Electric Circuits/Network Analysis-Model Questions

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Q.1 To calculate Thevenins equivalent value in a circuit

(A) all independent voltage sources are opened and all independent current sources are
short circuited.
(B) both voltage and current sources are open circuited
(C) all voltage and current sources are shorted.
(D) all voltage sources are shorted while current sources are opened.
Ans D
To calculate Thevenins equivalent i!pedance value in a circuit" all independent voltage
sources are shorted while all independent current sources are opened.

Q.# A #$ dB! output in watts equals to
(A) #.%&. (B) '.#$&. (C) '.1($&. (D) '.%&.
Ans A
A #$dB! output in watts equals to '.% & because
(%''*&+1*&) , #$DB

Q.- The Characteristic .!pedance o/ a low pass /ilter in attenuation Band is
(A) 0urel1 i!aginar1. (B) 2ero. (C) Co!ple3 quantit1. (D) 4eal value.
Ans A
The characteristic i!pedance o/ a low pass /ilter in attenuation band is purel1

Q.% The real part o/ the propagation constant shows
(A) 5ariation o/ voltage and current on basic unit.
(B) 5ariation o/ phase shi/t+position o/ voltage.
(C) 4eduction in voltage" current values o/ signal a!plitude.
(D) 4eduction o/ onl1 voltage a!plitude.
Ans C
The real part o/ the propagation constant shows reduction in voltage" current values o/
signal a!plitude.

Q.( The purpose o/ an Attenuator is to
(A) increase signal strength.
(B) provide i!pedance !atching.
(C) decrease re/lections.
(D) decrease value o/ signal strength.
Ans D
The purpose o/ an Attenuator is to decrease value o/ signal strength.

Q.6 .n a trans!ission line ter!inated b1 characteristic i!pedance" 2
(A) There is no re/lection o/ the incident wave.
(B) The re/lection is !a3i!u! due to ter!ination.
(C) There are a large nu!ber o/ !a3i!u! and !ini!u! on the line.
(D) The incident current is 8ero /or an1 applied signal.
Ans A
.n a trans!ission line ter!inated b1 characteristic i!pedance" 2o there is no re/lection
o/ the incident wave.

Q.9 :or a coil with inductance ; and resistance 4 in series with a capacitor C has
(A) 4esonance i!pedance as 8ero.
(B) 4esonance i!pedance 4.
(C) 4esonance i!pedance ;+C4.
(D) 4esonance i!pedance as in/init1.
Ans B
:or a coil with inductance ; and resistance 4 in series with a capacitor C has a
resonance i!pedance 4.

Q.< ;aplace trans/or! o/ a unit .!pulse /unction is
(A)s. (B) '. (C) e
(D) 1.
Ans D
;aplace trans/or! o/ a unit .!pulse /unction is 1

Q.1' *ill!ans theore! is applicable during deter!ination o/
(A) ;oad current in a networ? o/ generators and i!pedances with two output ter!inals.
(B) ;oad conditions /or !a3i!u! power trans/er.
(C) Dual o/ a networ?.
(D) ;oad current in a networ? with !ore than one voltage source.
Ans D
*ill!ans theore! is applicable during deter!ination o/ ;oad current in a networ?
with !ore than one voltage source.

Q.1# An attenuator is a
(A) 4s networ?. (B) 4; networ?. (C) 4C networ?. (D) ;C networ?.
Ans A
An attenuator is a 4s networ?.

Q.1- A pure resistance" 4
when connected at the load end o/ a loss=less 1'' @ line
produces a 5>&4 o/ #. Then 4 is
(A) (' @ onl1. (B) #'' @ onl1. (C) (' @ or #'' @. (D) %'' @.
Ans C
A pure resistance" 4
when connected at the load end o/ a loss=less 1'' @line produces a
5>&4 o/ #. Then 4
is (' @ or #'' @" as /ollows

Q.1% All pass /ilter
(A) passes whole o/ the audio band.
(B) passes whole o/ the radio band.
(C) passes all /requencies with ver1 low attenuation.
(D) passes all /requencies without attenuation but phase is changed.
Ans D
All pass /ilters" passes all /requencies without attenuation but phase change.

Q.1$ A series resonant circuit is inductive at / , 1''' A8. The circuit will be capacitive
so!e where at
(A) / B 1''' A8.
(B) / C 1''' A8.
(C) / equal to 1''' A8 and b1 adding a resistance in series.
(D) / , 1'''D /
( resonance /requenc1)
Ans B
A series resonant circuit is inductive at / , 1''' A8. The circuit will be capacitive so!e
where at / C 1''' A8.

Q.16 Co!pensation theore! is applicable to
(A) non=linear networ?s. (B) linear networ?s. (C) linear and non=linear
networ?s. (D) Eone o/ the above.
Ans C
Co!pensation theore! is applicable to linear and non=linear networ?s.

Q.1< A networ? /unction is said to have si!ple pole or si!ple 8ero i/
(A) the poles and 8eroes are on the real a3is.
(B) the poles and 8eroes are repetitive.
(C) the poles and 8eroes are co!ple3 conFugate to each other.
(D) the poles and 8eroes are not repeated.
Ans D
A networ? /unction is said to have si!ple pole or si!ple 8ero i/ the poles and 8eroes are
not repeated.

