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Commission Only Sales & Lead Generation


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Section 2: ! OUR PROPOSAL
Section 4: !

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The information in this proposal shall not be disclosed outside Company Name and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed in whole
or in part for any purpose other than for the intended use, provided that if an Agreement is reached with Darrell Hill Consulting
Limited as a result of or in connection with the submission of this proposal, Company Name shall have the right to duplicate, use or
disclose the information to the extent provided by the contract. This restriction does not limit the right of Company Name to use
information contained in the proposal if it is obtained from another source without restriction.

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With the commoditisation of products in the financial services industry evidencing itself on a daily basis, financial institutions such as
investment banking firms, insurance companies and commercial banks are making strategic decisions on how to differentiate
themselves in an ever-competitive market and as such, many are focusing on bold enhancements and extensions to their entire sales
operations as a primary differentiator.
Sales strategies that include rewards for results and the use of technology serve as an underlying principle, which can greatly
reduce the cost companies spend on acquiring new customers and can also extend the reach of their products and services.
Commission Exchange is a commission-only sales agency that specialises in using
integrated technology to acquire new customers, generate sales opportunities and actual
sales for companies; and charges a standing commission on all sales generated.
Commission Exchange employs a series of online and offline technology based strategies
to primarily generate sales prospects which are verified and qualified as ready to buy
before they are routed to your sales department, allowing your representatives to
efficiently focus their time on provisioning, ultimately leading to higher close rates and
improved revenue growth for your firm.
Commission Exchange has two pronged core focus areas: The first is corporate facing
and the second is consumer facing. The corporate facing prong increases sales for
companies by charging a commission on sale we assist in generating, whilst the
consumer prong offers loyalty, incentive and rebate schemes funded with the
commissions we receive.
Commission Exchange
We provide commission based selling
services armed with leading technologies
to extend your sales process.
Because we trust our strategy so much,
we bear the risk of any base resources
and technology cost associated with
acquiring new customers for you.
All we ask for is a standing commission
on the lifetime sales you generate from
the customer that we acquire for you.

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Our proposal is simple; Let us help you get new customers and sell your products and services at no upfront cost to you, only pay us
a commission on a periodic basis after we sell or the customer buys.
An outline of how this work, how we go about using technology to generate sales and sales prospect and our approach to lead
management is outlined in the sections below.

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Benefits to you and the business case for using Commission Exchange
We believe our proposition is uniquely qualified because it is relevant, i.e. it provides a solution of real value that meets your firms
present needs. It is professional, given that industry standard world-class process will be followed and software systems selected.
It is practicable, since it can be fully delivered and supported locally and it is realistic, because it can be started within a
reasonable time frame. Furthermore, it is holistic and future-proof since it will remain relevant to meet growth and changing
needs and business objectives
Employing a commission on sales strategy will allow Company Name to maintain a substantial competitive presence with minimal
fixed investment in overhead and technology infrastructure. Once delivered, a commission on sales strategy through Commission
Exchange will enable:
1. Lower cost of customer acquisition: The ability for Company Name to acquire customers at a cost cheaper than the fully
loaded cost of employing salespeople. We guarantee personalised and high quality technology based strategies for customer
acquisition and sales at a cost 15 to 40 percent lower than your cost for direct sales or in-house alternative.
2. Risk transfer: From a financial perspective, commission is a method of transferring the risks attached to generating new
revenue away from you towards us; after all, you dont pay out until after we have delivered. Because we trust our strategy
so much, we bear the cost of any base resources such as salaries and technology associated with acquiring new customers for
3. Access to talent and operational expertise: We use sophisticated technologies and have strategic alliances, which gives
us access to your potential customers that reside in Nigeria and abroad such as USA and UK. You get access to customer
acquisition operational best practice that would be too difficult or time consuming to develop in-house.
4. Simple, yet effective way of increasing revenue: Too many customers dont hurt businesses that have ambitions. We
are very good at sniffing and finding business opportunities, turning these opportunities into potential customers and
ultimately into sales for Company Name.

