonants overed by the SB Chakra 'ell KHH to G7 barring the "our orners)$
I" it is under male"i as!et or a""lition, the astrologer should not answer the 1uestion$
=nder suh irumstanes, evil e""ets would ensue$ I" Rasi is as!eted by bene"i, good
e""ets will "ollow$ I" there is both bene"i and male"i as!et to the Rasi, mi(ed results
would "ollow de!ending u!on the strength o" !lanets involved$
The rules in the !reeding !ara give only general e""ets, but i" Rasi is under male"i a""lition,
!roeed to answer the 1uestion under normal astrologial rules "or Horary Astrology, treating
the indiations given by SB Chakra as a orroboration$
I" Rasi is Chara 'Movable), lost !ro!erty will not be regained8 a sik !erson will not reover and
a baby born will be short?lived$
Sthira 'Ji(ed) sign indiates reverse or "avourable results$
=bhaya 'Common) signs indiate 1uik reovery o" lost artiles>!ro!erty, 1uik ure and
longevity "or a hild born$
$ultiple 'edha9$ultiple Aspects
#hen one o" the onstituents o" 0anhka is as!eted by more than one male"i "rom two sides,
say, right and le"t 'as the onsonant &A in the &oa *iberation Cam!aign Chart was being
by .ragon2s head and .ragon2s Tail "rom : sides) +R "rom a side and "ront, death is ertain$
#hen the namanakshatra is a""lited
"rom one side, loss o" !osition will our8
"rom two sides, death is !ossible$
#hen : or more male"is ause simultaneous Vedha, loss o" !ro!erty, !osition and even
death, is !ossible$The distrit, town or ountry under Vedha "rom : sides will "ae destrution$
Constellations G Communities
0urva 0halguni
0urva Ashada
,artik in"luene
=ttara 0halguni
=ttara Ashada
=ttara Bhadra!ad
Constellations not inluded above have in"luene over ommunities
other than the above "our$ #hen one or more o" these are a""lited,
the res!etive ommunity su""ers$
-3A6*A.AS &Sensiti!e points from Sun5
/ight onstellations ounted "rom the one on whih Sun is standing are su!!osed
to be ou!ied by the "ollowing =!agrahas$ The onstellation under ou!ation by
Sun is alled BH++,AM0A$
Table OIV
%ame stands on K onstellation
"rom Sun
0lanet to whom
Shanti should be
VI.H-=%M=,HA Gth Sun
SH++*A Eth Moon
SA%%I0ATHA 6;th Mars
,/T= 6Eth Merury
=*,A :6st Bu!iter
MAHA,AM0A ::nd Saturn
VABRA :Hrd Venus
%IR&HATA :;th Rahu
&enerally s!eaking, days orres!onding to the onstellations on whih any
o" the u!agrahas stand, should be avoided "or all aus!iious undertakings$
.eath generally ours on a onstellation whih is ou!ied by an u!agraha
and is simultaneously under male"i as!et>on3untion$ Jor e(am!le, a girl
married on a day oiniding with a day listed above, will "ae the "ollowing
onse1uenes 4
Vidyanmukha *oss o" sons
Shoola *oss o" husband
Sanni!atha *oss o" husband shortly
,etu *oss o" husband2s brother
=lka *oss o" money
Va3ra *oss o" relations
,am!a *oss o" !osition
%irghata *oss o" "amily
In addition to an u!agraha standing on a onstellation, i" there be a male"i
as!et, the indiated evil e""et will be severe$
Jor a native born on 0urva 0halguni 'ell K66), the "ollowing are the
onstellations on whih the various u!agrahas would be standing 4
Swati Cell
Shoola Byeshta 6C
,etu Revati HA
=lka ,artik :
,am!a Rohini H
Va3ra Mrigasira ;
%irghata Ardra G
By doing a!!ro!riate SHA%TI '!ro!itiatory measure) to the !lanet
indiated in Table OIV 'ol H), the evil e""ets will be minimised$
*atta is a sensitive !oint, malefic always, determined "rom the onstellation ou!ied
by a !lanet and is usually a given number o" onstellations in "ront o" a !lanet 'lokwise)
+R behind a !lanet 'anti?lokwise)$ Irres!etive o" whether a !lanet is bene"i>male"i,
when the latta o" a !lanet "alls on a onstellation, the latter is alled as a !lanet2s latta
and denotes a !artiular kind o" evil$
In %atta calculations, Abhi8it is omitted$
Sun2s *atta "alls on 6:th onstellation in
denoting de"eat
Mars2 Hrd su""ering
Bu!iter2s 7th sikness
Saturn2s Eth "ear
Moon2s ::nd onstellation
Merury2s <th loss o" relatives
Venus2 Gth "ailure>"ear
.ragon2s Head>Tail Cth death
In order that the reader gets "amiliar with the !roedure "or "inding *atta !oints,
an e(am!le hart has been !re!ared$ The birth onstellation is assumed as
0urva 0halguni and !lanetary !ositions assumed as are as in Example .oroscope$
0lanets, as they stand on onstellations are shown8 the res!etive *atta !oints
are shown alongside$
I" Sun2s *atta has "allen on Birth Constellation
and a !lanet stands on Birth Constellation, e""ets are as under 4?
