Diagnosis October 2010 v1

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Diagnosis Defined
Diagnosis is a process of understanding how the organisation is currently functioning
and it provides information necessary to design change interventions.
It is also a collaborative process between organisation members and OD consultant to
collect pertinent information, analye it and draw conclusions for action planning and
There are three levels of diagnosis
Organisation Level
Group Level
Individual Level
General Environment
General environment represents the e!ternal elements " forces that can affect the
attainment of organisation ob#ectives. It can be described in terms of uncertainty
present in social technological, economic, ecological and political forces.
Industry Struture ! "ive fores of Industry Struture
$uyer %ower
Supplier %ower
&hreats of Substitutes
&hreats of 'ntry
(ivalry among competitors
Design #omponents
Strategy $ A strategy represent the way an organisation uses it resources to gain and
sustain a competitive advantage. It can be described by the organisation*s mission,
goals and ob#ectives, strategic intent and functional policies.
#ulture + organisation culture represents the basic assumption, values, norms shared
by organisation members
Tehnology + technology is concerned with the way an organisation connects inputs
into products and services. It represents the core of transformation function and
includes production methods, wor, flow and e-uipment.
Struture + the structure system describes how attention and resources are focused on
tas, accomplishment. It represents the basic organisation mode chosen to I. divide the
over all wor, of an organisation into subunits that can assign tas, to individuals and
groups ii . coordinate their sub + units for completion of over all wor,.
' Organisation Effetiveness ! performance productivity, sta,eholder
Organisation Level Diagnosis (uestions
/hat is the company*s general environment0
/hat is the company*s industry structure0
/hat is the company*s strategy0
/hat is the company*s culture0
/hat are the company*s structure, human resources system and technology0
Does the organisation strategy orientation fit with the inputs0
Does the component fit with each other0
Organisation design
Design #omponents
. Goal larity + understanding of ob#ectives
. Tas) struture + how the group*s wor, is designed
.Group funtioning + underlying basis of group life
. Group norms 2 member*s belief about how the group should perform
. Group omposition + this concerns the membership
3embers can differ on a number of dimensions having relevance to group behaviour.
Demographic, variables such as age, education, and #ob e!perience can affect how
people behave and relate to each other group.
&eam 'ffectiveness + -uality of wor, life, performance
Group Level Diagnosis (uestions
. 4ow clear are group goals0
. 4ow is the group*s tas, structured0
. /hat is the composition of group0
. /hat are the group performance norms0
. /hat is the nature of team functioning in the group0
. Organisation design + is concerned with the larger organisation within which the
individual #ob is the smallest unit.
Group Design + concerns the larger group or department containing the individual
#ob. 6i,e organisation design, group design is an essential part of the #ob conte!t.
&ersonal Level #harateristis + personal characteristics of individuals occupying
#obs include their age, education, e!perience and s,ills" abilities. %ersonal
characteristics can affect #ob performance as well as how people react to the #ob
Design #omponents
S)ill Variety + degree to which the #ob re-uires a variety of different s,ills
Tas) Identity 2 the degree to which the #ob re-uires completion of a whole and
identifiable piece of wor,.
Tas) Signifiane 2 the degree to which a #ob has a significant impact or other
people*s lives
Autonomy ! the degree to which a #ob provides freedom and discretion in scheduling
the wor, and determining wor, methods.
"eed*a) A*out Results 2 &he degree to which #ob provides employee with direct
and clear information about the effectiveness of tas, performance.
Individual 'ffectiveness + #ob satisfaction, performance, absenteeism, personal
Individual Level Diagnosis (uestions
. /hat is the design of the larger organisation within which #obs are embedded0
. /hat is the design of group containing the individual #ob0
. /hat are the personal characteristics of #ob holders0
. 4ow much s,ill variety is included in the #ob0
. 4ow much tas, identity does the #ob contain0
. 4ow much tas, significance is involved in the #obs0
. 4ow much autonomy is included in the #obs0
. 4ow much feedbac, about results do the #obs contain0

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