8258 The Reason For The Earth S Restoration ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

The reason for the earth s restoration ....
The earth must be renewed because it no onger ser!es its
"ur"ose as a "ace of de!eo"ment for the s"irits .... # order
has been re!o$ed% "eo"e "a& no more attention to '& wi% the&
i!e contrary to aw% for love is the essence of di!ine Order and
this has grown cod among "eo"e% hence their earth& "ath is in
!ain since it does not ascend but irre!ocab& eads into the ab&ss.
The human being ought to be of o!ing ser!ice but he stri!es to
dominate% and e!en man& of the bound s"iritua substances are
"re!ented from being he"fu because "eo"e hoard materia
things and den& them a usefu "ur"ose ....
(eo"e are in a state of com"ete s"iritua dar$ness% for without
o!e there cannot be ight and thus "eo"e remain s"iritua& bind
and don)t recognise their God and *reator .... *onse+uent& this
state has to be brought to an end% e!er&thing must be restored
to its rightfu order again .... the "eo"e who fai ha!e to be
se"arated from those who beong to 'e% who stri!e to i!e an
order& ife and who wi therefore be treated with hostiit& b& the
former ....
The owest "oint has tru& been reached which necessitates a
renewa of earth% when a bound s"iritua substances wi be
reeased and "aced into new forms again% when e!er&thing wi
be "aced into the most di!erse $inds of new creations according
to their degree of maturit&. #nd then the human being% who had
become tota& ensa!ed b& materia things% wi become matter
again himsef .... he wi be banished into the creations of the
new earth.
This is the most horrific fate &ou humans can imagine% the fact
that &our ,ef) wi be disso!ed into countess tin& "artices once
more and has to tra!e the "ath through the creations of the new
earth in order to reach the stage of a human being again one
da&% e!en though it wi ta$e an infinite& ong time a o!er
again ....
-ou humans cannot imagine such a wor$ of transformation% after
a% it means the end of this od earth% e!en if the "anet as such
remains '& might and wisdom wi ne!ertheess sub.ect it to a
com"ete transformation and thereb& ma$e it suitabe again to
ser!e its "ur"ose of he"ing the s"iritua substances gain fu
-ou shoud acce"t the $nowedge &ou recei!e about this "rocess
and its reasons and thin$ about it serious&. -ou shoud $now
that this wor$ of destruction wi "articuar& affect &ou humans
!er& "ainfu& since it wi be &our oss if &our wa& of ife does not
corres"ond to '& eterna order.
-ou shoud aso $now that / wi $ee" to the da& which wi bring
an end to this earth% for '& "an was determined b& '& o!e and
wisdom and is set for eternit& .... #nd so one "eriod of ,a!ation
comes to an end and a new one begins% where order has been
restored and where tran+uiit& and "eace "re!ais% where it is
im"ossibe for '& ad!ersar& to be acti!e because he wi be
banished for a !er& ong time ....
Don)t thin$ that &ou are being wrong& instructed if / re"eated&
send &ou the information about this im"ending act of
disintegration of a creations on% in and abo!e the earth ....
Beie!e 'e that e!er&thing is "ossibe for 'e and that / aso
$now when such destructi!e action is necessar& in order to
guarantee the de!eo"ment of the ascending s"iritua
-et those of &ou humans who ac$ a o!e won)t acce"t '& Word%
hence &ou wi be harsh& affected when the ast da& comes ....
But there is no other o"tion because '& o!e a""ies to all sti
unredeemed and ensa!ed s"irits ....
#nd e!en for &ou% who fai in &our free state as a human being% /
wi create new "ossibiities to reach the goa one da&0
&et the fact that &ou infinite& "roong the time of &our distance
from 'e again is &our own free wi% thus &our own faut% which
&ou ha!e to "a& for with a renewed banishment into the
creations .... For / tru& dont want &our unha""iness and wi
he" &ou unti the !er& ast hour of this act of banishment "asses
&ou b&% so that &ou wi sti find 'e and ca u"on 'e for merc&
before the end ....
(ubished b& friends of new re!eations of God 1/nformation%
downoad of a transated re!eations% theme2boo$ets at3


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