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Finance for Climate Justice

Climate Conference
of Asian Peoples Movements

Bangkok, 5 october 2009

Chalenge the neoliberalist model
The cause of climate crisis:
! capitalism and commodification

of life
! unsustainable, over

consumption of resources and

fossil fuels by the minority world.

Financial mechanisms:
! “Buy” mitigation and adaptation

! Increase power of corporation,

Climate debt
!  Historical emissions
!  Saturation of the atmosphere,

!  Ecological debt

!  Liberalisation
Repayment of climate debt
immediate and rapid emissions reduction,

financial transfers to the Global South,


global sharing of appropriate technology and


knowledge; to:
enable sufficient environmental space within

sustainable ecological limits for developing

to enable developing countries to adopt low

carbon societies
provide reparations for damages, and

build resilience of communities to the


impacts of climate change.

False solutions
!  Exacerbate capitalism and increase
vulnerability of the communities

!  Technical: agrofuels, forest and agricultural

monocultures, large hydroelectricity, nuclear
energy and carbon capture and storage,
industrialised agriculture, GMOs, mega-dams
and other unsustainable options

!  Financial: Offseting and carbon

markets - CDM

!  Institutional: replacement of
UNFCCC by neoliberal institution in
key roles in the climate finance
government and operation process
Paradigm shift
From development to sustainable societies

and peoples sovereignty

“social, economic, gender and


environmental justice and free from all

forms of domination and exploitation, such
as neo-liberalism, corporate globalization,
neo-colonialism and militarism”

people's capacity to control their own


territories and sacred places, and the right

to defend them; to have access to
essential needs including food, water and
energy; to decide over the sustainable use
those resources and sustainable
consumption pattern
Paradigm shift
new democratic structures, systems and

processes that strengthen local markets

and cultures, consumers' and
producers' cooperatives, solidarity
economies and alternative financial

human welfare not only in relation to


material welfare, but also - and with

similar importance - to the respect and
promotion of dignity, sovereignty,
cultural identity and diversity, and to the
quality of the relationship between
humanity and natural ecosystems
Ethical requirements

International equity and fullfillment

of UNFCCC obligations – delivery of
sufficient, new and additional finance
based on historical responsibiliy and
UNFCCC obligations, which is the
legal treaty that frames the
commitments for developed countries
to developing countries, and governed
through democratic means.
Ethical requirements
Assurance of rights-based
approach, peoples sovereignty,
and environmental integrity – to
ensure consistency with existing
international treaties and
conventions, and consistency with
the principle of people's
Ethical requirements
Rejection of false solutions –
covering technical, finance and
institutional false solutions that are
formed from the paradigm which
exacerbates the model that has
caused the climate crisis.
Thank you!

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