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Paper) BEL Place&ent Paper *Technical- Electronics +,
-. +#W! on a trans&ission line is alwa/s
-. E0ual to -
1. E0ual to 2
3. Less than -
4. 'reater than -
1. In a a&plitude &odulated wa5e6 the 5alue o7 +&a% is -2+ and +&in is 8+. The 9 &odulation in
this case is)
-. 19 :. 33.39 c. 829 d. -229
3. The si;nal to noise ratio at the input o7 an a&pli7ier can :e i&pro5ed)
-. B/ decrease the source i&pedance or resistance
1. B/ increasin; the source i&pedance
3. B/ &atchin; the source i&pedance with the input i&pedance o7 the a&pli7ier
4. <one o7 these
4. I7 the :andwidth o7 an a&pli7ier is reduced6 the ther&al noise in the a&pli7ier will)
-. Increase
1. Decrease
3. <ot to :e a77ected at all
4. Beco&e rando& in nature
8. For the distortion to :e &ini&u& in a trans&ission line at audio 7re0uencies6 the condition is
-. L = C! > '
1. L = '! > C
3. L' = !
4. L! = '
?. When electro&a;netic wa5es are propa;ated in a wa5e;uide
-. The/ tra5el alon; the :roader walls o7 the wa5e;uide
1. The/ tra5el throu;h the dielectric without touchin; the wall
3. The/ are re7lected 7ro& the walls :ut the/ do not tra5el alon; the&
4. <one o7 these
@. Co&&unication :etween satellite and ;round station is throu;h
-. Tropospheric scatter
1. 'round wa5e
3. #k/ wa5e
4. Line o7 si;ht propa;ation
A. ( &ast antenna is used &ainl/ 7or
-. $F
1. #hort wa5e
3. Mediu& wa5e
4. +F
B. ( cr/stal which has a sensiti5it/ o7 -88 dB& with - MC BW a&pli7ier will ha5e a sensiti5it/ at
4 MC BW a&pli7ier e0ual to)
-. -88 dB& :. -8A dB& c. -81 dB& d. -?2 dB&
-2. Electro&a;netic wa5es are re7racted when the/
-. Pass into a &ediu& o7 di77erent dielectric constant
1. (re polariCed at ri;ht an;les to the direction o7 propa;ation
3. Encounter a per7ectl/ conductin; sur7ace
4. Pass throu;h a s&all slot in a conductin; &ediu&
--. (n aerial is 7ed 7ro& an a&plitude &odulation a&pli7ier. Both the &odulatin; 5olta;e and
&odulated 5olta;e are sinusoidal. The aerial current *r&s, :e7ore &odulation is 8 ( and it increases
to 8.A( a7ter &odulation. The percenta;e o7 &odulation inde% will :e
-. AA9 :. A29 c. A-.1-9 d. A3.-49
-1. In a 7re0uenc/ de&odulation6 Foster-#eele/ discri&inator uses a
-. #in;le tuned circuit
1. Dou:le tuned circuit in which :oth the pri&ar/ and secondar/ are tuned to the sa&e 7re0uenc/
3. Dou:le tuned circuit in which :oth the pri&ar/ and secondar/ are tuned to to di77erent
4. Co&:ination o7 two transistors in push-pull operation
-3. The wa5elen;th o7 an electro&a;netic wa5e in wa5e ;uide
-. Is directl/ proportional to the phase 5elocit/
1. Is in5ersel/ proportional to the phase 5elocit/
3. Is ;reater than that in 7ree space
4. Depends onl/ on the wa5e ;uide di&ensions and the 7ree space wa5elen;th
-4. The scale used 7or &o5in; coil &eter is
-. <on-linear scale
1. Linear scale
