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Hot work permit

Page 1 of 2 Work order no.
Place Issued by construction management Signature
Issued to Company Signature
alid from alid to Date Initials
Does t!e contractor !ave a contractor passport" #es/$o
Equipment Electricity
Pressure free Safety s%itc!
Po%er supply s%itc!ed off and
secured by&
'locked in
(CC fuses removed and
'linded/capped oltage free proven
alves labelled
*aps covered
)lammable substances
+adio active source secured
*lass %ool blanked at
Sprinkler system on pressure Scaffolding approved
)ire e,tinguis!er
-rea fenced off
Personal protection equipment which must be worn in addition to the compulsory equipment:
hard hat, safety shoes, safety goggles)
+ubber %orking gloves .ar protection
+ubber boots +adio telep!one
)ace masker/safety goggles Safety line/belt
Dust mask -cid/gas protection overalls
.scape mask
/ 0.0 ol. /
.mergency fres! air !ood/compressed air +epeat of fre1uency e,plosion
Personal instructions / special haards
Different permit re1uired Corrosive substances +isk of failing
Contractor passport Poisonous !a2ard
)orklift truck certificate )ire and/or e,plosion !a2ard
!tatement of agreement
Permitting party Supervisor
Security guard .,ecuting party
Client Pro3ect
Client4s pro3ect no. Construction site
rev. date Description/issued for signed c!ecked seen
Hot work permit
Page 2 of 2 Work order no
Hot work permit, instructions for application
1. 6!e !ot %ork permit !as to be applied to&
all activities concerning fire and/or e,plosion !a2ards7 suc! as %elding7 cutting7 grinding7 soldering7 etc.
activities in e,plosion free rooms/areas7 %!ic! !ave a !ig!er fire/e,plosion risk.
2. -ctivities in %orkplaces are e,empt from t!e !ot %ork permit.
8. 6!e !ot %ork permit is completed in duplicate by t!e department for %!ic! t!e %ork is done. -fter aut!orisation
and signing by t!e construction management7 t!e e,ecuting party keeps t!e copy and t!e original is kept by t!e
construction management.
9. 6!e e,ecuting party c!ecks t!e measures taken and signs for agreement. :e is responsible for a safe e,ecution
of t!e %ork. ;Correct tools7 personal protection e1uipment7 attention to t!e range of %elding sparks and suc!like<.
=. 6!e !ot %ork permit is issued in t!e name of t!e e,ecuting party and is not transferable. W!en t!e e,ecuting
party stops %orking7 !e %ill !ave to !and in t!e permit to t!e construction management.
>. 6!e !ot %ork permit is only valid on t!e day of issue.
?. -t t!e beginning and ending of t!e %ork7 t!e e,ecuting party reports to t!e construction management.
@. If t!e circumstances c!ange7 t!e activities need to be stopped immediately and a ne% permit !as to be
A. In t!e event of an emergency7 t!e activities are stopped immediately. - ne% !ot %ork permit is re1uired to
resume t!e %ork.
1B. -fter its statement of agreement t!e construction management is responsible for releasing7 keeping clear of and
securing t!e installation and its surroundings7 before starting as %ell as during and after t!e %ork.
11. W!en in doubt7 consult t!e S:. supervisor.
"ake care# Welding equipment has to be taken to the workplace after finishing the daily
acti$ities %pressure free)&
12. -fter t!e %ork !as finis!ed t!e !ot %ork permit !as to be submitted to t!e construction management.

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