Q.#' A delta connection contains three i!pedances o/ $' @ each. The i!pedances o/
equivalent star connection will be
(A) 1( @each. (B) #' @ each. (C) -' @ each. (D) %' @ each.
Ans B A delta connection contains three i!pedances o/ $'@ each. The i!pedances o/
equivalent star connection will be #'@ each.

Q.#1 *ill!an theore! 1ields
(A) equivalent resistance o/ the circuit.
(B) equivalent voltage source.
(C) equivalent voltage 74 current source.
(D value o/ current in !illi a!peres input to a circuit /ro! a voltage source.
Ans C
*ill!ans theore! 1ields equivalent voltage or current source.

Q.## The 8=para!eters o/ the shown T=networ? at :ig.1 are given b1

(A) (" 9" 1#" '
(B) 1-" 9" 9" #'
(C) 9" #'" 1-" 1#
(D) (" 9" 9" 1#

Q.#- The G>uperposition theore!H is essentiall1 based on the concept o/
(A) dualit1. (B) linearit1. (C) reciprocit1. (D) non=linearit1.
Ans B

Q.#% The power /actor o/ a purel1 resistive circuit is
(A) 8ero. (B) unit1. (C) lagging. (D) leading.
Ans B
Q.1 The two windings o/ a trans/or!er is
(A) conductivel1 lin?ed.
(B) inductivel1 lin?ed.
(C) not lin?ed at all.
(D) electricall1 lin?ed.
Ans B

Q.# A salient pole s1nchronous !otor is running at no load. .ts /ield current is switched
o//. The !otor will
(A) co!e to stop.
(B) continue to run at s1nchronous speed.
(C) continue to run at a speed slightl1 !ore than the s1nchronous speed.
(D) continue to run at a speed slightl1 less than the s1nchronous speed.
Ans B

Q.- The d.c. series !otor should alwa1s be started with load because
(A) at no load" it will rotate at dangerousl1 high speed.
(B) it will /ail to start.
(C) it will not develop high starting torque.
(D) all are true.
Ans A

Q.% The /requenc1 o/ the rotor current in a - phase (' A8" % pole induction !otor at /ull
load speed is about
(A) (' A8.
(B) #' A8.
(C) # A8.
(D) 2ero.
Ans C

Q.( .n a stepper !otor the angular displace!ent
(A) can be precisel1 controlled.
(B) it cannot be readil1 inter/aced with !icro co!puter based controller.
(C) the angular displace!ent cannot be precisel1 controlled.
(D) it cannot be used /or positioning o/ wor? tables and tools in EC !achines.
Ans A
Q.$ The power /actor o/ a squirrel cage induction !otor is
(A) low at light load onl1.
(B) low at heav1 load onl1.
(C) low at light and heav1 load both.
(D) low at rated load onl1.
Ans A

Q.6 The generation voltage is usuall1
(A) between 11 I5 and -- I5.
(B) between 1-# I5 and %'' I5.
(C) between %'' I5 and 6'' I5.
(D) Eone o/ the above.
Ans A

Q.9 &hen a s1nchronous !otor is running at s1nchronous speed" the da!per winding
(A) da!ping torque.
(B) edd1 current torque.
(C) torque aiding the developed torque.
(D) no torque.
Ans D

Q.< ./ a trans/or!er pri!ar1 is energised /ro! a square wave voltage source" its output
voltage will be
(A) A square wave.
(B) A sine wave.
(C) A triangular wave.
(D) A pulse wave.
Ans A

Q.1' .n a d.c. series !otor the electro!agnetic torque developed is proportional to
(A) .
(B) (.
(C) 1+.
(D) 1+(.
Ans B

Q.11 .n a - J phase induction !otor running at slip Ks the !echanical power developed
in ter!s o/ air gap power
(A) (s=1)0
( B) 0
(C) (1=s)0
(D) s.0
Ans C

Q.1# .n a - J phase induction !otor the !a3i!u! torque
(A) is proportional to rotor resistance r
(B) does not depend on r
(C) is proportional to sqrt(r
(D) is proportional to (r
Ans B

Q.1- .n a d.c. !achine" the ar!ature !!/ is
(A) stationar1 w.r.t. ar!ature.
(B) rotating w.r.t. /ield.
(C) stationar1 w.r.t. /ield.
(D) rotating w.r.t. brushes.
Ans C

Q.1% .n a trans/or!er the voltage regulation will be 8ero when it operates at
(A) unit1 p./.
(B) leading p./.
(C) lagging p./.
(D) 8ero p./. leading.
Ans B

Q.1( The !a3i!u! power in c1lindrical and salient pole !achines is obtained
respectivel1 at load angles o/
(A) <'
(B) C<'
(C) <'
(D) <'
Ans D

Q.1$ The pri!ar1 winding o/ a ##'+$ 5" (' A8 trans/or!er is energised /ro! 11' 5" $'
A8 suppl1. The secondar1 output voltage will be
(A) -.$ 5.
(B) #.( 5.
(C) -.' 5.
(D) $.' 5.
Ans C

