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"PowerPoint Templates

How to Maximize Your Use of a Template"

Hey Guys.
This document is going to provide you with information on: ["PowerPoint Templates - How to
Maximize Your Use of a Template"]
By our BPD team member [ichae! " Brown.]
#t is our hope that you en$oy the information here and that it is he!pfu! to you%
PowerPoint Temp!ates & How to a'imi(e )our *se of a Temp!ate
By ichae! " Brown
+ne of the most effective ways to navigate the software program PowerPoint is to ma,e use of the
various PowerPoint temp!ates that are avai!ab!e on!ine for down!oad. The ne't -uestion then become
how to best ma,e use of them. and how to choose the temp!ate that is going to be the most effective
for your needs. This is easi!y done by brea,ing down the needs of your presentation into a basic
out!ine. The first step is to identify what the theme of your presentation is. #f you can condense
it down into one sentence and then bui!d outward from there then that is a good way to get a fee!
for what the ,ey points shou!d be.
/na!y(e these ,ey points and try to find facts or figures that cou!d be graphica!!y represented
within the PowerPoint temp!ates that you end up choosing. /udiences respond far better to
information that is !aid out in a visua!. easy&to&fo!!ow way. This can then be supp!emented with
te't and other graphics. ost of the temp!ates out there wi!! automatica!!y a!ready have some sort
of set&up that a!!ows you to p!ug in the important numbers that wi!! bac, up the overa!! message
that you are trying to convey.
/nother way to ,eep the main theme in mind when you are browsing through a!! the different
PowerPoint temp!ates that are avai!ab!e is to thin, in terms of art or graphics. #f your topic is
something that is pure!y informative. such as the weather. then you wou!d corresponding!y !oo, for
graphics such as rainc!ouds or other weather&re!ated items. This ma,es the temp!ate and therefore
the entire presentation much more fun to !oo, at. )ou shou!d be sure to have your own individua!
images as we!! to add to the temp!ate.
#t0s important to remember that these PowerPoint temp!ates are simp!y meant to provide a base to
wor, with. but then from there you can add in as much individua!ity as you wish into the temp!ate
design. a,e sure that the design of the temp!ate doesn0t b!oc, any of your own te't or images when
you are designing the fina! !ayout. /nother thing to ta,e into consideration is that a!though it
might be hard choosing in between various temp!ates. it0s best $ust to stic, with one to ma,e sure
that the presentation is uniform throughout. This wi!! give it more of a professiona! edge. which
he!ps your message stand out more than any f!ashy graphics. http:11www.2mi!eTemp! offers
creative [http:11www.smi!etemp!ates.com1!ast&added1powerpoint&temp!ates13.htm!]power point
temp!ates. Down!oad now%
/rtic!e 2ource:
PowerPoint Temp!ates & How to a'imi(e )our *se of a Temp!ate
Before You Go I Have Somethin !eall" #x$itin To Share %ith You&&&
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