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DOB 3/31/2013
Pathways Awareness
Developmental Calendar
3/28/2013 - 4/3/2013
4/4/2013 - 4/10/2013
4/11/2013 - 4/17/2013
4/18/2013 - 4/24/2013
By 3 Months:
*The activities listed over these next few months are designed to help your baby as she moves towards the
following three month milestones.
If you are concerned that your baby isn't making these movements by three months of age don't hesitate to
contact a medical professional to have her evaluated. Trust your instincts. These milestones include:
Sucks and swallows well during feeding
Keeps head in the middle to watch faces or toys
Quiets or smiles in response to sounds or voice
Pushes up on arms and lifts and holds up head to look around at environment
Visually tracks a moving toy from side to side
Attempts to reach for a rattle held above their chest
Coos or vocalizes other than crying
Turns head toward direction of sound
Week 1: Newborn
Be sure to place your baby on her back to sleep in the crib and and place her
on her tummy to play once her belly button heals.
Take the time to get to know your baby in every way. See how she wiggles,
how she reacts to touch and voices.
Week 2
One of the best ways to engage a newborn is through their senses; touch and
sound are the best ways to do this with a baby so young.
Try some Tummy Time with your baby. Lie down propped up by a pillow
and place your baby tummy down on your chest. This encourages baby to
strengthen her core muscles and aids in reaching the developmental milestones
on time.
Week 3
Nestle your baby close to you in a tummy-down carry. Slide one hand under
the tummy and between the legs when carrying baby tummy-down. This helps
baby get Tummy Time while snuggled in tight.
Week 4
Your baby should be starting to lift his head a little bit when doing tummy
time. Encourage this movement.
Hearing is your baby`s most developed sense. Introduce your baby to a rattle.
While he will not be able to shake it on his own yet, he will grasp the handle
in reflex and enjoy the sounds as you help him move it up and down.
4/25/2013 - 5/1/2013
5/2/2013 - 5/8/2013
5/9/2013 - 5/15/2013
5/16/2013 - 5/22/2013
5/23/2013 - 5/29/2013
5/30/2013 - 6/5/2013
6/6/2013 - 6/12/2013
6/13/2013 - 6/19/2013
6/20/2013 - 6/26/2013
Week 5
Babies love faces. Show pictures of family and friends or simply flip through
the pages of a magazine with your baby and point out the smiling faces.
Week 6
Soothe your baby on your lap. Place your baby across your knees while you
are in the sitting position and rub his back while he does a little tummy time.
Week 7
Put on some of your favorite music and nestle baby close to you while you
sway to the music. Dancing gently with your baby is a great way to calm him.
The grasp reflex should still be present in your baby`s fingers and toes, but
your baby should also be starting to open and close her fist on her own.
Week 8
Gently clap your baby`s hands together to some music. Bring her arms out in
front and clap over her head, then to the right and left to the beat.
Week 9
Talk to your baby often. He should be cooing and gurgling back to you by
about two months.
Week 10
Smiling is one of the biggest expressions your baby makes! Give her a big
cheesy smile and watch her smile back at you.
While laying on his back, gently pedal your baby`s legs like he is riding a
Week 11
Hold your baby on your lap and encourage her to reach for a toy a little further
than usual. Help her transfer the toy from one hand to the other. This will help
her work on hand eye coordination.
Week 12
Your baby is carefully watching your expressions and will be using more and
more of her own by this age.
Try playing elevator with your baby. Lie on your back and hold baby steady
in your arms. Slowly push baby up in the air and 'ding once you get to the
top. Then lower baby back down and 'ding when they reach the ground.
Your baby will get some much needed tummy time and your arms will get a
good work out too!
Week 13
Keep up with daily tummy time. Try to make it part of your routine. By now
your baby should be starting to enjoy tummy time, looking at toys and playing
on her tummy.
6/27/2013 - 7/3/2013
7/4/2013 - 7/10/2013
Week 14
Your baby should be squealing with delight or laughing out loud when you do
something particularly silly, like making a funny noise or wiggling your arms
and hands.
Your baby is discovering her body, especially her hands. She should be
spending a lot of time looking at and playing with her fingers and hands in
midline and putting them or a toy in her mouth. Be sure all of her toys are age
appropriate and large enough to not be a choking hazard.
Week 15
Keep playing with that rattle. At this stage, your baby should realize that the
sound the rattle makes is because of the movement she creates when she
shake, shake, shakes.
