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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken

There are four part to this section with special direction for each part.
Part I
Questions 1 to 4
In this part of the test, you will hear so!e dialogues and "uestions spoken in English. The
dialogues and the "uestions will #e spoken twice. They will not #e printed in your test #ook, so
you !ust listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
after you listen to the dialogue and the "uestion a#out it, read the five possi#le answers! and
decide which one would #e the #est answer to the "uestion you have heard. now listen to a
sa!ple "uestion.
you will hear
$an I give up % I&ll stop learning 'rench.
(o!an (hy do you say that ) you are !aking a lot of progress
$an *o, I&! not. I&ve tried hard #ut still I cannot speak it well.
(o!an +ow co!e) ,ou can speak -ra#ic, +indi, .apanese and even /ussian well,
can&t you)
*arrator (hat 0anguange is difficult for the !an to learn)
-. +indi
1. -ra#ic
2. 'rench.
D. /ussian
E. .apanese
The #est answer to this "uestion is 3'rench4 Therefore you should choose answer 526
a. .o# vacancy
#. .o# interview
c. Printing co!pany
d. 7etting high salary
e. 'inding a 8o#
a. - novel
#. - co!ic
c. - !aga:ine
d. - science #ook
e. -n English 7ra!!ar 1ook
a. The e<a! is aesy
#. This ti!e will not fly
c. The e<a! is in three weeks
d. +e knows !any things a#out the e<a!
e. +e still has three days for the e<a! preparation
a. =he ca!e to *isa&s party
#. =he couldn&t !ake a party
c. =he had to go to a doctor
d. =he invited the !an to a party
e. =he didn&t go to *isa&s party
>. $ark your answer on your answer sheet.
?. $ark your answer on your answer sheet.
@. $ark your answer on your answer sheet.
a. Paris
#. The 0ouvre
c. *otre Da!e
d. The crowded city
e. The 2ity of 0ight
a. The 0ouvre
#. The 2athedral
c. The Eiffel Tower
d. The lovely garden
e. The light structure
Question 14 and 1> are #ased on the following !onologue.
a. Dther #easts
#. The water
c. The frogs
d. - lake
e. - horse
a. They ate an ani!al
#. They lived in a lake
c. They saw wild horses
d. They went so!ewhere
e. They 8u!ped into water
1?. The co!pany suggested that $arvin take a co!puter in order E
a. To #e pro!oted as director of the center
#. To !eet the "ualification it re"uires
c. To handle the co!puter training center
d. To support his perfor!ance in the center
e. To undertake his pro#ationary period in the co!pany
1@. $arvin will register for the class #y E
a. Talking with the hu!an resources officer
#. Fisiting the training center we#site
c. 2alling the training center
d. EG!ailing =a! =illi!an
e. $eeting =illi!an
1A. Those who successfully co!plete the course will #e given E
a. 'ree tuition
#. - further training course
c. .o#s in #ig hotels in the colony
d. - chance to stay in the colony&s leading hotels for one !onth
e. $e!#ership of the +ong Hong Institute of +otel !anage!ent
1B. (hat re"uire!ent is needed #y an applicant to apply for the hotel work training)
a. -#le to speak !andarin
#. =econdary school graduate
c. 7ood knowledge of English
d. /eputa#le university graduate
e. 9Gyear e<perience in hotel work
9C. /afael *adal has pulled out of 0ondon Dly!pics #ecause he E
a. Is not fit enough to co!pete
#. (ill not #e with the =panish delegation
c. +as 8ust #een fro! the 1ei8ing Dly!pics