Mars *oss o" !osition8 stomah disorders
Mars @ Moon great "ear
Moon bilious disorders8 travel8 ithes
Merury se!aration "rom dear ones
Bu!iter se!aration "rom Ruler
Saturn loss o" wealth>1uadru!eds
.ragon2s Head various losses
.ragon2s Tail "ear "rom wea!ons
The "ollowing are the e""ets o" Sun standing on Birth Constellation
while *atta o" another !lanet has "allen on the Birth Constellation$
Mars House break?in, loss o" wealth,"ever
and "ear "rom wea!ons
Saturn Jever and "ear "rom thieves
Merury Commits "olly
Bu!iter Su""ers !ains
Venus =rinary disorders @ dissensions with
Note : #f Sun and Moon together stand on $irth %onstellation under the
above !oga, the effects would be still more severe.
I" Birth Constellation has an u!agraha on it, in addition to latta and an as!et
"rom a retrograde male"i 'in the S$B$ Chakra), death beomes a !ossibility$
I" there is an as!et "rom a male"i who is as!eting the "ront only,
illness would result$
The abov hart shows !lanets, as !er their atual !osition, in B*=/ and their *atta 0oints
are shown in R/.$
Jor instane, Sun is standing in ell K:C, whilst his *atta "alls in ell K6A$
;anma Nakshatra ) sensiti!e points from $oon
Jor a common man, there are si( kinds o" onstellations alled 4
Birth Constellation on whih Moon was standing at birth
,arma %akshatra 6Ath "rom Birth Constellation
Adhana %akshatra 6Cth I
Vinasa %akshatra :Hrd I
Samudayika %akshatra 6Eth I
Sanghatika %akshatra 67th I
Jor *ulers, there is "urther 4
.esa 'ountry) :;th "rom Birth Constellation
Bati 'ommunity) :7th
Abhisheka Gth
Manas :Gth
%agar onsonant o" Ca!ital
Male"i on3untion or as!et 'some say on3untion only) ours to the above
sensitive !oints "rom Moon, alled Banma, ,arma, Adhana nakshatra et$ the
e""ets are as "ollows 4
Banma %akshatra .eath 'u!set o" health inlusive)
,arma Su""ering8 sorrow
Adhana Travels8 wandering
Vinasa Luarrels and misunderstandings
with relatives
Samudhayika =ntoward ha!!enings
Sanghatika *oss o" wealth
.esa 'ountry) .estrution>troubles
Bati 'ommunity) *osses in ommunity
Abhisheka Bondage
Manas Sorrow
'onsonant o" Ca!ital)
&overnment o""iials su""er
Bene"i on3untion or as!et to these nakshatras are good and !rodue bene"i
I" a male"i stands on Banma %akshatra and is a""lited in G ways, the !erson dies
within a month$ These G ways o" a""lition are as under 4?