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Were in the business of using technology to generate and convert leads to sales.
At Commission Exchange, we value technology above anything else. The technology we use at Commission Exchange works
extremely hard to meet the goals of our clients and their customers, their sales goals and the goals of the company at large.

How does it work?

Commission Exchange does not collect or handle cash on your behalf. All we provide is a sale in principle i.e, a sales prospect.
Commission Exchange
We generate leads through our
technology systems i.e prospect
contacts us after our marketing

Commission Exchange
We qualify leads and sell your
products i.e we interact with
prospect to obtain more information
and make a sale.

Commission Exchange
We distribute leads i.e we submit
prospect to you where prospect is
ready to buy and we are not able to
close sale.

Company Name
You follow up with prospect where
technical and expert intervention is
required and close sale.

Company Name
You convert prospect to customer;
collect cash and embark on account
opening procedures.

Company Name
You pay us a commission for all sale
and prospect transactions on an
agreed periodic basis


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How we use technology to generate leads and sale prospects
Our lead generation strategy involves the use of a series of sophisticated and technology assisted activities, which we carry out on
our proprietary data through our own service offering. These strategies put us in a good position to interact with a wide array of
consumers across the globe, which we then filter and pre-qualify before embarking on any
product or service specific marketing pitch.
1. Access to Local Consumer Lists and Global Intelligent Databases
We have partnered with international and local marketing firms to gain access to consumer
lists (Business to Consumer and Business to Business) that contain over 4million direct and
electronic mailing addresses. These addresses are opt-in which means that all recipients
are in agreement of receiving marketing campaign information. Commission Exchange
through Darrell Hill Consulting has access to The Global Database of Nigerians in Diaspora
(GDND) created by NIDO; A database of self certified sophisticated investors interested in
Nigeria through Afrifunding; and an exhaustive list of individuals who have expressed
interest in consuming financial services in Nigeria through
2. Incentive Marketing
This is the core of our business and is based on the principle of cash-back marketing
whereby we use the commission you pay us to fund an array of loyalty and benefits
schemes that is only available to our member customers who transact with you. We have created a platform where all our customers
can submit their transactions with our partners and request for their incentives to be awarded. Incentive based marketing helps us
maintain loyalty with our customers and also acts as a control activity to ensure that we earn all commissions due to us from our
participating partner companies.
Commission Exchange
We market our brand and business.
Customers will find you through our
As a control, Commission Exchange
maintains constant correspondence with
prospective customers through incentive
We offer various forms of incentives to
consumers who buy products and
services from our participating member
organisations. We fund these incentives
from the commissions we receive.

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3. Online Employee Benefits Schemes
Commission Exchange has partnered with Daluzzi who runs an employee benefits scheme that works with the best retailers in Nigeria
under the Daluzzi Corporate Discounts brand, to provide market-leading offers backed up by great service to staff of participating
corporate companies, and their families giving them immediate access to a wide portfolio of supplier discounts and offers. Our
partnership with Commission Exchange will leverage on our incentive marketing strategy that will guarantee a corporate audience to
your services and products. Staff of some of the biggest companies in Nigeria will get to know about your products and this, we
believe will greatly increase sales and revenue for your firm.
4. Email Marketing & Campaign Management
We own a powerful opt-in email marketing platform that helps us more easily leverage data and quickly automate and optimize email
campaign management. This relies on data obtained from our B2C consumer lists filtered according to specific requirements and
criteria. The result: we have deeper customer engagement, greater marketing efficiency and increased Return On Investments. Our
email marketing features include: Powerful data segmentation, On-demand reporting and analytics and best-in-class deliverability
reaching a wide array of potential customers and buyers of your products and services.
5. Interconnected Search Marketing
We invest a huge amount of financial and human resources on ensuring that our partner information website is always visible from
any search engine and we are part of an inter-connection of websites that share ping links and reference materials, which encourage
visitors to stay within the ringed network thereby increasing member chances of a sale. This strategy also ensures that our website
ranking stays high and within a competitive return from internet search engines thereby increasing our visibility in search engine
result pages (SERPs). We also make use other search engine marketing strategies such as the use of search engine optimization,
paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion.

