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-, Class:S1( )
Time allowed: 60 minute
D ate'. 26 / ll I 2008 (WednesdaY) Name:

1) Students must answer all the questions.
2) Students must write the answers in the question paper only'
3) Students should write neatly and clearly draw with attention.

SectionA: Fill in the blanks (32%)

I) About art knowledge Qlo/o)
Find out the right answer from the following words provided'

portrait perspective two dimensional space Post Impressionism

Line pattern Cubist texture

Van Gogh abstract pencil three dimensional

and try to develop

1. When we design a slogan, we first consider the
sketch for that.
in the lgth century.
2. Van Gogh is the painter in the period of

J. Visual elements mainlY include dot, space, Plane, texture and

Matisse is the painter in the period of in the 20rh centurY.

5. Sculpture is the artwork which expresses width, length and

6. Picasso is the painter who is very active in the 20th century'

who was once sent to the

7. "Starry Night" I 889 was painted by
mental asylum and finished this work there'

Before the lgth century,

painting is verY PoPular in the
westem world.

9. painting is the key expression ofpersonal feeling in the early 20th


10. When we start to develop sketch and draw, we should use

II) About artwork (12%)

Choose one answer from the following words provided'

Paul Gauguin Greek arts Monet

Egyptian arts Michelangelo
Chinese painting Van Gogtt Line drawing
Mannerism Optical illusion art
Slogan design Self-portrait OpArt
Italian painting Cave painting
Section B: Art appreciation (38%)

Look at the following artwork and then answer the questions below.

John Constable. Flatford Mill. 1817. Oil on canvas

I'age 4 of l0 pages
What did you see fiorn the above painting? How is the size of the trees in the front and
the back different to each other? (8%)

2. Do you think this is a realistic painting? Why? $%)

J. Do you like this painting'i Why? (3%)

II) .tJ I


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Anonymous, Family, Bronze

Describe briefly the shape, fbrrn an<j structure of above sculpture. (6%)

What clo you f'eel about this sculpture? (4%)

6. Do you like this soulPture? WhY? (a%)

l)apie 5 ol' l0 pagcs
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8. ts tlic object Lrpwar:cl ol clownwitltl;l wtiyi (4'/,j

Itti itic ol'this typc o['ultwo r-k. (2th)

'n" '.r,inil

Scc{ion C: Dcsign atrcl Draw (:t(}%)

I) Pcncil tlr:rwing (10'tl,\
Obscrvc thc lbllowing phoh calclirlly, lhcu lc-rh'arv it with clrawing skill (pencil only) in thc
box of thc light hand sirlc.
Page 6 of 10 pages

ll) Dcsign (20%)

You at-e one of thc Inelrlbers
ir.r the sport event of the "standard Chartered l{ong Kong Marathon

2009". You are going to desig'n a ?shirt that all the participants should wear it on the day of
Marathorr 2009. 'lhe lbllowing is the shape of 'I-shirt that y<lu can design. You are suggestecl
to use colours to dlaw youl clesign.

End of paper
Page 7 of 10 pages
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
2008-2009 I't Term Examination
S.L Visual Arts

SectionA: Fill in the blanks (32%)

I) About art knowledge (20'h)
Find out the right answer from thc following words provided.
l. When we 6eiign a slogan, we first consider the therne and try to develop sketch for that.
2. YanGogh is the painter in the period of Post hnpressionisrn in the lgtl'century.
3. Visual elenents mainly include line, dot, space, plang, texture and colour.
4. Matisse is the painter in the period of Fauvism in the 20tl' century.
5. Sculpture is the three dirnensional artwork which expresses width, length and height.
6. Picasso is tne Cutist puintei who is very active in the 20tl' century.
7. "starry Nighf' 1889 was painted by Van Gosh who was once sent to the urental asylum and
finished this work there.
8. Before the 19tl' century, portrait painting is very popular in the wcstem world.
9. Abstract painting is the Gffiiession of p".sonal feeling in the early 20'r'century.
10. When we start to develop sketch and draw, we should use pp4cil.

II) About artwork (l2o )

Choose one answer liom the following words provided.

I::-:- t\__--

Greek arts

Chinese painting
Section B: Art appreciation (38%)

Look at the following artwork and then answer the questions below.

John Constable. Flatford Mill. 1817 . Oil on canvas

Page 9 of l0 pages
What did you see tiotn the above painting? How is the sizc of the trees in thc fiont and the back
difl'erent to each other? (8%)
A child with a horse alongside the livcr, sur"rny weather. trces and grasslaud...... -
Thc tlees in the Ii-ont is larger tl.ran those at thc back. It is the concept of space betwcen thern.
Perspective is thelairc concept insi -
Do you think this is realistic painting? Why'i (a%)
Yes. it is. It is because the irnases inside thc painting is lif-elike and real to what we heyg_Egq!
befbre. The scale. texture and colour are real to the real situation.

Do you like this painting? Why? (3%)

Open answel but rnust be loeical.

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Anonymous, Family, Bronze

Describe briefly the sl.rape, tbrn.r and structure of the abovc sculpture. (6%)
A farnily is the basic therne of this sculpture. A rnan. a woman with a cl"rild appeared. Thc
fbnn and structure of thc human being is not proportional,__ Sculptor used georletric shaDc to
develon the structure the whole human figure. The texture is sornewhat simole witllout
outstanding scars at all

5. What do you feel about this soulpture? (4%)

Open answer but rnust be logical.

6. Do you likc this sculpture'? why? (a%)

Qps! a!u&LbJ!ru$ !-c l ical.


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Impossible construction
Page l0 of l0 pages
7. What did you see? (3%)
An upward / convex or downward / concave stairs. Open answer but rnust be logical.

8. Is the object upward or downward? Why? @%)

Sometimes it is upward and sornetirnes it is downward. The reason is that our eyes are
distracted bv the space between objects. Moreover. colours can also distract our eyes too,
especiallv black.

9. Tell rne the narne of this type of artwork. (2%)

Optical illusion art.

Section C: Design and Draw (30%)

I) Pencil drawing (f 0%)
Observe the following photo carefully, then re-draw it with drawing skill (pencil only) in the
box ofthe right hand side.

Markins zuidelines:
- shape and fonn (5%)
- tonal gradation / dark and light (3%)
- textural expression (2o%)

II) Design (20%)

You are one of the mernbers in the sport event of the "Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon
2009". You are going to design a T-shirt that all the participants should wear it on the day of
Marathon2009. The following is the shape of T-shirt that you can design. You are suggested
\L-l to use colours to draw your clesign.

Marking quidelines:
- Creativity and thernatic presentation (8%)
- Drawing technique (5%)
- Colouring (4%)
- Lettering (3%)

End ofpaper

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