a$ on3untion
b$ as!et in S$B$ Chakra
$ latta "alling on Birth onstellation
d$ u!agraha standing
e$ Vedha
I" ,arma %akshatra is a""lited in G ways, death would our in : months and 6H days
due to troubles "rom 1uadru!eds, snakes or "all "rom a height$
I" Sanghatika %akshatra is a""lited in G ways, death in 6 to H months due to wea!ons>!oison$
I" Vinasa %akshatra is a""lited in G ways, death in H?G days in a "oreign !lae$
I" Manas %akshatra is a""lited in G ways, death in ; months$
If Sun is standin" on $oon and $ars stand on Death in
Birth Constellation ,arma %akshatra 6: nights
,arma Sanghatika 6 month
Sanghatika Bati H months due to
disorders o" wind
Vinasa Manas 7 months
Manas Banma 6G months
If $ars is standin" on Sun and $oon stand on Death in
Banma %akshatra ,arma %akshatra .eath by drowning
,arma Sanghatika ; months
Sanghatika Samudayika 6 year due to diseases
Samudayika Vinasa .eath due to
stomah disorder
Vinasa Manas 6 year
Manas Banma 7 months
If Saturn is standin" on $ars and $oon stand on Death in
Banma %akshatra ,arma %akshatra H months suiide
using wea!ons
,arma Sanghatika 6 year due to "ire
Sanghatika Samudayika ; months ; days
Samudayika Vinasa E months by women
Vinasa Manas E months due to
restrited diet>hunge
Manas Banma 7 months due to
The =!agrahas, *atta onstellations and the sensitive !oints "rom Moon determining
,arma, Adhana and other onstellations are more use"ully em!loyed in "inding the
seriousness o" various transits, and do not seem to be meant "or wholesale a!!liation
in reading a horoso!e$
All planets aspect the 2Bth constellation counted from the si"n on which they are
Bust as Bu!iter, Mars and Saturn have additional, "ull as!ets on houses other than the <th
house in general astrology, here too there are additional as!ets as shown below 4?
0lanet Constellations As!eted in addition to
Mars <th, Eth, 6Ath
Saturn Hrd, Gth, 6Cth
Bu!iter 6Ath, 6Cth
Venus Cth, 6:th
Merury Cth, 6:th
.ragon2s Tail Gth
In bright hal", bene"is look in 'as!et) "ront and male"is look 'as!et) bakwards or behind$
In dark hal", bene"is look bakwards and male"is, in "ront$
.uring day, bene"is look in "ront and male"is, behind$ At night, the reverse$
.uring "irst hal" o" the day, bene"is look in "ront and male"is, behind$
.uring the seond hal" o" the day, male"is look in "ront and bene"is behind$
These as!ets are as a!!liable to onstellations$
/""ets o" as!ets on onstellations by various !lanets are as "ollows 4
Sun *oss due to
Moon, Mars, Saturn *osses
Merury, Bu!iter &ains
Venus Vitory
.ragon2s Head +bstrution
The e""ets !rodued by 3oint or double as!ets 'as!ets "alling on a onstellation
"rom two !lanets simultaneously, irres!etive o" whether they are standing together
or in di""erent onstellations) are as "ollows 4?
Sun Moon .eath
Sun Mars .eath
Sun Merury Jleeing "rom
Sun Bu!iter Vitory
Sun Venus .eath
Sun Saturn .eath
Moon Mars .eath
Moon Merury *oss
Moon Bu!iter Vitory
Moon Venus &ains
Moon Saturn .eath>*oss
Mars Merury &ain
Mars Bu!iter .e"eat
Mars Venus &ain
Mars Saturn .eath
Merury Bu!iter .e"eat
Merury Venus &ain
Merury Saturn .eath
Bu!iter Venus &ain
Bu!iter Saturn .e"eat
Venus Saturn .eath
Note 4 The word death used in the conte&t onl! denotes that the
ma&imum evil indicated is possible under such as aspect.
The 3oint as!ets o" Sun, Mars, Saturn and .ragon2s Head is a!able o" ausing death
and obstrution$
The 3oint as!ets o" bene"is Jull Moon, bene"i Merury, Bu!iter and Venus ause
gains, vitory, ha!!iness and !ros!erity$
The as!ets o" retrograde male"is are highly male"i and those o" retrograde bene"is,
highly bene"iial$ Male"is in mean motion tend to do good$ As!et o" a "ast?moving
bene"i !rodues, sometimes, male"i e""ets8 in mean motion, moderate e""ets8 i"
eli!sed or ombust 'in general astrology), no e""ets$ Male"i in "ast motion !rodues
moderate e""ets8 i" eli!sed, no e""ets$
#hen the ountry is engaged in war, the e""ets indiated by the S$B$ Chakra have to
be suitably delineated as "ollows 4
I" 6 male"i is ausing a""lition Jear
I" : male"is are ausing
H .anger
; Bondage
G .e"eat
I" Saturn is ausing the
#ound will be in"lited in
Mars *oss o" blood
Sun Jrature o" bones
.ragon2s Head All round losses
Bene"i =nhurt and %o *oss
The time o" ourrene o" the above e""ets is when the a""lited onstellation is
traversed by Moon$
As!ets o" !lanets "alling on other onstellations have to be determined and
onsidered along with all other a""litions$
All minerals are alled .HAT=8 vegetation M++*A and all living beings are alled BIVA$
The town, the !rovine and the ountry are but H lassi"iations o" a !lae 4?