7/11/2013 - 7/17/2013
7/18/2013 - 7/24/2013
7/25/2013 - 7/31/2013
By 6 Months:
By 6 months, your baby has learned so many new things! If your baby isn`t meeting the milestones listed
below, don`t delay, be sure to contact a healthcare professional about your concerns.
Begins to use consonant sounds in babbling like 'baba or 'dada
While lying on back, transfers a toy from one hand to the other
Reaches with both hands to play with feet
Uses babbling to get attention
Begins eating cereals and pureed foods
Reaches for a nearby toy while on tummy
Uses hands to support self in sitting
Rolls from back to tummy
Accepts entire weight with legs while standing with support
Week 16
After diapering your baby and before you have dressed him blow raspberries
on his tummy. Both the sound and the sensation will make him giggle with
Encourage your baby to make noise by responding to her cues as if in
conversation with your baby. She will soon understand the give and take with
Week 17
Count and wiggle your baby`s fingers and toes. This little piggy went to the
market, this little piggy stayed home.
Your baby should recognize you and other familiar caregivers and try to get
your attention and engage with you.
Week 18
As your baby begins to use his voice more often, respond to his coos in a
8/1/2013 - 8/7/2013
8/8/2013 - 8/14/2013
8/15/2013 - 8/21/2013
8/22/2013 - 8/28/2013
8/29/2013 - 9/4/2013
9/5/2013 - 9/11/2013
9/12/2013 - 9/18/2013
conversation tone, repeat the sounds he makes and add in new and simple
words to this little chat.
Play peek-a-boo with your baby while he is on his tummy. Place a blanket
over your head or cover your face with your hands and surprise your baby
when you appear again!
Week 19
Watch your baby carefully when playing or on the changing table. He is really
starting to learn to control his movement and may be rocking back and forth
when on his tummy or rolling from one place on the floor to another. Keep an
eye (and steady hand) on him to ensure his safety.
Week 20
Gently massage your baby from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.
Give your baby toys that make noise when they perform an action. Your baby
is just starting to learn cause and effect and will be tickled pink when he learns
how to make noises that make him giggle.
Week 21
Your baby is learning more and more about the environment around her. She
has probably now found her feet! She will spend long stretches of time
reaching and playing with her feet.
Place your baby in a sling while you vacuum the floor or tidy up the house.
This will let you get some chores done at home and also be fun for your baby
with all the stimulation they will get from moving around the house with you.
Week 22
Try placing some of your baby`s favorite toys in a large circle around his
blanket on the floor. Place your little one in the middle of the circle of toys
tummy down and watch him reach and rotate to play with his toys.
Week 23
Try teaching your baby the imitation game. Stick your tongue out and see if
your baby repeats your movement. When he does, applaud at his
Consult your pediatrician about introducing cereals and pureed foods. Start
slowly after you have breast or bottle fed your baby. Try mashed up avocados
or bananas for starters.
Week 24
With your baby, play with toys that show motion. All curious babies love a
jack in the box or a windup toy that makes repetitive movements.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends daily reading to children 6
months and older, but it is never too young to start. Your baby will already be
engaged with short stories and love the colors and shapes as well as the sounds
of your voice when you read to them.
Week 25
9/19/2013 - 9/25/2013
9/26/2013 - 10/2/2013
10/3/2013 - 10/9/2013
Help your baby sit while supported. Try reading a book to your baby in this
position. Sitting up straight is one of your baby`s main milestones and helping
remain in this position strengthens the muscles he needs to sit up on his own.
Week 26
Create a safe place on the floor for your baby to explore. He is getting much
stronger and is able to roll over, and move himself around a little bit on his
tummy. Place a blanket on the floor and supervise your baby`s play.
Use animal sounds when playing with or reading to your baby. Point out an
image of an animal and associate the sound that animals make for your child,
e.g., a cow goes 'moo, a sheep goes 'baa.
Week 27
By now your baby most likely enjoys playing on his tummy. Lie your baby
tummy-down on a blanket and roll a soft ball to him. Ask him to reach for the
toy and work on moving his body to get the ball in his hands.
Pick a couple of elements of baby sign language and start using the hand
movements along with the word associated to teach your baby that he can
communicate. Even if his language isn`t fully formed yet he can learn how tell
you he want more or are all done!
Week 28
Your baby should recognize and react to the sound of her own name. Take
note of this on your family blog or in your baby book.
10/10/2013 - 10/16/2013
By 9 Months:
Your little one is continuing to grow and learn and should be reaching these 9 month milestones. If you
are concerned, don't hesitate to contact a medical professional about your baby's development.