3. ( s0uare scale
4. ( lo; scale
-8. To dou:le the circuit ran;e o7 a 82 &(6 1222W &eter &o5e&ent6 the shunt resistance re0uires
-. 42W :. 82W c. 1222W d. 18K
-?. ( 5olt&eter utiliCes a 12 &( &eter &o5e&ent. The sensiti5it/ o7 the 5olt&eter is
-. 82 &e; oh&s per 5olt
1. 12 K oh&s per 5olt
3. 82 kilo oh&s per 5olt
4. 12 &e; oh&s per 5olt
-@. ( trans7or&er6 with a 12 ) - 5olta;e step-down ratio has ?+ across 2.? oh& in the secondar/6
then Is and Ip ;i5en :/
-. -2(6 8(
1. 8(6 -2(
3. -2(6 2.8(
4. -(6 2.8(
-A. The te&perature coe77icient o7 resistance o7 a resistor is
-. <e;ati5e
1. Positi5e
3. Dero
4. In7init/
-B. To pre5ent loadin; o7 the circuit under test6 the input i&pedance o7 the oscilloscope
-. Be low
1. Be hi;h
3. Capaciti5e
4. Inducti5e
12. I7 the retrace is 5isi:le on the C!T displa/6 then the trou:le &a/ :e that
-. The 7l/ :ack ti&e o7 the ti&e :ase saw tooth wa5e is not Cero
1. The :lankin; control is not set properl/
3. There is loss o7 #E<C si;nal
4. The intensit/ is too hi;h
1-. The lissaFous pattern on C!" 7or two sinusoidal o7 7re0uenc/ ratio - ) 1 di77erin; in phase :/ B2
de;rees6 is
-. ( strai;ht line
1. ( circle
3. (n ellipse
4.(n ei;ht-shape
11. When an electron starts 7ro& rest under the in7luence o7 electric and &a;netic 7ields
perpendicular to each other6 the path tra5ersed :/ it will :e
-. Ellipse
1. ( para:ola
3. #trai;ht line
4. ( c/cloid
13. Fre0uenc/ &ultipliers are usuall/
-. Class ( a&pli7iers
1. Class B a&pli7iers
3. Class C a&pli7iers
4. Class (B a&pli7iers
14. The 7eed:ack network o7 a phase shi7t oscillator is usuall/ consists o7
-. !C circuit
1. !L circuit
3. LC circuit
4. C alone
18. Co&&on :ase a&pli7ier is &ost suita:le 7or use in
-. +er/ hi;h 7re0uenc/ circuits
1. Low 7re0uenc/ circuits
3. Mediu& 7re0uenc/ circuits
4. Low current circuits
1?. I7 two a&pli7iers ha5in; identical :andwidth are cascaded6 then the :andwidth o7 the resultin;
a&pli7ier will :e
-. Less than that o7 each sta;e
1. 'reater than that o7 each sta;e
3. #a&e as that o7 each sta;e
4. Dou:le o7 each sta;e
1@. Which one o7 the 7ollowin; a&pli7ier has lar;est :andwidth
-. !C coupled a&pli7ier
1. Di77erence a&pli7ier
3. Trans7or&er coupled a&pli7ier
4. Direct coupled a&pli7ier
1A. In an a&pli7ier6 the e&itter resistance :/ passed :/ a capacitor
-. !educes the 5olta;e ;ain
1. Increases the 5olta;e ;ain
3. Causes ther&al run awa/
4. <one o7 these
1B. The ter& 7ree runnin; is usuall/ associated with
-. Bista:le &ulti5i:rator
1. (sta:le &ulti5i:rator
3. Monosta:le &ulti5i:rator
4. <one o7 these
32. The si;nal 7ed at the input o7 an ideal push-pull a&pli7ier has 7re0uenc/ co&ponents -82CG
322C6 482C and ?22C. The output si;nal will contain
-. "nl/ -82 C 7re0uenc/ co&ponent
1. "nl/ -82 C and 482 C 7re0uenc/ co&ponent
3. "nl/ 322 C and ?22 C 7re0uenc/ co&ponents
4. (ll the 7re0uenc/ co&ponents
