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End of Year

Teacher: Andrea Chavarra Grade / Department: 2C
Focus Area Strategies Results and documentation
Develop school wide use of test and
assessment data to close achievement
gaps and advance best practices.
School-wide Goal:
50% of the students will meet their
target growth on the Math and
Reading MAP Assessments (Fall to
100% of target growth will be met.
Cumulative test report follow up.
-Continue with the spiral reviews for Math and
-Include more phonic components in the grammar
spiral review.
-Include essential questions on the Math and
Grammar Spiral Review.
-Direct our spiral reviews toward those struggling
concepts made evident in the cumulative test
-Creation of constant Essential Questions in the
classroom for more meaningful concepts.
-Formal and Informal Assessments

-PDFs of the spiral review HWs will be saved in a
digital folder.

-Examples of reviews will be kept.

- PDFs of assessments and informal assessment
pictures will be saved in a digital folder.

Mid Year Progress:
As a level, second grade continues creating our weekly Spiral Reviews, which certainly are a great resource for reviewing skills. Through this mean I have the
opportunity to review them as a class, and keep track of those students who might be struggling with a specific skill. Informal assessments are great ways to
receive feedback on students learning. MAPS have also been a good source of information so I am able to keep track of my students difficulties, strengths and
areas to work on.

End of Year:
We have made an effort as a grade level to find a way to strengthen our Language Arts Curriculum, and I can feel the difference on how our students have been
working much more on it and having a better understanding of the language. Ive personally tried to integrate more all Language Arts skills in my planning
lessons, combining Math and Science with this area. Spiral Reviews have been great, giving us the chance to recheck who needs to reinforce which skills, and
keep constantly reviewing past skills. Essential Questions in our Spiral Reviews have been really nice for class discussions before checking homework together,
and to give them the space to make connections of the skills with real life situations. Lately we have incorporated more the use of rubrics in our evaluations, and
it has been helpful for our students to have a guideline of what is expected from them.

Focus Area Strategies Results and documentation
Advance the use of technology in
instruction, planning and
communication, including the use of
smartboards, IPads and Edline.
-Take advantage of Ipad apps for differentiated
instruction in the class.
-Use apps as a resource for the creation of stories,
projects, and investigations in the class.
-Keep working with the Smart board as one of the
main technological resources in the class for all
subject instruction.
-Pictures will be taken as evidence of Ipad usage and
the different activities taking place in the class. The
plans will also include planning lessons with Ipads and
Smartboard activities.

-Students work will be saved in their Ipads, such as
stories and projects.

Mid Year Progress:
Technology is essential in my class. The Smartboard has been a great resource to copy homework with my students, open spaces for students to share
their Ipad projects through the Ipad TV, and have interactive lessons with the various activities from the computer.
Ipads are great for practicing skills and incentivizing their creativity by the creation of projects. Students can apply their knowledge by guided projects
and also by creating their own ideas. It has been really nice looking at them excited about presenting to others and motivated with the Units in the classroom. I
will like to work and learn more of Educreations, so I can use it as a tool for introducing and reviewing skills to my students in a more interactive way.

End of Year:
We have been learning and growing a lot with the use of Ipads in the classroom. As a teacher I feel more comfortable with it, and new ideas are
constantly coming out for project-based work. I really like having students create after acquiring new learnings, and students created many projects that show
understanding and creation of new ideas and connections. The use of the Apple T.V. has been really nice Students enjoy sharing their work, and it has given me
the opportunity to project any app or example activity I need from my Ipad. I have tried Educreations a little bit more, and I want to keep exploring this tool. I
feel its a great resource students can use to review skills. It was very helpful for students that were absent, since I could send them the lessons missed and avoid
having them stay behind with content. I want to create a webpage for my class. I feel that Edline was a really nice tool for me, and honestly I couldnt make
myself comfortable with Powerschool. I feel it was not as friendly user for teachers, and also it didnt give the chance to make a colorful website for parents to
keep track of class actitivites and resources. I have been exploring Weebly, and hope to create a nice website for next year!

Focus Area Strategies Results and documentation
Develop a culture of inquiry with
students to promote metacognition
and higher thinking skills; including the
implementation of the principles of
Understanding by Design.
-Create the best questioning for students to develop
inquiry and have them participate.
-Connect questioning strategies to work with them in
the class.
-Have a different classroom environment
-Pictures will show bulletin boards and Essential
Question activities going on in the classroom as

Mid year progress:
Essential questions are really nice to have class discussions about different topics. In our class students get more involved in the activities done and they
can have more meaningful insights about their new learnings. I also want to work more on having activities in which my students can relate even more those
skills learned to their daily life activities and between subjects as well.
End of Year:

Focus Area Strategies Results and documentation
Implement best practices to develop
character, values and self-discipline in
students, resulting in a positive learning
- Include a weekly Mini Task homework for parents to
work with their kids in order to reinforce Values of
the Month at home.
- Create open environments where children can
express their feelings and discuss about values of the
month, habits of mind, and global citizenship.