d. Did not want to #e the flag #earer for =pain
e. (as eli!inated in the 9
round of (i!#ledon
91. In (i!#ledon, /afael *adal E
a. (as to #e the flag #earer for =pain
#. (as in8ured during the (i!#ledon !atch
c. 1eat the world&s 1CC
ranked 0ukas /osol
d. Defeated the world&s 1CC
ranked 0ukas /osol
e. (as eli!inated #y the world&s 1CC
ranked 0ukas /osol
99. Paragraph 1 tells us that /afael *adal decides to E
a. 0eave 0ondon soon
#. 0eave the Dly!pics
c. 2o!pete in the Dly!pics
d. Play in the 0ondon Dly!pics
e. 2ancel his participation in the Dly!pics
9;. (hat is the te<t a#out)
a. The co!!erciali:ation of the !ice for drugs develop!ent
#. The use of !ice in !edical research against cancer
c. The i!planting people&s disease into ani!al
d. +u!an i!!une syste! called !ini !e
e. The drugs treat!ent on the !ice
94. (hy did the research use !ice) 1ecause E
a. It will not do any har! to the patient
#. The !ice can servw as your personal guinea pig
c. The result will help prolong the lives of cancer patients
d. The !ice contain a cancerous tu!or
e. The result will help i!prove the !edical techni"ue
9>. 3 E a cancerous tu!or e<tracted fro! his lungs.4 5paragraph 96
The underlined word is synony!ous with E
a. /e!oved
#. Pushed
c. /eveled
d. Pressed
e. Taken
9?. (hat did Fictoria do #efore #eing a solo singer)
a. $arried to David 1eckha!
#. (orked as fashion designer
c. .oined The =pice 7irls
d. 2reated fashion style
e. (rote !any #ooks
9@. (e found in the te<t that E
a. Fictoria na!ed her fragrance #y dF# style
#. 1eckha! is Fictoria&s auto#iography
c. 1eckha! is Fictoria&s #rand for her fragrance
d. Posh =pice is the title of her new al#u!
e. =pice girls is Fictoria&s la#el for her wardro#e
9A. 1ased on the te<t, what do we know a#out Fictoria)
a. =he is an ordinary wo!an
#. =he is a !ultiGtalented wo!an
c. =he designed The =pice 7irls
d. =he !arried to an ordinary person
e. =he arranged !any songs for The =pice 7irls
9B. +ow geyser is produced)
a. 1y the rise of te!perature pressure functioning hot stea!
#. 'ro! a huge tension of heated water that co!ing out fro! the earth crack
c. 'ro! the heated te!perature in earth crack that a#sor#ing water
d. 'ro! the te!perature and a#sor#ed water that occurs on earth surface
e. 1y the hot water and te!perature of hot rock that occurs on earth surface
;C. =tea! and hot water shoot out of the surface #ecause of E
a. +ot rock and water
#. Te!perature and pressure
c. 7reater pressure
d. +igh te!perature and increased pressure
e. Inderground te!perature and increased pressure
;1. /eservoir where the water can #e stored wil #e E. -fter eruption and resupplying again
a. +ot
#. *arrow
c. Dpen
d. E!pty
e. Insta#le
;9. 3 E and e<pelling !ore than ten thousand gallons during each eruption.4 5paragraph 96
The underlined word is closest in !eaning to E
a. +eating
#. $elting
c. (asting
d. =upplying
e. Discharging
;;. (hy does the natural environ!ent #eco!e one of the serious pro#le! associated with
the faster planes and cheaper flight) 1ecause E
a. It easily started an epide!ic #efore their illness was diagnosed
#. It can #e destroyed #y too !any visitors
c. The health pro#le! will increase
d. They carry visi#le ite! of wealth
e. It can increase cri!e rate
;4. (hy is the cri!e rate increasing due to the new industry)
a. =o!e tourist carry visi#le ite!s of wealth.