Increases variety of sounds and syllable combinations in babbling
Turns several pages of a chunky (board) book at once
Sits and reaches for toys without falling
Looks at familiar objects and people when named
Begins to eat junior and mashed table foods
In a high chair, holds and drinks from a bottle
Explores and examines and object using both hands
Imitates others during simple play
Moves from tummy or back into sitting
Creeps on hands and knees with alternate arm and leg movement
Week 29
Since pureed foods are still new to your baby at this stage try introducing
something new. Puree a small amount of whatever you are having for dinner
in the food processor and let your baby try it. Be sure that everything is
10/17/2013 - 10/23/2013
10/24/2013 - 10/30/2013
10/31/2013 - 11/6/2013
11/7/2013 - 11/13/2013
11/14/2013 - 11/20/2013
11/21/2013 - 11/27/2013
11/28/2013 - 12/4/2013
12/5/2013 - 12/11/2013
thoroughly cooked (including fruits or vegetables) and thoroughly blended
before serving it to your baby.
Week 30
Your baby is growing stronger every day. He is probably starting to rock back
and forth when on his tummy and using his legs and arms to move towards
toys or items of interest. These are the first steps in learning to crawl!
Your baby`s sense of touch is fully developed at this stage. Try gently
touching your baby on her feet and tummy. She should giggle as a reflex to
this funny sensation.
Week 31
Play with finger puppets in front of your baby. The colors, shapes, and
movements are great for her development.
Week 32
When your baby is practicing her Tummy Time, encourage her to do baby
pushups. Raising and lowering a rattle very slowly or toy over her head will
encourage her to lift her head and push up on her hands. Be careful she don`t
get too frustrated and have fun with it!
Since your baby should be sitting on his own by now, there are many activities
you can do with your baby. Try reading to him in this position or playing with
a ball on the floor.
Week 33
If your baby can sit up steady and hold his head with no problem, he is ready
for the baby swing at the park. Be sure your baby is secure in the seat and
gently push him back and forth. This will be sure to get a big giggle from your
Common household items, like wooden spoons and plastic cups or bowls are
fun for your baby at this age. Let her explore these things.
Week 34
As your baby gains better control of her movement, be sure you take the time
to baby proof your home.
Week 35
Your baby is starting to learn how typical items around the house function.
Try playing with a pretend phone with your baby. Talk into the phone as you
would a regular call and then offer it to your baby to do the same.
Stand next to light switch and show your baby that the lights go on and off
when the switch goes up and down. Then let him take a turn with the lights.
Week 36
Your baby is getting more interested in how things work. Now is a great time
to introduce stacking toys, such as blocks or stackable rings.
Week 37
12/12/2013 - 12/18/2013
12/19/2013 - 12/25/2013
12/26/2013 - 1/1/2013
1/2/2014 - 1/8/2014
1/9/2014 - 1/15/2014
Your baby is really starting to understand language so it is important that you
spend a lot of time talking to her. Tell her stories about loved ones or simply
talk about your day.
Your baby is increasingly learning new gestures, like pointing and waving.
Practice a new gesture with your baby like blowing a kiss, clapping hands or
giving a high five.
Week 38
Keep up with Tummy Time activities if your baby isn`t crawling yet. At this
age, since some independent movement will be present, it is helpful to engage
and encourage your baby with a toy when in the crawling position.
Week 39
Your baby will start responding to simple verbal cues, from you, like use of
the word 'no or 'where is daddy? Try to teach her a new movement, like
waving bye-bye whenever guests leave your home.
Read daily to your baby from large colorful books. Let him turn the pages as
you tell him his favorite stories!
Week 40
As your baby is crawling make sure that both arms and both legs are pulling
an equal amount of weight in their movement. If you feel any concerns about
how your child is crawling, have your child seen by her healthcare provider.
Week 41
Your baby may have a little bit of stranger anxiety at this age. It is normal for
him to get nervous or shy around new people. Encourage him to wave hello
when meeting new people.
If your baby is crawling around the house, try rolling a soft ball down across
the room so your baby can chase it down.
Week 42
Hide and seek is a good game at this age. Try hiding a favorite toy under a
blanket or behind something in the play space. Don`t be too tricky!
Try playing with push-pull toys at this age. Toy cars and trucks that roll are
good toys for your baby to push along the floor; make engine and horn noises
and encourage your baby to do the same. Vroom, Vroom!
