Wet Dye Ver. 2.0 (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3: The Chase

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Chapter 3: The Chase
Light awoke in his hospital room. He noticed it was still dark
outside. He heard the sound of rain hit the window partially
covered by thin apricot curtains. He lifted himself up in his bed
and stretched. He even cracked his neck on both sides. He
noticed Lilly was still asleep and smiled.
Im glad she stayed here for my sake He thought. He
turned his attention to the clock that read 5:10 AM, then he
looked at Lilly once more. Shes been a wonderful sis to me.
Light laid back in the bed and stared at the ceiling holding the bed
sheets with one arm. I remember a lot of the things we used to

About twelve years ago on a very cloudy night, a child was
left on the doorstep of Lights house. It was about 3 AM when
the doorbell rang and Lauren walked to the door with a lavender
nightgown. She rubbed her eyes as the door opened. Her hair
was frizzy and a huge mess.
Hello? She said with a raspy voice. She looked around and
didnt see a soul around. She got angered and thought it was the
antics of children. If you kids are gonna pull a joke at least do it
at a time when people are awake! She shouted. She slammed the
door shut. Before the door made a big BANG! she heard crying.
She slowly opened the door and looked down. Barely visible, she
saw a baby in a woven basket wrapped in a small blanket. Lauren
was infatuated with the small life form. She smiled and had the
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baby play with her finger. She smiled more seeing it laugh. On
the side of the basket was a small piece of paper. Lauren held it
up to the moon to try to read it.
Lilly? She said aloud. What a cute name. She took the
baby inside the house and cared for it.
Years passed and Lilly reached the age of five. She was able
to read and write better than Light could. At that time, Light was
only eight. Lauren was amazed by Lillys progress and she skipped
a couple grades. Lilly was in third grade, and Light was in fourth.
As much as Light would try in school, he was always scolded by
Lauren and was always compared to Lilly.
Why dont you try hard in school like your sister? You know
youre able to skip grades if you try!
Light pouted and puffed his cheeks with air. But mommy,
Light said with a high voice. Its not my faultIll bring home
straight As this year. I promise.
Lauren smiled. Okay. Ill make a deal. If you get straight
As, Lauren took out money from her pocket I will buy you
anything you want.
Light smiled and nodded his head. Ill do my best!
The older Light and Lilly got the better their relationship got.
When Light was old enough to be independent, he took Lilly every
place he went. They would often play at the park or videogames
together when they had the chance mostly on weekends or on long
breaks from school. If Light went someplace outside of the town
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and Lilly was with him, hed have to have his phone with him and
promise he wouldnt go anywhere thats more than two hours away.
At ten years old, Light went to the park with Lilly.
Okay kids Im going to work. Lauren said while she was
putting her spring coat on. Light, if you or Lilly get hungry, make
sure you stop by someplace to get something to eat. Its a little
after 1:00, but Ill be back at 7 so be good! Ill drop both of you
off at the park okay?
Okay mom. Both of the children said. Lauren went out the
door first, then Light, and Lilly locked the door. All of them
opened the car doors and stepped inside. Lauren started the car
and drove out into the street.
About 20 minutes later, they arrived at Shizuka Park. As
Light and Lilly were getting out the car, Lauren rolled down the
window and told them to have fun. Then she drove off.
Lilly, lets go play by the swings! Light suggested. Lilly
nodded and stayed beside him as they walked toward the swings
that were no more than 20 feet away. Light was the first to jump
on the swing.
Be careful big brother. Lilly advised Light.
Light smiled. Dont worry Lil! Im a professional! Lights
goal was to swing as high as he could and jump off at a far
distance. His record was 8 feet. There was a stick placed to
mark his record. Light moved back and forth getting higher and
higher. He stared at the sky and felt alive as he was carried off
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the ground. He counted in his mind 123! then leaped off the
swing as it was reaching its highest point. He felt the wind blow
against his body as he was coming to the ground. He landed feet
first and pushed the grains of sand away. He looked behind him
and looked for the stick. He passed it by 8 inches.
Yahoo!! He shouted happily A new record! He threw his
arms in the air and laid back.
Well, you still cant beat me. Said a familiar voice to
He lifted his head up off the ground and looked a friend
upside down.
Hey David! David pulled Light up from the ground with his
right hand. I can beat you and you know it! Light smirked.
Want to bet the usual?
Sure! The winner gets to ride the magna-board!