#. The tourist are spreading contagious diseases
c. The govern!ent is planning to restrict visitors to so!e coral cays
d. The new industry !akes the nu!#er of une!ploy!ent increase
e. The tourist co!e #y plane
;>. 3one carrier returning ho!e could easily start an epide!ic #efore their illness was
diagnosed.4 5paragraph ;6
The underlined word !eans E
a. 'ound
#. D#served
c. Identified
d. E<a!ined
e. +ealed
;?. The story of +arry Potter #egan when E
a. +e #eca!e an orphan
#. +is uncle and aunt adopted hi!
c. Folde!ort was killed
d. +is parents killed Folde!ort
e. +is uncle and aunt killed Folde!ort
;@. (hen +arry Potter lived with his uncle and aunt E
a. +e felt unco!forta#le
#. +e #efriended Folde!ort
c. Things i!proved in his life
d. +e had fantasy a#out !agic
e. +e #eca!e ordinary people
;A. (e can conclude fro! the first paragraph that E
a. +arry Potter&s parents were !uggle
#. +arry Potter lived in !agical place
c. +arry Potter is a relative of Folde!ort
d. +arry Potter&s parents adopted hi! as an orphan
e. +arry Potter en8oyed his life with his uncle and aunt
;B. (hat is one of the advantages of internet)
a. To create the !isuse of ti!e
#. To easily find inappropriate person
c. To chat with love ones only
d. To connect people in the other part of the world
e. To spread issues related to children healthy !ental life
4C. (hat is the !ain idea of paragraph 9 )
a. The internet could create havoc and destruction
#. The internet could facilitate co!!unication
c. The internet has !ore advantages than disadvantages
d. $any !odern devices can #e connected to the internet
e. The internet has #eco!e the !ost noticea#le innovation
41. -ll in all, the writer #elieves that the internet is E
a. Fery har!ful
#. Inappropriate
c. Fery useful
d. Destructive
e. 2heap
49. +ow does the co!plete respiration cycle work)
a. It delivers o<ygen to the cell and re!oves car#on dio<ide fro! the cells
#. It works apart fro! respiratory and circulatory syste!
c. It re!oves car#on dio<ide fro! the hu!an #ody
d. It delivers o<ygen to the circulatory syste!
e. It inhales air fro! outside the hu!an #ody
4;. The first phase of respiration co!pletes when E
a. D<ygen changes to car#on dio<ide
#. The air goes fro! the lungs to heart
c. 2ar#on dio<ide !oves to #loodstrea!
d. D<ygen !oves fro! #loodstrea! to the heart
e. D<ygen !oves fro! the #loodstrea! into cells
44. (e know fro! the te<t that the respiratory syste! E
a. /e!oves o<ygen fro! the #lood strea!
#. E<hales o<ygen and inhales car#on dio<ide
c. Is the producer of o<ygen and car#on dio<ide
d. Inhales o<ygen and e<hales car#on dio<ide
e. Is the processing center of healthy air
4>. The su#8ect which is not offered for the registration is E
a. Econo!ics
#. 0anguages
c. =ports
d. +istory
e. -rts
4?. 1esides filling in the registration for!, the student have to E
a. 1ring the registration for!
#. -ccept the ad!inistration receipts
c. 2o!plete the registration pay!ent
d. Dffer the spring se!ester su#8ect
e. $ake an e<ception for! to the ad!inistration
47. Arrange the sentences below into a goo orer.
1. 7rate the cheese into the #owl and stir
9. Then turn o!elette with the spatula when it #rown
;. 'irst, crack an egg into a #owl
4. +eat the oil in a frying fan, and pour the !i<ture into the frying fan
>. *e<t cook #oth side and it is ready to serve
?. (hisk the egg with a fork until it s!ooth
a. ;G>G1G9G4G?
#. ;G?G1G4G9G>
c. ;G9G?G1G4G>
d. ;G9G4G1G?G>
e. ;G1G?G4G9G>
a. 'lew
#. 1u::ed
c. (hispered
d. =ent into
e. 2a!e into
a. 2law
#. +air
c. 'ace
d. +orns
e. 'eather
a. +eavy
#. (ide
c. 0arge
d. Tiny
e. Thin

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