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6. Mobile Marketing via Text Messaging
Text messaging is growing at an enormous rate in Nigeria. One of the primary reasons behind this growth is that text messaging has
become increasingly used as a business tool because it enables information to be sent to groups of people quickly and conveniently.
The personal nature of mobile phones makes SMS marketing a very powerful tool. Most people take their mobile phones everywhere
and people tend to read virtually every text they get. With access to over half a million permission based mobile numbers for the
working class segment, we are able to create signature SMS advertisement through our consumer business relationship with Mobile
Interactive and other VAS content providers.
7. Inbound Marketing supported with Live Chat
We have developed Internet systems such that visitors come to us and we attend to them via Live Chat. Inbound marketing is more
effective than traditional outbound marketing methods because we arent interrupting people to get their attention. With inbound
marketing through the Web, we have created a useful, informative website that will let visitors find and come to us. We are currently
developing a financial services product comparison website which will be the core of our inbound marketing strategy. The product
comparison system will be a one-stop shop of information for members of the public who wish to use such services. Using our live
chat strategy, we will ensure communication with all visitors to the comparison website where we can up-sell and cross sell the
products and services of our clients..
8. Referral Marketing
Referral marketing is a method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually word of mouth. Such
referrals often happen spontaneously but we influence this through appropriate strategies. We do this by encouraging, informing,
promoting and rewarding our member customers and contacts to think and talk as much as possible about our services as well as
those of our partners and the value and benefit our partners bring to them and people they know. This is linked with our incentive
marketing strategy that rewards members with benefits for every referral that they bring to your service.

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9. Proximity Marketing
Proximity marketing is the localized wireless distribution of advertising content associated with a particular place. Transmissions can
be received by individuals in that location who wish to receive them and have the necessary equipment to do so. We create strategic
campaigns on a periodic basis informing targeted markets about our consumer service offering through wireless enabled devices such
as Bluetooth or wifi. Our proximity marketing strategy is viral in nature, depositing our message in the consumers device and
accessible long after the incident, which encourages spreading.
10. Multichannel Marketing
In today's cluttered world, communicating with customers and prospects requires that you interact with them through various
channels. Our technology platform ensures that all customer touch points are integrated to convey a consistent and personalized
experience. This way, we can ensure the visibility of our partner member companies.
The goal: Connect with customers in a meaningful way
By using ten proven sales leads generation methods gleaned from helping companies reach their prospects, we are confident of
providing more sales or sales-ready opportunities for your sales team to turn into new business, meaning greater sales revenue and
profits for your company.

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This objective of this proposal is to request authorisation to market and sell your products and services for an agreed commission on
any sales that we generate or facilitate. Because we do not handle cash or monetary transaction on your behalf, any sales that we
generate will be in the form of a customer commitment to buy and becomes commission payable when the customer has made an
actual purchase i.e when it becomes an actual sale to you.
Commission Exchange has two pronged core focus areas: One is corporate facing and
the other is consumer facing. The corporate prong increases sales for companies by
charging a commission on sale, whilst the consumer prong offers loyalty, incentive and
rebate schemes funded with the commissions we receive.
We have reviewed your business and noted that your retail business will benefit
immensely form our proposal. However, your entire business will also benefit because
of our access to an extensive consumer network.
Specifically, we propose to market and sell your Life and General Insurance products
and services. We are able to market your Fire, Accident, Motor, Travel and General
Accident insurance products as well as your Life Plans and Term Policies to our local and global consumer network looking to
consume insurance services in Nigeria.
Our proposal is based on a holistic, service oriented approach to customer acquisition for increased sales and revenue grounded in a
good understanding of appropriate technologies and means of achieving maximum return.

