3.2.maharini SMPN 1 Ponorogo

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School Unit : SMP Negeri 1 Ponorogo

Subject / Matter : Science / Biology
Class / Semester : VII /2
Chapter : 5
Time allocation : 4 X 40 minutes
Standard of Competence : To understand the characteristic of nature through
The First Meeting
A. Basic Competences
3.1 Applying a microscope and other tools to observe a life phenomenon
B. Indicator
Student can identify parts of a microscope.
Students can mention the function of parts of a microscope.
Students can use microscope correctly.
a. Students can use a microscope properly (setting the focus, lighting, and finding
microscopic objects).
b. Students can predict a 3-dimentioned shape
c. Students can estimate the original size of an object based on a scale
Social Skills:
Students can work well with the others in their group
Students can help his/her friends who have difficulties.
C. Objective of Learning
a. Students mention the parts of a microscope
b. Student can mention the function of microscope parts
c. Students can measure an object using a scale in the microscope
d. Students can using microscope to observe small part of organism
D. Teaching and Learning Model
- Direct Instruction
- Cooperative learning
- Students books
- Students worksheet
F. Teaching Materials
- Light microscope
G. Teaching-Learning Process

First Meeting
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
a. Remind the students about natural phenomenon of biotic and biotic objects
b. Motivated students by asking: “How do you go to school?”, “What do you see
surrounding on you way here?”, “Can you see any tiny objects?”, “What do you use to
see tiny objects?” Students answer is guide toward the learning objectives.

2. Main activities (60 minutes)

a. The teacher asks the students to make group of four.
b. The teacher asks a member of each group to take a microscope in front of the class.
c. The teacher asks the students to look for information from reference (students book)
and to fill their work sheet while observing the microscope in front of them.
d. The teacher guides the students while they are working in groups.
e. The teacher asks the students to present and discuss the result.
f. The teacher gives a reward to the best group.

3. Closure (15 minutes)

a. The teacher gives the paper and pencil test to the students for the individual test about
the lessons which has been summarized.
b. The teacher gives an assignment to the students to bring straw water incubation (7
days) for the next meeting.
Second Meeting
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
c. Remind the students about microscope material
d. Motivate students by asking: “Do you ever see something living into this straw water
incubation?”Guess what is there any organism in this water?” Students answering is
guided into objectivies learning
2. Main activities
a. The teacher asks the student to make a group of four
b. The teacher asks the student to look for information from reference (student’s book )
and to fill their worksheet
c. The teacher asks the student to observe the straw water using microscope and predict
d. a 3-dimentioned shape and also estimate the original size of an object on scale
e. The teacher asks the students to draw the object that they have observed
f. The teacher guides the students while they are working in groups
g. The teacher asks the students to present and discuss the results
h. The teacher gives reward to the best group
3. Closure {15 minutes)
Teacher guides the students to make summarizing about life phenomenon through their
H. Evaluation
Evaluation technique:
- Pencil and paper test
- Performance test
- Short essay

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