3-. For which o7 the 7ollowin; con7i;uration HsI does the input resistance o7 the a&pli7ier depend
stron;l/ on the load resistance
-. CE :.CC c. CB d. CE and CB
31. (n i&portant ad5anta;e o7 the !C couplin; sche&e is
-. Econo&/
1. E%cellent 7re0uenc/ reponse
3. i;h e77icienc/
4. 'ood i&pedance &atchin;
33. The (C input to transistor oscillator is o:tained 7ro&
-. The pre5ious sta;e
1. ( si;nal ;enerator
3. DC power source
4. Its own internal circui
34. The low 7re0uenc/ cut-o77 in an a&pli7ier is due to
-. "nl/ couplin; capacitor
1. "nl/ :/pass capacitor
3. Both couplin; and :/pass capacitors
4. The internal transistor Function capacitances
38. In a hal7-wa5e recti7ier the peak 5alue o7 (C 5olta;e across the secondar/ o7 the trans7or&er is
12>1 +. I7 no 7ilter circuit is used6 the &a%i&u& DC 5olta;e across the load will :e
-. 1A.1A+ :. 12+ c. -4.-4+ d. <one o7 these
3?. eat sinks ate used in a transistor workin; as power a&pli7ier so as to
-. Increase the output power
1. !educe the heat losses in toe transistors
3. Increase the 5olta;e ;ain o7 the a&pli7ier
4. Increase the collector dissipation ratin; o7 the transistors
3@. In a power a&pli7ier6 the output power is proportional to
-. +i :. +i1 c. +i3 d. J +i
3A. (t hal7 power 7re0uencies the reduction in 5olta;e ;ain o7 an a&pli7ier e0uals
-. ? dB :. 1 dB c. 3 dB d. 4 dB
3B. the 7re0uenc/ o7 the ripple 5olta;e at the output o7 a :rid;e recti7ier operatin; 7ro& a 82 C
suppl/ is
-. 18C :. 82 C c. -22 C d. 122 C
42. Darlin;ton pair is used 7or
-. i;h current ;ain
1. i;h power ;ain
3. i;h 7re0uenc/ operation
4. Low distortion
4-. The 7unction o7 a :leeder resistor in a power suppl/ is
-. #a&e as that o7 a load resistor
1. To ensure a &ini&u& current drain in the circuit
3. To increase the output current
4. To increase the output DC 5olta;e
41. ( KFET has a potential di5ider :ias arran;e&ent. B/ &istake the resistor :etween the ;ap and
the power suppl/ ter&inal is re&o5ed. The KFET will
-. Continue to work as an a&pli7ier
1. a5e a 7orward :ias ;ate with respect to source
3. <ot work as an a&pli7ier :ut will work as a switch
4. I&&ediatel/ :urn out
43. The ripple 7actor o7 hal7-wa5e recti7ier is
-. 2.4A1 :. -.-- c. -.1- d. -.8@
44. In the hi;h 7re0uenc/ re;ion o7 an !C coupled a&pli7ier the circuit :eha5e like a
-. Di77erentiator
1. ( current a&pli7ier
3. Low pass 7ilter
4. i;h pass 7ilter
48. (sta:le &ulti5i:rator can :e used as
-. #0uarin; circuit
1. Co&parator circuit
3. +olta;e to 7re0uenc/ con5erter
4. Fre0uenc/ o7 5olta;e con5erter
4?. I7 the ;ain o7 the a&pli7ier as ( and the 5olta;e 7eed :ack is 7raction B o7 the a&pli7ier output
5olta;e6 the condition 7or &aintenance o7 oscillation is
-. (B = - -A2o
1. (B = in7init/
3. (B = - 2o
4. (B L L -
4@. <o&inal ;ain o7 an a&pli7ier is 142. The noise le5el in the output without 7eed :ack is 322 &+.