%ordship +hiche!er is stron"er
Country .ragon2s Head>Saturn>Bu!iter
0rovine .ragon2s Tail>Sun>Venus
Town Moon>Mars>Merury
-ear .ragon2s Head>Tail>Saturn>Bu!iter
Month Mars>Sun>Merury>Venus
.ay Moon 'always)
.hatu Saturn>.ragon2s Head>Mars
Biva Merury>Moon>Bu!iter
Moola .ragon2s Tail>Venus>Sun
Males are ontrolled by .ragon2s Head, .ragon2s Tail, Sun, Bu!iter, Mars
Jemales I Venus, Moon
/unuhs I Saturn, Merury
#hite is ontrolled by Venus, Moon
Red I Sun, Mars
-ellow I Merury, Bu!iter
Blak I Saturn, .ragon2s Head, .ragon2s Tail
Strength o" a !lanet "or these !ur!oses is to be assessed "rom the Rasi '9odia sign)
ou!ied by it and whether it is in retrogression, e(altation et$
+wn sign

J=** or
If the planet is in the middle of a si"n, these percenta"es hold "ood4
otherwise, !ro?rata redution has to be made$
Similarly, when a !lanet is in retrogression, "ull retrogression strength is assessed
at the middle o" retrogression, otherwise, !ro?rata redution has to be made$
At e(altation degree, "ull e""et8 GAN at debilitation8 !ro?rata in between$
Asertain the lord o" the Country and the relation between suh lord o" ountry and the !lanet
ausing male"i>bene"i as!et>on3untion$
I" lord o" the Country and the !lanet ausing Vedha be one and the same, assign 6AAN strength
"or the Vedha as!et>on3untion8 i" the latter is a "riend o" the "ormer ? <GN8 neutral ? GAN8
enemy ? :GN$ These assignments o" strength are when bene"is are onsidered$ I" a male"i is
ausing Vedha and the lord o" the Country and !lanet ausing Vedha be one and the same ?
0lanet o" "riendly ategory ? GAN8 neutral ? <GN and enemy ? 6AAN or "ull$
I" in addition to Vedha, the !lanet also as!ets the onsonant, the strength will be as under 4?
Table OV
/enefic $alefic
*ord Jrien
/nemy *ord Jriend %eutr
Jull :A 6G 6A G G 6A 6G :A
Q 6G 66R <S HQ HQ <S 66R 6G
S 6A <S G :S :S G <S 6A
R G HQ :S 6R 6R :S HQ G
Multi!ly the above "igures by G to get !erentages$
As in general astrology, all !lanets as!et Hrd and 6Ath "rom the sign ou!ied with Rth as!et
strength8 Gth>Cth with S as!et strength8 ;th>Eth with Qth as!et strength and <th in "ull$
The as!ets o" Saturn to H>6A, Bu!iter to G>C and Mars to ;>E are "ull, instead o" the "rational
strength "or others$
An as!et on a rasi '9odia sign) in the rasi hakra is deemed to be an as!et on the remainder
o" the 0anhka$ Assume Bu!iter2s as!et on Sagittarius$ Here, Bu!iter would as!et all the
namanakshatras "alling under that sign, their res!etive Tithies, Swara and onstellations$ The
as!et o" a !lanet en3oying own navamsa but having Qth as!et strength is treated on !ar with
the as!et o" a !lanet en3oying "ull or 6AAN as!et strength$
/(am!le 4 Bu!iter in &emini with navamsa in own house$
Bu!iter2s as!et on Virgo is only Q but in this s!eial ase, "ull as!et strength
is allowed beause Bu!iter is en3oying own navamsa$
Jor these !ur!oses, as!ets and on3untions have to be rekoned stritly on a mathematical
allowing an orb o" 3ust 6F only$ #here slow moving !lanets are involved, even this may have to
"urther redued$
#hen is an as!et e""etive 5 #hen the as!et arises in the Rasi hakra and the same as!et
is also
available on one o" the onstituents o" 0anhka in the S$B$ Chakra$ I" it is a bene"i, and sine
as!et is assumed to be "alling on one 0anhka only, the strength there o" is assessed at G>:A8
that were to be a male"i as!et, its strength is only ;>:A based on the "ollowing table 4?