By 12 Months:
While celebrating the big birthday, be sure to pay attention to these milestones marking the first year of
life. Call your healthcare provider if you are all concerned with your baby's development. Your baby
Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
Begins to use an open cup
Responds to simple commands, eg.,
1/16/2014 - 1/22/2014
1/23/2014 - 1/29/2014
1/30/2014 - 2/5/2014
2/6/2014 - 2/12/2014
2/13/2014 - 2/19/2014
2/20/2014 - 2/26/2014
2/27/2014 - 3/5/2014
Meaningfully uses 'mama or 'dada
Produces long strings of gibberish in social communication
Finger feeds self
Releases objects into a container with a large opening
Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
Pulls to stand and cruise along furniture
Stand alone and takes several independent steps
Week 43
Have both you and your baby lie on your tummies and read a book. He loves
the sounds of your voice and the colors and images in a storybook.
Week 44
Encourage your baby to crawl over, under, and through various objects in
your home. Be sure to be at her side so she doesn`t get hurt. At this age
crawling through 'obstacles helps your baby better understand the space
around her.
Your baby is fine tuning his senses of taste and smell. Continually offer an
assortment of foods to your baby so he learns about variety in his senses.
Week 45
Play with stackable blocks with your baby and see how high the tower will
go! It is good practice developing those motor skills and fun when it all comes
crashing down.
Your baby should be imitating a lot of the things you do by this stage. You
can start asking your baby to repeat words you are saying and also answer
simple questions. Just remember at this age. be careful what you say around
your baby!
Week 46
Babies, at this age, love playing with large objects like tunnels or pillows and
cushions on the floor. Get down on the floor and play with your baby as she
learns her way around the big toys on the floor.
Week 47
Use a weighted walking toy like a toy shopping cart or baby stroller to help
your baby learn to take independent steps.
Week 48
Your baby may be holding on to furniture in your home and walking around;
he may even be taking his first steps. Be sure to move furniture with sharp
edges so your baby doesn`t hurt himself if he takes a tumble.
Your loving touch is one of the most important sensations your baby still
receives. Cover your baby with hugs and kisses every chance you get!
Week 49
3/6/2014 - 3/12/2014
3/13/2014 - 3/19/2014
3/20/2014 - 3/26/2014
3/27/2014 - 4/2/2014
4/3/2014 - 4/9/2014
4/10/2014 - 4/16/2014
4/17/2014 - 4/23/2014
At this age your baby is changing so quickly, making great strides in all areas
of their development. When he was younger he used toys to shake, bang and
make noise. Now he uses toys with a function like stacking blocks or games
with buttons and lights.
Week 50
Blow bubbles for your baby. Let her touch them and watch them soar through
the sky and pop when they land.
Pretend your baby`s favorite toy has come alive. Make teddy walk across the
bed or give dolly a funny voice. This will be sure to make your baby giggle.
Week 51
Look for toys that ask your baby to complete a task. Large animal-shaped
puzzles or shapes that fit in a hole will not only entertain your baby, but also
work on his fine motor skills.
Week 52
Toys that support your baby in his movement are very helpful at this age. If
your baby is just starting to walk, begin with a toy they can stand in front of
and push while gathering momentum. If your little one is already running in
circles, try riding toys that he can sit on and scoot across the ground with his
Have fun with your baby`s first birthday. Give her a piece of cake to eat and
smash up in her fingers. Be sure to have the camera ready and some clean
towels to wipe up the mess!
Week 53
Encourage your baby to start putting words together. Help your baby begin to
understand how words connect by expanding on what she said. For example,
if she says 'car, you could say to her 'car go.
Week 54
Balloons can be a lot of fun! Blow one up and let your baby chase it around
the room. Your baby may be able to sit and catch a balloon if tossed directly to
her. Always stay with your baby when playing with a balloon, if popped it
could become dangerous - but while inflated, what great fun!
Your baby is learning at an incredible pace. At this point, instead of using
babble or baby words, speak simply to your little one. She should be able to
understand simple commands like 'roll the car or 'no, don`t touch that.
Week 55
Work with your baby on drinking water or juice straight from a cup. He
should be holding his bottle independently by now and is almost ready to fully
graduate to cup with a straw.
Week 56
Get some fat crayons and a place to color, where you don`t have to worry
about a mess, and let your baby scribble on some blank paper or in a coloring
If your baby is walking, it may be time to purchase a pair of soft canvas or
leather shoes. Standing and walking barefoot around the house is still
important for improving their balance but when walking outside or in places
that could hurt your baby`s bare feet.