The magna-board was Lights favorite toy. On most parts of
the town, there were magnetic floors instead of concrete. Once
turned on, the magna-board was made of a negative charge while
the magnetic floor was positively charged. That made it possible
for the board to float. The magna-board also went up to 90 mph,
but it had to be customized to go that fast. Light had the board
in his pocket in case he needed to use it. It was about the size of
a fingernail. In order to make it bigger, he had to press a green
button. When it got bigger, the button would change to blue,
which meant, it could be turned on.
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Light climbed back on the swing and David went on the one
next to it. They stared at each other and nodded with
Just before Light could swing, he felt something in his pocket
where the magna-board was. Light thought he pressed the button
by mistake, but then he noticed someone running away. Panicked,
he felt his pocket and noticed it was gone.
N-no way! Its gone! Light went from panicked to angry
when he noticed the person took his board. Hey get back here!
Whats wrong? David asked
Someone took the board! It had to be that guy!
Lets get him! He cant get that far!
David and Light jumped off the swing and headed toward the
Wait David, we gotta take Lil with us!
David looked left and right. I dont see her dude!
Oh no! Moms gonna kill me for not watching her!
A small scream was heard in the distance.
Thats gotta be the guy! Light said and David knew it. They
sprinted to the scream and saw a kid on the floor. He was lying
on his stomach and his head was turned to the right. His eyes
were closed and he groaned in pain. Lilly ran up to Light with the
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Here big brother! She said as she held her hands out and
presented it to him. Light reached into her hands and grabbed it.
He was puzzled how Lilly got it in the first place.
Lil, what did you do? Lilly shook her head.
Big brother, I didnt hurt him.
The kid got up and had a big bruise on his face.
Ouch He said. Hey Light whats the big deal having your
sister attack me like that!
Aaron Light said with no surprise Why did you have to
steal my magna-board?
Aaron scoffed. You never let me ride the thing!
Light knew it wasnt true. Aaron rode the magna-board more
than Light has since the day he got it. The reason for that was
because Light put his friends first mostly. Also, Light also loses
the usual bet when he plays videogames with Aaron.
Anyway, were all here at the park. Why dont we just have
fun like normal kids?
Everyone agreed, then went back to the swings.

In the hospital, Light looked out the window once more to see
if it was still raining. He sighed when he saw drops of water clash
against the clear window. Light checked the clock again and saw it
was 6:27 AM.
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Wow. Time passes when you look in the past.
He heard Lilly wake up from her slumber in the bed next to
Hey Lil Light said softly. Did you sleep well?
Lilly couldnt help but smile as she wiped her eyes. Yes big
Light smiled back and heard a couple knocks on the door.
They both got out of the bed and Light answered the door.
Who is it?
Suddenly the nurse appeared with her hands behind her back.
She appeared very cheerful and it made Light feel a bit uneasy.
Its just me your nurse checking to see if youre awake.
What do you mean?
Suddenly guns cocked behind the nurse. A sound that didnt
make Light feel any more comfortable.
What was that noise? It sounded like guns
Dont worry about it. Its probably your imagination.
Sorry. That sounds too real to be fake.
A gunshot was heard and was shot into Lights room. He
heard it zip past him and break a vase. Lilly jumped by the sound.
Fool! You missed! The nurse said.
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What the hell are you talking about?! Light yelled at her.
Big brother!
Light turned around and noticed a bullet hole in the wall next
to Lilly.
Look, whether you like it or not, you have to come with us.
We know who you are. The nurse said.
Light didnt know what to say. He wanted to convince the
nurse he was just a regular person, but he knew it wouldnt work.
Look, Im not who you think I am. Im Light Yakamura!
Whats your deal scaring people like me with guns?!
Another gun shot out a bullet. This time, Light expected it
and moved to the left. Whoa howd that happen?
Dont think youre superman! Just peacefully surrender!
Cant we talk about thi- Light was interrupted by more
gunshots. They didnt aim for him this time, but were warning
It seems youre confused. In that case let me tell you. We
did a DNA test of the fingerprints he left on a card. We
compared them to everyones prints we had that were the closest.
Yours matched perfectly with his. In other words, you are
Nightshade! The nurse took out a gun with the Red Cross on it
Light shut the door and ran to Lilly.
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Lil, why do they think Im related to the alien? Light
asked. The door started banging loudly.
Hey! Open this door! The nurse shouted.
Big brother, we have to get out of here.
But how do we get out? The doors blocked! Even if we ran
past them, theyd shoot us on the spot!