Table OVI
As!et on K
6 : H ; G 6 : H ; G
Jull As!et 6 : H ; G A
Qth A


Rth A
This table uses the measure 7A46 or Jull$
The numbers 6?G against aspect on denotes the as!et "alling on one or more
o" the onstituents o" 0anhka$
The "rations highlighted are to be added to the values shown above them$
Constellations G Commodities
The "ollowing is a list o" the :E onstellations o" Hindu Astrology and shows the in"luene o"
o" them over ertain ommodities>minerals et$ In the good old days, when this Chakra
the list used to start with ,artik as the "irst onstellation and Vrishabha 'Taurus) as the "irst sign
9odia$ 'Vrishabha ? Bull "or Bullish>Bearish 55)
,artik Rie, oats, metals, TI* South in E months
Rohini &rains, li1uids, old woollen goods /ast in < days
Mrigasira Luadru!eds, resins, yellow gram %orth in : months
Ardra +il, salt, seeds, sandal, sweet smelling artiles #est in 6 month
0unarvasu &old, silver, otton, millets, blak silk %orth in : months
0ushya &old, silver, ghee, rie, mustard, asa"oetida South E months
Ashlesha #heat, ginger, hillies, rie #est in 6 month
Magha +il, oil?seeds, horse?gram, 3aggery, millets South E months
0$ 0halguni #ool, oil, silver South E months
=$ 0halguni Blak gram, green grass, rie, salt, garli %orth in : months
Hastha Sandal, am!hor, roots %orth in : months
Chitra &old, green grass, blak>green gram, horses %orth in : months
Swati Betel?nut, hillies, mustard, asa"oetida, dates %orth < days
Visakha +ats, rie, wheat, green gram, red gram South E months
Anuradha -ellow gram, rie /ast in < days
Byeshta &uggul, 3aggery, am!hor, merury, bron9e /ast in < days
Moola #hite artiles, li1uids, salt, otton #est in 6 month
0$Ashada &hee, roots, rie #est in 6 month
=$ Ashada Horses, bulloks, iron et /ast in < days
Abhi3it Raisins, dates, betel?nut, ardamom, horses /ast in < days
Sravana .ry "ruits, betel?nut /ast in < days
.hanishta &old, silver, money, !earls /ast in < days
Satabhisha +il, wine, amber, bones #est in 6 month
0$ Bhadra!ad Roots, nutmeg, metals, mediines South G months
Baggery, sugar, rie, !earls #est in 6 month
Revati %uts in general !artiularly oonut, betel?nut,!earls #est in 6 month
Aswini Rie, grass, amel, mule, ghee, loth %orth in : months
Bharani Millets, hillies, mediine South E months
$ethod of determinin" price !ariations
Jor determining !rie variations in a !artiular ommodity>merhandise>mineral et$ , note the
ruling !rie on the 6st day o" the year>month>week et$ aording to re1uirements$ /ret Rasi
hakra and study the same aording to general astrologial rules$ Simultaneously, eret a
Bhadra Chakra and study it minutely8 at every stage, bear in mind mathematial auray and
onsider as!ets>on3untions as a!!liable to Sarvato Bhadra Chakra 'and not general
and see that they are within one degree o" a!!liation$
*oate the Constellation in"luening a ommodity8 nnd also, the !lanets ontrollling that
ommodity and note the relevant as!ets$ .ivide the ruling !rie by :A and treat eah 6>:Ath
as a unit$ The !rie variation, whih is going to be determined, will be in terms o" these units, u!