Our Proposal is Simple
Let us help you get new customers and
sell your products and services at no
upfront cost to you, only pay us a
commission after we sell or the customer
Our service is not a new form of gaining
new business, but it now has a new

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Commi ssi on Exchange: A si mpl e, yet ef f ect i ve way of i ncr easi ng
r evenue.
Commission Exchange is a sales and lead generation services company whose sole focus is delivering your firm sales or high-quality,
actionable sales opportunities. At Commission Exchange, our mission is clear, and our strategy is simple. Understand your product
and market, determine your ideal prospect, develop a custom online sales lead generation plan using a powerful mix of channels
Our extensive experience in B2C and B2B sales and lead generation has allowed us to develop the process, technologies and talent to
deliver your company fast, qualified sales and leads that result in superior ROI.
Our sales and lead generation optimizes indirect marketing campaigns (advertising, online public relations, email, SMS, Web site,
etc.) and engages direct-touch activities as needed. This "push-pull" dynamic creates powerful synergies and results. Our technology
systems are able to identify and tier consumers then develop strategic plans for introducing partner products and services. Through
this process, we are able to effectively identify and generate opportunities, nurture the lead, gain a commitment and then distribute it
to you accordingly.
Working with Commission Exchange is a three-way win situation; the buyer, your firm and us. The buyer is able to consider and
request information from several businesses within our partner membership that offer the product or service that they are looking
for; you are then given the opportunity, where we cannot complete the sale to pitch your product or service with a higher conversion
rate than cold contacts because the prospect is prequalified; and we receive a commission from the sale you make.

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Our Approach
We use intelligent systems to acquire leads and manage all our potential customer interactions. No interaction goes without
recording; we use world-class techniques to manage the entire lead value chain, which includes:
a. Online Lead Acquisition
Today, consumers are much more sophisticated as such we have sophisticated lead-generation campaigns that are targeted and
personal, and have proved successful in the process of moving prospects from along the sales pipeline. We employ a series of lead
acquisition strategies such as associations with other lead generating experts, buying filtered leads and taking redirection requests.
b. Lead & Contact Scoring
The multidimensional data from our database has been scored to provide visibility into
each lead's quality and where it stands in the purchase process with respect to their
history with us. We have defined a scoring criterion thats not only highly accurate but
also useful for automatically triggering lead-nurturing communications. The result: We
know with certainty whether a lead is truly "sales ready" or, if not, how to begin the
lead-nurturing process. We only approach or sell to sales ready leads.
c. Lead Nurturing
We have access to thousands of leads; but we understand that not all prospects are
immediately ready to buy, making lead-nurturing campaigns imperative for
transforming prospects into sales-ready opportunities. We create sophisticated lead-
nurturing campaigns, we provide nonqualified leads with value-packed information and incentives to keep us on top of their minds for
when they're ready to make a buying decision.
Commission Exchange
Commission Exchange does not handle
cash collection functions this means
that all cash or monetary transactions
with prospective customers will be your
Your business needs the opportunity to
present your products or services in
order to win customers, increase
revenue and grow

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Our lead management approach results in increased sales
Without a formal lead management process, teams
may spend valuable time looking for leads rather
than interacting with customers face-to-face.
Commission Exchanges lead management strategy
provides a cost-effective way to offload lead
generation so your sales teams can close
opportunities where we cannot. By qualifying,
incubating and appropriately distributing leads and
sales, Commission Exchange can deliver a robust
sales pipeline that is rich with prospects ready to
purchase. Once the sales cycle is complete, we
follow up with customers to identify satisfaction and
potential sales inhibitors for further growth and
planning. More importantly, we use this follow to
track the commissions we will receive from you.

Our lead management approach is an eight-step
process that tracks and manages the leads we
generate from generation to close, giving you a
pipeline full of qualified prospects.