I7 a 7eed :ack Beta = -> ?2 used6 the noise le5el in the output will :e
-. -.?? &+ :. 1.4&+ c. 4&+ d. 12&+
4A. ( Cener diode is pri&aril/ used 7or
-. !ecti7ication
1. Producin; constant current
3. Producin; constant 5olta;e
4. !e5erse :ias
4B. Cross o5er distortion is eli&inated in a push-pull a&pli7ier :/
-. $sin; a trans7or&er with a lar;e step-up ratio
1. $sin; a trans7or&er with a lar;e step-down ratio
3. Pro5idin; a s&all 7orward :ias to the transistors
4. #uppl/in; :oth transistors with inphase si;nals
82. When a P<P transistor is saturated
-. Its :ase6 e&itter6 and collector are all essentiall/ at the sa&e potential
1. Its e&itter is at hi;her potential than the collector
3. Its collector is at hi;her potential than :oth :ase M e&itter
4. <one
8-. For a !C hi;h pass circuit
-. !C L L t
1. !C N N t
3. !C = t
4. <one
81. (n in5erter is an e0uip&ent 7or trans7or&in;
-. (C to DC
1. (C to (C
3. DC to DC
4. DC to (C
83. #uppose /ou wish to a&pli7/ the potential di77erence :etween two points in a circuit when
neither o7 these points is ;rounded. Which one the 7ollowin; will /ou pre7erO
-. !C coupled a&pli7ier
1. Trans7or&er coupled a&pli7ier
3. Di77erence a&pli7ier
4. Direct coupled a&pli7ier
84. In an e&itter 7ollower6 the output 5olta;e is
-. -A2o out o7 phase 7ro& the input 5olta;e
1. B2o out o7 phase 7ro& the input 5olta;e
3. in phase with the input 5olta;e
4. <one
88. ( silicon controlled recti7ier can :e considered to :e)
-. Two pnp transistor connected :ack to :ack
1. Two npn transistor connected :ack to :ack
3. "ne npn and one pnp transistor connected :ack to :ack
4. Two Cener diodes connected :ack to :ack
8?. ( r7 si;nal contains three 7re0uenc/ co&ponents A@2 KC6 A@8 KC AA2 KC. This si;nal
needs to :e a&pli7ied. The a&pli7ier used should :e
-. (udio 7re0uenc/ a&pli7ier
1. Wide :and a&pli7ier
3. Push pull a&pli7ier
4. <one
8@. In the e&itter 7ollower circuit
-. The output current and 5olta;e are inphase with the input current and 5olta;e respecti5el/
1. The input and output i&pedances are e0ual
3. There is current series ne;ati5e 7eed:ack
4. The output i&pedance is &uch hi;her than the input i&pedance
8A. The 7re0uenc/ response o7 a s/ste& is the ran;e o7 7re0uencies :etween the upper and lower
-. - dB points
1. ? dB points
3. 3 dB points
4. <one
8B. In a class C a&pli7ier the output current is Cero 7or
-. al7 c/cle
1. Full c/cle
3. Less than hal7 c/cle
4. More than hal7 c/cle
?2. When !L Hload resistanceI e0uals the internal resistance o7 a ;enerator6 which o7 the 7ollowin;
is &a%i&u&)
-. Power in !L
1. Current throu;h !L
3. +olta;e across !L
4. E77icienc/ o7 the circuit
?-. ne;ati5e 7eed:ack in an a&pli7ier results in)
-. increased ;ain and increased :andwidth
1. increased ;ain and reduced :andwidth
3. reduced ;ain and increased :andwidth