Dont worry.
The door was knocked down by the nurse and she ordered the
men to open fire in the room. As bullets from machine guns got
closer to them, Lilly stared at the window. She grabbed Light
from the collar of his shirt and jumped out.
Hey Lil, what are you doing? Its storming outside! Light
said. Glass shattered and was scattered everywhere. Both of
them were covered in it. As they were falling down, the gunmen
were shooting out of the window. At first, Light felt like he was
flying like on the swings, but then he looked down at the ground.
They were about 70 feet in the air.
I hope we dont get killed from this height Light thought.
Light, Lilly said with a much more woman-like voice Youre
my older brother. Its my job to keep you alive.
Light stared at Lilly. Lil did your voice get deeper?
I believe I still have many things to tell you. Im sorry, but
nows not the time to tell you.
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Lilly put her brothers body in her arms.
Lil, if we fall like this, were definitely going to die!
Lilly only smiled at her brother. She kept an innocent face.
Dont worry. Im a professional.
Light felt a rush of his childhood memories come to him.
Then he remembered when he was swinging on the swings, he told
the same thing to Lilly. He nodded and closed his eyes.
You can open your eyes. Were on the ground.
When Light opened his eyes, he noticed he was really on the
ground. He got out of Lillys arms and felt it himself. Shes
right we really are on the ground. Lilly grabbed Lights hand and
forced him to start running.
Why are we running Lil?
Soon, were going to be chased by everything that could get
our hands on us.
Light looked behind him and heard police sirens. Looks like it
was sooner that we both thought.
Light, get on your magna-board. This is going to be bad if
we dont get out of here.
Light reached in his pocket and put the board on the ground.
His magna-board was blue and Lillys was light-green. Lilly got her
magna-board a few years after Light did. Lauren bought it for
being the perfect child. Both of the boards were glowing with
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their own color. They started moving slow, then went faster each
second that passed by. Finally, they were at a decent speed to
not get caught by the police. More police cars started chasing
them through the rainy day. They headed toward an alley between
two buildings that cars couldnt pass through. It led to another
block of the city.
Light, once we find a place to hide, Ill tell you everything.
Both children tried their best to make as many turns and
shortcuts as they could. The police sirens faded from their minds
the more they roamed the city. When they found one of the
biggest tourist attractions in Gerrik City, the A-maze-ing Earth,
they found their hiding spot. Near the entrance, there was a trap
door disguised so well, the only way to find it was to touch it by
accident. They put their boards in their pocket and Lilly took off
a patch of grass and pulled the rope revealing an entrance.
Quickly, they went inside and closed their hideout. Stairs led to a
secret floor. The passageway was narrow, but at least they had a
couple candles lit on the wall.
Once they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a
giant room. The ceiling was in an octagonal shape where all the
ends met at one point like a pyramid without a bottom portion.
The room was very wide, but not very tall. Light sat against the
wall on the left of the stairs to rest.
I believe now I can tell you everything. Lilly said
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Thank you Lil.
But what Im afraid of is can you take the truth?
What do you mean?
Ill start slow. Lilly sat beside Light. You know we arent
blood related yes?
I didnt but I always thought you were different.
I see. Well moving on to the next point. According to mom,
were all special. We all carry a trait, more specifically, a genetic
disorder, that allows us to become two people. Mother doesnt
have it, but Lilly pointed to Light You and I have this trait.
Light didnt expect that to come from Lilly. He wanted to
show that he was scared, but then he accepted his fate.
I understand. But how do you have the trait? If were not
blood related, theres no way for you to have the trait.
I cant explain that to you yet I cant tell you my real
identity. I will tell you that while you were unaware of your
situation, Mom, Aaron, David, Pamela, and I made a plan. If the
world ever found out that part of your body was Nightshade, we
would make an escape to a place where no one could find.
Unfortunately, this is not that place. Our destination is Vertigal.
It takes about a week on foot, 4 days on a magna-board, and 2 by
car. We have to make sure we get in touch with everyone and
meet somewhere.
Can I just ask one more question?
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Why do we need to talk to David, Pam, and Aaron?
It seems youve forgotten youre friends vows. If one
suffers, its our job to help. I wish my friends made a vow like
Lilly took out her cell phone and made a call.
Who are you calling?
Mother. She has a car.
Her phone was dialing the number. After a few rings, Lauren
spoke. Light could barely hear what Lauren was saying, but he
knew she was talking.