Q.16 The e!/ induced in the pri!ar1 o/ a trans/or!er
(A) is in phase with the /lu3.
(B) lags behind the /lu3 b1 <' degree.
(C) leads the /lu3 b1 <' degree.
(D) is in phase opposition to that o/ /lu3.
Ans C

Q.19 The relative speed between the !agnetic /ields o/ stator and rotor under stead1
state operation is 8ero /or a
(A) dc !achine.
(B) - phase induction !achine.
(C) s1nchronous !achine.
(D) single phase induction !achine.
Ans all options are correct

Q.1< The current /ro! the stator o/ an alternator is ta?en out to the e3ternal load circuit
(A) slip rings.
(B) co!!utator seg!ents.
(C) solid connections.
(D) carbon brushes.
Ans C

Q.#' A !otor which can convenientl1 be operated at lagging as well as leading power
/actors is the
(A) squirrel cage induction !otor.
(B) wound rotor induction !otor.
(C) s1nchronous !otor.
(D) DC shunt !otor.
Ans C

Q.#1 A h1steresis !otor
(A) is not a sel/=starting !otor.
(B) is a constant speed !otor.
(C) needs dc e3citation.
(D) can not be run in reverse speed.
Ans B

Q.## The !ost suitable servo!otor /or low power applications is
(A) a dc series !otor.
(B) a dc shunt !otor.
(C) an ac two=phase induction !otor.
(D) an ac series !otor.
Ans B
Q.#- The si8e o/ a conductor used in power cables depends on the
(A) operating voltage. (B) power /actor.
(C) current to be carried. (D) t1pe o/ insulation used.Ans
CQ.#% 7ut o/ the /ollowing !ethods o/ heating the one which is independent o/ suppl1
/requenc1 is
(A) electric arc heating (B) induction heating (C) electric
resistance heating (D) dielectric heating
Ans C
Q.#( A two=winding single phase trans/or!er has a voltage regulation o/ %.(L at /ull=
load and unit1 power=/actor. At /ull=load and '.9' power=/actor lagging load the voltage
regulation will be
(A) %.(L. (B) less than %.(L. (C) !ore than %.(L. (D)
%.(L or !ore than %.(L.
Ans C
Q.#$ .n a dc shunt !otor the ter!inal voltage is halved while the torque is ?ept constant.
The resulting appro3i!ate variation in speed H MH and ar!ature current G.
KH will be
(A) Both M and .
are doubled.
(B) M is constant and .
is doubled
(C) w is doubled while .
is halved
(D) w is constant but .
is halved
Ans B

Q.#6 A balanced three=phase" (' A8 voltage is applied to a - phase" % pole" induction
!otor. &hen the !otor is delivering rated output" the slip is /ound to be '.'(. The speed
o/ the rotor !.!./. relative to the rotor structure is
(A) 1('' r.p.!.
(B) 1%#( r.p.!.
(C) #( r.p.!.
(D) 6( r.p.!.
Ans D

Q.#9 An alternator is delivering rated current at rated voltage and '.9 power=/actor
lagging case. ./ it is required to deliver rated current at rated voltage and '.9 power=
/actor leading" the required e3citation will be
(A) less.
(B) !ore.
(C) !ore or less.
(D) the sa!e.
Ans B

Q.#< A ceiling /an uses
(A) split=phase !otor.
(B) capacitor start and capacitor run !otor.
(C) universal !otor.
(D) capacitor start !otor.
Ans D

Q.-' A stepper !otor is
(A) a dc !otor. (B) a single=phase ac !otor. (C) a !ulti=phase
!otor. (D) a two phase !otor.
Ans D

Q.-1 The Ksheath is used in cable to
(A) provide strength to the cable.
(B) provide proper insulation.
(C) prevent the !oisture /ro! entering the cable.
(D) avoid chances o/ rust on strands.
Ans A

Q.-# The drive !otor used in a !i3er=grinder is a
(A) dc !otor. (B) induction !otor. (C) s1nchronous !otor. (D)
universal !otor.
Ans DQ.-- A 1( step=up trans/or!er has 1#'5 across the pri!ar1 and $'' oh!s
resistance across the secondar1. Assu!ing 1''L e//icienc1" the pri!ar1 current
equals(A) '.# A!p. (B) ( A!ps. (C) 1' A!ps. (D) #' A!ps.
Ans A
Q.-% A dc shunt generator has a speed o/ 9'' rp! when delivering #' A to the load at
the ter!inal voltage o/ ##'5. ./ the sa!e !achine is run as a !otor it ta?es a line
current o/ #'A /ro! ##'5 suppl1. The speed o/ the !achine as a !otor will be
(A) 9'' rp!. (B) !ore than 9'' rp!. (C) less than 9'' rp!. (D)
both higher or lower than 9'' rp!.
Ans C

Q.-( A (' A8" -=phase induction !otor has a /ull load speed o/ 1%%' r.p.!. The nu!ber
o/ poles o/ the !otor are
(A) %. (B) $. (C) 1#. (D) 9.
Ans A

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