down by one, two or more$
Appendix C illustrates the method o" working$
There is another anient method o" !rediting !rie variations in ommodities, whih has the
o" anient Sages$ +bserve Moon on the :nd *unar .ay or .witeeya 'the "irst oasion when
Moon an
be observed immediately a"ter a %ew Moon)8 make a note o" the two horns o" Moon ? whether
horn is u! or down$ Moon on this day, very muh looks like the horns o" a ram$
Com!are this urve with the one that !revailed on the .witeeya
"ollowing the !revious %ew Moon$
'o" ourse, this !roess needs to be arried out every lunar month or at
least : observations to om!are)$
I" any one o" the horns is om!aratively u! or down when om!ared, some !rie variation is
bound to
our$ The !rie o" ommodities rules by the 0anhka that are a""eted by Moon will go u! or
Jall in !ries will our when Moon is bene"i in the general astrologial sense$
&see classification of planets ) bottom half5 $
And the ommodities are those ruled by Constellations, as Moon goes on transiting over eah
o" them$
I" on .witeeya, a "all in indiated, when Moon is male"i 'due to weak rays or 0aksha bala) and
traverses over the Constellations &rulin" a particular commodity5, the ommodities onerned
reord a "all$
%eft horn, i" higher than the one on !revious .witeeya, indiates that the prices will "o down$
*i"ht horn, i" higher than the one on !revious .witeeya, indiates rise in prices$
3%ITICA% AST*%6=
'A*A.A $I.I*A, based on his "amous ,*$A C.A,*A 'whih is e(haustively dealt with
in his
lassi /*I.AT SA$.ITA) has divided India into nine setions allotting one setion eah, to
triad o" Constellations ommening "rom ,ARTI,$ Im!ortant !lanetary !henomena like the
&raha ,oota 'onvergene o" E !lanets in one sign), sheduled to our in early J/B 6C7: an
studied and the areas, where the evil e""ets will be"all, loated$ See ,*$A C.A,*A$
A number o" 0andits !ro"essing intimate knowledge o" Hindu Shastra have been !rolaiming
E graha?koota o" the si9e and magnitude whih ourred thousands o" years ago during the
Bharata #ar is going to reur in 6C7: only and that, the ,oota o" 6C7: would result in #orld
and ma3or atastro!hes$ The answer to suh ritis is that there never was an Ashta &raha
during the $aha /harata +ar$ A look at the Chart drawn "or that !eriod shows that there was
a ombination o" 7 !lanets in Meena '0ises) and that Bu!iter, Mars and .ragon2s Tail were "ar
"rom the Congress o" 0lanets$ /ven the Constellations a""eted then, ,urukshetra ? the !lae
the battle raged ould be 3usti"ied based on the division o" ountry through ,oorma Chakra$
The Sapta)6raha ,oota 'onvergene o" < 0lanets) whih ourred on 6G BA% 6CH; in Makar
may be taken as a !reedent to assess where the evil e""ets o" the ensuing ,oota, muh
dreaded by
many, would most likely be"all$
Basi di""erene between the two ,ootas broadly are 4
a$ Instead o" .ragon2s Tail ',etu), who is already in Makara "or the ensuing ,oota, there
.ragon2s Head 'Rahu) in Makara in 6CH;8
b$ Bu!iter, was %+T a member o" the ,oota in 6CH; but was throwing his bene"i
as!et on '6Ath) on Saturn and Mars, will now be a member o" the "orthoming ,oota$
-et, the Sapta 6raha ,oota of 2D@A is believed to have brought about, in its wake, the Bihar
resulting in loss o" <:G: lives 'as !er &overnment estimates) besides heavy loss o" !ro!erty$
The ourrene o" the 1uake in that !art o" India is broadly 3usti"iable as !er ,oorma Chakra, "or
is divided between two triads o" Constellations, beginning "rom ,artik whereon the diret Vedha
o" 7 !lanets "all besides other as!ets "rom !lanets onstellation?wise$
The !lanets that would be involved in the "orthoming ,oota '6C7:) also ast their
as!ets in muh the same !osition !lus Ashlesha, thus !ointing to the ,oota e""ets "alling
again in Bihar,Assam and Bengal$
There is a !reedent also "or the Ashta &raha ,oota o" 6C7:, whih we !ro!ose as a yardstik
to measure
the evil e""ets o" the same$ That !reedent is none other than the Ashta?&raha ,oota that
ourred in
CT/E* 22CE AD, in the sign o" ,anya 'Virgo)$
Similarities between the 66E7 and 6C7: ,ootas are 4?