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1. Generate: Balancing volume with value, we acquire customers, make sales or generate sales leads according to your specific
2. Collect: We aggregate lead information from multiple sources as described above, then scrub and store them in a secure, web-
enabled database, providing instant access to all leads.
3. Qualify: Because leads are not created equal, Commission Exchange qualifies all prospect's budget and purchasing intentions via
initial interactions to create a productive sales tunnel for you
4. Nurture: Leads with long-term purchasing intentions are "nurtured" through timely contact and follow-up, ensuring that your
solution is available at the right time.
5. Distribute: Leads with immediate purchasing intentions are converted to customers or distributed to your sales force or channel
partners for immediate contact where we are not able to close the sale.
6. Track: Leads are tracked from the moment they are generated, ensuring that important opportunities do not fall through the
7. Sell: We augment your existing sales force, providing professional sales representatives who can sell and close solutions to leads
who have full trust in us.
8. Follow up: We assess customer satisfaction levels and ask for referrals to keep customers while developing new leads.

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APPROACH DASHBOARD Pre-Operational Model
To optimise the effectiveness and productivity of this programme, once you have decided to engage us, we follow the following
steps, which normally takes 30 days before your programme commences:

Discuss and agree commission structure and the products and services to be
included in the scheme.
Agree commission billing cycle Monthly or Quarterly
Draw up operational model

You set up unique reference or referral code, which identifies lead or sale
You make adjustments to application forms if necessary to include source.
We provision products / services on our system and commence programme

Channel Planning
Define Commission Structure

Set-up & Commence Programme
An in-depth analysis of your current customers profile to identify precise
targets for sales and cross-sell and up-sell efforts - category, niche,
We gather performance requirements, sales targets, objectives, style etc
A baseline understanding of how your firm and your product/service
compete in your chosen markets
You provide product and service documentation with marketing highlights
i.e key value propositions, features, etc

Research and examine of the most effective online media and digital
marketing channels for reaching your target prospects.
We set up incentives and loyalty schemes on our systems

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Our client relationships all begin with gaining an understanding of how your firm competes in your chosen markets and gaining an
understanding of how your product/service fits within these markets. We research how your prospects buy the products and services
that your firm offers determining the buying cycle of your prospects - timing and key decision points that bring them to purchase
Benchmarking your firm's product/service is built on:
Reviewing the tactics and results of past lead generation efforts and existing in-house, syndicated, and/or custom research
Interviewing your sales and marketing teams
Determining your market position
Comparing your market position and products/services with your competition
Identifying your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and current sales objectives
Understanding which of your products and services provide the best Return on Investment (ROI)
Ascertaining how your customers buy -- which marketing and media channels they use for research, their buying cycles, and
key benefits they seek
These insights allow Commission Exchange to create compelling technology driven sales generation programs that capitalize on your
key differentiators to prospects, with a focus on targeting your best prospects with an understanding of how your prospects buy.

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Our Customer Profile Analysis uncovers common attributes of your best customers, which leads to a Best Prospect Profile. This profile
guides our choice of lists in email, SMS and direct mail marketing, provides insight to keywords for internet marketing and search
engine marketing (SEO) tactics, and aids in the selection of sales lead generation media channels and messaging strategies.
This Best Prospect Profile is developed by:
Analysis of your current customer demographics, including sales revenue, products or services purchased, frequency of
purchase, ROI, and other key metrics.
Appending external data to your customers such as income bracket, age, if applicable number of employees, company
revenue and industry, and other targetable company or individual attributes
Statistical modelling of the attributes or combination of attributes that reflect the type of individual or company that represent
your best customers
Through the use of predictive models, Commission Exchange identifies the prospects that are most like your best customers, creating
your custom Best Prospect Profile.
In combination with Benchmarking and with the knowledge of how your customers buy, this profile helps guide the appropriate
channel planning.