4/24/2014 - 4/30/2014
5/1/2014 - 5/7/2014
5/8/2014 - 5/14/2014
5/15/2014 - 5/21/2014
5/22/2014 - 5/28/2014
By 15 Months:
By fifteen months, your baby should be moving, playing and communicating with greater ease than ever
before. If she isn't meeting these milestones talk to your pediatrician about her development. Here are just
a couple of things to be sure your baby can do by her 15 month birthday:
Imitate new less familiar words
Help with getting undressed
Squat to pick up a toy
Use a vocabulary consisting of 5-10 words
Understand 50 words
Eat an increased variety of coarsely chopped table foods
Week 57
As your baby gets more confident walking, encourage her to carry objects
from one place to another, layering her skills and improving her coordination.
This is a great age for encouraging your baby to practice the meaning of in and
out. Try asking her to put her toys in a bucket and then take it back out again.
Week 58
Encourage your baby to kick a ball that is on the ground; gradually build up to
rolling the ball to your baby so he can kick it while in motion.
Week 59
Time to dance! Put on some silly kids songs that require actions. Dance with
your baby while following the directions in the songs. Now that your baby is
more independent in his movement, this will be a lot of fun!
Week 60
Fill a purse with items similar to those you carry in your own handbag. A toy
cell phone, a mirror, some fake keys, a wallet with photos of family and
friends, watch as your baby delights in playing with the items the recognize as
those you use daily.
Dress your baby in one more layer of clothing than you are comfortable
wearing and take her for a stroll outside. Fresh air is good for both of you!
Week 61
Let your baby play with a musical instrument if you have access to one. She
will love the hearing the sounds she makes by beating a drum or plinking a
note on a piano.
5/29/2014 - 6/4/2014
6/5/2014 - 6/11/2014
6/12/2014 - 6/18/2014
6/19/2014 - 6/25/2014
6/26/2014 - 7/2/2014
7/3/2014 - 7/9/2014
7/10/2014 - 7/16/2014
If the weather is nice take your baby to the park. A nice long stroll or some
time in the baby swing can be great fun!
Week 62
Dress your baby up in funny hats and show him his reflection in the mirror.
You will both have a big giggle.
Set up a small drum kit for your baby out of bowls, pans, and buckets. Give
him a wooden spoon and let him bang away.
Week 63
Try using some household items at bath time. Bring a cup in the tub and show
your baby how to fill it up and pour it out.
Toys that scoot or rock back and forth while your baby sits on it help
strengthen your baby`s core and leg muscles and also increase your baby`s
Week 64
Play a game like peek-a-boo which, by now, your baby probably understands.
Allow for more interaction at this age by letting your baby now hide their face
in the blanket or allowing them to pull the blanket off of you for the big reveal.
Week 65
Teach your baby about 'hot and 'cold. Run the tap water at a warm
temperature and put your baby`s hands under it and tell him 'hot then turn the
spout to cold water and also label this temperature sensation.
Introduce lots of children`s music while simple rhythms and rhyming words.
Your baby will love the beat and tone of the music as well as learning new
words and hearing new strings of language.
Week 66
Play dates are a great way to help entertain your baby and give you a little
social time as well. Invite another parent-child duo over for a late morning play
date. At this age, 'playing together isn`t always easy. Encourage sharing and
let your baby and her friend each have their own items to play with while
sitting next to each other.
Work on eating with a spoon independently. Be prepared to clean up a mess,
but at this age babies love to do things on their own.
Week 67
Try reading board books to your baby with different elements of color and
texture. Let him touch the different textures and tell him the words that
associate with what he is feeling, e.g., rough, bumpy, soft, etc.
Week 68
Teach your baby Pat-A-Cake. She will love to clap hands and pretend to toss
the cake in the air with you!
Try hiding your baby`s favorite toy out of sight, somewhere simple like under
a pillow. Play the hide-and-seek game with objects and applaud when your
7/17/2014 - 7/23/2014
7/24/2014 - 7/30/2014
little one discovers its hiding place.
Week 69
Your baby is most likely getting pretty mobile at this stage. Be sure to keep
him safe, by watching out for obstacles at his level.
Your baby will probably think it is very funny if you play like a clown,
pretending to fall down, walking silly and jump around. Try to get your baby
to imitate your silly motions.
Week 70
Read to your baby every chance you get. Your baby is big enough now to
point out things in the story that interest her. Encourage the labeling of objects
through reading. Ask about colors and shapes, e.g., "what color is the ball?"

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