a$ The same E !lanets that are to assemble in Ca!riorn in 6C7:, assembled in Virgo in
b$ There was a Solar /li!se in 66E7 similar to the one sheduled "or G J/B 6C7:8
$ Both the Signs ? Virgo ',anya) and Ca!riorn 'Makara) govern India8
d$ ,ala Sar!a -oga is ommon to both$
=sing 0ro" BV Raman2s Ayanamsa, the !lanetary ombination o" 6CH; was only a on3untion
7 !lanets in one sign, Venus, Bu!iter and Rahu being outside, whilst in 6C7:, Bu!iter and Venus
losely involved in the ,oota, in muh the same way as it ha!!ened in 66E7$ +ne o" the greatly
res!eted Sages in the "ield o" Astrology, Sage Sukraharya, has stated that Bu!iter, on its own,
has the a!aity to nulli"y>ounterat all the male"i e""ets in a horoso!e and that the
!ower o" both Bu!iter and Venus, when in on3untion, is beyond imagination$ This is a very
di""erene between the 6CH; ,oota on one hand and the 66E7 and 6C7: ,oota2s on the other$
"our bene"is, Bu!iter, Venus, Merury and Moon will be literally huddled together within about
degrees a "ew minutes a"ter the /li!se$ In s!ite o" graha?yudha '!lanetary war) and
this on3untion o" ; bene"is within the ,oota does strengthen the hands o" Bu!iter to swallow
evils o" other !lanets$
#hat ha!!ened in India a"ter the last E !lanet ombination in 66E7 5 There were no
news!a!ers then8
historians were not reording events as we do nowadays$ -et a re"erene to Indian History
to that 0eriod shows that a year later or a bit earlier, Muhammad o" &hor 'also known
Muhammad &hori)
"ounded his /m!ire and his "lag started "lying over Indian soil$ &u3rat, Multan, =h, *ahore,
.elhi, ,annau3 were suess"ully on1uered and brought under his Rule between 66E7?6:A:$
Conversions on a mass sale went on merrily$
#hat does the 6C7: ,oota indiate "or .elhi, based on the !reedents and study made usin"
S/ Chakra
"or this ,oota 5 As e(!lained in the hart, no hange in &overnment is likely onse1uent to the
eletions taking !lae within weeks o" this ,oota$ This !resages stability and ontinuane o"
to a great e(tent$
Jrom the hart "or this ,oota, it will be notied that Ashlesha is reeiving Vedha "rom the 7
!lanets on
.hanishta besides Constellational as!ets o" Saturn and Mars, and transit o" Rahu over it$ This
looks like
the worst hit Constellation$ This star is in the diretion o" Bengal, +rissa and Virat in ,oorma
#hen the Bihar Luake ourred, the very same star reeived ma(imum number o"
Constellational as!ets$
In the 66E7 ,oota, =ttara Bhadra!ad and Revati bore the brunt o" Vedha as!ets as a result o"
some !ortion o" our motherland went under "oreign Rule$ It looks, there"ore, that the !lanets this
time are warning us
that some !ortion o" our land in %orth /astern diretion may be grabbed by "oreigners$
Inidentally, Ashlesha also ha!!ens to be the birth star o" one o" the big "ive in world !olitis
today, who
is also our beloved 0remier, 0andit %ehru$ Jurthermore, he is running Rahu Maha .asa, Sani
bukti, the
"ormer in 6:th and the latter in :nd, both with as!et o" Bu!iter$ Astrologially, these seem to be
reasons behind the nasty !reditions in irulation about his "uture$ In this onnetion, it is worth
remembering that Sa"e Sukracharya 'in his book Sukra ,erala Rahasya ? Serets o" ,erala
says that whilst there are various ways o" "inding longevity, the term o" li"e o" a man, is
wholesale in
the hands o" &+., more so "or a man, handling the a""airs o" a nation not "or !ersonal gain$ In
words, those dediating their lives "or !urely 0ubli Servie or humanity, ,arma -ogis and
en3oy a sort o" !lanetary immunity "rom the wrath o" !lanets$ Thus, this is not a ase "or making
based on !lanets only$ #e would, however, venture to "oreast that he may 1uit or retire "rom
"or the reasons given in para ? below the chart for this ,oota$
.hanishta is the ne(t Constellation that is worst a""eted by reason o" 7 !lanets ou!ying that
star !lus
Vedha o" Rahu$ %e(t worst hit is Sravana with : male"is in ou!ation !lus Vedha o" ; !lanets$
These two
stars !oint to &u3arat and Ra3!utana surroundings$
%e(t in the intensity o" a""lition are Magha and Visakha$ The "ormer in"luenes Bengal>+rissa
and the
latter, Maharashtra$
Based on the ,oorma Chakra methodology and Constellations a""eted, the !rovines on the
Chinese oast