4. reduced ;ain and reduced :andwidth
?1. ( class B push-pull a&pli7ier su77ers 7ro&
-. Cross-o5er distortion
1. E%cessi5e har&onic distortion
3. Inter &odulation distortion
4. <one
?3. (n oscillator o7 the LC t/pe that has split capacitor in the tank circuit is
-. artel/ oscillator
1. Wein :rid;e oscillator
3. Colpitts oscillator
4. <one
?4. Cla&pin; circuits are also known as
-. (C restorer
1. DC restorer
3. +olta;e to 7re0uenc/ con5erter
4. <one
?8. Which o7 the 7ollowin; has the ;reater &o:ilit/
-. Positi5e ion
1. <e;ati5e ion
3. Electrons
4. oles
??. (n < t/pe se&iconductor as a whole is
-. Positi5el/ char;ed
1. Electricall/ neutral
3. <e;ati5el/ char;ed
4. <one
?@. In a se&iconductor6 the 7or:idden ener;/ ;ap is o7 the order
-. - e5 :. ? e5 c. @ e5 d. 2.- e5
?A. In LED6 li;ht is e&itted :ecause
-. !eco&:ination o7 char;es take place
1. We &ake the li;ht 7all on LED
3. Diode e&its li;ht when heated
4. <one
?B. $KT is also called
-. ( 5olta;e controlled de5ice
1. ( current controlled de5ice
3. ( rela%ation oscillator
4. <one
@2. The transistor con7i;uration which pro5ides hi;her output i&pedance is
-. CC :. CB c. CE d. <one
@-. Tunnel diodes are 7a:ricated 7ro&
-. #ilicon
1. 'er&aniu&
3. Either silicon or ;er&aniu&
4. Either ;er&aniu& or ;alliu&
@1. < channel FETs are superior to P channel FETs :ecause
-. The/ ha5e a hi;her input i&pedance
1. The/ ha5e a hi;h switchin; ti&e
3. The/ consu&e less power
4. Mo:ilit/ o7 electrons is ;reater than that o7 holes
@3. Diac is a solid state de5ice which works as a
-. 1 ter&inal :idirectional switch
1. 1 ter&inal unilateral switch
3. 3 ter&inal :idirectional switch
4. <one
@4. Triac is a solid de5ice which works as a
-. 1 ter&inal :idirectional switch
1. 3 ter&inal :idirectional switch
3. 4 ter&inal :idirectional switch
4. 1 ter&inal unilateral switch
@8. Co&pared to a CB a&pli7ier6 a CE a&pli7ier has
-. Lower input resistance
1. i;her output resistance
3. Lower current a&pli7ication
4. i;her current a&pli7ication
@?. The input and output si;nals o7 a co&&on e&itter a&pli7ier are)
-. (lwa/s e0ual
1. "ut o7 phase
3. In phase
4. (lwa/s ne;ati5e
@@. The operation o7 a KEET in5ol5es
-. ( 7low o7 &inorit/ carriers
1. ( 7low o7 &aForit/ carriers
3. !eco&:ination
4. <e;ati5e resistance
@A. #olar cell is an e%a&ple o7 a
-. Photo conducti5e de5ice
1. Photo e&issi5e de5ice
3. Photo 5olta;e de5ice
4. <one
@B. Bretters and :olo&eters are used in the &easure&ent o7
-. Microwa5e power
1. +#W!
3. Trans&ission losses
4. <one
A2. ( kl/stron operates on the principle o7
-. +elocit/ &odulation
1. (&plitude &odulation
3. Pulse &odulation
4. Fre0uenc/ &odulation
A-. The unit o7 the a&pli7ication 7actor o7 a triode is
-. Deci:els
1. +olt
3. <eper
4. <one
A1. ( chan;e in :ase current 7ro& 32 to 42 &( chan;es the collector current 7ro& 822 to B22 &(.