-PDFs of the weekly homework will demonstrate the
kind of activities that will involve parents in the

-Plans will include discussion periods about important
topics. Mini projects about values, habits of mind and
global citizenship will be created by my students in
order to share and discuss as a group.
Mid Year progress:
Mini tasks is a new idea I implemented in my homework. I have the value of the month, a short reflection of the value and a mini task. Mini tasks are
activities for parents to do with their kids. The idea is to give parents ideas of activities they can do as a family to reinforce the values seen in the class. The
answers from them have been really positive and I feel I will continue doing it. I am in the process of making classroom changes to create a better and more
comfortable environment for my students in order to have a better positive learning environment.

Teacher Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ____________
Coordinator Signature _________________________________________________ Date ____________
Administrator Signature ________________________________________________ Date ____________

*MAP ACTION PLAN 2013-2014*

A. Class ____________ Strengths and Weaknesses (Use the Math and Reading by RIT Goal Descriptor- looking at Lw, avg, hg)
Strength Goals Goals we need to work on(CIRCLE ONE) *Evidence of Effectiveness to align with your goals- April
Reading -Language and Writing
-Vocabulary use and functions
-Foundational Skills
-Literature and informational

My Classes Goal in READING is: Create learning activities that will provide more practice on Foundational Skills, and literature and informational.

My Classes Goal in Math is: Create learning activities that will provide more practice Measurement and Data.

Class 2C Date December, 2013
B. The Reading Focus groups I would create are: (Use the Reading ClassBreakdown Goal Report and RIT Goal Descriptor-looking at Lw, avg, hg)

Strategies and
Actions Steps
-Keep reinforcing grammar and
language convections, as well as
vocabulary and functions.
- Work more with reading levels, more
non-fiction text work, keep working and
reinforcing grammatical skills.
-Spiral reviews with more of these areas.

-Algebraic Thinking
-Numbers and Operations

-Measurement and Data

and Actions
-Keep working on Pearson, and
project-based work.
-Do activities in which students need to
apply more their past knowledge, and
integrate skills.
-Spiral reviews with more of this area.

Focus Goal of

Students Diego Castro
Andres Pacheco
Nicholas Owen
Juliana Batalla
Uma Cortes

Mark Music
Melanie Zheng
Alvaro Carmona
Fabiana Rojas
Juliana Koberg
Luciano Escorriola
Maripaz Chavarra
Alberto Guardia
Mateo Gordienko
Daniela Engler

Nicolas Garnier
Alberto Esquivel
Orlando Odio
Julianna Morales
Felipe Jimenez
Fernanda Umaa

*Strategies and
Actions Steps
-Use Journeys Level Readers with Ipad.

-Provide target questions for story group discussions where they can identify different elements important in the story to reinforce their reading

-Creation of book reports.

-Reading Records to keep track of level.

*Evidence of
to align with
your goals-
April 2014

Identify the norm __________ Fall 2013 ________Spring 2014
C. Identify Students who are 50% or below the norm. (Use the teacher report with goal descriptors all low areas)

Class _____________________________________ Reading
Student Goal Strands 50% or lower (Circle one to focus on)
Strategies and action Steps (use decartes, focused lessons, and other
activities) April 2014
Diego Castro
-Literature and Informational

-Literature and Informational:

Reinforce the following skills:
-Identifies in an informational passage: main idea, topic,
-Locates information in a table of contents containing pictures
-Infers the purpose of a given sign
-Identifies in a literary passage: main idea, main character, characters,
detail of characters actions, characters problem, setting, descriptive
-Identifies a writing genre: fiction, nonfiction, realistic fiction, fantasy
-Retelling and sequence of events
Andres Jimenez
-Literature and Informational
Nicholas Owen
-Literature and Informational
Uma Cortes
-Literature and Informational
Juliana Batalla
-Language and Writing
-Language and Writing:
Reinforce the following skills:
-Finds an error in a given sentence (first word in a sentence capitalized)
-Identifies why a given word in a sentence is capitalized (first word in a
-Locates a capitalization error in a given sentence ("I")
-Locates a capitalization error in a given sentence (proper name)
-Locates a misspelled sight word in a given sentence (where)
-Selects the correct ending punctuation for a sentence (given a period,
question mark, apostrophe, and colon)
-Selects the correct spelling for a high frequency word in a given sentence
-Selects the correct spelling for a high frequency word in a given sentence
Spells a given word correctly

Identify the norm __________ Fall 2013 ________Spring 2014
Class 2C Math
Student Goal Strands 50% or lower (Circle one to focus on)
Strategies and action Steps (use decartes, focused lessons, and other
activities) April 2014

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