and South A"ria ome under adverse in"luene denoting loss o" li"e$
The ne(t star in the order o" a""lition is Rohini with as!et o" H !lanets and very little e""ets o"
the ,oota
are "alling on it$ At the worst, only G onstellations are seriously a""eted out o" a total o" :E$ So
it a!!ears
to be a sa"e !ro!osition to !redit that the e""ets o" the ,oota, in general, will be e(!eriened in
one?"i"th o" the ountry, varying in intensity and that border troubles are indiated in %$/$ Corner
mid?#est o" India$ In the 66E7 ,oota, India did not su""er "rom earth1uakes, Bala?!ralaya
'inursion o"
sea into land) et$ barring onse1uenes o" invasion and there should be no earth1uakes and
o" that sort$
/ven with regard to individuals, those born in the onstellations Ashlesha, .hanishta, Sravana,
Visakha and Rohini alone stand to su""er bad luk$ Ill health, adverse>untoward ha!!enings, in
the order
o" !riority given, these being onditioned and limited by their urrent Maha .asa and Bukti$
Those born
on other onstellations have nothing to bother about$ The severe a""litions o" the stars re"erred
to above
is likely to make Rie, #heat, &old and Silver, to some e(tent, dearer$
The above is not Varsha?!hal or &ohara?!hal but is merely a study overing Ashta &raha
,oota only$
Mother /arth has been surviving an Ashta &raha ,oota one every thousand years$ This ,oota
o" 6C7:
is at the worst, third one, a"ter *ord Besus Christ$
,oorma Chakra
Broadly, the arrangement is as "ollows 4
The Central regions "alling under ,artik, Rohin and Mrigasira is treated as the Centre and the
surroundings o" this Centre have been e1ually divided into E diretions$
In the above hart, the "irst : letters o" eah Constellation have been used on the lines o"
Sarvato Bhadra Chakra$
$aha /harata =udha
/ven the !lanetary !ositions are %+T ae!ted by all and the date o" the battle varies by almost
a thousand years aording to those taking the !lanetary !ositions "rom other soures$
However, the ob3et o" !roduing this hart is to establish the fact that there was no C)planet
combination at least aording to one good authority and that the spot where the battle
,-*-,S.ET*A, is 8ustified by the occupation of the E planets in $eena &3isces5
to -amuna valley$
Almost hal" the number o" onstellations stand a""eted in the above hart8 not so, in the Ashta
&raha ,oota hart "or G J/B 6C7:$
Sapta 6raha ,oota
2Bth ;anuary 2D@A
Venus on this day was Sthamba 'stationary) and started on a retrogression marh$
This graha?koota is re"erred to as Sa!ta?&raha ,oota, whih is 3usti"iable as suh under a
Ayanamsa only and not under all Ayanamsas$
Almost the same onstellations are a""eted in this hart as in 6C7: Ashta 6raha ,oota0
Ashta 6raha ,oota
This hart broadly orroborates the ,oorma Chakra divisions o" the ountry$
Moola whih is as!eted "rom both sides in"luenes ,uth, =33ain, Malwa, Sind$
0$ Bhadra!ad, =$ Bhadra!ad and revati, whih reeive as!ets "rom the Ashta &raha ,oota
in"luene ,ashmir, Mathura, Hastina!ur$
Mrigasira whih reeives as!ets "rom both sides has in"luene over Ayodhya et$
.ue to Moghul invasion and the establishment o" a "oreign rule over the ountry brought
su""erings to inhabitants o" the =!!er Hal" o" India$
#hat ha!!ened in areas in"luened by =$ 0halguni, Hastha and Chitra, is %+T known$
Ashta 6raha ,oota
Bth :ebruary, 2DE?
0lanets shown in blue shows as they atually stand$ 0lanetary as!ets shown in Red$
Jor instane, Mars has as!ets to <th, Eth, 6Ath and 6Gth onstellations "rom the one
it ou!ies ? suh as!ets are shown in Red
Some suggest that 0ushya is the ruling star "or India$
It will be seen that this onstellation is %+T a""eted in any way$ Rasi governing 0ushya
is also %+T a""eted$ But the onsonant "or .elhi is a""eted "rom both sides$ #hilst the
Congress 0arty &overnment is assured o" ontinuane "or another term, sine %agar
'item 66 under sensitive !oints) is a""eted, some hanges in to! o""iials>Ministers
is 1uite likely$
Almost the same Constellations that were a""eted in the H planet combination
stand a""eted in this hart as well$
#orst a""eted onstellations in order are .hanishta, Sravana, Ashlesha, Magha, Visakha and
!erha!s Rohini in a slight measure$

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