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The Last Juror

In my opinion this story encounters a circle of vengeance. This circle begins with the
murder of Rhoda Kassellaw, a 31 years old woman, who was murdered in her house when
she was coming out of a bar. The witnesses said that she met her murderer in the bar and
that they talked, danced, but he wanted more. When Rhoda realized this, she decided to
leave. This obviously did not make him happy at all. She left the bar immediately and he
followed her. When she got to her house she noticed that someone was inside the house.
She tried to run away through the back door. The murderer caught her and stapped her
repeatedly times with a knife. This murderer is Danny Padgitt. This is proved by the last
words she said before dying and they were: Danny Padgitt, It was Danny Padgitt.
Danny Padgitt tries to run away but when an animal crossed his path makes him loose
control of his car and crash a tree. Before he was able to run away the police had
arrived. Danny Padgitt is not like any person. He comes from the Padgitt family, who have
bad reputation but they have a lot of money, Money which no one is able to discover how
they get it, but everyone knows it is not in an honest way. Willie Traynor is the new
newspaper editor and when he discovers this new killing he decides to follow it closely.
Even though the police had tried to get more evidence and information about Rhoda
Kassellaw, very little was known about her and when the police investigate and
interrogated some of the neighbors some agreed that she had a boyfriend, who was name
Hank Hooten.
Danny Padgitt was taken to trial. Even though his trial took time to reveal, due to a dispute
that was very untrusted among those who made the trial, some believed that it was better
for him to be sentenced to death but others had a different opinion, and they believed it was
for him to be sentenced to life that in this state was ten years. Finally the jury decided that
the trialed person was sentenced to life. And with this decision he swears to get even with
each judge.
This is my introduction to start the cycle of vengeance. The first point that reinforces my
theory that this story has as principal theme the vengeance. This is what I stressed first,
where we are able to see from the beginning, where we are able to see that the murder
Danny Padgitt want to have sex with the victim but she doesnt want it. This makes Danny
Padgitt very angry and him to get a desire of vengeance that if she doesnt want anything
with him he cant have anything with no one else so he decides to kill her. The second
aspect is to highlight the trial of Danny Padgitt when he is sentenced to life he decides to
get even with the judges. He get all crazy, his last vengeance was to see that the murderer
of his beloved one was sentence to death. He decides to take justice on his own hands.
These are my three reasons why I can conclude that the story is about vengeance.
Why did I choose this topic?
I chose the vengeance as central theme of the book because I really think that is what
comes more important of the story. I am able to see that from the beginning of the story to
the end in all the situation that come up are due to this, and that the people feel frustrated or
upset and sometimes desperate and that those feelings developed the desired to do things as
they wanted and this way they decide to do things that they considered justice in their way
as vengeance.

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