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How to draw a protractor

Proceed as follows:
1) Draw a Chinese 24 point compass rose, using a compass and a straight edge.
Elements of this compass are: (see ottom of this page for a construction of the compass)
2) Di!iding " the chord of a 1# degrees arc of circle into1# e$ual di!isions. %hen draw
radii through theses points. (&" trigonometric calculation, show that the segments of the
circle so otained are close in length to a degree arc of the circle.)
'or(ing with a unit circle
Cos theta ) ad* + h"p ) CD + 1 ) CD
,in theta ) opp + h"p ) -D + 1 ) -D
ED ) 1 . CD ) 1 . Cos theta
-D ) ,in theta
%an alpha ) -D + ED
alpha ) /n!erse%an ( -D + ED ) ) /n!erse%an ( ,in theta + (1 . Cos theta )
,in alpha ) opp + h"p ) %heta chord length + E& ) %heta chord length + 2
%heta chord length ) 2 X ,in alpha
0se "our scientific calculator to find !alues for theta ) 1#1
(/n "our Personal Computer, put the calculator on its des(top " first searching for it !ia
,tart 2 Programs 2 -ccessories 2 Calculator and right clic( on Calculator icon and clic( on
3a(e ,hortcut. 4ighlight the Calculator (2) icon that this ma(es and then, holding down
the right mouse utton, drag the highlighed Calculator(2) onto the des(top. Clic( on the
Calculator(2) icon 2 5iew 2 ,cientific)
Cos 1#1 ) 6.78#72
1 . Cos 1#1 ) 1.78#72
,in 1#1 ) 6.2#991
,in 1#1 + (1 . Cos 1#1) ) 6.1:18# ) %an alpha
/n!erse%an ;,in 1#1 + (1 . Cos 1#1)< ) =.#6662 ) alpha
,in alpha ) 6.1:6#2
2 X ,in alpha ) 6.28164 ) 1#1 chord length
1#1 chord length di!ided " 1# ) 6.61=46
0se "our calculator to find !alues for theta ) 11
Cos 11 ) 6.77794
1 . Cos 11 ) 1.77794
,in 11 ) 6.61=4#
,in 11 + (1 . Cos 11 ) ) 6.669=2 ) %an alpha
/n!erse%an ;,in 11 + (1 . Cos 11 )< ) 6.#6666 ) alpha
,in alpha ) 6.669=2
2 X ,in alpha ) 6.61=44 11 chord length
Calculate for the unit circle:
%he difference etween the >11 chord length> and the >1#1 chord length di!ided " 1#> )
%he circumference of a circle ) 2 X pi X radius + 2
?or the unit circle the circumference is 2 X pi ) 8.2919#
%he >arc length of one degree> ) 2 X pi + :86 ) 6.61=4#
%he difference etween >arc length of one degree> and >11 chord length> ) 6.66661
%he difference etween >1#1 chord length di!ided " 1#> and >11 chord length> ) 6.6666#
%he differences (as found ao!e) are negligile and so we can confidentl" use the following
construction: to sudi!ide the 1#1 segments of a Chinese compass rose into degrees.
Di!ide the 1# degree arcs segments of the Chinese compass rose into # degree arc
Details of di!ision of 1# degree arc into one degree segments:
- detail of the ao!e figure
For further thought: (complete the following)
/n the forgoing,
when theta was 1 degree
the siCe of
) 6.#6666 degrees
when theta was 1#
the siCe of
) =.#6662 degrees
'hat do these results (allowing for rounding errors in the calculations that "ou made)
suggest aout how the siCe of the inscried angle theta and the central (or sector) angle
alpha ma" e relatedD

,ee EuclidEs proposition 26 and reference.
Buo Pan
Book III Proposition 20
Bet ABC e a circle, let the angle
BEC e an angle at its center, and
the angle BAC an angle at the
circumference, and let them ha!e
the same circumference BC as aseF
/ sa" that angle BEC is doule of the
angle BAC .
Inscribed Angle Theore!"uclid#s Proof
G /nscried -ngle %heorem
Hump to: na!igation, search
/n a circle the angle at the center is doule of the angle at the circumference, when the
angles sutend the same arc.
Bet ABC e a circle, let BEC e an angle at its center, and let BAC e an angle at
the circumference.
Bet these angles ha!e the same arc BC at their ase.
Bet AE e *oined and drawn through to F.
,ince EA)EB, then from /sosceles %riangles ha!e %wo E$ual -ngles we ha!e that
&ut from ,um of -ngles of %riangle E$uals %wo Iight -ngles we ha!e that
%hat is, BEF)2EAB.
?or the same reason, FEC)2EAC.
,o adding them together, we see that BEC)2BAC.
Aow consider the point D, from which we ha!e another angle BDC.
Bet DE e *oined and produced to G.
,imilarl", we pro!e that GEC)2EDC.
%hen GEB)2EDB.
%herefore BEC which remains is e$ual to 2BDC.
4ence the result.

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