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Channel Planning
Today's marketing channel options are extensive - Internet marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), direct mail marketing, email
marketing, telemarketing, webinars, public relations, and more. Properly integrating these options requires a careful, detailed analysis
and strategic plan. Commission Exchange builds an effective sales generation channel plan by:
Understanding your market position, Best Prospect Profile and how your prospects buy the products and services your firm
Researching the most effective options for reaching your target prospects in their buying cycle
Studying your current, and where available, your competition's sales generation efforts
Developing a thoughtful mix of channels that will best accomplish the goals of sales lead generation for your company
The plan may include enhancements to or tests within your current efforts, or testing entirely new channels.

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Define Commission Structure
A commission is a percentage of a sale price paid to us as payment for making or assisting a sale of your products and services. Our
commission structure varies according to product and service types and it is only realised when a sale has been made. The main
activities in this stage are to discuss and agree commission structure and the products and services to be included in the scheme, and
to agree commission billing cycle. In most cases, our commission structure takes one or a combination of the following ways:
Initial sale: Applies to all initial sales transactions performed by the customers we acquired on your behalf. This commission is
applicable as a one-off once the customer parts with cash and purchases any of the products or services defined within the
On-going balance: Applicable to products that require customers to open and maintain an account balance such as stock or
savings or current banks accounts and would normally run alongside the initial sale commission. This commission is
continuously applicable and the agreed percentage of the balance becomes payable on a monthly basis.
Recurring sales: Applicable to products or services that are offered on a subscription basis such as insurance premiums.
Additional sales: This commission type applies where a customer we acquired on your behalf buys additional products and
services. It will normally be treated as one of the above types mentioned above.
The incentives we provide to our member customers through loyalty and benefits schemes has been implemented in a way such that
our customers inform us of every transaction they perform with our partners. The information we receive from our member
customers will be reconciled against any commissions we receive to ensure accuracy. This communication loop creates a three way
win situation for all participants.

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Set-up & Commence Programme
Setting up the commission programme is the final stage of our pre operational approach and basically involves signing an agreement
detailing responsibilities and limitations from both parties. A unique reference or referral code, which identifies lead or sale source
must be set-up and communicated within your internal sales department. This code will allow all customers we acquire on your
behalf be traced back to us. Where it is required that we use standard application forms provided by you, these forms may have to
be modified to include a print of our referral code or an empty field which the customer is expected to complete if referred.
We use proprietary systems to track our partnership, member customers and all earned commissions.

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This model summarises operational responsibilities between Commission Exchange and Company Name once the programme has

Engage Visitor & Customer:
Market products and services through Commission Exchange consumer business
Lead generation and qualification using proprietary technology and offline intervention as required
Enhanced marketing campaigns through cross selling and up selling of your products and services
Log & track interaction to enable intelligence sharing where required
Commission billing on a monthly or quarterly basis



Provide Technical Service:
Cash collection from customers we acquire on your behalf
Order fulfilment e.g account opening procedures provisioning and regulatory requirements like KYC
Service management to ensure customer actually gets the benefits of your services as we have described it to them
Technical support to customer through the duration of service provision
Close sale where applicable
Payment on commission




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Our commission model is flexible enough to fit your requirements and in all cases, ensures we work as partners with a common goal
of increasing your revenue. The proposed commission structure is tied to all transactional activities performed by the customers we
acquire for you. The combinations of the commission type you pay depend on the nature of your products and services. The table
below shows the standard commission rates charged to asset and investment management firms.
Commission Type Description Proposed Rate
A: Initial sale Applies to all initial sales transactions performed by the customers we
acquired on your behalf.
B: On-going balance Applicable to products that require customers to open and maintain an
account balance such as stock or banks accounts.
C: Recurring sales Applicable to services that are offered on a subscription basis such as
insurance premiums.
D: Additional sales Applies where a customer we acquired on your behalf buys additional
products and services.
? - We arrive at our commission rates after an initial discussion with you. This is because our commission rates depend on the
specific nature of products and services you offer.

