EngLit Exam 08-09 1st Term

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United Christian College (Kowloon East)

lst Term Examination 2008-2009
S1. Literature in English

Question Paper
Class: Sl ( ) Marks:
Time allowed:30 mins
Date: 28 November 2008 Name:

Part I Multipte Choice (8 MARKS' I mark each)

choose the best option and write rhe@!!g of the answers on the Answer sheet.

Answer Questions I -5 based on your understanding oJ After Twenty Years

" ',

1. Why is the scene where Bob lights a match important?

A. It is when the police officer recognizes Bob as a criurinal'
B. It lets readers know that he smokes'
C. It shows that the story takes place at night'
D. It increases the suspense and adds mystery'

2. Why is the policeman a guardian of peace?

A. He talks about Peace.
B. He guards the Peaceful streets'
C. He ensures that the streets are safe from crime'
D. He carries a gun.

Why might the man at the door have started the conversation with the
A. He knew that the rnan was Jimmy Wells'
B. He wanted to tell the policeman that he saw a robber'
C. He wanted to ease his sense of guilt'
D. He knew holding a cigarette was wrong'

4. Why did Bob go out West?

A. To become a Policeman'
B. To make a fortune.
C. He had an argument with JimmY'
D. He wanted to pan for gold in Califomia'

5. Why won't JimmY arrest Bob?

B. Jimmy knew that Bob was a good man'
C. Jimmy was not in a police uniform'
D. Jimmy did not know that Bob was a bad man'
'Three skeleton Key"
Answer Qltestions 6-8 based on your understanding of '

A. He knows that all the men on board the ship are dead'
B. He knows that the ship is about to be wrecked'
C. He knows that the rats are on board the ship'
D. He had once served on the shiP'

7. Which of the following is an example of foreshadowing?

A. A man dreams of the three convicts' skeletons'
B. Sorne of the rats fall into the ocean and are eaten by the sharks.
C. The narrator sees the Dutch ship heading for the island'
D. The narrator sees a tug pulling a barge covered with raw tneat'
8. Which of the following details found early in the story enables you to predict that
'Tluee Skeleton Key' will be a frightening tale?
A. The history of the rock
B. The narrator's historY
C. The work that had to be done at the lighthouse
D. The revolving beam of light

Part II True and False (10 MARKS' 1 mark each)

Decide whether these statements are True, False or Not Mentioned. Put u tick in ONE
of the boxes only for each statement on the Answer Sheet.

Answer Question I-5 based on your understanding oJ 'AJier Twenly Years ''

l. Jimmy Wells arrived late to his appointment with Bob.

2. Jirnmy Wells stayed in New York to take care of his parents.
3. Bob knew that the man was not Jimmy because the man was wearing a ring.

4. lt was a hot summer night when Bob was waiting for Jirrmy'

5. Bob wrote a letter of apology to Jimmy in the end.

Answer Questions 6-10 based onyour understanding oJ''Three Skeleton Key'.

6. .,Three Skeleton Key" is about one man's most meaningful experience.

7. Three Skeleton Key is a low lying island.
8. The author signed up for Three Skeleton Key because ofthe hiSh pay'
9. The three-tnaster played around the lighthouse.
10. Sea rats are superior to land rats.

Part III Reading Comprehension (15 MARKS)

A. Read the passages carejfully and then ansbter the questions based on your
understanditrg of 'The Road Not Taken'. Short answets should be not more than
three sentences. (10 marks)

Passase A: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frott

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as I'ar as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim, -
Because it was grassy and wanted wearl
Though as for that the passing there
10 Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equallY laY

ln leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another daY!
Yet knowing how waY leads on to waYt
l5 I doubted if I should ever come back.

ffilt b" t"ttt"g this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood' and I-
I took the one less traveled bY,
And that has made all the difference'

does the traveler stand for such a

long time (line 3)? (2 marks)
1. why

2. which of the following topics besl describes the poem? (write the !s!son the

Answer Sheet)

A. Relief
B. DifficultY
C. Traveling

D. Natural World
leads on to way' mean? (2 marks)
J. What does the phrase 'knowing how way
4. Find a word which means 'lead in different

5 FillintlreblankwithONEwordfrom,,TheRoadNotTaken''whichbestcompletes

the sentences below.

A. I =-=_-ed' the future looks bleak with the economic

B. I his abitity to do the job'

for you? (2 marks)

6. What significance does this poern have

of 'The Tiree Skeleton Key"' (5 Marks)

went l-ly ar utu4r' the ninth night after mY return'

I Eight daYS
in the
Le Gleo and me, sleeping in our rooms
Itchoua, who was on iright duty, called
We rose immediately and' climbing
middle of the tower' at two in the morning'
thirty or so steps that led to the gallery' stood beside our
we saw a big three-master' with
5 Itchoua pointed, and following his finger'

passed over her'
us; our light lit her with the glare of day each time it
1. Find another word in the first paragraph meaning ,lighthouse,.

2. Find a word rneaning 'an area high above the grountl at the sides of a large
room or


3. What is the name of 'our chief in line 4?

4. Find a word in the second paragraph that means ,a
sail ship'?

5. What is tJne 'glare of day'(line Z)?

Part IV Vocabulary (f f MARKS, I mark each)

A' Complete the

following sentences with the most suitqble words Jrom the boxes below.
Each word can be used ONCE onry. ll/rite the LETTER of the correct word
on the
Answer Sheet.

1. A broad shouldered man up and down the street checking on doors.

2. She made a decision by avoiding playing computer games.

3. The design on the cloth looked with its many colours and pattems.

4. Both spoke __-- and Peter did not know who to listen to first.

5. His made it difflrcult for others to approach him.

6. The bus driver made it to call out each stop reaching the next destination.

B. Choose the most appropriate word that matches with the definition. All words are
be used. l{rite the LETTER of the correct word on the Answer sheet

A. phosphorescent B. derelict C. glasses D. hordes E. poop

l. large, rnoving crowds

2. nautical terms, the stern (back) deck
3. glowing
4. abandoned ship
5. binoculars
Part V Long Question (5 MARKS)

ll/hat does 'I did not give the warnings of the oldlimers a second thought, mean (rom
Three skeleton Key)? Please answer in no more than three sentences.

United Christian College (Kowloon East)
L't Term Examination 2008-2009
S.1 Literature in English

Answer Sheet

Class: Sl )( Marks: t49

Time allowed:30 mins
Date: 28 November 2008 Name : ()

Part I Multiple Choice (8 MARKS,I mark each)

1) 2) 3) 4)

s) 6) 7) 8)

Part II True and False (10 MARKS, I mark each)

True (T) False (F) Not Mentioned (NM)










Pdrt III Reading Comprehension (15 MARKS)

Passage A





5. A.



Passage B






Part IV Vocabulary (lf MARKS, I mark each)


r) 2) 3)

4) s) 6)


l) 2) 3)

4) s)

Part V Long Question (5 MARKS)


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