Mom, its time to go to Vertigal.
The police found out about Light?
Yes. It seems they did a DNA Analysis and matched the
prints. What do we do?
You remember the plan right?
Yes, but we didnt establish a meeting point.
I see well go find Lights friends. You should go get David
and Pamela. Ill get Aaron because hes the farthest. You and
Light need to decide who finds who.
Yes Mother.
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Lilly hung up and put her phone away in her pocket.
Light, Moms going to pick up Aaron. Ill go find David. You
find Pamela.
Wait so you mean we have to split up?
Im stronger than you think at least if you have Pamela, you
should be fine too. Just be careful. Even though magna-boards
are fast, they dont last very long. I recommend also going back
home to get anything you need.
Light and Lilly made their way toward the way they came.
Light ran beside Lilly up the long flight of stairs. Back outside, it
was still raining. Police cars were searching left and right. Lilly
opened the trap door and caught the attention of a local police
Freeze! She said as she pointed her gun to them.
Split up! Lilly said. Both of them ran around the police
officer. While Lilly ran ahead to Davids house, the officer shot
the ground and missed Lights foot.
I cant believe you tricked me yesterday! I wont let you go!
Light heard that voice before. He stood still and stared at
Hey you sound like this girl from my dream
Cut the crap you monster! Candice yelled at him. Because
of you, I question my authority as a police officer!
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She attempted to shoot Light several times, but she missed
all of them.
Look lady, Im sorry for what Nightshade did to you, but Im
not him! Light rushed to the left. Im sorry, but I dont have
time for this.
Candice shot Light in his left leg. It wasnt very effective,
but Light still felt a lot of pain. When Light fell to his knees
holding his leg, Candice regretted it and rushed to him.
Oh god what have I done? She said.
Why are you giving me sympathy? You just shot me!
But youre still a kid I shouldnt have to do this to you! I
dont know why, but something tells me I should forgive you.
Candice took off her police helmet revealing her long blonde
hair. She hugged Light and apologized over and over. She even
started crying. Light pushed her off.
Im sorry lady. I really dont have time. If you really want
to help me, tell the other police officers to go someplace else.
Candice sniffled and wiped her tears. Ok. She replied.
Light smiled and headed to Pamelas house.
Wait. She said. Light halted but was jogging in place.
Whats your name?
Light Yakamura. Now please stay away from me or youll get
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Light ran again hoping to not get interrupted anymore.
Candice held a button on a small headset, and spoke through the
Calling all units, I have reported the alien. Its heading
toward the hospital again for an unknown reason.
Understood Unit 45. Unit 63 will be there shortly.
Candice took her hand off the button.
Light please be careful.
On the road to Shizuka Park, Light was running for his life.
I know Pamela lives near the park. But whats the shortest route
there? If only I had a map.
Light felt he was safe for a while thanks to Candice. He
wanted to stop running, but he couldnt stop. Stopping was the
last thing he wanted to worry about. He still had to find Pamela.
Lil and mom have the easy job. They dont have to worry
about being chased by the police much.
Light looked behind him and spotted a police car gaining on
Damn it!

Meanwhile, Lilly was running also. She was looking for Davids
House which was right across the street from his middle school
Ramlok. She was still in the city. Police cars scarcely passed her.
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Every time a police car stopped her, she claimed to have no
relation to Light.
I hope big brothers okay She said in a soft voice. If he
gets captured, it would be my fault
Lilly found the edge of Gerrik City and a shortcut to the
middle school. The shortest way from The A-Maze-ing Earth to
Davids house included going through a short forest preserve. The
trees were very tall and packed together making it almost
impossible to see ahead. Once Lilly got past all the trees, she had
small cuts on her body from the branches. She appeared in her
favorite spot where she drew in the summer. It was a plain
grassland surrounded by trees and two trails separated made an L
shape. On the right of her was a pond that had a rock beside it
best for sitting. She would draw anything she saw in a
sketchbook. The little book was beside the rock almost covered in
dirt. Lilly picked it up and looked at the first picture. It was a
sketch of Light eating an apple on the ground and Lilly was sitting
next to him smiling. Lilly closed the book and carried it with her
as she ran on one of the trails.
I dont have time to waste! Big brother is counting on me.

In one of the suburbs far from Gerrik City, Lauren was
driving her car on a narrow and bumpy road. She was going 65
mph in a zone that only allowed up to fifty. Not many cars were
out on the streets so she didnt have to worry about accidents.
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