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About Commission Exchange
Commission Exchange is a fully fleshed service offering powered and delivered by Darrell Hill Consulting, a business technology
solutions and advisory firm with offices located in UK, Nigeria and a software solutions development branch in India.
Darrell Hill Consulting provides a unique blend of technology related professional services; consulting, solutions, resources and
services to help businesses achieve their bottom line through planning, selecting and utilizing business technology. We specialise in
working with individuals, mid-tier, corporate and fast growing companies using the right combination of services and solutions to
deliver optimal business results while leveraging their in-house skills, and helping to increase return-on-investment for their business
technology spend
Commission Exchange was created to be a cutting-edge technology based sales agency that makes use of proprietary technology to
expose companies to the tough markets in a new and bold way. Commission Exchanges strategic objective is to aggressively grow
their business clients by gaining highly motivated customers through meticulously managed, highly targeted customer acquisition
strategies. Its aim is to take you places your competition doesnt know how to reach.
Commission Exchange provides a range of integrated marketing, guaranteed lead generation and sales services that drive sales
opportunities for growing companies in Nigeria with services that integrate data management, data analysis, internet marketing,
tech-savvy, direct mail, web portals, web chat and email marketing to consistently drive qualified pipeline in the financial services
sectors in Nigeria.

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The Management Team
The Management Team bring together practical experience in all aspects of Commission Exchange's operations, as well as business
training and experience in Nigeria, UK and USA:

John D. Foord, CEO
Johns expertise spans across many technologies and an initial career in the Royal Navy as an Artificer, including 10 years serving on
board Polaris submarines, provided him with an excellent technical skills base in many disciplines. Leaving the Royal Navy aged 30,
John embarked on a second career involving mainframe computer engineering, leading to 6 years in Dubai during the 1980s as the
Gulf Engineering Manager for a computer company. Spending time in all of the Gulf states plus Syria, he has trained many local

John moved to Nigeria in 1990 and used his expertise to build in-house computer engineering facilities for mid-range computers and
PC and Macintosh at the international research farming community at IITA in Ibadan. John continued to train local engineers
including students from the University of Ibadan. After returning to England, John has established a third career involving project
management and consultancy

Hillary Obomighie, Managing Partner - Africa
He is a graduate of Computer Science and started his professional life in 1998 with Phillips Consulting Lagos, where he gained
expertise in designing and implementing eBusiness & Information Systems strategies and solutions for leading companies in Nigeria.

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After a brief time banking with Access Bank, Hillary left Nigeria in 2004 and continued to provide consulting services as part of
Deloitte UK in the area of Enterprise Information Management. During this time, he managed multi-million pounds projects for
leading FTSE companies and public sector local councils in the UK. He also assisted IT departments of global companies achieve
successful alignment of their IT investments with business strategy and goals whilst ensuring the provision of a line of sight for every
IT investment.

After 10 years of helping companies in Nigeria and UK become more successful through the better use of technology, In 2008, Hillary
founded Darrell Hill Limited to provide technology consulting services, and to make world class business technology solutions
available to companies and organisations in Africa by providing quality services through the formation of strategic alliances with
leading companies around the world.

Ernest E. Oviawe, Commission Exchange Product Manager
Ernest is a graduate of crop science from University of Benin and started his professional career in 2006 as a Project Supervisor with
Sagita Magnolia Nigeria Limited. In 2008, Ernest Joined Infographics Nigeria Limited, where he gained expertise in IT business
development, managing key accounts and senior management level relationships.
Afterwards, he joined Bi-TraxAxxent Company Limited as Accounts Manager IT training, servicing a vast number of companies in
Nigeria that cut across Telecommunications, Banking and Insurance. He rose to later become the Head of Sales and Marketing of a
branch of the company as a result of satisfactory performance.
Ernest brings a wealth of product quality and customer relationship management skills to Darrell Hill and he is currently responsible
for communicating Commission Exchange value proposition to new clients.

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Contact Information

Management House
Plot 22 Idowu Taylor Street
Victoria Island
+234 (0) 705 3794 772
Hephzibah Building
1st Floor YY4 Abuja - Kaduna Road,
234 (0) 802 123 2963

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