The B 7actor 7or this power transistor e0uals
-. B22 :. 822 c. 3 d. 42
A3. The 7ield e77ect transistor can :e used as
-. +aria:le capacitance
1. ( constant 5olta;e source
3. ( 5aria:le resistance
4. ( constant current source
A4. Wh/ <P< transistor are pre7erred o5er P<P transistor
-. <P< transistor ha5e low heat dissipation
1. <P< transistor can handle lar;e power
3. <P< transistor are cheap and easil/ a5aila:le
4. <one
A8. The ;er&aniu& transistors are seldo& used a:o5e
-. ?2oC :. @8oC c. -18oC d. -@8oC
A?. In a FET the drain 5olta;e a:o5e which there is no increase in the drain current is called
-. Pick o77 5olta;e
1. Critical 5olta;e
3. Pinch o77 5olta;e
4. Break down 5olta;e
A@. ( re7le% kl/stron has
-. "nl/ one ca5it/ workin; :oth as the :uncher M the catcher
1. Two ca5ities one 7or :uncher and one 7or the catcher
3. Three ca5ities6 two 7or :uncher and one 7or catcher
4. <o ca5it/ at all
AA. Bipolar Function transistors are seldo& used as switchin; de5ices :ecause
-. BKTs are not econo&ical 7ro usin; as switchin; de5ices
1. The/ can handle onl/ hi;h 5olta;e :ut not hi;h currents
3. The/ need separate circuits when used as switchin; de5ice
4. "7 slow response and ina:ilit/ to withstand hi;h 5olta;e
AB. The 5olta;e at which the electron 7low starts 7ro& the anode is called
-. Break down 5olta;e
1. Peak in5erse 5olta;e
3. Peak 5olta;e
4. Pinch o77 5olta;e
B2. The heater 7ila&ent o7 a 5acuu& tu:e is ;enerall/ supplied with (C 5olta;e *and not DC
5olta;e, 7or heatin; :ecause
-. It results in a uni7or& heatin; o7 7ila&ent so that the electron e&ission also uni7or&
1. It is 5er/ eas/ to o:tain (C 5olta;e 7ro& (C power &ains
3. The DC 5olta;e that would :e re0uired 7or heatin; has &uch ;reater &a;nitude than the (C
4. When DC is used 7or heatin;6 a di77erent t/pe o7 7ila&ent is re0uired which 5er/ e%pensi5e
B-. The dopant used 7or P t/pe se&iconductor is
-. Phosphorous
1. Boron
3. Car:on
4. #odiu&
B1. (n e%a&ple o7 ne;ati5e resistance characteristic de5ice
-. BKT :. M"#FET c. $KT d. PI<diode
B3. The a5era;e DC 5olta;e o:tained 7ro& a :rid;e recti7ier with a sine wa5e input + sin wt is
-. + > 1 :. 1+ c. 4+ d. +
B4. The &a%i&u& theoretical e77icienc/ o7 a class B a&pli7ier is
-. (:out 129
1. (:out 829
3. (:out @89
4. -229
B8. ( cascade a&pli7ier is
-. ( CE a&pli7ier 7ollowed :/ CC a&pli7ier
1. ( CE a&pli7ier 7ollowed :/ CB a&pli7ier
3. ( CC a&pli7ier 7ollowed :/ CB a&pli7ier
4. ( CB a&pli7ier 7ollowed :/ CE a&pli7ier
B?. To;;le switches can :e de:ounced usin;
-. (sta:le &ulti5i:rator
1. #hi7t re;ister
3. !# 7lip 7lop
4. <one
B@. ( :and pass 7ilter has a centre 7re0uenc/ at 8 KC. The 3 dB cut o77 7re0uencies are 4.8 KC
and 8.8 KC. The Q 7actor o7 the 7ilter is
-. 8 :. 2.1 c. 8.1 d. 2.48
BA. The do&estic :uCCer &akes use o7
-. all e77ect
1. Tunnelin; e77ect
3. <atural resonance
4. PieCoelectric e77ect
BB. The de5ice which uses a5alanche :reakdown is
-. PI< diode
1. Dener diode
3. I&part diode
4. '$<< diode
-22. The correct relation :etween (lpha and Beta o7 a transistor is
-. a > :-- :.:=a-- c. : = a > --a d. a = : P -> :
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